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New Dyson set visuals (Nothing) Why?

plummyg33gplummyg33g Member Posts: 82 Arc User
Why the new Dyson from mission "step between stars" don't show any changing visuals of the ship when it is equipped on.

Cryptic are you slacking this one?

In my opinion every space & ground set should show his unique visual representation.

Why you didn't implement this? Are you going to give us visualization of this New Dyson space set?
Post edited by plummyg33g on


  • peetapipmacpeetapipmac Member Posts: 2,131 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The set is intended for the hybrid ships, and as they already have a unique look in their own right there was no need to give the set any visuals.
    It's not my fault if you feel trolled by my Disco ball... Sorry'boutit.

    R.I.P. Leonard Nimoy
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Because there lazy + it would be that awful white why would u wont it on other ships
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I'd like a purple effect for my nacelles, a purplish deflector and a little more white hull option for my MUHCR. And I want the Solanae set (giving it a good shot), so no, the Jem'Hadar set isn't an option.

  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    rahmkota19 wrote: »
    I'd like a purple effect for my nacelles, a purplish deflector and a little more white hull option for my MUHCR. And I want the Solanae set (giving it a good shot), so no, the Jem'Hadar set isn't an option.


    Try the Dyson set from the Reputation if you want those sort of visuals.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    johngazman wrote: »
    Try the Dyson set from the Reputation if you want those sort of visuals.

    Would try it, but since I was working on my fleet and campaigning against every sort of Reputation out there, my main has only achieved T2 Dyson last week (also T1 Nukara :D).

    So I'm a long road from the Dyson set, which I don't plan on grinding for (I can't log in every day, not even today, I'm doing forum stuff from the train home and still have to work this evening).

    I went for the Solanae set as an experiment on a fully experimental ship build. I like it. I'd like it more if it came with visuals.
  • greyhame3greyhame3 Member Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    For the opposite view, I actually like it didn't come with visuals. Less clicking I need to do when I swap out stuff.
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Two likely reasons:

    1) Creating and testing a visual takes time the art team probably didn't have.

    2) Who would grind out the Dyson rep and pay dozens of thousands of dil for that set if this free one had a visual? Nobody, that's who.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    greyhame3 wrote: »
    For the opposite view, I actually like it didn't come with visuals.

    Me too. I wanted a set that didn't change my ship's actual visuals for once. So for one of the few times in history I LOVE what Cryptic did.
  • no09dysonsphereno09dysonsphere Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Frankly, I'd love to see more sets available even if they don't come with visuals. The number of viable sets in this game is pathetic, and I'd rather by far see more useful, unique sets for different playstyles rather than the one size fits all borg set mentality we have now (with a few exceptions like adapted maco for torpedo builds). If we have to wait for artists to come up with visuals before we can have new gear, that'll just be a constrain on gameplay.

    That said, easy way around the solanae set visual problem is just copy/paste the visuals from the dyson set. They're the same tech right? Shouldn't be hard to do and pretty easy to explain.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    A metallic/specular blue material would be pretty cool I think. Like maybe 50% of the intensity of the Atrox. It's disappointing that it has no visuals but I'm not really surprised since the Dyson set does have its own material.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    They dont have time to waste on new visuals, they need to release everything fast, so they can start earning money as soon as possible. That is the same reason everything they launch, comes with 100 new bugs. Thats the way cryptic works. But seriously, you should be used to it by now...

    Anyways, the ships from the c-store are the same as the FE episode?? they dont have visuals either? because if that is the case.. rofl. Another reason to NOT buy anything from dyson. Cryptic should know by now that visuals are one of the most important things in a ship right now, and it is one of the things players want the most. But.. ZZ.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It does have visuals ... :confused:

    It's subtle to be sure, but if you equip/un-equip the items whilst in space, you can see a slight colour change ... At least on the Aves it does, not sure about any other ship (haven't looked)

    Oh and you do get the pretty pink/purple "booster glow" when the weapon energy boost procs ...
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
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