I want to play it but I don't have a PC capable of running it right now, and probably won't for some time. But I'm not convinced it's going to be as good as it's being hyped up to be. Permanent ship loss + open PvP is generally a bad combination. Then they added the ability to buy ships with real money into the mix. Meh. It seems too close to the formula for EVE Online.
i think the very things that people are voicing concerns over are the very things that attract me to star citizen.
im tired of feeling like i am being punished for the sake of lazy uber-casuals. im tired of no thought being given to any engagement, and the lack of consequences for the kirks.
bring on star citizen!
What is insurance?
Pilots in Star Citizen can purchase insurance policies for their ships, modifications and cargo. This ensures that your ship will be replaced and/or its modifications and cargo will be subsidized should you be destroyed in a fight or accident. As in real life, insurance policies must be maintained: you must pay a regular fee in galactic credits (the in-game currency) or your policy will lapse and you will not receive a payout or a ship replacement when your ship is destroyed.
Will this Insurance cost a lot?
Like in real-life insurance should be a relatively small part of your regular in game expenses which will also include paying landing fees, trade tariffs (if in a system with lots of infrastructure and law and order), fuel (if you dont collect it yourself from a gas giant), buying cargo to trade, hiring help, making upgrades to your ship or even buying a whole new ship.
Some of the additional policies like upgrade or cargo insurance will be rated based on risk levels. Risk level 1 being the safest systems and risk level 5 being the most dangerous system that is insurable for cargo or upgrades. Any risk level over 5 is un-insurable. A risk 3 policy for cargo will cover you for all cargo losses in a risk 3 system or below. The higher the risk level of the policy the more it will cost. As with the base insurance this will not be crippling financially but instead be a reasonable running cost that relates to the risk / reward profile of the systems flown.
How do I get lifetime insurance?
Anyone who pledged for a copy of Star Citizen before November 26, 2012 automatically has lifetime insurance on their pledge ships; this protects the investment you made in the game in perpetuity. Anyone who made their first pledge for a copy on or after November 26th starts with a finite insurance package for their ship. This can be anywhere from 2 months to 12 months depending on the ship and policy type. Lifetime insurance does not exist for modifications or cargo.
What happens if I dont have insurance?
Your character will have to buy a new ship with any credits he has, or if he doesnt have enough credits fly missions for a third party (both NPC and player) until hes earned enough to buy his own ship again.
Will ships I add to my account have lifetime insurance?
Users who registered and bought at least one ship before November 26, 2012 can purchase additional ships with lifetime insurance for the next twelve months of development. Users who registered on or after November 26, 2012 can purchase additional ships with variable length starter insurance policies ranging from two months to twelve months.
Can I trade my lifetime insurance ship?
Yes. The lifetime insurance will follow the ship hull when it is legally sold or gifted. If the ship is stolen or otherwise captured, the policy will not transfer.
Will my insurance carry over to ships I earn in the finished game?
No, and you cannot transfer insurance policies from one ship to another.
Can I use my insurance as an excuse to simply ram other ships to death knowing I will get my ship back?
You can, but this will be a very bad idea as it is inconvenient and time consuming in getting your replacement ship ready to go again. Additionally there will be an increasing delay in replacing your ship every time you make a claim within a certain period of time.
Can I insure alien or one-off ships?
No. The only exception is the limited number of Vanduul fighters sold through the RSI site during the pledge campaign; these ships do have lifetime insurance included.
What will you do to combat insurance fraud?
A ship cannot be sold without a legitimate hull id code. Claiming on the insurance policy invalidates the hull code on your previous ship, so if it was captured or stolen the new owner will be unable to sell the ship at a regular ship dealer. Additionally if you have claimed on a policy and someone is flying the stolen ship in a well policed system, the hull id will mark it as a stolen ship, the law will be after you and landing privileges will be denied on any lawful planet. You will be able to fly a hot ship to the less savory parts of the Star Citizen universe, where you will probably be able to land and may be able to purchase a fake hull id code, but it will take effort and not necessarily be cheap.
Finally the Advocacy takes insurance fraud very seriously. If it can be proven that a player has colluded with another player to defraud the insurance company, that hulls lifetime insurance will be invalidated and the player may have to pay a large amount of credits to keep their record clean and not be marked as a wanted criminal.
i think the very things that people are voicing concerns over are the very things that attract me to star citizen.
im tired of feeling like i am being punished for the sake of lazy uber-casuals. im tired of no thought being given to any engagement, and the lack of consequences for the kirks.
bring on star citizen!
hey tehbubbaloo what ship(s)are you flying or planning to fly?
the old thread was found dead on the side of the space highway so i decided to make a new one with updated details.
43.2 million raised last i checked! wow. have you been to the forums? the community is pretty awesome over there. I picked up a few ships and am eager with anticipation for the release of the dog fighting module later this month. This is shaping up to be the space game we deserve.
awesome star citizen alpha boot camp videos HERE
a link to the wiki for some excellent information all things star citizen at your fingertips HERE
Sound off captains, if you are or plan to be a citizen. maybe we can link up in the verse.
To much hype will destroy reputation of this game when it go live.
Every game that did this had failed to deliver:
SWTOR had to much hype....went F2P soon after to save the game.
Elder Scrolls Online have done the same mistake , game breaking bugs and glitches for a game that should be flawless at release because of 60$ purchase + 15$ monthly..lots of people went back to skyrim or other mmos(until they fix it).
Both of these games had 200 million dollar budget..... yes , they had their own money to mendle with , in star citizen everything is paid by players... i hope that you will get what you want.
You will have only pain and crushed dreams if the game doesnt deliver all what it did promise , do not create hype for star citizen , nothing good comes from hype anyway.
before all of you star citizen fanboys jump on me because i say a no no about your favourite game just do this , look at all mmo/mmorpg games that had so much hype at start and tell me did they succeed to deliver what people wanted of it.
How do I get lifetime insurance?
Anyone who pledged for a copy of Star Citizen before November 26, 2012 automatically has lifetime insurance on their pledge ships; this protects the investment you made in the game in perpetuity. Anyone who made their first pledge for a copy on or after November 26th starts with a finite insurance package for their ship. This can be anywhere from 2 months to 12 months depending on the ship and policy type. Lifetime insurance does not exist for modifications or cargo.
I suspect others, like me, who were unemployed or only vaguely aware of Star Citizen prior to Nov 26, 2012 (I was both) would have appreciated a late-comer buy-in option, even at a higher price to make it "fair" for the early birds. Lacking this always means they'll be ahead in in-game economics.
Star Citizen Persistent Universe Features
- In-game ship to ship communication will be VoIP with facial capture (web cam required)
"Facial Capture": so just a snapshot? or will there be video? I'm a bit puzzled by this. Usually, I see MMO's trying to protect their players real identity information. How long until they get sued by parents whose kid got griefed because of his age, or worse stalked? Or sued by a strikingly beautiful woman who is constantly bombarded by sexual chatter because of that beauty? Also, if it is a photo, what stops me from satisfying their base requirement by holding up a picture of Oliver Hardy before the camera?
- You can save the game in the SC-PU and not have your ship attacked by going into the sleeping chamber, except for Capital Ships.
- Capital Ships are in-game persistent, when you log off, it will remain in game, make sure to have enough friends or hired guards to protect it while you're away. (Corvettes class ship like the Idris and below can log off, Frigate class ships and above are considered Capital Ships)
I hope that this doesn't mean that Capital Ships will have to be manned by players 24/7 in order to defend them. Maybe they should be forced to dock at a space station in order to be protected when no players are aboard?
I'm wondering what happens when the player is suddenly disconnected and endures a long outage at their ISP or power carrier? (had 6 here this year, so far) Even with hired guards, the ship is in the open, not parked strategically, and the sharks will smell blood. Field or combat outages in other MMOs, you just dust yourself off at the graveyard, maybe repair, and shoulder on. To lose a capital ship because of a freak outage, even under insurance, would be an annoyance that might just turn folks away from a game, because as they pointed out in the discussion on ramming, it takes significant effort to put a ship back in place after destruction.
i think the very things that people are voicing concerns over are the very things that attract me to star citizen.
im tired of feeling like i am being punished for the sake of lazy uber-casuals. im tired of no thought being given to any engagement, and the lack of consequences for the kirks.
bring on star citizen!
not looking for hype. just fellow sto captains who are also fellow citizens to dogfight against/with in star citizen. i think there is a sense of camaraderie that i share with people who play both. amiright?
i'd be willing to bet 100 cases of fine romulan ale that there is a cryptic employee or ten that plan to play SC
"Facial Capture": so just a snapshot? or will there be video? I'm a bit puzzled by this. Usually, I see MMO's trying to protect their players real identity information. How long until they get sued by parents whose kid got griefed because of his age, or worse stalked? Or sued by a strikingly beautiful woman who is constantly bombarded by sexual chatter because of that beauty? Also, if it is a photo, what stops me from satisfying their base requirement by holding up a picture of Oliver Hardy before the camera?
Facial capture means your face's movements will be pasted on to your in-game avatar's face. EQ2 was the first MMO to do it just recently, as the tech has advanced sufficiently to make it possible in realtime. In effect, it's just a low-rez realtime version of what Andy Serkis did with Gollum or Benedict Cumberbatch did with Smaug.
However, the point you bring up is interesting for other reasons. Internet anonymity is both a blessing and a curse. It's both a good, fun thing that you can make comments and engage in online games anonymously, and it's an annoying thing too sometimes.
Trackable identity is what makes it unattractive in the real world to be a criminal - 9/10 you're going to get caught. But in a game, say a game like EVE, internet anonymity and lack of trackable identity means people can be in-game a-holes 100% of the time if they wish.
One of the reasons online games are so restricted and limited in what they can do (i.e. "why we can't have nice things") is because developers have to spend half their time building in blocks to griefing and asshattery, which means that game systems inevitably devolve to a few treid-and-tested methods (and they still don't work perfectly).
If identity was trackable in a virtual environment like it is in the real world, that would free up designers to develop more interesting and fun game systems, because griefing and abusing those systems would have real world consequences (e.g. banning not just one virtual account, but banning that person from playing that game with any account ever). You could have a totally open world free loot system that didn't melt into mass asshattery (like EVE).
But that would open another can of worms like you're saying. So I think developers will always stick to the more limited way of designing games for internet anonymity and lack of identity tracking. It leads to duller games, but less potential for litigation and real world messiness.
Facial capture means your face's movements will be pasted on to your in-game avatar's face. EQ2 was the first MMO to do it just recently, as the tech has advanced sufficiently to make it possible in realtime. In effect, it's just a low-rez realtime version of what Andy Serkis did with Gollum or Benedict Cumberbatch did with Smaug.
Your whole discussion was quite good. This part was unexpected, and understanding that my real appearance is masked by my avatar, and only used for a range of emotion, I actually find it appealing.
Not planning on being there as it will be nothing but a grief fest. The early adopters in the Kickstart have a huge advantage especially on their bigger ships as they have 'lifetime insurance'. New people will not have this so later adopters will see real actual financial losses over this game.
I will not ever be a part of something like that.
Absolutely agreed. That's exactly what I thought the first (and only) time I visited the site a couple years ago. Its purely pay to win at this point, and in reality is just a TRIBBLE money grab game. I'd be willing to bet that it never releases, and all that money you've sunk I to it (before it even releases, seriously, who does that?) is simply being pocketed. And while I'm here, might as well ask the mods to close and delete this, since it had nothing to do with STO.
Absolutely agreed. That's exactly what I thought the first (and only) time I visited the site a couple years ago. Its purely pay to win at this point, and in reality is just a TRIBBLE money grab game. I'd be willing to bet that it never releases, and all that money you've sunk I to it (before it even releases, seriously, who does that?) is simply being pocketed. And while I'm here, might as well ask the mods to close and delete this, since it had nothing to do with STO.
Damn those elitists with jobs and bank accounts sinking money into games so they can get developed. Apparently someone has never heard of a preorder. Its a pretty common concept dating back at least twenty years or so. As I recall I did the same fro STO with a lifetime purchase. Its purely pay to develop at this point/ derp
utilizing the search feature - the original star citizen thread - mentioned in the op.. was moved to ten forward by ASKRAY so i'm pretty sure this thread is in the correct place, but hey, feel free to hold your breath waiting for a response. thanks!
Honestly, I'm one of those guys that lose interest in things when they are overhyped to oblivion. This happened with me and WOW due to the fact that my brother wouldn't shut up about it. It never interested me at all and, when I DID try it out, I shook my head and stepped back.
Up until I started playing here, I never even heard of Star Citizen. Now, all I hear about here is how Star Citizen is gonna be all that and a bag of chips and seeing some of the posts makes me think that this is gonna be a disaster on wheels.
Meh, if it's half as entertaining as STO has been so far, then it'll be worth the amount I pledged for my 350R. I've easily sunk twice that much into STO up to this date.
Original Backer for Star Citizen me (and just saw this thread). Waiting on the Dog Fighting Module to be out and have a Super Hornet and a Connie atm.
Looking forward to playing the SQ42 campaign modules as they are released as well.
In regards to the people complaining about the hype and the comparisons to the other games that have "failed"; Just play what you have now, focus on your games that you are looking forward to and keep an eye on SC as we get closer to launch (which is still about a year away at least as we get the testing done for all the modules).
As for Lifetime Insurance for those that have it; its the same as normal insurance just without the need to redo it every x number of months and only covers the base ship hull and weapons and parts, if you upgrade them you still need to insure them the same as any other player to get a replacement after x time has passed.
When it comes to the way the voyager direct and ship store is handled:
Atomic: Top Gun in space. I like it. Youve got a no pay to win listed on your website as one of the features listed for your game. Is this a bit of a dig at free-to-play models, or certain free-to-play models?
Chris: Uh, Im not necessarily against free-to-play as long as its done well. What I dont like is sort of the zinger-style gameplay that hampers your experience to force you to basically encourage you to pay money. So I think that sucks. So I dont want that, and on the pay-to-win model, for me, what the pay-to-win model is, theres only stuff you can buythat you can only use money forand that stuff gives you an advantage in battle. The way I think it should always work is, it doesnt matter if you use money to get it or you use in-game credits that youve earned by gameplay, you can buy the same stuff. You definitely cant do that in a lot of zinger games, you definitely cant do that in things like The Sims Online. I mean, they bifurcate between real money and in-game money and I think everything should be in-game money and all real money should do is allow you to get a little bit more in-game money if you just dont want to spend as much time earning money in the game. But in a design like a Star Citizen which is the same as Freelancer or Privateer, earning money in game, thats the whole point of the game. That should be fun, right? That shouldnt be boring, grinding stuff. I mean, youre doing missions to earn money and running and doing trade runs, or whatever it is; thats the whole core game mechanic, and that should be fun and not grinding. Its really just your choice.
I think some people probably wont have 15-20 hours to put into the game in a week, but theyll want to get in there and fly a fast new ship, so they want an option to buy some credits. But there certainly wont be any chance where someone can just spend money to win to basically be someone that hasnt spent the money. First of all, someone that hasnt spent the money but has put the time in can have exactly the same equipment. And then even if they havent put the time in, a lot of its going to depend on skill and flying styles, and the ships themselves have pros and cons. So, just because you spent a lot of money on a ship, doesnt mean its going to be a ship that will beat one that not nearly as much money was spent on. Say, a more expensive bigger ship, yes, you can have more weapons and more armour and more shields and bigger engines and everything, but its going to have a bigger mass and a larger amount of inertia and probably wont be quite as manoeuvrable. So you can have someone with a much lighter build they put together and is a good pilot, and they may be too quick for you to really bring your guns to bear on them. It may take them quite a few hits to knock your shields down but, if theyre a good pilot, they can manage that because you manage to get one shot off on them. So theres definitely a sort of pro and con to different ships, and rock, paper, scissors, if you like.
The more games we have that push the systems we have and the way they are made can only mean a positive to the gaming industry and the gamers as a whole imo and from what I have seen, read and tested thus far from my experience with alpha and beta testing games I get the feeling this one will not flop.
And finally this thread is in the right section as Ten Forward is exactly for threads like this to just casually chat all things NOT related to STO if you want to, its why we have another section called Star Trek Online General Discussion.
here's a video from Chris himself on pvp/pve and griefing.
Soo.... what's the TLDR version of that as it applies to griefing?
Me... I used to play these two games called AstroEmpires and Space Trek.... until I got tired of the fact that there was NOTHING in the game to do beyond grinding resources and informal PvP. There was technically exploration, but... there's a finite number of stars to look at and each time you visit a new one you have no idea whether your fleet will get exploded. Thus exploration really meant looking for planets to grind for resources, and players to PvP with... feh.
What is there in Star Citizen that will prevent it from being this lame and pointless?
Now, all I hear about here is how Star Citizen is gonna be all that and a bag of chips and seeing some of the posts makes me think that this is gonna be a disaster on wheels.
This is my thought too... I'm expecting the rage posts to begin any day now....
I remember Freelancer and all the hype around it. And is sounded pretty much like what we have with Star Citizen.
When I shelled out the bucks for the box, it wasn't an MMO and you had to fly using a mouse. A MOUSE! ROBEEEERRRRRRTTTTSSSS!!!!! (Insert Kirk's KHAN emote here).
For the mouse alone, I cannot forgive Chris Roberts. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...ain't gonna happen.
I remember Freelancer and all the hype around it. And is sounded pretty much like what we have with Star Citizen.
When I shelled out the bucks for the box, it wasn't an MMO and you had to fly using a mouse. A MOUSE! ROBEEEERRRRRRTTTTSSSS!!!!! (Insert Kirk's KHAN emote here).
For the mouse alone, I cannot forgive Chris Roberts. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...ain't gonna happen.
Freelancer wasnt marketed as an MMO, rather a SP space-fighter game with a MP end-game using Microsoft's Internet-wide LAN game lobby system (same as Mech Warrior 4 and a bunch of other MS games from the 90s/00s). There actually are large-scale Freelancer MP servers with MMO rulesets now but they are modded games not vanilla Freelancer, eg http://discoverygc.com has true reputation systems, complex trade systems, work your way up to capital ships, etc.
Freelancer has keyboard and mouse controls, no joystick. I dont know what the story is there. Wing Commander and Starlancer essentially require a joystick (unplayable without one), and Freelancer was published by Microsoft who was selling a joystick, so ... its a mystery... maybe MS was trying to push controller gameplay into the Xbox or something. Dunno. Would be a good question for an interview.
I heard that the reason for using mouse-controlled flight was because the marketing department was afraid that they would sell fewer copies if they required players to own and use a joystick.
Wait, lemme get this straight.
So, for example, you could be going off to do some mission. Then, a player will come and blow you up, and you either pay for insurance beforehand, or lose your ship. And a bounty won't help, it'll just make the dude pwn more people.
star citizen is a space sim game set in a persistent universe. risk vs reward is a core game play mechanic. you can choose to risk not having insurance and your reward is you save a few bucks but that also means when/if your ship gets destroyed you won't have the ability to file an insurance claim. i know i will have a few number of ships and some of the insurance will lapse simply because i don't fly them anymore but keep them as part of my collection.
one of the effects of a persistent universe in SC is that time marches forward. every year new models of ships/weapons/stuff are produced. parts for older model items become less available and their maintenance costs increase as a consequence. it remains to be seen how realistic SC plans to be but there is a toilet, sink, shower, bed, and table on my constellation.
I was hesitant at first to sign up but kept getting nagged by other PVPers so I ended up buying a package and joining Inquisition. The more people talk about it on teamspeak the less I want to play it though. Seems like it might be like Eve, a lot more stress then fun with this insurance and piracy they have in SC.
I might just log into SC a few times just to give STO some competition so they do more over here to bring players back, not sure if I will stick with SC though if it is a grief fest.
Wait, lemme get this straight.
So, for example, you could be going off to do some mission. Then, a player will come and blow you up, and you either pay for insurance beforehand, or lose your ship. And a bounty won't help, it'll just make the dude pwn more people.
Pretty much. It sounds like the gankfest that was Diablo 2. PKers in Diablo 2 were one of the biggest problems the game had in it's entire run. Any time you were doing a mission in an open instance, a PKer(or more commonly a small group of them) could come in, declare hostility, and gank you while you were trying to fight a boss.
The only solution was to have your team run back to town before the PKers wasted everyone, then create a private instance to start the quest all over again.
Err... actually it sounds worse. In D2, you at least had a little warning in the form of a message about hostility. the way SC has been described you'll rarely if ever know whether the ship approaching you is a PKer or NPC.....
That is a big reason (though not only reason) for me to not play EVE. After Freelancer, I was very much looking forward to Star Citizen. Sadly, after hearing this bit of news, I'm not sure I can pursue it. I'm one of the many that don't have deep pockets, and I'd rather go the old MMO way of paying $15 a month for characters with unlimited resets, rather than shelling out good money for a ship that eventually will be destroyed. I suppose a lot will hinge on what I can and cannot do with insurance.
Im sad to say, that seeing those prices, i am not probably going to play star citizen. , i am not a rich person. I must be honest, i dont have a clue about star citizen more than the news i hear here and there, but the ships are real?? because i saw the multi pack prices and 10.000$ seems a "little" excesive lol..... :eek:, or how that works?? i dont think that is the money you need to pay..
Im sad to say, that seeing those prices, i am not probably going to play star citizen. , i am not a rich person. I must be honest, i dont have a clue about star citizen more than the news i hear here and there, but the ships are real?? because i saw the multi pack prices and 10.000$ seems a "little" excesive lol..... :eek:, or how that works?? i dont think that is the money you need to pay..
Star Citizen is crowd funded.... which means that the dev is funding the game by "donations" in return for special stuff. In other words... yes, yes it IS. BTW, I recommend sitting down before the sticker shock reaches your brain.
Star Citizen is crowd funded.... which means that the dev is funding the game by "donations" in return for special stuff. In other words... yes, yes it IS. BTW, I recommend sitting down before the sticker shock reaches your brain.
Erm, i can buy a lot of great stuff for 10.000$ including A FEW AWESOME COMPUTERS.. star citizen must be the first game focused specifically for rich people ive ever seen. It must be the best game in the story , i suposse.
To much hype will destroy reputation of this game when it go live.
Every game that did this had failed to deliver:
SWTOR had to much hype....went F2P soon after to save the game.
Elder Scrolls Online have done the same mistake , game breaking bugs and glitches for a game that should be flawless at release because of 60$ purchase + 15$ monthly..lots of people went back to skyrim or other mmos(until they fix it).
Both of these games had 200 million dollar budget..... yes , they had their own money to mendle with , in star citizen everything is paid by players... i hope that you will get what you want.
You will have only pain and crushed dreams if the game doesnt deliver all what it did promise , do not create hype for star citizen , nothing good comes from hype anyway.
before all of you star citizen fanboys jump on me because i say a no no about your favourite game just do this , look at all mmo/mmorpg games that had so much hype at start and tell me did they succeed to deliver what people wanted of it.
^You have a really good point. It's also a double edged sword. Look at the cash cows: Call of Duty, The Sims, NBA/MLB 2K family & Assassin cred (to name a few). The first games were ground breaking. Then the franchise quickly became a cash cow that only cared about money over content.
I agree that this game is so overly hyped. Just look at GTA V. I knew people whom didn't go to school and/or work just to play 10 straight hours of GTA V. I knew husbands that literally locked themselves in a man cave and only came out for bathroom breaks and to pay the delivery guy. One month later, the hype from the game is all gone.
I've always asked myself, "How can a game with this much money deliver on so many promises. It's like they're digging their own grave."
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
im tired of feeling like i am being punished for the sake of lazy uber-casuals. im tired of no thought being given to any engagement, and the lack of consequences for the kirks.
bring on star citizen!
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Below is a Q and A on insurance
What is insurance?
Pilots in Star Citizen can purchase insurance policies for their ships, modifications and cargo. This ensures that your ship will be replaced and/or its modifications and cargo will be subsidized should you be destroyed in a fight or accident. As in real life, insurance policies must be maintained: you must pay a regular fee in galactic credits (the in-game currency) or your policy will lapse and you will not receive a payout or a ship replacement when your ship is destroyed.
Will this Insurance cost a lot?
Like in real-life insurance should be a relatively small part of your regular in game expenses which will also include paying landing fees, trade tariffs (if in a system with lots of infrastructure and law and order), fuel (if you dont collect it yourself from a gas giant), buying cargo to trade, hiring help, making upgrades to your ship or even buying a whole new ship.
Some of the additional policies like upgrade or cargo insurance will be rated based on risk levels. Risk level 1 being the safest systems and risk level 5 being the most dangerous system that is insurable for cargo or upgrades. Any risk level over 5 is un-insurable. A risk 3 policy for cargo will cover you for all cargo losses in a risk 3 system or below. The higher the risk level of the policy the more it will cost. As with the base insurance this will not be crippling financially but instead be a reasonable running cost that relates to the risk / reward profile of the systems flown.
How do I get lifetime insurance?
Anyone who pledged for a copy of Star Citizen before November 26, 2012 automatically has lifetime insurance on their pledge ships; this protects the investment you made in the game in perpetuity. Anyone who made their first pledge for a copy on or after November 26th starts with a finite insurance package for their ship. This can be anywhere from 2 months to 12 months depending on the ship and policy type. Lifetime insurance does not exist for modifications or cargo.
What happens if I dont have insurance?
Your character will have to buy a new ship with any credits he has, or if he doesnt have enough credits fly missions for a third party (both NPC and player) until hes earned enough to buy his own ship again.
Will ships I add to my account have lifetime insurance?
Users who registered and bought at least one ship before November 26, 2012 can purchase additional ships with lifetime insurance for the next twelve months of development. Users who registered on or after November 26, 2012 can purchase additional ships with variable length starter insurance policies ranging from two months to twelve months.
Can I trade my lifetime insurance ship?
Yes. The lifetime insurance will follow the ship hull when it is legally sold or gifted. If the ship is stolen or otherwise captured, the policy will not transfer.
Will my insurance carry over to ships I earn in the finished game?
No, and you cannot transfer insurance policies from one ship to another.
Can I use my insurance as an excuse to simply ram other ships to death knowing I will get my ship back?
You can, but this will be a very bad idea as it is inconvenient and time consuming in getting your replacement ship ready to go again. Additionally there will be an increasing delay in replacing your ship every time you make a claim within a certain period of time.
Can I insure alien or one-off ships?
No. The only exception is the limited number of Vanduul fighters sold through the RSI site during the pledge campaign; these ships do have lifetime insurance included.
What will you do to combat insurance fraud?
A ship cannot be sold without a legitimate hull id code. Claiming on the insurance policy invalidates the hull code on your previous ship, so if it was captured or stolen the new owner will be unable to sell the ship at a regular ship dealer. Additionally if you have claimed on a policy and someone is flying the stolen ship in a well policed system, the hull id will mark it as a stolen ship, the law will be after you and landing privileges will be denied on any lawful planet. You will be able to fly a hot ship to the less savory parts of the Star Citizen universe, where you will probably be able to land and may be able to purchase a fake hull id code, but it will take effort and not necessarily be cheap.
Finally the Advocacy takes insurance fraud very seriously. If it can be proven that a player has colluded with another player to defraud the insurance company, that hulls lifetime insurance will be invalidated and the player may have to pay a large amount of credits to keep their record clean and not be marked as a wanted criminal.
hey tehbubbaloo what ship(s)are you flying or planning to fly?
i have an avenger and a hornet tracker
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To much hype will destroy reputation of this game when it go live.
Every game that did this had failed to deliver:
SWTOR had to much hype....went F2P soon after to save the game.
Elder Scrolls Online have done the same mistake , game breaking bugs and glitches for a game that should be flawless at release because of 60$ purchase + 15$ monthly..lots of people went back to skyrim or other mmos(until they fix it).
Both of these games had 200 million dollar budget..... yes , they had their own money to mendle with , in star citizen everything is paid by players... i hope that you will get what you want.
You will have only pain and crushed dreams if the game doesnt deliver all what it did promise , do not create hype for star citizen , nothing good comes from hype anyway.
before all of you star citizen fanboys jump on me because i say a no no about your favourite game just do this , look at all mmo/mmorpg games that had so much hype at start and tell me did they succeed to deliver what people wanted of it.
I suspect others, like me, who were unemployed or only vaguely aware of Star Citizen prior to Nov 26, 2012 (I was both) would have appreciated a late-comer buy-in option, even at a higher price to make it "fair" for the early birds. Lacking this always means they'll be ahead in in-game economics.
"Facial Capture": so just a snapshot? or will there be video? I'm a bit puzzled by this. Usually, I see MMO's trying to protect their players real identity information. How long until they get sued by parents whose kid got griefed because of his age, or worse stalked? Or sued by a strikingly beautiful woman who is constantly bombarded by sexual chatter because of that beauty? Also, if it is a photo, what stops me from satisfying their base requirement by holding up a picture of Oliver Hardy before the camera?
I'm wondering what happens when the player is suddenly disconnected and endures a long outage at their ISP or power carrier? (had 6 here this year, so far) Even with hired guards, the ship is in the open, not parked strategically, and the sharks will smell blood. Field or combat outages in other MMOs, you just dust yourself off at the graveyard, maybe repair, and shoulder on. To lose a capital ship because of a freak outage, even under insurance, would be an annoyance that might just turn folks away from a game, because as they pointed out in the discussion on ramming, it takes significant effort to put a ship back in place after destruction.
^^^THIS!!! I feel the same way.
i'd be willing to bet 100 cases of fine romulan ale that there is a cryptic employee or ten that plan to play SC
Facial capture means your face's movements will be pasted on to your in-game avatar's face. EQ2 was the first MMO to do it just recently, as the tech has advanced sufficiently to make it possible in realtime. In effect, it's just a low-rez realtime version of what Andy Serkis did with Gollum or Benedict Cumberbatch did with Smaug.
However, the point you bring up is interesting for other reasons. Internet anonymity is both a blessing and a curse. It's both a good, fun thing that you can make comments and engage in online games anonymously, and it's an annoying thing too sometimes.
Trackable identity is what makes it unattractive in the real world to be a criminal - 9/10 you're going to get caught. But in a game, say a game like EVE, internet anonymity and lack of trackable identity means people can be in-game a-holes 100% of the time if they wish.
One of the reasons online games are so restricted and limited in what they can do (i.e. "why we can't have nice things") is because developers have to spend half their time building in blocks to griefing and asshattery, which means that game systems inevitably devolve to a few treid-and-tested methods (and they still don't work perfectly).
If identity was trackable in a virtual environment like it is in the real world, that would free up designers to develop more interesting and fun game systems, because griefing and abusing those systems would have real world consequences (e.g. banning not just one virtual account, but banning that person from playing that game with any account ever). You could have a totally open world free loot system that didn't melt into mass asshattery (like EVE).
But that would open another can of worms like you're saying. So I think developers will always stick to the more limited way of designing games for internet anonymity and lack of identity tracking. It leads to duller games, but less potential for litigation and real world messiness.
Your whole discussion was quite good. This part was unexpected, and understanding that my real appearance is masked by my avatar, and only used for a range of emotion, I actually find it appealing.
Absolutely agreed. That's exactly what I thought the first (and only) time I visited the site a couple years ago. Its purely pay to win at this point, and in reality is just a TRIBBLE money grab game. I'd be willing to bet that it never releases, and all that money you've sunk I to it (before it even releases, seriously, who does that?) is simply being pocketed. And while I'm here, might as well ask the mods to close and delete this, since it had nothing to do with STO.
Damn those elitists with jobs and bank accounts sinking money into games so they can get developed. Apparently someone has never heard of a preorder. Its a pretty common concept dating back at least twenty years or so. As I recall I did the same fro STO with a lifetime purchase. Its purely pay to develop at this point/ derp
utilizing the search feature - the original star citizen thread - mentioned in the op.. was moved to ten forward by ASKRAY so i'm pretty sure this thread is in the correct place, but hey, feel free to hold your breath waiting for a response. thanks!
Up until I started playing here, I never even heard of Star Citizen. Now, all I hear about here is how Star Citizen is gonna be all that and a bag of chips and seeing some of the posts makes me think that this is gonna be a disaster on wheels.
Looking forward to playing the SQ42 campaign modules as they are released as well.
In regards to the people complaining about the hype and the comparisons to the other games that have "failed"; Just play what you have now, focus on your games that you are looking forward to and keep an eye on SC as we get closer to launch (which is still about a year away at least as we get the testing done for all the modules).
As for Lifetime Insurance for those that have it; its the same as normal insurance just without the need to redo it every x number of months and only covers the base ship hull and weapons and parts, if you upgrade them you still need to insure them the same as any other player to get a replacement after x time has passed.
When it comes to the way the voyager direct and ship store is handled:
The more games we have that push the systems we have and the way they are made can only mean a positive to the gaming industry and the gamers as a whole imo and from what I have seen, read and tested thus far from my experience with alpha and beta testing games I get the feeling this one will not flop.
And finally this thread is in the right section as Ten Forward is exactly for threads like this to just casually chat all things NOT related to STO if you want to, its why we have another section called Star Trek Online General Discussion.
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Me... I used to play these two games called AstroEmpires and Space Trek.... until I got tired of the fact that there was NOTHING in the game to do beyond grinding resources and informal PvP. There was technically exploration, but... there's a finite number of stars to look at and each time you visit a new one you have no idea whether your fleet will get exploded. Thus exploration really meant looking for planets to grind for resources, and players to PvP with... feh.
What is there in Star Citizen that will prevent it from being this lame and pointless? This is my thought too... I'm expecting the rage posts to begin any day now....
My character Tsin'xing
When I shelled out the bucks for the box, it wasn't an MMO and you had to fly using a mouse. A MOUSE! ROBEEEERRRRRRTTTTSSSS!!!!! (Insert Kirk's KHAN emote here).
For the mouse alone, I cannot forgive Chris Roberts. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...ain't gonna happen.
Freelancer wasnt marketed as an MMO, rather a SP space-fighter game with a MP end-game using Microsoft's Internet-wide LAN game lobby system (same as Mech Warrior 4 and a bunch of other MS games from the 90s/00s). There actually are large-scale Freelancer MP servers with MMO rulesets now but they are modded games not vanilla Freelancer, eg http://discoverygc.com has true reputation systems, complex trade systems, work your way up to capital ships, etc.
Freelancer has keyboard and mouse controls, no joystick. I dont know what the story is there. Wing Commander and Starlancer essentially require a joystick (unplayable without one), and Freelancer was published by Microsoft who was selling a joystick, so ... its a mystery... maybe MS was trying to push controller gameplay into the Xbox or something. Dunno. Would be a good question for an interview.
I'll never be able to afford one/captain one (given the possible running costs, I don't think I want to), but i do sure want to crew one.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
So, for example, you could be going off to do some mission. Then, a player will come and blow you up, and you either pay for insurance beforehand, or lose your ship. And a bounty won't help, it'll just make the dude pwn more people.
one of the effects of a persistent universe in SC is that time marches forward. every year new models of ships/weapons/stuff are produced. parts for older model items become less available and their maintenance costs increase as a consequence. it remains to be seen how realistic SC plans to be but there is a toilet, sink, shower, bed, and table on my constellation.
i quite like the idea of a space simulation game.
I might just log into SC a few times just to give STO some competition so they do more over here to bring players back, not sure if I will stick with SC though if it is a grief fest.
The only solution was to have your team run back to town before the PKers wasted everyone, then create a private instance to start the quest all over again.
Err... actually it sounds worse. In D2, you at least had a little warning in the form of a message about hostility. the way SC has been described you'll rarely if ever know whether the ship approaching you is a PKer or NPC.....
My character Tsin'xing
Im sad to say, that seeing those prices, i am not probably going to play star citizen. , i am not a rich person. I must be honest, i dont have a clue about star citizen more than the news i hear here and there, but the ships are real?? because i saw the multi pack prices and 10.000$ seems a "little" excesive lol..... :eek:, or how that works?? i dont think that is the money you need to pay..
My character Tsin'xing
Erm, i can buy a lot of great stuff for 10.000$ including A FEW AWESOME COMPUTERS.. star citizen must be the first game focused specifically for rich people ive ever seen. It must be the best game in the story , i suposse.
^You have a really good point. It's also a double edged sword. Look at the cash cows: Call of Duty, The Sims, NBA/MLB 2K family & Assassin cred (to name a few). The first games were ground breaking. Then the franchise quickly became a cash cow that only cared about money over content.
I agree that this game is so overly hyped. Just look at GTA V. I knew people whom didn't go to school and/or work just to play 10 straight hours of GTA V. I knew husbands that literally locked themselves in a man cave and only came out for bathroom breaks and to pay the delivery guy. One month later, the hype from the game is all gone.
I've always asked myself, "How can a game with this much money deliver on so many promises. It's like they're digging their own grave."