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Skill Points and the New Borg Event

captainzheicaptainzhei Member Posts: 203 Arc User
I have some complaints. I don't usually b*tch about the game, but this new expansion has disappointed me.

1. Why does it have to take SOOOOO LONG to level up? Maybe the manic number of skill points needed to rank up wouldn't be a problem if it weren't for the fact that...

2. Everything got a skill point nerf post-50. I've eyeballed the nerf at 50-70%. As little as one-quarter of the skill points awarded at level 49 are offered to players at level 50. 3,000 for a mission at level 51? Whaaaaaat?????

3. Ships are not saving their loadouts and powers trays again. SOMEONE FIX THIS.

4. Is anyone ever going to explain why Seven of Nine isn't old and stuff? Surely the 70-something would at least have a grey hair and a wrinkle. Even Jeri Ryan in season seven was sporting signs of maturity.

5. I really hope that Delta Alliance marks are awarded to queued events other than "Disconnected". Namely because I've never ever hated a PvE event as much as this one. I regard it as the most poorly designed and completely fails to appeal to its own market. YOUR PLAYERBASE DOES NOT PLAY NICELY TOGETHER. STOP MAKING THEM TRY. It's only frustrating people who can actually cooperate with others who are stuck trying to salvage a total breakdown of communication.

6. When will we get an Excelsior that doesn't have 3 Engineer stations? Does anything need 3 Engineer stations?
Captaincy, Excelsior-Class U.S.S. Bianca Beauchamp NCC-99947-F

Post edited by captainzhei on


  • ghyudtghyudt Member Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I have noticed that I'm actually having to grind exp to get to the next level so I can play the next now on ALOT. Shouldn't I be getting enough exp from the story missions to move from one to another without having to stop and grind out a few thousand more? On top of that's I've been doing a few advanced stfs, and getting NO FRACKING DILITHIUM. No ore, no nothing. WTF? And yes, Borg disconnected sucks. The choice of rewards is good, I like having options, but I don't like having to work with other players to win. The HP on enemies is insanely high now. Cryptic, you haven't removed power creep, you've only made it so escorts and tac ships/captains are the only o ds who do enough damage to kill anything in a decent amount of time. For example; playing a story mission in my upgraded fleet galaxy, I run across the vadwuaar, andz playing on elite, even though I can easily tank through the damage they put out, it takes damn near 20 minutes to kill 1 cruiser. Not to mention the fact that on every single ship defense (avoidance) can get to the point that I only hit 1 out of 6 shots per cycle. How the hell does a cruiser have the avoidance of a fighter? Last I checked, bigpoint wasn't in charge of this game.
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