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Dear Devs, can we haz oldschool shard?



  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ha ha ha, oh wow.

    P.S. Bluegeek, someone, can y'all put a bullet in this dead horse of a thread already?

    I never had a problem when I played BF2 before Star Trek Legacy and Star Trek Online. I usually stick with Star Trek games, except when there isn't one. Right now, in my opinion, there isn't one.

  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tfomega wrote: »
    I never had a problem when I played BF2 before Star Trek Legacy and Star Trek Online. I usually stick with Star Trek games, except when there isn't one. Right now, in my opinion, there isn't one.
    I have no problem with people getting sick of a game and moving on. In fact, I suggest it to people on gaming forums all the time rather then watching them be miserable doing something that does not make them happy any longer. That said, comparing Cryptic to EA is like comparing McDonalds to Don's Dingo Dogs hotdog stand. EA has billions in sales from all their various games: Console, computer, etc.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    I have no problem with people getting sick of a game and moving on. In fact, I suggest it to people on gaming forums all the time rather then watching them be miserable doing something that does not make them happy any longer. That said, comparing Cryptic to EA is like comparing McDonalds to Don's Dingo Dogs hotdog stand. EA has billions in sales from all their various games: Console, computer, etc.

    Perfect World saw its revenue grow by 11 per cent last year due to strong returns from its efforts to reach beyond the online PC market.

    In the year ended December 31, 2013, Perfect World earned RMB3.1 billion ($504 million) in revenue, up from RMB2.8 billion in 2012.


    So... uh yeah.. you think they could at least put a disaster recovery strategy on their servers when they go down.

  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tfomega wrote: »
    Perfect World saw its revenue grow by 11 per cent last year due to strong returns from its efforts to reach beyond the online PC market.

    In the year ended December 31, 2013, Perfect World earned RMB3.1 billion ($504 million) in revenue, up from RMB2.8 billion in 2012.
    PW is not only Cryptic, and that is about 1/5th of EA's revenues for the same year.

    And I will also point out that PW's revenues are down in 2014; thus all the recent layoffs.

    Either way, though, enjoy your new game. Hobbies are supposed to be fun.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    PW is not only Cryptic, and that is about 1/5th of EA's revenues for the same year.

    And I will also point out that PW's revenues are down in 2014; thus all the recent layoffs.

    Either way, though, enjoy your new game. Hobbies are supposed to be fun.

    Gee.. wonder why they are down? Not enough coming from the STO cash cow any longer due to some questionable decisions? And PW is the parent company, which means whatever Cryptic makes, they can help supplement for at least some disaster recovery at the very minimum.

  • jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tfomega wrote: »
    Gee.. wonder why they are down? Not enough coming from the STO cash cow any longer due to some questionable decisions? And PW is the parent company, which means whatever Cryptic makes, they can help supplement for at least some disaster recovery at the very minimum.

    Lol! STO can't be blamed solely for a slump in profits. That's like saying a retailer goes out of business because one shop doesn't make enough money to run the whole company.

    STO sales etc may be down but the losses could be from any number of things from over estimating how much a project will cost right down to every office building within PW ordering way too much loo roll..

    Every over expenditure has a knock on effect for a companies profit and loss.
  • vonednavonedna Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jermbot wrote: »
    Sure did, Darth Nipple saved the game for me.

    A T6 Jem'Hadar ship.

    Voice acting from the heroes of my youth.

    I'm trying to limit myself to things that haven't been said already.

    Story progression.

    Awesome looking Iconian baddies.

    Which gets us down to the real rub. When you say 'affected positively' you don't mean positive by any objective standard, you mean things that have changed the game in ways that you personally like.


    As you've pointed out, most of the ships have already been made. Not just 'most' as in most of the cannon ships, or most as in, 'these Tier-6 ships are just versions of Tier-5 ships" but also most as in, 'most of the BOFF configurations" and "most of the playstyles." The current Tier-5 dynamic had run its course with the only real progression left being significant increases in the arrangement of Bridge Officer Stations and the introduction of new powers.

    For the game to continue to change, it needs to continue to progress, that's just the nature of MMO's, which means it's time for T-6. Just be happy that they are using T-6 as an opportunity to address complaints people had with the original Galaxy-R.

    ^^ this shows that pve heroes have not even a clue how the game works and only pump money to kill brainless npcs.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Seems to me the only reason logical reason some folks want more pvp in this game is because they keep getting TRIBBLE$es handed to them in actual pvp-centric games like Eve Online and figure its easier to swing their E-peens on the "carebear" games.

    This is a very good point. I mean there is near countless PvP space combat games where they could get their fun and based off what they said STO does not do anything better than them
  • riyotthelperriyotthelper Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    At least they are actually playing the game instead of spending all their time on the forums kvetching about it.

    And I wouldn't get too high on my horse there, Mr. Pvp Hero. Seems to me the only reason logical reason some folks want more pvp in this game is because they keep getting TRIBBLE$es handed to them in actual pvp-centric games like Eve Online and figure its easier to swing their E-peens on the "carebear" games.

    Individuals who feel the need to put information about the subspace party nulifier in their signature quite obviously hate fun and thus are not entitled to opinions.
  • dgdolphdgdolph Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This is a very good point. I mean there is near countless PvP space combat games where they could get their fun and based off what they said STO does not do anything better than them

    It's not a good point. Why do you play STO instead of all the other games? I assume, you (just like we PvPers) just love STOs setting and mechanics.

    Also we didn't PvP in STO because we got beaten in other games. None of my PvP mates came here to pug stomp. In fact, almost every PvPer I met here loved the close and challanging matches against other premade teams. You know those 15:14 matches that went up and down and kept your level of adrenalin all the way up the entire match.

    Another question: Why do so many people in here hate so much about PvP and it's players? You do realize it is 100% optional in STO - if you don't like it, don't do it.

    Also, did you know the worlds most played and streamed games are only about PvP?
    - LoL
    - CS:GO
    - SC2
    - WoT

    ...even Hearthstone and FIFA are about pvp ;)

    Good and balanced PvP is almost a guarantee for a successful game. Cryptic seems to be the only company that does not notice this. :rolleyes:
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    dgdolph wrote: »
    It's not a good point. Why do you play STO instead of all the other games? I assume, you (just like we PvPers) just love STOs setting and mechanics.

    Also we didn't PvP in STO because we got beaten in other games. None of my PvP mates came here to pug stomp. In fact, almost every PvPer I met here loved the close and challanging matches against other premade teams. You know those 15:14 matches that went up and down and kept your level of adrenalin all the way up the entire match.

    Another question: Why do so many people in here hate so much about PvP and it's players? You do realize it is 100% optional in STO - if you don't like it, don't do it.

    Also, did you know the worlds most played and streamed games are only about PvP?
    - LoL
    - CS:GO
    - SC2
    - WoT

    ...even Hearthstone and FIFA are about pvp ;)

    Good and balanced PvP is almost a guarantee for a successful game. Cryptic seems to be the only company that does not notice this. :rolleyes:

    Ok. We have gotten off topic for a while now. Lets try to fix that.

    Turning a shard into Rebirth is a waste of time and effort that could be better used on just about anything else (maybe balancing things for PvP).

    Also I have said it time and time again. I want PvP in STO, but I'm not going to toss the baby out with the bathwater for it or see a shoddy job done with it. And most ideas I have seen in this thread is one or the other.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    dgdolph wrote: »
    Good and balanced PvP is almost a guarantee for a successful game. Cryptic seems to be the only company that does not notice this. :rolleyes:

    Good and balanced PvP only keeps PvPers playing the game for longer and might bring in a few other PvPers. It does not almost guarantee for a successful game. Other things are required like Good PvE content, roleplaying opportunities, etc to make a successful game with good and balanced PvP and even then the game is successful without PvP due to the other components of the game. If Cryptic finally put STO PvP out of its misery, then it would be still as successful as it currently is since the PvEers vastly outnumber the PvPers in this game.

    Great and balanced PvP on the other hand guarantees a successful game and games can be made with just PvPers and no carebears.
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Uh, no. It's not NEARLY that easy to put these things together.

    This was actually a ton of work to get this old build functioning on our servers. And even then, we had to disable chat and a bunch of other stuff.

    There's no way we'd dedicate server space full time to an old build, let alone support it in anyway.

    It was a fun gag for a day or two, but that's about all we could reasonably do.

    Sorry. . . :/

    Actually, it's "Engineering."

    Honestly, I want to say thanks as it was a fun an interesting 'April Fools' gag. I honestly didn't believe it when players were posting "Hey, this is actually UP on the Redshirt server."; but ir was.:eek::D
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • data101data101 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Please Cryptic, please do this!
    I wish this wasn't true, I truly love this game. But, due to the current state of the game, I haven't logon to the game for at least 2 months. (The only exception is trying to get onto rebirth) I put in 1,500+ hr of gameplay time and a few hundred dollars. And if this did happen, I would put in another 1,000+ hr. (And maybe, just maybe, buy more stuff. As long as Cryptic keeps the power creep out or balances it.)

    Honestly, I don't see why this shouldn't be added. It would bring back players that have left the game.
  • hyperionx09hyperionx09 Member Posts: 1,709 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    dgdolph wrote: »
    Why do so many people in here hate so much about PvP and it's players? You do realize it is 100% optional in STO - if you don't like it, don't do it.
    That would only be possible if it's left to actual PvP zones that actually requires travel to without interfering with missions, maybe a PvP Nebula zone.

    And if Cryptic just added PvP-only effects to weapons and equipment like other games do with PvPvE, where the skills and abilities are more potent vs the NPCs but pulled back for PvP. Sure it'd nerf some vape builds, but then at least sci builds can become more potent and tank builds might actually tank and survive. It won't necessitate any nerfing to equipment; just adding PvP-only restrictions.

    But the odds are further against PvP if it results in any further overall nerfing of equipment without a reasonably equivalent nerf in NPC HP/resistances, which already saw some players leaving for more casual games, since the majority play for PvE content and the Star Trek lore, not to duke it out with other players.

    As far as the most streamed games being PvP go, that's mostly because that's all it is; a tournament over who's the best, with lore condemned to text bios or a supplementary site (like LoL for example). Not comparable to Star Trek, where the lore and setting is front and center, and even if it's just pew-pewing NPCs, does have some character development (though I will admit that it's lacking, compared to other games like FFXIV or NCSoft's PvPvE game or even SWTOR, mainly due to the lack of staff to provide more choice variety in missions).
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    dgdolph wrote: »
    - LoL
    - CS:GO
    - SC2
    - WoT

    ...even Hearthstone and FIFA are about pvp ;)
    Different genre entirely as none of the above are MMOs; and if you REALLY want to argue 'most played games' Candy Crush and Farmville as hardly PvP only <--- and while they certainly aren't streamed; they are games people play.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jam3s1701 wrote: »
    Lol! STO can't be blamed solely for a slump in profits. That's like saying a retailer goes out of business because one shop doesn't make enough money to run the whole company.

    STO sales etc may be down but the losses could be from any number of things from over estimating how much a project will cost right down to every office building within PW ordering way too much loo roll..

    Every over expenditure has a knock on effect for a companies profit and loss.

    Your right one unit can't be blamed for a total operating loss. However in this case... the CEO did point at them and PWE Redwood. They then had them layoff a good number of people.

    Its no secret PWE doesn't really care about STO all that much. They purchased Cryptic for the never winter licence. Now that that is running on xbox hardware in China... who knows how much there really willing to put up with less then great profit numbers on Cryptics other stuff.

    Anyway your guessing isn't required. In the case of the recent lowered PWE numbers the CEO has clearly explained to people that own the company that it is the fault of the US subsidiaries. Is that complete BS... they may have been made a scapegoat to a small degree, on the other hand there is likely some truth to it as well. PWE thinks so clearly cause they had Cryptic send 18 people home for good.
  • dgdolphdgdolph Member Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ok. We have gotten off topic for a while now. Lets try to fix that.

    Turning a shard into Rebirth is a waste of time and effort that could be better used on just about anything else (maybe balancing things for PvP).
    To me, that's the only reason for a "rebirth shard" and it's reason enough to me. I'd prefer a solution on holodeck cuz I'd love to keep the characters I played for many years. But I also believe that this is not possible any more. This game has gotten to far to restore pvp.

    Seperating both, PvP and PvE, is also the perfect solution that should in fact make both sides happy. Whatever balance fix is applied, it won't effect the other side. All those people in here that hate PvP and it's players should be the first in line to call for a seperation.

    Setting up a seperated PvP shard is just the easiest way to reach the goal. But if cryptic refuses to do this, I doubt any other solution is beeing made in the future...
  • driveclubfandriveclubfan Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Different genre entirely as none of the above are MMOs; and if you REALLY want to argue 'most played games' Candy Crush and Farmville as hardly PvP only <--- and while they certainly aren't streamed; they are games people play.

    Then Driveclub is the apotheosis of multiplayer interaction as it has bits of multiplayer even when you're playing in single player. #logic.

    Every game nowadays must have a solid multiplayer compartment, it's content that creates itself. You make the fundamentals for people to play with, and you let it run indefinitely.
  • rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    dgdolph wrote: »
    To me, that's the only reason for a "rebirth shard" and it's reason enough to me. I'd prefer a solution on holodeck cuz I'd love to keep the characters I played for many years. But I also believe that this is not possible any more. This game has gotten to far to restore pvp.

    Seperating both, PvP and PvE, is also the perfect solution that should in fact make both sides happy. Whatever balance fix is applied, it won't effect the other side. All those people in here that hate PvP and it's players should be the first in line to call for a seperation.

    Setting up a seperated PvP shard is just the easiest way to reach the goal. But if cryptic refuses to do this, I doubt any other solution is beeing made in the future...

    I disagree. The devs are working toward balance. Not at your speed or your way but they are trying. Also a launch STO pretty much kills PvP for me because the characters I care for would not be there.

    Also the stories about how the changes from launch STO drove players away. I have stories about how launch STO did the same.

    Rebirth =/= PvP shard

    Trek is about moving forward and adapting to brave new worlds. Come on and Kirk up
  • rimmarierimmarie Member Posts: 418 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    dgdolph wrote: »
    To me, that's the only reason for a "rebirth shard" and it's reason enough to me. I'd prefer a solution on holodeck cuz I'd love to keep the characters I played for many years. But I also believe that this is not possible any more. This game has gotten to far to restore pvp.

    Seperating both, PvP and PvE, is also the perfect solution that should in fact make both sides happy. Whatever balance fix is applied, it won't effect the other side. All those people in here that hate PvP and it's players should be the first in line to call for a seperation.

    Setting up a seperated PvP shard is just the easiest way to reach the goal. But if cryptic refuses to do this, I doubt any other solution is beeing made in the future...

    There is NO NEED for a whole server for PvP
    its been suggested before...just make PvP use only Vanilla ships and gear.

    when you sign up for PvP, you can only select qualifying ships and gear.

    they could even make a whole story around it involving the Zakdorn and wargame simulations like in the TNG episode 'Peak Performance'
  • bobs1111bobs1111 Member Posts: 471 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    starkaos wrote: »
    Good and balanced PvP only keeps PvPers playing the game for longer and might bring in a few other PvPers. It does not almost guarantee for a successful game. Other things are required like Good PvE content, roleplaying opportunities, etc to make a successful game with good and balanced PvP and even then the game is successful without PvP due to the other components of the game. If Cryptic finally put STO PvP out of its misery, then it would be still as successful as it currently is since the PvEers vastly outnumber the PvPers in this game.

    Great and balanced PvP on the other hand guarantees a successful game and games can be made with just PvPers and no carebears.

    This is not true. Good PvP games don't need any PvE at all.

    As for the game being as successful as it is now with out PvP. Your right there is NO PvP in sto right now. They did kill it my friend. All the hardcore PvP players are gone. A few of us MMO loving PvP players... still log in cause there is this odd combo of Loving trek and wanting to see how much worse Cryptic can make it that drives us to not /uninstall.

    You have a point though in terms of theme park game. Cryptic with STO (and NW after) have tried to make theme park games like WOW TOR LOTRO ect... where they can have it all PVP / PVE / Elite Raid style PvE/ RP you name it they want to do it all. The issue is they have it all bleed together. In EVERY other Theme park mmo you can name the developers have done SOMETHING to try and make all those very different mechanics work in the same game.

    Here are some examples;
    - For High end PvE raid style stuff... more then a few TP MMO devs add High end PvE specs to gear. This keeps lower geared people out of the very hard end game content. (Cryptic doesn't do this and you have thread after thread about new players driving people crazy in advanced and Elite ques) I'm not saying that is the best solution... my only point is all the other Theme park developers have some plan to make Elite content coexist with out major issues.

    - For PvP there is multiple solutions... most don't work well some do... the point is however EVERY OTHER TP MMO developer sees the issue and tries something. PvP stats are common. PvP ranking systems are common... and in some cases like Anet and GW they completely split PvP mechanics off.

    There are more examples of what GOOD TP MMO companies do to try and make the game enjoyable for as many people as possible. However its clear Cryptic doesn't have a solid plan to make everyone happy... it seems its more their plan to keep us all arguing and hating each other.

    Really why the hate for people that love PVP... or PvE.. or RP. I don't care if you want to dress up like a tribble and buy each other comet cocktails all night long... and I don't care if you want to run the same 3 or 4 STFs 20 times a night, or replay the same missions for the 20th time in 5 years. Who cares if all some of us want to do is shoot each other in the face and smack talk in chat. Whatever makes you happy.

    Cryptic needs to do a better job of allowing all of those different gaming styles to coexist in there game. They choose to make a Theme Park game... which means they need to make sure the ropes between the rides exist. No PvP player is expecting STO to become EvE... that isn't a Theme park game. They are clear its a PvP game and if you don't want to get shot you should just go away. (not part of my point... however for everyone saying PvP sucks and doesn't sell... understand that at this point EvE is 2x older and has 4x the player base and it isn't even F2P) However if they want to be on par in quality if not quantity with other Theme parks like RIFT / TOR / EQ / WOW ect ect then they need to get on a plan to make the entire park usable.
  • ilhanskilhansk Member Posts: 620 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Although the level of nuttiness in this thread remains quite high, I admit I was hoping for more.

    Too bad haha :p

    On topic:

    Who with a sane mind was fearing a complete holodeck reset anyway lol. At this point, is it really an incomprehensible or noncredible request to load a better balanced previous game build onto a test shard? It's not like the test shards are being used for proper testing anyway (feedback -> null/dev). We wouldn't even ask for any "advanced" support. Just that you guys don't pull the plug. And even if you required one of the test shards for something else out of a sudden, not much harm would happen, since in some previous builds it was rather easy to level up a toon anyway.

    PvP in Star Trek Online has not only jumped the shark. The shark has been hunted down and culled to process its fins into pink little pony dolls for little toddlers to play.

    Sneaking into your daughters room to steal her dolls to secretly dress them doesn't cut it for you any longer? Then Star Trek Online is just right for you!

    When people are less interested in basic balancing, when I see people being more upset about the lack of sunglass choices, or scarfs, or that their gorn character looks fat in that new bikini outfit... can that really be your vision for this game, Cryptic?

    At this point, it's more likely that Belgium colonizes the moon within the next 2 years than for Cryptic to fix and revitalize PvP on a post Delta-Rising server build. Cryptic couldn't have handled PvP much worse. Not only have they destroyed the PvP community, I am convinced that is has also hurt their bottom line. Oh well, who wants to become rich anyway, eh? :p

    Other gaming companies managed to create and maintain decent PvP. Why did Cryptic fail on that?
    Visit the Inner Circle YouTube Channel to watch some STO pew pew PVP action!

  • lomax6996lomax6996 Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    What I would rather have are shards by version... a ST:TOS shard, ST:TNG shard, etc... each based on the iconic series in question... THAT would be grand (you'd find me on the TOS shard, always...)
    *STO* It’s mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
  • trillbuffettrillbuffet Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Funny part is the oldschool shard is more attractive to me than what we have right now especially since I am a fan of bird of prey ships but yet the old school shard is where they perform better which is really really sad.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rimmarie wrote: »
    There is NO NEED for a whole server for PvP
    its been suggested before...just make PvP use only Vanilla ships and gear.

    when you sign up for PvP, you can only select qualifying ships and gear.

    Pretty much this , except I'd simplify it even more and have ships with fixed gear to avoid any shenanigans and to make it easy for the newbies who are still clueless about ship building ... -- as a successful PVP revamp would be based not on what the current PVP crowd would want but on pulling in the mainstream of the STO players .

    The variety would come from which class you choose to play with (at first) and down the road certain upgrades or new ships could be used to freshen up things from time to time .
    they could even make a whole story around it involving the Zakdorn and wargame simulations like in the TNG episode 'Peak Performance'

    That sounds interesting .
    I personally am still hopeful for the old STF'S and their reintroduction as some form of historical archive , along with other missions that were / will be pulled from STO .

    ... I'd call that a pipe dream ... , had I not gotten Rebirth shoved in my face only to find it unloadable and then quickly snatched away ...
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rimmarie wrote: »
    There is NO NEED for a whole server for PvP
    its been suggested before...just make PvP use only Vanilla ships and gear.

    when you sign up for PvP, you can only select qualifying ships and gear.

    they could even make a whole story around it involving the Zakdorn and wargame simulations like in the TNG episode 'Peak Performance'

    The issue with the above is: It makes PWE no money. And something that doesn't have a good ROI they aren't going to do. The gear/shop/power creep treadmill exists so that those who don't want to/have the time to grind, spend real money on micro transactions. If you lock in a system that just uses basic gear, you create a closed system that's easily gotten through no real MT - and thus is just (in their eyes) a drain on server resources. That's why they'll never do something in that vein for PvP.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Uh, no. It's not NEARLY that easy to put these things together.

    This was actually a ton of work to get this old build functioning on our servers. And even then, we had to disable chat and a bunch of other stuff.

    There's no way we'd dedicate server space full time to an old build, let alone support it in anyway.

    It was a fun gag for a day or two, but that's about all we could reasonably do.

    Sorry. . . :/

    Actually, it's "Engineering."

    so your telling me that dev time (a ton by what you say) was spent to make an april fools joke, only to be around for one day, instead of bug fixing???

    in your own words a few posts from now... "whaaa?" good god man, everytime cryptic does something, I lose more confidence in this game every recuperating back to being fun, intelligent (yes intelligent, play the opening for delta recruit, all the temporal officers talk about stuff and things is quite annoying and kind of childish. I honestly thought a ten year old wrote that script, and further more, there is a metric ton of grammatical errors in the tutorial. ) and well put together. not to mention, a "ton" of work was put into making a joke that no one really found all that funny.. cause the sad part is, most people would have welcomed the abomination that is sto after free to play hit to go away lol.. (im not one, as I don't care, I don't really play anymore so whatevs...)

    taco, since I like you, I will say, run while you can brother.. get a better job before having cryptic on your resume looks worse than it already is man...
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    puttenham wrote: »
    so your telling me that dev time (a ton by what you say) was spent to make an april fools joke, only to be around for one day, instead of bug fixing???

    in your own words a few posts from now... "whaaa?" good god man, everytime cryptic does something, I lose more confidence in this game every recuperating back to being fun, intelligent (yes intelligent, play the opening for delta recruit, all the temporal officers talk about stuff and things is quite annoying and kind of childish. I honestly thought a ten year old wrote that script, and further more, there is a metric ton of grammatical errors in the tutorial. ) and well put together. not to mention, a "ton" of work was put into making a joke that no one really found all that funny.. cause the sad part is, most people would have welcomed the abomination that is sto after free to play hit to go away lol.. (im not one, as I don't care, I don't really play anymore so whatevs...)

    taco, since I like you, I will say, run while you can brother.. get a better job before having cryptic on your resume looks worse than it already is man...

    Why don't you do something constructive like pee in their Wheaties and not the play the game if something meant to be fun is so offensive to you. In fact, why don't you just close out your forum account too because we already have enough cryptic sucks, but i play the game just to show them hypocrites.
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    eldarion79 wrote: »
    Why don't you do something constructive like pee in their Wheaties and not the play the game if something meant to be fun is so offensive to you. In fact, why don't you just close out your forum account too because we already have enough cryptic sucks, but i play the game just to show them hypocrites.

    awesome, im glad you still play the game and are on the smaller portion of gamers that actually like it.. seriously cudos.. to each his own, some people like snuff films some don't.. its all about taste...

    I never said it was offensive.. that's kind of a strong word, meant to elicite reaction from spectators.. however, I do not think that cryptic has made all the best business decisions as of the last few years.. not saying that a joke cant be made or isn't funny. simply saying that this shard was gonna exist would have been enough, and not taken any real dev time in a game that is hemoraging players as we speak. taking the time to really make this elaborate is kind of like being in a sinking ship, but deciding that everyone should take a nap instead of bailing the ship out.

    and as far as im concerned, there are two types of complainers, those who complain because they want the game to be better (me), and actually give constructive critisizm.. I could just say cryptic sucks.... the end.. or I can say, I don't like this because of x, y , and z... and then say what I would do, thus, giving constructive critisizm..

    and those who flame and cause trouble.. (you) as there was literally nothing constructive about your post.. your whole response to me was made to tray and elicite a reaction from me, a reaction that might result in moderation, are the start of a much larger forum war..

    sorry to not hop on bored your plan...

    p.s. I do not regularly play.. I used to be that guy who kept saying the next release is gonna fix things.. I finally gave up looking stupid, cause I definatly had egg on my face lol.. I used to fight the peeps who see the game for what it really is, only wanting to see the game in my own rose colored view.. I now log in here and there, mostly to talk to the few friends I made in game that actually still play the game, and to check out and see if cryptic has come to their senses yet.. even after being scorn by this game, I still hold out some hope..

    please refrain from sounding like an 11 year old and respond to peeps like an adult. it gets you much farther and gets your points taken a little more seriously.. cosmic and I have had some pretty epic debates, but they always stayed mostly adult and coherent, while I do not agree with 90 percent of what that man has to say, I still respect him, and I do listen to what he has to say...

    and remember, we are all alowd to have our own opinions.. respect others opinions as you would want yours respected.
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