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5 year event feedback

beameddownbeameddown Member Posts: 1,215 Arc User


so the awesome 5 year event, its happening now, who does not love star trek if your still playing this game right?

but, there I am, at the academy, struggling to just figure out which "Q" is the right Q to follow, cause apparently, with all the lag, theres 2 of them, LOL, so much lag... anyways, first year for me for lag in this silly, hop through hoops for b.s. ship event, YA ITS LIKE THAT!

GOD damn, guys, I am serious, just give the flipping ship out for free, I am not kidding, day one, BOOM, you got it, done. A reward, for sticking around through all the glitches, all the b.s., all the changes, all the requests for more money cause a new ship came out, JUST a I love you still card, heres your ship... event

anyways, so I plot course to Vulcan.... UGH!!, and I just realized- they really want me to spend like the next 30 minutes of my life.... every day.... for however long this b.s. is going to take to GRIND this stuff out for some silly ship....

I don't know man, maybe its cause I have been a loyal customer and fan of star trek for YEARS now, monthly pumpin' in cash into this game, that now, at this point... its getting a bit... grindy?

is grindy a word?

anyways, I have been a thumbs up sort of sheep dude for some time now, but I gotta vent over this... what do you even call this b.s. now? hoop jumping? for what? the aim for me to spend more time in game?!? I do that anyways! cause I want to have fun!!! not log in to do some soulless, slapped together, TIME SINK, that's what this is, its a time sink, DO this, GO here, then, after a ton of TIMES of doing what you dislike, then you get the free ship! WHAT A WAY to celebrate the 5 flipping year anniversary of star trek online, a glitch, laggy, time sink...

heres what you get to do for your weekend, I want you to pick up this cup, bring it over here, set it down, then pick it up again, and go over there, set it down, then pick it up and hand it to me, do that 7 times in a row and then you can enjoy your weekend, your time off, your fun time, do that for me, the reward is worth it- guys

you have NOT learned, you have NOT figured it out

anyways, who am I right? some stupid, complaining gamers, out of your gutless masses that never speak up, YOUR doing it right as far as your concerned! LOL you got peeps logging in, doing the hoops, it all is working to plan- thing is

now, now I am thinking about going else ware, this is stupid, I mean, I got a few hours of free time a night to have a little fun time, and I AM NOT going to spend it doing this b.s. (oh whats that? F me then? I don't get the ship then?) heres the deal, I spend money In this old game, that's who I am, the guy that pays your bills and makes your profits- I would RATHER JUST PAY for your stupid anniversary ship then WASTE MY SHORT TIME having to fly to Vulcan, then to where ever the hell you want me to go next.. anyways, who cares, no one reads this b.s. anyways, cause it aint in CHINIESE!!!

f this event, if you feel the same, give a shout out-
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • msduckmsduck Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I hated it.. I thought the gameplay in the 'ashes' story was inane.
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    beameddown wrote: »


    so the awesome 5 year event, its happening now, who does not love star trek if your still playing this game right?

    but, there I am, at the academy, struggling to just figure out which "Q" is the right Q to follow, cause apparently, with all the lag, theres 2 of them, LOL, so much lag... anyways, first year for me for lag in this silly, hop through hoops for b.s. ship event, YA ITS LIKE THAT!

    GOD damn, guys, I am serious, just give the flipping ship out for free, I am not kidding, day one, BOOM, you got it, done. A reward, for sticking around through all the glitches, all the b.s., all the changes, all the requests for more money cause a new ship came out, JUST a I love you still card, heres your ship... event

    anyways, so I plot course to Vulcan.... UGH!!, and I just realized- they really want me to spend like the next 30 minutes of my life.... every day.... for however long this b.s. is going to take to GRIND this stuff out for some silly ship....

    I don't know man, maybe its cause I have been a loyal customer and fan of star trek for YEARS now, monthly pumpin' in cash into this game, that now, at this point... its getting a bit... grindy?

    is grindy a word?

    anyways, I have been a thumbs up sort of sheep dude for some time now, but I gotta vent over this... what do you even call this b.s. now? hoop jumping? for what? the aim for me to spend more time in game?!? I do that anyways! cause I want to have fun!!! not log in to do some soulless, slapped together, TIME SINK, that's what this is, its a time sink, DO this, GO here, then, after a ton of TIMES of doing what you dislike, then you get the free ship! WHAT A WAY to celebrate the 5 flipping year anniversary of star trek online, a glitch, laggy, time sink...

    heres what you get to do for your weekend, I want you to pick up this cup, bring it over here, set it down, then pick it up again, and go over there, set it down, then pick it up and hand it to me, do that 7 times in a row and then you can enjoy your weekend, your time off, your fun time, do that for me, the reward is worth it- guys

    you have NOT learned, you have NOT figured it out

    anyways, who am I right? some stupid, complaining gamers, out of your gutless masses that never speak up, YOUR doing it right as far as your concerned! LOL you got peeps logging in, doing the hoops, it all is working to plan- thing is

    now, now I am thinking about going else ware, this is stupid, I mean, I got a few hours of free time a night to have a little fun time, and I AM NOT going to spend it doing this b.s. (oh whats that? F me then? I don't get the ship then?) heres the deal, I spend money In this old game, that's who I am, the guy that pays your bills and makes your profits- I would RATHER JUST PAY for your stupid anniversary ship then WASTE MY SHORT TIME having to fly to Vulcan, then to where ever the hell you want me to go next.. anyways, who cares, no one reads this b.s. anyways, cause it aint in CHINIESE!!!

    f this event, if you feel the same, give a shout out-
    feel better now? great. now get back to vulcan.
  • freightstopperfreightstopper Member Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    The OP has got a point.

    A gift is free, not doing X to get Y to turn in, not doing mission A this many times to get it. Free, just log in, click a button or right-click and select open on a box or something.

    Add rubber-banding lag to a platform puzzle mission and it becomes a please whatever deity happens to be passing let me get it this time annoyance, not a fun mission you take the time to look around and find stuff in.
    Not to mention the, by the way you have to do this again in a week to get more stuff to choose from in the rewards list.

    Adding lag, oops we forgot to actually add the thing in this map, haha you're on the wrong map cos we screwed up, to a mini-game based on twitch reflexes and you have a disaster.

    I had one character doing this anniversary stuff, ran the dust to dust mission, managed to do the omega molecule daily yesterday. Can not do the daily today, not going to bother tomorrow, not going to run dust to dust again.

    Seriously looking for another game to play and will not be coming back to this bug-ridden mess of a game until some other company takes it up.
  • claretnblueclaretnblue Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    This Event is a Joke been trying to do the Omega Particle event outside earth Spacedock for 18 hours and to no success seems its bugged and they cant fix it I am a Lifetime member and feel robbed I have put many hours into trying to complete this and cannot how does this look to newcomers not very attractive a game offering a free aniversary gift only its not free you have to put in hundreds of hours to get it so as are other friends of mine are looking for a new game this one messes up like this too often
  • spaceeagle20spaceeagle20 Member Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Why not move the qmendations to the old miniq game and keep the omega particles one for the crafting lovers ?

  • dkratascodkratasco Member Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Why not move the qmendations to the old miniq game and keep the omega particles one for the crafting lovers ?

    Better idea, but mostly for next year, why not test it and make sure it work BEFORE launching it.
  • gabrielinwestmingabrielinwestmin Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Why not move the qmendations to the old miniq game and keep the omega particles one for the crafting lovers ?

    | totally agree, I think that would be a great temporary work around for the current issue.

    I have been stuck now for 2 days trying to get the non existant Omega from the Bajoran system (space). It simply does not exist. I know I am not alone on this as nobody for 2 days has been able to find it either yet.

    I do like the new mission though, the idea of a actual maze is actually kinda fun. And the puzzle like area of the electric floors from hell are tricky but once you get the hang of it, its actually very accomplishable.
    Greywolf Taskforce - Officer of the Fleet
  • tehbubbalootehbubbaloo Member Posts: 2,003 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i think it would have been great if they had put all the omega traces on the various fleet holdings. that would both be highly social and also avoid the congestion at esd and whatnot.
  • defcon1776defcon1776 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Not participating in this event. That is all.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q
    Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online: startrek.44thfleet.com
  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,746 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    beameddown wrote: »

    but common guys, this is just sad- I feel ashamed that this represents "star trek" for games right now

    I bet even kims like, "a ****ing maze?...."

    This made me LOL
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