I recently unlocked the Dyson Heavy Armor Mk XII via the Reputation...
After some headache i learned i must unlock the tailor option to see this gear...
After several thousand Dyson Marks, and a a day of grinding, i have everything unlocked, YES!!! time to go to the Tailor and mod up my outfit...
My disappointment was louder than the shot heard around the world.
The gear promised was Dyson, the gear given was Voth... :facepalm: how can you get that mixed up so bad!?
Dyson Heavy Armor = Voth Heavy Armor =
EXPECTED Dyson Heavy Armor to look something more DYSON like, like the Solanae Dyson Environmental Suit!? AKA:
I spent all this time on something that in my opinion AIN'T EVEN DYSON!! hell, it doesn't even look anything like it does in its icon picture!!!
i think something along the lines of, "Yes, Dyson Heavy Armor is Voth Armor" or "Oh dear sorry, looks like we need to fix that."
I'm NOT a believer in PWE for being attentive to the gamers, so i don't expect anything, i'm already accepting the misleading details as "something to be expected"
Well thats my rant for the day.
Take care!
My question is, is there a work around for this(without doing the project for the armor again), he put in a bug report but knowing how that will go I decided to post something here in hopes that a dev might see it and do the same thing for the dyson armor that was done for the STF gear (turn in the gear to a NPC and that NPC gives it back with the costume unlock) or that someone else might have had this issue as well.
here is his bug ticket #
submitted ticket ID #2,499,053.
EDIT: have a character myself that has come across this issue as well she had all (before S9) but the shield and cannot get the tailor options too show up hoping a fix comes for this soon
I have no problem with this as do many other people in game otherwise they would not wear it, not sure what the OP was expecting but even the pic and the icon are Voth so if he was expecting something else IMHO oh well leave it as is maybe later make a dyson gear set that looks more idk dyson. but please fix the tailor issue.
EDIT 2: okay my bad there is a costume unlock for this option so disregard my post and bug report.
but I still stand on the part that I do not mind the Voth armor.
That said I don't mind that it is more Voth than Dyson, but I would like the ability to put a Starfleet commbadge on the Dyson Heavy Armor. Otherwise, I look more Voth than Starfleet. :eek:
It is simply a result of poor naming choice for this armour. Yes, it is named Dyson Heavy Armour, and it looks far more like a Voth design. This was all intended.