It would be unfair if people had to work hard or be lucky to get bug ship pets, and then all their hard work and determination was devalued and made cheap and common by giving it away to others for nothing.
Fair point, but to be honest, most people who have such ships just spent a huge amount of money on lockbox keys. (certainly cant be compared to a Pulitzer prize)
It was not really hard work or determination, more like a credit card overdraft.
But yeah, they paid for it, and it should not be given away willy nilly.
This has an easy solution: Take the Jemmy escort carrier, scale the model down in size.
Stat it samey to the bug ships, perhaps minus the cannons for variety.
Done. Dread gets its non bugship pet and the bugship can stay rare or something....
I was wondering how long it would take for another one of these threads to pop up.
For a long time (well over a year) the Jem Dread was for a long time my "go to" ship.
I love(d) her, but not being able to get the frigate pets in any kind of even reasonable way, and now with the introduction of the Narcine, I have put her in dry dock in favour of said Narcine.
Its a sad thing for me but I had to draw the line somewhere and acknowledge the bugship would not happen and I was blowing too much money trying to drop it that could have been spent far more effectively elsewhere in game.
The Narcine seems awesome and I cannot wait to finish the full build.
Got to admit though I much prefer how the Jem dread looks and would love for the bugship ownership requirement for the pets changed. Or at least some official word in some definitive fashion to put the issue to bed and put it in the FCT.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
It would be unfair if people had to work hard or be lucky to get bug ship pets, and then all their hard work and determination was devalued and made cheap and common by giving it away to others for nothing.
Imagine if they gave Pulitzer prizes to every kid who got a C on his essay in high school. It would become a worthless award.
You may not like that you cant have bug ship pets, but it isn't 'unfair.' You dont have a right to things other people own or work for, only the things you own and work for.
Dear god, are you really trying to suggest that having better "purpz" in an MMO is actually an accurate reflection of people's worthiness?
Never have understood for one second how someone can actually form judgments about other people based on such nonsense.
It would be unfair if people had to work hard or be lucky to get bug ship pets, and then all their hard work and determination was devalued and made cheap and common by giving it away to others for nothing.
Imagine if they gave Pulitzer prizes to every kid who got a C on his essay in high school. It would become a worthless award.
A better analogy: in order to be eligible to win the Pulitzer, you also have to have already won a Nobel. The two awards have absolutely nothing to do with eachother, but for some reason somebody decided they should be connected. Owning a Bug doesn't let you fly a Dreadnaught, and owning a Dreadnaught doesn't let you fly a Bug, so why is one of the Dreadnaught's components (a component which can only be used by a single ship in the game) tied to any ship other than the Dreadnaught.
How incensed would you be if the Bug doesn't let you mount dual cannons unless you owned the Dreadnaught, when every other escort can already use that feature by default because it is core to their design? That would be idiotic. And unfair.
Being lucky or insanely wealth to own a Bug lets you fly a Bug. That is what you earned. Owning a Dreadnaught should let you use the Dreadnaught's pets. That is what you earned.
Tholian Recluse Carrier: Lobi ship, unlocks access to great frigate pets just by owning one.
Xindi-Aquatic Dreadnaught Carrier: Lockbox ship, unlocks access to great frigate pets just by owning one.
Jem'Hadar Dreadnaught Carrier: Lobi ship, its great frigate pets are only available if you ALSO own a ship which is sporadic and unreliable in its availability and NEVER cheap.
(They never improved the absolutely pathetic Voth Heavy Fighters either.)
how much i know this pets are not even close as good as romulan rep one(they got a lot worse ai they wont fire most of the time they will just fly around and fire few times while rom one slows down to can fire more before reach traget and they fire torps very often to ) so idont feel bad at all for not haveing them on my jhdc
You know, with the sheer quality of the JHAS pets compared to the other frigate pets, They are FAR superior to their counterparts. If they were made all open access to everyone who has the JHDC, cryptic would have no choice but to nerf the living TRIBBLE out of the pets, thus making them severely devalued. If you spend 400 million EC worth on your pets, then someone took them and made them free for all, how would you feel?
The only thing I wish is that I could use the JHAS pets on other frigate capable carriers.
TheGrateLordeCheesus Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM Doesn't Owe AnyoneEC Kirks Prot
You know, with the sheer quality of the JHAS pets compared to the other frigate pets, They are FAR superior to their counterparts. If they were made all open access to everyone who has the JHDC, cryptic would have no choice but to nerf the living TRIBBLE out of the pets, thus making them severely devalued. If you spend 400 million EC worth on your pets, then someone took them and made them free for all, how would you feel?
The only thing I wish is that I could use the JHAS pets on other frigate capable carriers.
What you just described is the literal definition of Pay2Win, and needs to die in a fire.
What you just described is the literal definition of Pay2Win, and needs to die in a fire.
Its not pay to win, quite the contrary actually. you can get the funds required without having to pay. Every MMO has a small part of payments, its a business, they have to make money. You can do just fine in a JHDC running standard hanger pets. the Elite Fleet Jem'Hadar shuttles are good pets. as well. There are options.
TheGrateLordeCheesus Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM Doesn't Owe AnyoneEC Kirks Prot
Fair point, but to be honest, most people who have such ships just spent a huge amount of money on lockbox keys. (certainly cant be compared to a Pulitzer prize)
It was not really hard work or determination, more like a credit card overdraft.
But yeah, they paid for it, and it should not be given away willy nilly.
This has an easy solution: Take the Jemmy escort carrier, scale the model down in size.
Stat it samey to the bug ships, perhaps minus the cannons for variety.
Done. Dread gets its non bugship pet and the bugship can stay rare or something....
For a long time (well over a year) the Jem Dread was for a long time my "go to" ship.
I love(d) her, but not being able to get the frigate pets in any kind of even reasonable way, and now with the introduction of the Narcine, I have put her in dry dock in favour of said Narcine.
Its a sad thing for me but I had to draw the line somewhere and acknowledge the bugship would not happen and I was blowing too much money trying to drop it that could have been spent far more effectively elsewhere in game.
The Narcine seems awesome and I cannot wait to finish the full build.
Got to admit though I much prefer how the Jem dread looks and would love for the bugship ownership requirement for the pets changed. Or at least some official word in some definitive fashion to put the issue to bed and put it in the FCT.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Oh you mean like the ground sets through the reptuation system?
Or all drops from eSTF for that matter...
Or adding c-store consoles to lockboxes, giving them away like candy?
Or the summer give away of zen items for litterly nothing?
Yeah there is certainly NO precedence for that happening AT ALL
Dear god, are you really trying to suggest that having better "purpz" in an MMO is actually an accurate reflection of people's worthiness?
Never have understood for one second how someone can actually form judgments about other people based on such nonsense.
A better analogy: in order to be eligible to win the Pulitzer, you also have to have already won a Nobel. The two awards have absolutely nothing to do with eachother, but for some reason somebody decided they should be connected. Owning a Bug doesn't let you fly a Dreadnaught, and owning a Dreadnaught doesn't let you fly a Bug, so why is one of the Dreadnaught's components (a component which can only be used by a single ship in the game) tied to any ship other than the Dreadnaught.
How incensed would you be if the Bug doesn't let you mount dual cannons unless you owned the Dreadnaught, when every other escort can already use that feature by default because it is core to their design? That would be idiotic. And unfair.
Being lucky or insanely wealth to own a Bug lets you fly a Bug. That is what you earned. Owning a Dreadnaught should let you use the Dreadnaught's pets. That is what you earned.
Don't worry, they'll keep popping up until the problem is resolved.
how much i know this pets are not even close as good as romulan rep one(they got a lot worse ai they wont fire most of the time they will just fly around and fire few times while rom one slows down to can fire more before reach traget and they fire torps very often to ) so idont feel bad at all for not haveing them on my jhdc
The only thing I wish is that I could use the JHAS pets on other frigate capable carriers.
Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM
Doesn't Owe Anyone EC
Kirks Prot
What you just described is the literal definition of Pay2Win, and needs to die in a fire.
Its not pay to win, quite the contrary actually. you can get the funds required without having to pay. Every MMO has a small part of payments, its a business, they have to make money. You can do just fine in a JHDC running standard hanger pets. the Elite Fleet Jem'Hadar shuttles are good pets. as well. There are options.
Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM
Doesn't Owe Anyone EC
Kirks Prot