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I hate how quiet our CM and Devs are.



  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Would you douse yourself in pig blood and wade into piranha infested waters?

    That sounds like my kind of date night. :cool:
  • moonshadowdarkmoonshadowdark Member Posts: 1,899 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    dahminus wrote: »
    1. I miss it too. I hope it's just pre expansion hush hush

    2. If that warlords of draenor machima is their actual trailer is their official release version....id lose a good chunk of respect towards blizzard. Used to be a raid leader, was good times...new family pushed it away so I have no illl will...but Blizzard cinema is the stuff of legend...to release that makes me wonder what other "cuts" they made.

    There will be a trailer, typical new series/episode revealing
    That was the features trailer. The real Cinematic trailer is already online.

    And it.


    "A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP"

    -Leonard Nimoy, RIP
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    nabreeki wrote: »
    Oh, time for another one of these threads? Can the mods please add this to the list of F.C.T?

    Heh no I can't.

    In any event, it IS in the fct why dev's don't have to come on the forums and honestly right now with them working on the second expansion expecting them to be all chatty every day is very unrealistic.

    There are things at work that you can't see in the background at PWE which do keep Trendy and Smirk busy. Ya know they don't just do STO :P (Which should be obvious since we've had two woopsies with blacklight blogs posted hehe)

    There is also, obviously, management changes and that has changed things how things work as well as with any management change anywhere. No, I don't have all the right answers or even can say if/when things will change. I do hope they do but right now I suppose it's just going to have to work this way :(
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    askray wrote: »
    There are things at work that you can't see in the background at PWE which do keep Trendy and Smirk busy. Ya know they don't just do STO :P (Which should be obvious since we've had two woopsies with blacklight blogs posted hehe)

    I'm so glad PWE loves STO and other games they publish so much that they give them each the tender loving care they deserve by spreading the community managers and specialists across several games.

    Really makes us feel special.
  • kamenriderzero1kamenriderzero1 Member Posts: 906 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You know, Gecko has a point, a lot of what is said here is, in fact, stupid and pointless.

    It feels like 99% of the conversations are the following counter productive dribble. And this is mostly gleamed from reading General Discussion.

    I want a certain ship be in the game or be better or accessible to the other factions.

    I want the USS Vengance

    I want a tier 5 connie

    I want a cloaking device on every one of my ships.

    I want "MUH IMMERSHUN" protected at all costs.

    I want to fight looking throught my bridge viewscreen.

    I want want to give my crew orders directly in combat and make them do everything.

    I want other people to be my bridge crew so I can order them around.

    I want you to follow my interpretation of Trek Canon and not actual Trek Canon

    I want PVP to be more important than PVE.

    I want the Klingons to be more important than the feds

    I want the Romulans to be on their own. (speaking as a fleet X.O. who's starbase is on the cusp of finishing, I don't want to go through that again from the start)

    I hate Tovan Kiev for no reason other that he's there and I don't care that it will ruin your story and make you re-write the entire game, I want him gone.

    And don't get me started on mr. "Equality which isn't really equality, and all I really want is George Takei in the game"

    So it seems this is less about wanting to communicate, and more about blasting your demands at them and expecting them to read them an obey they "Because we pay them." Try that argument with a cop ('my taxes are your salary") and see how far it gets you...
    Everywhere I look, people are screaming about how bad Cryptic is.
    What's my position?
    That people should know what they're screaming about!
    (paraphrased from "The Newsroom)
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    I'm so glad PWE loves STO and other games they publish so much that they give them each the tender loving care they deserve by spreading the community managers and specialists across several games.

    Really makes us feel special.

    It does send a very clear message about our status under the PWE world order.

    It's a status that those familiar with the early US "Circuit Court" system will recognize: "Your little podunk desert town isn't worthy of its own judge [CM], so one will come by for a few days once a month to handle things before moving on to all the other little towns that aren't worth wasting a full-time judge [CM] on."
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    puttenham wrote: »
    puttenham wrote: »
    its kind of like the saying, if you don't get along with one of your friends, the friend might be the problem.. if you don't get along with all of your friends, you might be the problem....
    the flipside, is that if a player never has anything nice to say, why should the devs try to please them?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • generalmocogeneralmoco Member Posts: 1,634
    edited August 2014


    Now you have released the Kraken.


    More like TACOdile.... SUPREME!!!!
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    It does send a very clear message about our status under the PWE world order.

    It's a status that those familiar with the early US "Circuit Court" system will recognize: "Your little podunk desert town isn't worthy of its own judge [CM], so one will come by for a few days once a month to handle things before moving on to all the other little towns that aren't worth wasting a full-time judge [CM] on."

    No disagreements there.

    Although, I do appreciate Judge Smirk and Marshal Trendy visiting our worthless podunk desert town and others like ours in the Perfect West.
  • rinksterrinkster Member Posts: 3,549 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    You know, Gecko has a point, a lot of what is said here is, in fact, stupid and pointless.

    It feels like 99% of the conversations are the following counter productive dribble. And this is mostly gleamed from reading General Discussion.

    Well, I could argue that 99% is hyperbolic, but I wont argue against your substantive point.

    The majority of posts in general discussion are mostly pointless, mine included.

    However, I don't agree that is the same across all the subfora.

    Certain subfora have a very high percentage of productive posts.

    One of those being the tribble feedback subforum.
  • noshufflenoshuffle Member Posts: 271 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    adwynyth wrote: »
    No, it really shouldn't be expected.

    If someone's dissatisfied with the game, they should leave it. The people that work for Cryptic are just doing a job to pay a mortgage, like you and me. Treating them like TRIBBLE isn't any more acceptable than it would be if someone was doing it to you.

    If you are a subber or lifetimer, at least you can expect is some politeness from the devs to address the bugs or requests for the product where you pay for. And if the devs don't like that they get critisized for the mishaps they make, that they quit the job. Just like an artist that his latest painting is being negative critisized has 2 options : either make sure his next work is better and good or stop painting if he can't deal with the critics.
    OK, if I have to stay here for a while, your cieling ... looks idious.:D
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    iconians wrote: »
    Although, I do appreciate Judge Smirk and Marshal Trendy visiting our worthless podunk desert town and others like ours in the Perfect West.

    Oh, indeed. But still..."Ya know judge, if'n ya wuz just a leeetle more on top'a things they might be a lot smoother if'n ya see where ah'm a'goin with this." :)
  • knuhteb5knuhteb5 Member Posts: 1,831 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Oh, indeed. But still..."Ya know judge, if'n ya wuz just a leeetle more on top'a things they might be a lot smoother if'n ya see where ah'm a'goin with this." :)

    Rofl!!! The good, the bad, and the gecko starring Al Smirkwood. :ppp
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    noshuffle wrote: »
    If you are a subber or lifetimer, at least you can expect is some politeness from the devs to address the bugs or requests for the product where you pay for. And if the devs don't like that they get critisized for the mishaps they make, that they quit the job. Just like an artist that his latest painting is being negative critisized has 2 options : either make sure his next work is better and good or stop painting if he can't deal with the critics.
    If I was a painter and people made comments to me like the "criticism" I've seen on this forum, I'd ignore them unless they paid me money to listen to them.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • saekiithsaekiith Member Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    I think it's pretty much circular...

    Devs Post, get a bit of a fuss... Devs post less, people are irritated about it, no one to talk to, get angry, angry-ness leads to Devs not wanting to post even more, Devs not posting leads to more anger, more anger leads to Devs not posting leads to even more anger etc. leads to having our Lead Jock proudly pronouncing that he doesn't care a farts width about what the Users have to say garnished with a sweet little insult.

    Inbetween we had Bran... a marvelous figure on the horizon, easing the tides quite effectively... but now we have two part time Riders that are supposedly so tightly on a leash that they got their own corporate watchdog sitting directly above them. (Don't get me wrong, when they post they are good but well... a leash is a leash no matter if its made of a steel chain or a pink rope with a floral pattern)

    It all doesn't look quite right to me...
    Selor Andaram Ephelion Kiith
  • iconiansiconians Member Posts: 6,987 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If I was a painter and people made comments to me like the "criticism" I've seen on this forum, I'd ignore them unless they paid me money to listen to them.

    What, you mean being compared to serial killers, animals, and commie TRIBBLE wouldn't endear you to your customers?

    Being told that getting treated like dirt underneath someone's fingernails is part of your job would somehow make you more hesitant to communicate with people?

    It's almost as if the rhetoric and toxic vitriol around these parts urges devs to stay away and concentrate on their own work.

    And telling them that putting up with said rhetoric and toxic vitriol is part of their job is likewise counter-productive.
  • adwynythadwynyth Member Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    noshuffle wrote: »
    If you are a subber or lifetimer, at least you can expect is some politeness from the devs to address the bugs or requests for the product where you pay for. And if the devs don't like that they get critisized for the mishaps they make, that they quit the job. Just like an artist that his latest painting is being negative critisized has 2 options : either make sure his next work is better and good or stop painting if he can't deal with the critics.
    I am a lifer, and I'm saying criticism is fine, but rudeness, insults, and rage-filled ranting about incompetence are not.

    I've seen the CM and devs get a little snarky from time to time (far far less snarky that some of us have), and honestly in those cases I feel that even if it wasn't specifically called for, it was at least understandable.

    I'm not saying the game is perfect; far from it. And yes, I expect the devs to take what we say seriously, if it hasn't been vetoed a thousand times, and if it is presented rationally, politely, and as a request rather than a bile-fueled demand.

    Again, they're just doing a job do pay the mortgage, like most of us are. There's no need to make it personal when they're prevented from giving us what we want.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    adwynyth wrote: »
    Actually, I'm sure statements like this, as well as all the snark, hostility, and accusations of incompetence have very likely eaten into a lot of their willingness and enthusiasm to engage.

    If my customer base was as rabidly hostile as a good-sized segment of the active forum-posting players, I'd be looking for ways not to engage them too. I can't blame them.

    Not saying we don't have reasons to be angry or disappointed, but there are far better ways to express it than many I've seen around here.

    Its not very logical to not wanting to communicate to ppl who are angry about not being communicated with. The only real issue is the ships upgrade stuff and still keeping silent about it now can only mean they dont know yet how its going to work themselves
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Meh as long as they put out a quality expansion, I don't give a Frak if they are quiet.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • wakeupandlearnwakeupandlearn Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    After routing around looking for some sort of financial report for cryptic studios and/or Star trek online (dont ask). I came across a website called Glass door, for those that dont know what it is. Its a rather nifty site where past employees can post about their experiences working for a company, and some of the comments I've found are right on the money. I've posted the link for the sight in question and a few select comments from past employee's . Now I want to stress that not all the comments on the site are negative, but I do feel the ones I've linked should be taken to heart.



    Good work life balance
    Solid benefits and compensation
    Nice area to live
    People are very friendly and we have board game nights, a large game lounge, company trips to the movies etc.


    Very expensive Area to live
    Building is a little grungy
    Game engine is all in house so it has a pretty steep learning curve.

    Advice to Management

    Keep up the good work


    The company has opportunities across development, design, production, art, audio, and publishing. If you want to do it, chances are you can. If you're good at it, you'll excel. Lateral movement is common and career progress is a given for capable workers.


    Proprietary tech can be a barrier to entry and may be holding back projects. Cryptic has, for years now, been beholden to third-parties who just don't operate as well as Cryptic.


    My experience at Cryptic has been almost exclusively positive. Management is receptive to feedback and most of the employees have a very strong team-oriented attitude. I see little of the workplace drama that I've experienced at many other companies. Much less mandatory overtime than many other game developers.


    Not enough staff for the QA department. Like many other companies in the industry, QA has few advancement options unless they leave the department - and not everyone can get that opportunity.


    Interesting people to work with. Flexible hours. Good health insurance. Dog friendly office. Cool IPs to work on. Powerful and flexible game editor for content design--one of the best I've seen.


    Disorganized. Management constantly changing & constantly changing their minds. The company cares a great deal about creativity, but puts almost no value on management skills. This ends up creating extra work and plenty of false starts. Also poor on communication. Low end of the salary range.


    Great people to work with, great culture, felt like family, promotes from within, excellent industry perks, accessible management


    Typical game dev volatility, shifts in executive management over the course of time there, location, occasionally volatile personality conflicts.

    Advice to Management

    Keep asking for feedback, and keep making people feel like they matter. Always be honest with employees about outlooks and performance.


    good people at the bottom. great place to work technically, some of the best engineers I've worked with in my career


    people with no understanding of quality or how to make good products on top. performance measured by nepotism and egos, not actual skill

    Advice to Management

    try to develop a culture that cares about quality and making good products. study the state of the art, try to catch up.


    You are in a fun atmosphere. You get to play their product and have input into the company.


    There is little incentive for making suggestions and little recognition of those suggestions.

    Advice to Management

    Listen to your employees and customers more.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    After routing around looking for some sort of financial report for cryptic studios and/or Star trek online (dont ask). I came across a website called Glass door, for those that dont know what it is. Its a rather nifty site where past employees can post about their experiences working for a company, and some of the comments I've found are right on the money. I've posted the link for the sight in question and a few select comments from past employee's . Now I want to stress that not all the comments on the site are negative, but I do feel the ones I've linked should be taken to heart.

    For comparison: Blizzard Entertainment

    hunh, it seems Cryptic studios has a better rating from it's employees than Blizzard. Interesting... :D
    My character Tsin'xing
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If I was a painter and people made comments to me like the "criticism" I've seen on this forum, I'd ignore them unless they paid me money to listen to them.

    If I were a painter and got the sort of flak that occurs here on a consistent basis (as happens here) I'd at least consider, as a remote possibility, that perhaps there was something to it rather than simply hiring a bunch of flaks to deal with "all those biased dedicated haters" and plowing ahead in the same fashion with the apparent mentaility "I'm fine, it's all those haters who are the problem."

    But to each their own. -shrug-
  • edited August 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited August 2014

    Very interesting read. I'm assuming these comments are based towards Cryptic studios rather than just STO itself?(I didn't touch the link).

    The general theme of the feedback seem to be more to the upper management levels and to the game engine itself. I feel for the devs, they get pressure from both side(management and the customers).
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
  • puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    For comparison: Blizzard Entertainment

    hunh, it seems Cryptic studios has a better rating from it's employees than Blizzard. Interesting... :D

    what does that have to do with the price of wheat.. totally different game.. totally different developer.. and.. I would have been interested in seeing what ex employees had to say about blizzard when the company was actually doing good.

    since wrath of the lich king ended, the game has gone down hill, and so has the developer. all of their releases since have been considered flops (compared to all their releases before). diablo3, is globally considered TRIBBLE.. star craft 2, is considered TRIBBLE... the wow expansions, well, there is a reason their player numbers are shrinking pretty steadily and quickly...

    also, blizzard is no longer blizzard.. activision and vivendi bought them.. then they went through a messy thing where activision got rid of vivendi (smart move). that company has been through the proverbial woodchipper..

    pwe/cryptic has been together for more than 2 years.. it should have created more stability, and who knows if it has or not, we are not working for the company.. but, from what was recently said about the company and the working environment in the link, it sounds like while people enjoy working their (mostly citing other people who work there, and a fun atmosphere) there is a lot of complaints as to the direction, the quality, and the management of the projects themselves.. this shows through to the game.. case and point. we got a half finished crafting system, rushed out to us just to put some meat and potatoes on the plate of 9.5 . lately, they havnt even been able to release information correctly.

    also, blizzard has thousands of employees.. were cryptic has hundreds.. cryptic should have a better rating, as the small numbers of employees makes it so no one is just a number.. generally, when you have a smaller group, more personal attention and freindships are made. at blizzard, they have locations all over the us.. as someone who has a friend who works for them, he has never met his boss. he works in a studio in ct, but half his team works in texas or something like that.. he only shares emails, and he hates that it hurts the creative process.. at cryptic, everyone is essentially in the same building, there is no disconnect between employees.. and that makes a huge difference..

    compairing cryptic to blizzard is just producing a misconception. they are not even remotely the same company, or type of company... and I bet anyone who worked for blizzard would have no problem getting a job anywhere else in the industry.. I bet its much harder to get a job in another gaming company if cryptic is the only company on the resume...
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    they dont know yet how its going to work themselves
    I think that's pretty much what Geko said in his blog post.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Trekkies + MMO players = perfect storm of complaining
  • edited August 2014
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  • matthian1701matthian1701 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Trekkies + MMO players = perfect storm of complaining

    I logged on just to respond - that's the truest thing ever said on these forums.
  • goldenlion619goldenlion619 Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If I was a painter and people made comments to me like the "criticism" I've seen on this forum, I'd ignore them unless they paid me money to listen to them.

    Willing to bet a lot of players posting on the forums here do in fact pay money to Cyptic.
This discussion has been closed.