If anything Borg vessels should adapt to our energy weapons. Give the Borg ships the ability to adapt to the highest DPS player's energy type (take that min-maxers) and make it not count toward their DPS meters either. Make it a 30 second duration with a 2 minute cooldown.
Make the Borg assimilate 1 player ship ... think super sensor scramble where you can't tell you are shooting at your friends. "Bye bye Hathaway ..."
Heck we have adaptive fleet shields ... and the borg have nothing that compares to player's power creep.
As previously pointed out, our ships energy weapons are on an auto-modulate frequency (I'm guessing ship computers can do this automatically whereas our guns do not have that kind of computing power, and requires at least some manual intervention in order to modulate the frequency).
The new tutorial implies this is technology (or at least a formula) recovered from U.S.S. Voyager's databanks that came with the Transphasic Torpedos and Ablative Armor. If we were aware of it, then because of Voyager's active ablative armor, there was not time (or necessity) to adapt Voyager's phasers, since they would have been offline the entire time.
It seems 'future' Janeway from the series finale of Voyager put in contingency plans along with the toys as a parting gift -- but we did not discover it until after when we were reverse-engineering the ablative armor and transphasic torpedos.
Once the attack on the Vega Colony happened, Starfleet called for Janeway's contingency plans to be set into motion (apparently they were locked away on every starship just in case the Borg showed up again), and voila -- now everybody can shoot the Borg without having to worry about them adapting.
As previously pointed out, our ships energy weapons are on an auto-modulate frequency (I'm guessing ship computers can do this automatically whereas our guns do not have that kind of computing power, and requires at least some manual intervention in order to modulate the frequency).
The new tutorial implies this is technology (or at least a formula) recovered from U.S.S. Voyager's databanks that came with the Transphasic Torpedos and Ablative Armor. If we were aware of it, then because of Voyager's active ablative armor, there was not time (or necessity) to adapt Voyager's phasers, since they would have been offline the entire time.
It seems 'future' Janeway from the series finale of Voyager put in contingency plans along with the toys as a parting gift -- but we did not discover it until after when we were reverse-engineering the ablative armor and transphasic torpedos.
Once the attack on the Vega Colony happened, Starfleet called for Janeway's contingency plans to be set into motion (apparently they were locked away on every starship just in case the Borg showed up again), and voila -- now everybody can shoot the Borg without having to worry about them adapting.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censored, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
As previously pointed out, our ships energy weapons are on an auto-modulate frequency (I'm guessing ship computers can do this automatically whereas our guns do not have that kind of computing power, and requires at least some manual intervention in order to modulate the frequency).
The new tutorial implies this is technology (or at least a formula) recovered from U.S.S. Voyager's databanks that came with the Transphasic Torpedos and Ablative Armor. If we were aware of it, then because of Voyager's active ablative armor, there was not time (or necessity) to adapt Voyager's phasers, since they would have been offline the entire time.
It seems 'future' Janeway from the series finale of Voyager put in contingency plans along with the toys as a parting gift -- but we did not discover it until after when we were reverse-engineering the ablative armor and transphasic torpedos.
Once the attack on the Vega Colony happened, Starfleet called for Janeway's contingency plans to be set into motion (apparently they were locked away on every starship just in case the Borg showed up again), and voila -- now everybody can shoot the Borg without having to worry about them adapting.
At this point, I just want some NPCs to challenge me in some other way than ... "ZOMG 300K crit your dead sucker!"
Commence operation science spam ...
- Judge Aaron Satie
You don't have targeting computer in your ground weapons. Only Mk 1 brain if functional.
Ain't Nobody Got Time for That