Umm...small and med sized fleets are hurting bad because their casuals aren't bothering to log-in anymore, and yer private queues are mostly premades and friends who've been playing together for years, who generally don't spam invites to their private queues unless they need a redshirt to pop the mission. PvE activity hasn't shifted because pugging had such a high failure rate, it shifted because players left, and the only way to get enough players to get the mission to launch was to set it up in advance. PvE queues are on life support, and it's almost an exploit to allow private queues when the public queues are so dead.
Let's go even further, using your brain and knowing what to do is exploit. Doing more than 10k is exploit. 7-8k is what you can easily get with any ship using only mk XI-XII.
Most of channels where people do private queues are open for everyone, if someone shows that he/she knows what he/she is doing then will even get to some of those closed channels.
Umm...small and med sized fleets are hurting bad because their casuals aren't bothering to log-in anymore, and yer private queues are mostly premades and friends who've been playing together for years, who generally don't spam invites to their private queues unless they need a redshirt to pop the mission. PvE activity hasn't shifted because pugging had such a high failure rate, it shifted because players left, and the only way to get enough players to get the mission to launch was to set it up in advance. PvE queues are on life support, and it's almost an exploit to allow private queues when the public queues are so dead.
it really shows you dont know what private channels are. There are private channels that numbered in the thousands. In one private channel, not single one is even my friend and you will be overwhelm with STFs to the point the you will always be on CD.
With regards to fleet, if you want to finish advanced and elites why group with another group who cannot. It is very easy to leave a fleet and join another fleet who can finish advanced/elites. What you want is to maintain status quo pre-DR, bad builds grouping with bad groups. Spoiled much?
Let's go even further, using your brain and knowing what to do is exploit. Doing more than 10k is exploit. 7-8k is what you can easily get with any ship using only mk XI-XII.
Most of channels where people do private queues are open for everyone, if someone shows that he/she knows what he/she is doing then will even get to some of those closed channels.
Sorry but this is a narrow minded attitude on builds. On the right build, A level 50 Eng toon with VR Mk Xii using a Gal-R pre-DR with no DR traits/no Xindi traits can do 15k dps in ISA. If you are doing below that, it shows how aweful your builds are because I am comparing you to the worst possible toon and the worst possible ship on Dps.
10k an exploit - lmao. the highest DPS in ISA 130k+ and the top DPSers do 100k Dps.
Sorry but this is a narrow minded attitude on builds. On the right build, A level 50 Eng toon with VR Mk Xii using a Gal-R pre-DR with no DR traits/no Xindi traits can do 15k dps in ISA. If you are doing below that, it shows how aweful your builds are because I am comparing you to the worst possible toon and the worst possible ship on Dps.
10k an exploit - lmao. the highest DPS in ISA 130k+ and the top DPSers do 100k Dps.
Two things:
1) Learn to read sarcasm/irony
2) Saying that good builds are only those build which are aimed at DPS is strong exaggeration. So what that my teammate do only 10k if he can shut down power and CC any group of mobs if needed giving rest of the team "free target practice".
Good build is that which allow you to contribute something (tank, heal, CC, DPS, etc.) to your team and mission fulfillment.
Let's go even further, using your brain and knowing what to do is exploit. Doing more than 10k is exploit. 7-8k is what you can easily get with any ship using only mk XI-XII.
Most of channels where people do private queues are open for everyone, if someone shows that he/she knows what he/she is doing then will even get to some of those closed channels.
it really shows you dont know what private channels are. There are private channels that numbered in the thousands. In one private channel, not single one is even my friend and you will be overwhelm with STFs to the point the you will always be on CD.
With regards to fleet, if you want to finish advanced and elites why group with another group who cannot. It is very easy to leave a fleet and join another fleet who can finish advanced/elites. What you want is to maintain status quo pre-DR, bad builds grouping with bad groups. Spoiled much?
Sorry but this is a narrow minded attitude on builds. On the right build, A level 50 Eng toon with VR Mk Xii using a Gal-R pre-DR with no DR traits/no Xindi traits can do 15k dps in ISA. If you are doing below that, it shows how aweful your builds are because I am comparing you to the worst possible toon and the worst possible ship on Dps.
10k an exploit - lmao. the highest DPS in ISA 130k+ and the top DPSers do 100k Dps.
Two things:
1) Learn to read sarcasm/irony
2) Saying that good builds are only those build which are aimed at DPS is strong exaggeration. So what that my teammate do only 10k if he can shut down power and CC any group of mobs if needed giving rest of the team "free target practice".
Good build is that which allow you to contribute something (tank, heal, CC, DPS, etc.) to your team and mission fulfillment.