There are few things i hope, sto will make changes to at some point. I know with all the new specialization are meant to extend the life of the game by allowing more different bridge seating. Also more abilities to have fun and play with. Thous more ships to buy.
But with no way to test or a taste of the abilities before hand, this makes these new ships a risky buy. I think it might be prudent, to change all ships with lt hybrid slots to be universal hybrids. This would both make those ships more appealing, but also allow a taste of many of the abilities with out giving away the best ones. Also i hope this does not mean sto is going to abandon the original ability specializations, Including captain classes.
Also with all these star ship traits, I think it might wise to at least make them account wide unlocks, so one wouldn't have to level up the same ship over and over. If it's not the ship you want to fly. But you want the trait on a alt. This would also help in the sell of T6 lock box ships and make them more enticing, with a trait unlocked for your whole account regardless of faction.
It would also be nice if we could just get a full list of traits, starting with the ones we have, then at the bottom the ones we can unlock, along with the method in which you can unlock them, when you mouse over them.
A configurable sell all junk button would be nice too.
Destruction of crew mechanic, or a revamp of active boff system integrated with a new improved crew mechanics.
Make shield balancing a toggle, no more spamming clicks or spacebar. To tell my crew to re-balance shields. This would help with new inexperienced players as well. As this is one of those non intuitive things.