On March 26, 8.00 p.m. Moscow time (UTC+5) a brief memorial service will be held on Mol'Rihan. If somehow there will be maintenance at that time, the service will be held just after servers going back online.
Update: transmission from Mol'Rihan, fleetwide, audio only.
Attache D'Nal's voice (filled with grief and tired):
Dor-tor etek nash-gad vokaya t'Spock - ko-kan t'Sarek heh t'Amanda Grayson.
Nam-tor ek'etek nelauk k'tevakh hi vesht tvidonik k'ha'kiv t'osa-veh.
Dor-tor etek nash-gad o'ish-veh - doran dutar - doran ek'talsu - doran krassu - doran nah-torsu - doran savensu - doran t'kehr.
Noshau ha'kiv t'o'ish-veh wuhkuh t'dan-fudaya eh t'dan-vam.
T'hai'lu t'etek - Sochya eh dif.
Dif-tor heh smusma.
Commander Saren's voice:
Today we honor memory of Spock, son of Sarek and Amanda Grayson.
We all are diminished by his death but we were enriched by his life.
Today we honor him. We honor the diplomat, the scientist, the painter, the philosopher, the teacher and the ideologist.
His life is one to be held in the highest regard and esteem.
Our friends - peace and long life.
Live long and prosper.
Lieutenent Nazarov's voice:
Сегодня мы чтим память Спока, сына Сарека и Аманды Грэйсон.
Мы опечалены его смертью в той же мере, в какой он наполнял нашу жизнь.
Сегодня мы чтим его: дипломата, ученого, художника, философа, учителя и идеолога.
Деяния его жизни могут служить образцом для подражания и не будут забыты.
Друзья, мир вам и долгая жизнь.
Живите долго и процветайте.
End of transmission.
May our lives be enlighted with his doings.
Peace and long life, friends.