For some odd reason, my T5-U Kar'fi seems to chew Iconian for breakfast, but my T5 DHC Kamarang Retro got chewed up instead. Was the T5 that nerfed, or I need to rebuild my Kamarang properly?
I believe the second option would work better, I've flown my T5 Regent in the revamped Azure Nebula Advanced and had no troubles with it, actually outlasted T5-U's and I think a T6 too... lol
T5 ships are still perfectly useful in most normal or advanced scenarios, provided you gear them properly.
Fly your t5u. You don't gain much out out of switching to t6's.
And what you do gain....who cares?
And if you like your karfi, fly them.
Cryptic will never make a t6 version so enjoy.
I do not agree they made Fed Side and Klingon Side very good T6 ships to use But on kling side I prefer my Vo'quv Carrier and will keep it until they will make an T6 Version of it !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
The difference between T5 and T5U is what? 10% Hull and Shields and +1 Console slot. In most PvE situations I do not see that as being a big game changer.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
The difference between T5 and T5U is what? 10% Hull and Shields and +1 Console slot. In most PvE situations I do not see that as being a big game changer.
Agreed plus T6 gives you the extra pilot- intel or command seatings you want but I must say Feds are blessed more on their T6 versions then the klingon or romulan sides....
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Agreed plus T6 gives you the extra pilot- intel or command seatings you want but I must say Feds are blessed more on their T6 versions then the klingon or romulan sides....
And for a battlecruiser 15% crtd, 25% kinetic, 25% energy resistance.....
The difference between T5 and T5U is what? 10% Hull and Shields and +1 Console slot. In most PvE situations I do not see that as being a big game changer.
Isn't the main difference between the T5 and T5U versions is that you can get to level 4 in the T5U for various bonuses and the hull increases as get to level 60 while the T5 remains static?
Isn't the main difference between the T5 and T5U versions is that you can get to level 4 in the T5U for various bonuses and the hull increases as get to level 60 while the T5 remains static?
You are correct. Also 5u gets a bonus console.
The 10% hull/shield +1 console is for fleet ships and/or "fleet ship equivalents" like the scimitar or lockbox/lobi ships.
Isn't the main difference between the T5 and T5U versions is that you can get to level 4 in the T5U for various bonuses and the hull increases as get to level 60 while the T5 remains static?
The Upgrade Token unlocks the Scaling Hull bonus from 50 to 60 - thus the roughly +10% Hull, +1 Console, and the 4 Mastery Levels. There is no Shield bonus. That was my mistake.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
The difference between T5 and T5U is what? 10% Hull and Shields and +1 Console slot. In most PvE situations I do not see that as being a big game changer.
Its 33% by 60 and the mastery package which can offer resists. That is very significant, especially given the fact that NPCs scale up in damage to 60 while heals and such do not.
Its 33% by 60 and the mastery package which can offer resists. That is very significant, especially given the fact that NPCs scale up in damage to 60 while heals and such do not.
Pilot ship: 33,465 Hull at 50. 38,800 at 60. That is not 33%. 33% would be 45,000.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I am simply discussing standard Hull boosts and used the Pilot ship because it was on the first page of the website and easy to get the numbers from. But I can quickly pull some data from the STO wiki:
T5 Sovereign: 39,000. T5U Sovereign: 44,850. Again, not 33%.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
I am simply discussing standard Hull boosts and used the Pilot ship because it was on the first page of the website and easy to get the numbers from. But I can quickly pull some data from the STO wiki:
T5 Sovereign: 39,000. T5U Sovereign: 44,850. Again, not 33%.
Yes, 44850 at level 50. At level 60 it would go up to 52000. Go in game and read the upgrade information on something you haven't upgraded, not the very incomplete wiki.
I got excited about Fleet Ships when they came out. I was enthused about being able to Upgrade my current flock of T5s. I Upgraded one Fleet T5 and can run everything in the game decently with it.
I purchased one T6 ship for my single Rom char with Zen I had been saving for awhile and left it at that. I admit I chose it for aesthetics rather than anything else. I also got the Samsar (which is Kobali for "Teaser") during the run of the Harry/Not Harry mission. Both are nice and I like them. But not as much as ships I already own. I am working my Delta Recruit steadily and often to get him to the point where I can use my Vestas on him. I will probably Upgrade them to T5U and stop there.
The T6 ships are not appealing to me. Their price more than cancels out any alleged advantage one gets by acquiring them. Add in the fact most of them are not attractive looking and it is a deal breaker. I decided to not spend on them. Since the Devs have stated repeatedly the T6/Mk XIV Gold combo is not required to run any of the content, I think I made the current correct choice for me.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
my science toon is back to using the T5U kamarang with DHC scatter volly and gravwell and so on and its ripping stuff to shreds with the all hands on deck trait. what stinks is we are buying these ugly ships at high prices just for the traits then going back to the ships we actually like flying/looking at.
Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days.
Hello Is the rescluse still good carrier . I know this has nothing to do with the topic but is that still very good carrier because i like it
The Recluse is still one of the best ships in the game, and probably is still the best tank/healer in the game, too. Personally, this ship is still my favorite in game.
For some odd reason, my T5-U Kar'fi seems to chew Iconian for breakfast, but my T5 DHC Kamarang Retro got chewed up instead. Was the T5 that nerfed, or I need to rebuild my Kamarang properly?
It seems almost everybody that replied in this thread did not answer anything about your issues and turning this thread into a T6 vs T5 discussion.
You're talking about fighting Iconians/Heralds. You mention your Kar'Fi is doing great while your DHC Kamarang is getting chewed up. Success in fighting Heralds, in terms of generic Pew-Pew kind of way, is easier fighting at range with beamboats than with DHCs.
I know there's many ways to build and fly the Kar'Fi. Some do DHCs, some Siege Boat her, some Torp Boat with it, some Beamboat with it. I'm curious to know how you built and fly her, because I'm wagering that you're using a Non-Narrow Arc build to compliment your Science heavy style of the Kar'Fi.
Let me say this now: Narrow Arc Builds generally completely forsake or give up mobility (and defense) for concentrated fire. That is the core issue against the Heralds.
Narrow Arc heavy Builds tend to struggle more against Heralds. You're forced to keep Nose To Target as much as possible so your weapons have more up time on the Heralds. This forces the ship to come to a halt or slow down considerably. The former will absolutely KILL your Bonus Defense and you'll get nailed a lot. The latter will still see your Bonus Defense dro significantly just from slowing down. You'll get smacked more often and harder, too.
This is even worse for DHC-styled Narrow Arc Builds. DHCs perform better at extremely close ranges. Longer ranges show their damage drop dramatically compared to Beams.
And this plays completely in the favor of the Heralds. They swarm with many units. They have EMP Pulse Probes flying that shut you down. They have Iconian Probes spamming Viral Matrix. The Battleships and Dreadnoughts can use Intel Subnucleonic Carrier Wave, which is a 5km PBAOE that strips several of your longest duration buffs. And with all that spam flying around, you're likely to miss these that are trying to kill you:
- Solar Gateways
- Oblivion Gateways (goodbye...)
- Raiders zooming around ramming you for large, shield bypassing damage
- Other ships shooting at a distance
A DHC build tends to suffer far more due to all these factors. Only sitting around in close proximity to a pack of Tholians in Crystalline Catastrophe Advanced is just as dangerous. I've seen plenty of Siege Boat/Range guys get plastered by the Heralds because they cannot handle the swarming Heralds.
In contrast is the simple Beamboat fighting the Heralds. To maintain Broadside arcs on the enemy is very easy and you get to maintain good flight speed/throttle settings, thus retaining Bonus Defense, meaning less TRIBBLE is going to hit you. The Raiders will need to chase you down better but they can still get to you. If you have a faster ship, you can avoid them much more easily. You can afford to stay at above 5km from the concentration of Heralds, away from where they are at their deadliest, and you can still pummel away with BFAW. Fighting at a distance in such a fashion, you get to SEE more of what the enemy is doing and act accordingly. And your BFAW is hopefully picking off those Solar/Oblivion Gates, numerous Probes, and hopefully some Raiders for your troubles. Lastly, the advantage of keeping up your movement are for the times you do get caught in an EMP Pulse Probe / Ionic Turbulence attack. If you had good movement speed, your momentum will carry you out of the disabling aura.
Again, the Heralds are the only thing in this entire game where certain builds, certain playstyles, will be a much tougher time.
Disclaimer: The only DHC style builds that perform and still survive on the Heralds are old school style of play. Hit & Run. You fly in quick, pop your BUFFs, fire off a good firing cycle or strafe, then get out. Get out before the swarm of Herald threats overwhelm you.
TLDR: Check my Sig.
I promise you, turn your Kamarang into a Beamboat and she will be a top performing ship again when facing the Heralds. Anywhere else in the game your DHC Kamarang will be fine. Not against the Heralds.
Flying a t5 is like flying a t4 pre-dr. It's generally crappier then the new t6 ships, but you can still do it if you want and be relatively successful.
Its 33% by 60 and the mastery package which can offer resists. That is very significant, especially given the fact that NPCs scale up in damage to 60 while heals and such do not.
Flying a t5 is like flying a t4 pre-dr. It's generally crappier then the new t6 ships, but you can still do it if you want and be relatively successful.
With the exception of PvP against other players in T6's of their own, using starship traits against you and possibly some Advanced/Elite STF's, you can be VERY successful and can complete ALL content with it.
"Go play with your DPS in the corner, I don't care how big it is." ~ Me "There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
It seems almost everybody that replied in this thread did not answer anything about your issues and turning this thread into a T6 vs T5 discussion.
You're talking about fighting Iconians/Heralds. You mention your Kar'Fi is doing great while your DHC Kamarang is getting chewed up. Success in fighting Heralds, in terms of generic Pew-Pew kind of way, is easier fighting at range with beamboats than with DHCs.
I know there's many ways to build and fly the Kar'Fi. Some do DHCs, some Siege Boat her, some Torp Boat with it, some Beamboat with it. I'm curious to know how you built and fly her, because I'm wagering that you're using a Non-Narrow Arc build to compliment your Science heavy style of the Kar'Fi.
Let me say this now: Narrow Arc Builds generally completely forsake or give up mobility (and defense) for concentrated fire. That is the core issue against the Heralds.
Narrow Arc heavy Builds tend to struggle more against Heralds. You're forced to keep Nose To Target as much as possible so your weapons have more up time on the Heralds. This forces the ship to come to a halt or slow down considerably. The former will absolutely KILL your Bonus Defense and you'll get nailed a lot. The latter will still see your Bonus Defense dro significantly just from slowing down. You'll get smacked more often and harder, too.
This is even worse for DHC-styled Narrow Arc Builds. DHCs perform better at extremely close ranges. Longer ranges show their damage drop dramatically compared to Beams.
And this plays completely in the favor of the Heralds. They swarm with many units. They have EMP Pulse Probes flying that shut you down. They have Iconian Probes spamming Viral Matrix. The Battleships and Dreadnoughts can use Intel Subnucleonic Carrier Wave, which is a 5km PBAOE that strips several of your longest duration buffs. And with all that spam flying around, you're likely to miss these that are trying to kill you:
- Solar Gateways
- Oblivion Gateways (goodbye...)
- Raiders zooming around ramming you for large, shield bypassing damage
- Other ships shooting at a distance
A DHC build tends to suffer far more due to all these factors. Only sitting around in close proximity to a pack of Tholians in Crystalline Catastrophe Advanced is just as dangerous. I've seen plenty of Siege Boat/Range guys get plastered by the Heralds because they cannot handle the swarming Heralds.
In contrast is the simple Beamboat fighting the Heralds. To maintain Broadside arcs on the enemy is very easy and you get to maintain good flight speed/throttle settings, thus retaining Bonus Defense, meaning less TRIBBLE is going to hit you. The Raiders will need to chase you down better but they can still get to you. If you have a faster ship, you can avoid them much more easily. You can afford to stay at above 5km from the concentration of Heralds, away from where they are at their deadliest, and you can still pummel away with BFAW. Fighting at a distance in such a fashion, you get to SEE more of what the enemy is doing and act accordingly. And your BFAW is hopefully picking off those Solar/Oblivion Gates, numerous Probes, and hopefully some Raiders for your troubles. Lastly, the advantage of keeping up your movement are for the times you do get caught in an EMP Pulse Probe / Ionic Turbulence attack. If you had good movement speed, your momentum will carry you out of the disabling aura.
Again, the Heralds are the only thing in this entire game where certain builds, certain playstyles, will be a much tougher time.
Disclaimer: The only DHC style builds that perform and still survive on the Heralds are old school style of play. Hit & Run. You fly in quick, pop your BUFFs, fire off a good firing cycle or strafe, then get out. Get out before the swarm of Herald threats overwhelm you.
TLDR: Check my Sig.
I promise you, turn your Kamarang into a Beamboat and she will be a top performing ship again when facing the Heralds. Anywhere else in the game your DHC Kamarang will be fine. Not against the Heralds.
An additional note: On my Klink i have a Kamarang as a basic beam boat with solonae space gear and it has sufficient punch and survivability to deal with heralds (free gear set btw for those wondering. plasma disruptors FTW).
I've also flown a mirror patrol escort with DHC on my fed engineer and managed pretty good results though i admit that i clear a lot of spawn with an initial TS and isometric charge.
So IMO both builds can work, but a DHC build does put one at a minor disadvantage.
One last thing, for those looking for a fun build: support cruiser refit (or was it retrofit) with single cannons and turrets. It is surprisingly effective against the heralds since it allows for wide arc constant dps pressure and can quickly dispatch of those annoying viral probes.
This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
With the exception of PvP against other players in T6's of their own, using starship traits against you and possibly some Advanced/Elite STF's, you can be VERY successful and can complete ALL content with it.
Of course you CAN do it, especially on normal. But that doesn't change the fact that a T5 is very inferior to a T5U. T5U and T6 are very similar in terms of their power, but both are far more capable than a T5 because of the huge HP increase and the starship mastery.
T5 ships are still perfectly useful in most normal or advanced scenarios, provided you gear them properly.
And what you do gain....who cares?
And if you like your karfi, fly them.
Cryptic will never make a t6 version so enjoy.
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Agreed plus T6 gives you the extra pilot- intel or command seatings you want but I must say Feds are blessed more on their T6 versions then the klingon or romulan sides....
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
And for a battlecruiser 15% crtd, 25% kinetic, 25% energy resistance.....
Isn't the main difference between the T5 and T5U versions is that you can get to level 4 in the T5U for various bonuses and the hull increases as get to level 60 while the T5 remains static?
You are correct. Also 5u gets a bonus console.
The 10% hull/shield +1 console is for fleet ships and/or "fleet ship equivalents" like the scimitar or lockbox/lobi ships.
Its 33% by 60 and the mastery package which can offer resists. That is very significant, especially given the fact that NPCs scale up in damage to 60 while heals and such do not.
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
Pilot ships do not come in T5 versions.
T5 Sovereign: 39,000. T5U Sovereign: 44,850. Again, not 33%.
Yes, 44850 at level 50. At level 60 it would go up to 52000. Go in game and read the upgrade information on something you haven't upgraded, not the very incomplete wiki.
I purchased one T6 ship for my single Rom char with Zen I had been saving for awhile and left it at that. I admit I chose it for aesthetics rather than anything else. I also got the Samsar (which is Kobali for "Teaser") during the run of the Harry/Not Harry mission. Both are nice and I like them. But not as much as ships I already own. I am working my Delta Recruit steadily and often to get him to the point where I can use my Vestas on him. I will probably Upgrade them to T5U and stop there.
The T6 ships are not appealing to me. Their price more than cancels out any alleged advantage one gets by acquiring them. Add in the fact most of them are not attractive looking and it is a deal breaker. I decided to not spend on them. Since the Devs have stated repeatedly the T6/Mk XIV Gold combo is not required to run any of the content, I think I made the current correct choice for me.
The Recluse is still one of the best ships in the game, and probably is still the best tank/healer in the game, too. Personally, this ship is still my favorite in game.
It seems almost everybody that replied in this thread did not answer anything about your issues and turning this thread into a T6 vs T5 discussion.
You're talking about fighting Iconians/Heralds. You mention your Kar'Fi is doing great while your DHC Kamarang is getting chewed up. Success in fighting Heralds, in terms of generic Pew-Pew kind of way, is easier fighting at range with beamboats than with DHCs.
I know there's many ways to build and fly the Kar'Fi. Some do DHCs, some Siege Boat her, some Torp Boat with it, some Beamboat with it. I'm curious to know how you built and fly her, because I'm wagering that you're using a Non-Narrow Arc build to compliment your Science heavy style of the Kar'Fi.
Let me say this now: Narrow Arc Builds generally completely forsake or give up mobility (and defense) for concentrated fire. That is the core issue against the Heralds.
Narrow Arc heavy Builds tend to struggle more against Heralds. You're forced to keep Nose To Target as much as possible so your weapons have more up time on the Heralds. This forces the ship to come to a halt or slow down considerably. The former will absolutely KILL your Bonus Defense and you'll get nailed a lot. The latter will still see your Bonus Defense dro significantly just from slowing down. You'll get smacked more often and harder, too.
This is even worse for DHC-styled Narrow Arc Builds. DHCs perform better at extremely close ranges. Longer ranges show their damage drop dramatically compared to Beams.
And this plays completely in the favor of the Heralds. They swarm with many units. They have EMP Pulse Probes flying that shut you down. They have Iconian Probes spamming Viral Matrix. The Battleships and Dreadnoughts can use Intel Subnucleonic Carrier Wave, which is a 5km PBAOE that strips several of your longest duration buffs. And with all that spam flying around, you're likely to miss these that are trying to kill you:
- Solar Gateways
- Oblivion Gateways (goodbye...)
- Raiders zooming around ramming you for large, shield bypassing damage
- Other ships shooting at a distance
A DHC build tends to suffer far more due to all these factors. Only sitting around in close proximity to a pack of Tholians in Crystalline Catastrophe Advanced is just as dangerous. I've seen plenty of Siege Boat/Range guys get plastered by the Heralds because they cannot handle the swarming Heralds.
In contrast is the simple Beamboat fighting the Heralds. To maintain Broadside arcs on the enemy is very easy and you get to maintain good flight speed/throttle settings, thus retaining Bonus Defense, meaning less TRIBBLE is going to hit you. The Raiders will need to chase you down better but they can still get to you. If you have a faster ship, you can avoid them much more easily. You can afford to stay at above 5km from the concentration of Heralds, away from where they are at their deadliest, and you can still pummel away with BFAW. Fighting at a distance in such a fashion, you get to SEE more of what the enemy is doing and act accordingly. And your BFAW is hopefully picking off those Solar/Oblivion Gates, numerous Probes, and hopefully some Raiders for your troubles. Lastly, the advantage of keeping up your movement are for the times you do get caught in an EMP Pulse Probe / Ionic Turbulence attack. If you had good movement speed, your momentum will carry you out of the disabling aura.
Again, the Heralds are the only thing in this entire game where certain builds, certain playstyles, will be a much tougher time.
Disclaimer: The only DHC style builds that perform and still survive on the Heralds are old school style of play. Hit & Run. You fly in quick, pop your BUFFs, fire off a good firing cycle or strafe, then get out. Get out before the swarm of Herald threats overwhelm you.
TLDR: Check my Sig.
I promise you, turn your Kamarang into a Beamboat and she will be a top performing ship again when facing the Heralds. Anywhere else in the game your DHC Kamarang will be fine. Not against the Heralds.
With the exception of PvP against other players in T6's of their own, using starship traits against you and possibly some Advanced/Elite STF's, you can be VERY successful and can complete ALL content with it.
"There... are... four... lights!" ~Jean Luc Picard
An additional note: On my Klink i have a Kamarang as a basic beam boat with solonae space gear and it has sufficient punch and survivability to deal with heralds (free gear set btw for those wondering. plasma disruptors FTW).
I've also flown a mirror patrol escort with DHC on my fed engineer and managed pretty good results though i admit that i clear a lot of spawn with an initial TS and isometric charge.
So IMO both builds can work, but a DHC build does put one at a minor disadvantage.
One last thing, for those looking for a fun build: support cruiser refit (or was it retrofit) with single cannons and turrets. It is surprisingly effective against the heralds since it allows for wide arc constant dps pressure and can quickly dispatch of those annoying viral probes.
Tier Six is just one of those things that are nice to have, but not absolutely necessary to play the content.
So, it's mostly a matter of individual wants and tastes in the end.
Of course you CAN do it, especially on normal. But that doesn't change the fact that a T5 is very inferior to a T5U. T5U and T6 are very similar in terms of their power, but both are far more capable than a T5 because of the huge HP increase and the starship mastery.