A while back I purchased the Lobi version of the Dyson Science Destroyer and the 3 pack.
While I won't complain to much about the additional upgrade costs of upgrading the pack (besides the fact I lost weapons via upgrading <.< which no body will address)
I feel that the upgrading of energy weapons is vastly out pacing the upgrade potential of missle boats. IE The difference between epic and UR and Gold on many of the weapons shows as absolutly Nothing. And some weapons are still unupgradable such as the Vawdwar tricobalt cluster. Temporal set doesn't seem to get any better after "rare" quality either.
In addition The Dyson set benefits from upgrading the "grade" of the weapon but not the rarity in some cases such as the secondary deflector.
The lvl 15 perk for science... I see zero dps difference between a normal hit and a regular hit on gravity well and several other consol abilities. so it works for some things, but not others...
And crit severity seems to have been overlooked on several cases
The dyson 4 piece set needs to re-examined for its damage and buff out put in my opinion... it was "okay" when the NPC's didn't have a million hp + IE if it factored off of exotic damage that would be a decent enough boost... but currently Nothing but attack patterns seems to effect the damage (which being a science officer I lack)
In short, the upgrades to the system seem to have overlooked how I would like to play my dyson science destroyer, putting a road block in my path to being able to complete elites, where as the majority of the upgrades have favored tactical energy juggernaughts such as the scimtar I feel kinda forgotten in the developers eyes.
My Dyson is struggling to remain competitive because of these over sights.
Also can we all just have a ready room or trophy room on our ships ... I mean its a 50 dollar pack and 166 dollar lobi ship. Or even some standard lay out plans...even if it is a cannon travesty I'd like some more"functionality"
Anyway thanks for your consideration