I'm using the Phantom, it's a fantastic ship, and I'm finding the Intel abilities a welcome set of powers. However, the Gather Intel ability feels pretty clunky. What I'd like to see is for Gather Intel to work like Sensor Analysis used to work, a passive stacking mechanic to target.
I threw the other three abilities in my space bar tray, and they trigger like a charm, why not remove the toggle to make this ability seamless?
Also this would help science intel ships to be less clunky, as they would have to toggle on both Sensor Analysis and Gather Intel. With this design, the Scryer (and future sci/intel ships) should be given Sensor Analysis.
Bad idea? Not possible? Never going to happen (we all know it won't)?
I would lke to see the Scryer get sensor analysis. But I don't see it happening. They might decide buffing the Scryer is better than nering it, so we might see it.