Trying to get a fairly canon name for my Reman's Warbird, but because I'm an idiot I seek help from those fluent or knowledgeable in Rihan (Protogoth, I summon thee!)
So, in keeping with the Reman's dislike of bright light and the Romulan's love for sneakery and cloaking, I decided to name it something that reflects these things.
So I got vastam, which means Wing, and terrh, which means shadow. If I wanted my Warbird's name to be Winged Shadow, would it be written Vastam'eri Terrh or Vastam'terrh? Or are both ways wrong?
I'm in a similar boat actually, I'm levelling up a Reman, and I'd like his final ship to be called 'Memory of Remus' in Rihan. There's plenty of dictionaries online where I can find individual words, but they're not a lot of help with grammar and sentence structure. XD
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
Back when I named my warbirds, I was of the understanding that a Romulan language was never developed, just a large smattering of words and phrases. Using these, what's posted on the internet, I managed a name or two from those, but ultimately took the course several have and used Latin to name my ships.
Am I incorrect and there is now a developed Romulan language? I'm actually surprised there hasn't been so far, considering the popularity of Klingon.
Hmm...maybe I'll look into Quenya or Sindarin for future names. After all, many refer to the Romulans as Star Trek elves.
Trying to get a fairly canon name for my Reman's Warbird, but because I'm an idiot I seek help from those fluent or knowledgeable in Rihan (Protogoth, I summon thee!)
So, in keeping with the Reman's dislike of bright light and the Romulan's love for sneakery and cloaking, I decided to name it something that reflects these things.
So I got vastam, which means Wing, and terrh, which means shadow. If I wanted my Warbird's name to be Winged Shadow, would it be written Vastam'eri Terrh or Vastam'terrh? Or are both ways wrong?
Neither is correct.
"Vastam" means "wing" in the sense of military maneuvering and tactics, not in terms of birds or ships. The "wing" of a bird or aircraft or spaceship is "aen." That's simple enough.
Next comes something slightly more complex, and that's the derivation of the adjective from the noun. Note that the English "winged" is based on a verb never (or very seldom) actually used in English; the Romulan "aen," however, is a noun. As such, you will not get the meaning "winged" by simply attaching the -'eri suffix to the root. Here we face a choice: do we go with something like "wingy" or "wingous" (which, to be honest, would convey essentially the same meaning as "winged"), or do we invent a Romulan verb "to wing" (in the sense of "to equip with wings"), and then make an adjective of that?
This gives us two main options:
aenemh (wingy) aenai (wingous) ih'aen (wing-ial, wingish, wing-like, etc)
ihrraen'eri (winged).
I would personally recommend aenai or ihrraen'eri.
Next comes "terrh," which actually means "darkness." For "shadow," the word you want is "laehval."
Now we must consider Rihan syntax. With but few exceptions, a word which modifies another comes after the word it modifies. So in this case, you would write:
I'm in a similar boat actually, I'm levelling up a Reman, and I'd like his final ship to be called 'Memory of Remus' in Rihan. There's plenty of dictionaries online where I can find individual words, but they're not a lot of help with grammar and sentence structure. XD
Memory of Remus:
Flaihhsam ch'Havran (Memory of Remans), Flaihhsam s'ch'Havran (? = Memory of Remus, best I can figure if we take "ch'Havran" as the nominative-accusative form of the planet's name, although strictly speaking, the name of the planet should be fully "euhre ch'Havran" = "planet of Remans", and thus a technically more correct and more sensible name would be "Flaihhsam euhren ch'Havran" = "Memory of the Planet of Remans").
Back when I named my warbirds, I was of the understanding that a Romulan language was never developed, just a large smattering of words and phrases. Using these, what's posted on the internet, I managed a name or two from those, but ultimately took the course several have and used Latin to name my ships.
Am I incorrect and there is now a developed Romulan language? I'm actually surprised there hasn't been so far, considering the popularity of Klingon.
Hmm...maybe I'll look into Quenya or Sindarin for future names. After all, many refer to the Romulans as Star Trek elves.
Now THIS is a fascinating thread! All the bicker bicker fight fight threads bore me, but this one caught my attention! Well played, all!
Anyway, I am from a small town in Wyoming (USA) called Star Valley (not originally, but where I call home now). Would the phrase "Stel'Rhiol" be accurate? Not sure but it seemed to me to reference "Valley of Stars."
"Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure science." - Edwin Hubble
Now THIS is a fascinating thread! All the bicker bicker fight fight threads bore me, but this one caught my attention! Well played, all!
Anyway, I am from a small town in Wyoming (USA) called Star Valley (not originally, but where I call home now). Would the phrase "Stel'Rhiol" be accurate? Not sure but it seemed to me to reference "Valley of Stars."
I'd go with
Rrhiol ih'Saeihr
which is literally
Star Valley.
Much appreciation for all the help, great to see threads like this. I've used Drow for my 'dark elf' character's ships, but Romulan is something I've never really delved into.
I've been using names with 'Ash' in them because I like the whole 'rising from the ashes' theme the Romulan Republic has going for it. The closest word/meaning I've found for 'ash' is adjective 'rehillh'. I could see that working within the names "Ashen Wing"(Rehillh Ihrraen'eri ?) or "Ashen Wind"(Rehillh Khaiell ?), but I'm a bit stumped in regards to "Ash Walker" or as a more literal meaning of "(That which) Walks Among/Over Ashes".
Much appreciation for all the help, great to see threads like this. I've used Drow for my 'dark elf' character's ships, but Romulan is something I've never really delved into.
I've been using names with 'Ash' in them because I like the whole 'rising from the ashes' theme the Romulan Republic has going for it. The closest word/meaning I've found for 'ash' is adjective 'rehillh'. I could see that working within the names "Ashen Wing"(Rehillh Ihrraen'eri ?) or "Ashen Wind"(Rehillh Khaiell ?), but I'm a bit stumped in regards to "Ash Walker" or as a more literal meaning of "(That which) Walks Among/Over Ashes".
Adjective follows noun; adverb follows verb; some few exceptions exist.
Aen Rehillh = Ashen Wing
Khaiell Rehilh = Ashen Wind
There is no official word for "ash" in any dictionary at my disposal, although there is a small corpus of literature in Rihan which has not always been codified and added to the dictionaries, in which some such word might be found. However, many Rihannsu revere the Elements, and in cultures with such perspectives, it would not be uncommon to find a common thing named with reference to personified Elements, such as Okhala, the Element of Fire among the Rihanh (not the same as non-elemental fire, not the same as plasma fire, but the Personification of the Element of Fire in a Mystical or Religious sense). A possibility for "ash," then, might be something like "child of Fire," which would give:
veoth s'Okhala = Offspring of Fire = Ash
the plural in this example would be:
veothir s'Okhala
So for your other name:
nveninen sa'veoth s'Okhala = Walker with Ash, One-Who-Walks with Ash
nveninen sa'veothir s'Okhala = Walker with Ashes, One-Who-Walks with Ashes.
Nveninen sa'veothir s'Okhala would perhaps be best?
Ah, okay, thanks for the adjectives clarification. I misinterpreted the previous case/explanation.
I might want to give up on "Ash Walker", it seems like a name that gets a bit lost in translation - at least in a way that is succinct and appropriate for a ship name.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
....Really... why hasnt Cryptic put protogoth on staff yet? She and I have had conflicts several times but one really cannot even dispute her mastery of Romulan language... the immersion factor in sto could go up 1000 times if ya just let her liberally sprinkle gratuitous Romulan words and phrases in the dialogue
Making a name isn't exactly like turning a creative phrase. I've always assumed that one can make abbreviations rather than sticking to a literal translation. So to go back to the OP's original example,
Laehval Ihrraen'eri is a great and accurate translation for prose. But going for a ship name, I'd probably choose the shorter of the 'wing' choices (ih'aen) and combine it, for something like:
Not strictly an accurate translation, but then names rarely are.
"You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
--Red Annorax
....Really... why hasnt Cryptic put protogoth on staff yet? She and I have had conflicts several times but one really cannot even dispute her mastery of Romulan language... the immersion factor in sto could go up 1000 times if ya just let her liberally sprinkle gratuitous Romulan words and phrases in the dialogue
Ahr'yy'a na Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan. Flaihh'u ch'Rihan! Flaihh'u ch'Virinat! Thiich'u Khreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihan u' na Mol'Rihannsu!
Oh you, with your crazed ramblings. Your precious D'tan can never compare with the skill of Obisek or Sela. Without the Klingons or the Humans, the Rihannsu would still be on Rator III, the original "New Romulus". The Republic will wither after a while anyways, because without the Star Empire, the Rihannsu have no home, the Republic can never make up for that.
Oh you, with your crazed ramblings. Your precious D'tan can never compare with the skill of Obisek or Sela. Without the Klingons or the Humans, the Rihannsu would still be on Rator III, the original "New Romulus". The Republic will wither after a while anyways, because without the Star Empire, the Rihannsu have no home, the Republic can never make up for that.
Mate, Sela was a crazy psycopath :rolleyes:
Also, Obisek hates the Tal Shiar, and did ally with the Romulan Republic.
I'm not comparing them. I'm just saying D'tan is not an appropriate leader for the Rihannsu. Plus, Sela tolerated the Tal Shi'ar, she never endorsed them. But, then again, Obisek isn't the posterchild for mental balance either.
Oh you, with your crazed ramblings. Your precious D'tan can never compare with the skill of Obisek or Sela. Without the Klingons or the Humans, the Rihannsu would still be on Rator III, the original "New Romulus". The Republic will wither after a while anyways, because without the Star Empire, the Rihannsu have no home, the Republic can never make up for that.
Although "Latasam Stelai Rom'linz" (supposedly meaning "Star Road of the People") has been used as a poetic equivalent of "Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan" ("Romulan Star Empire"), and leaving aside for the present the fact that the only word out of the name that can be found in any Seiiya is "stelam" (which takes the form "stelai" in nominative-accusative plural, but which makes no sense here used as an adjective), the simple fact of reality is that "Latasam" is not coterminous with "Shiar." The Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan didn't even exist until Terran year 938, and the Rihanh did alright before that. Removal of that which had served only to stifle the people from being faithful to mnhei'sahe can only serve to encourage flourishing, rather than withering.
Sela has no skill, either. Sela came to power by hiring Hirogen mercenaries to hunt and kill Romulans and Remans. She appealed to force, rather than skill. She is and always will be unworthy of any authority.
I'm not comparing them. I'm just saying D'tan is not an appropriate leader for the Rihannsu. Plus, Sela tolerated the Tal Shi'ar, she never endorsed them. But, then again, Obisek isn't the posterchild for mental balance either.
On what basis do you assert that D'Tan is "not an appropriate leader" for Rihannsu?
Well...while protogoth is helping with names I could use that. For my dyson warbird I was thinking "revealing light". How would I say that in Rihannsu?
Well...while protogoth is helping with names I could use that. For my dyson warbird I was thinking "revealing light". How would I say that in Rihannsu?
First, let's get the name right.
The Romulan people as a whole are Rihanh. A group of Romulans are Rihannsu. A Romulan is a Rihanha. To call someone "Romulan," you call them "Rihan." The name of the Romulan language is also "Rihan."
The homeworld of Romulans is "ch"Rihan" (more properly "euhre ch'Rihan," which is literally "planet of Romulans"). The homeworld of Remans is "ch'Havran."
The new homeworld of Romulans and Remans is "ch'Mol'Rihan" (euhre ch'Mol'Rihan). We are "Mol'Rihannsu," New Romulans. "Kreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihan" is "New Romulan Republic."
Light, that which is visible manifestation of photonic waves, is
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
Am I incorrect and there is now a developed Romulan language? I'm actually surprised there hasn't been so far, considering the popularity of Klingon.
Hmm...maybe I'll look into Quenya or Sindarin for future names. After all, many refer to the Romulans as Star Trek elves.
Listen to undyingzero though, @protogoth knows what she's talking about, apart from Rihannsu politics that is.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
Neither is correct.
"Vastam" means "wing" in the sense of military maneuvering and tactics, not in terms of birds or ships. The "wing" of a bird or aircraft or spaceship is "aen." That's simple enough.
Next comes something slightly more complex, and that's the derivation of the adjective from the noun. Note that the English "winged" is based on a verb never (or very seldom) actually used in English; the Romulan "aen," however, is a noun. As such, you will not get the meaning "winged" by simply attaching the -'eri suffix to the root. Here we face a choice: do we go with something like "wingy" or "wingous" (which, to be honest, would convey essentially the same meaning as "winged"), or do we invent a Romulan verb "to wing" (in the sense of "to equip with wings"), and then make an adjective of that?
This gives us two main options:
aenemh (wingy) aenai (wingous) ih'aen (wing-ial, wingish, wing-like, etc)
ihrraen'eri (winged).
I would personally recommend aenai or ihrraen'eri.
Next comes "terrh," which actually means "darkness." For "shadow," the word you want is "laehval."
Now we must consider Rihan syntax. With but few exceptions, a word which modifies another comes after the word it modifies. So in this case, you would write:
Laehval Ihrraen'eri.
Memory of Remus:
Flaihhsam ch'Havran (Memory of Remans), Flaihhsam s'ch'Havran (? = Memory of Remus, best I can figure if we take "ch'Havran" as the nominative-accusative form of the planet's name, although strictly speaking, the name of the planet should be fully "euhre ch'Havran" = "planet of Remans", and thus a technically more correct and more sensible name would be "Flaihhsam euhren ch'Havran" = "Memory of the Planet of Remans").
Or you could check up on Romulan Language Resources.
So, if I wanted to use Darkness instead of Shadow (I crosswired both for some reason) it'd be Terrh Ihrraen'eri? I could live with that
Ahr'yy'a na Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan. Flaihh'u ch'Rihan! Flaihh'u ch'Virinat! Thiich'u Khreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihan u' na Mol'Rihannsu!
Ie (Yes).
Anyway, I am from a small town in Wyoming (USA) called Star Valley (not originally, but where I call home now). Would the phrase "Stel'Rhiol" be accurate? Not sure but it seemed to me to reference "Valley of Stars."
I'd go with
Rrhiol ih'Saeihr
which is literally
Star Valley.
I've been using names with 'Ash' in them because I like the whole 'rising from the ashes' theme the Romulan Republic has going for it. The closest word/meaning I've found for 'ash' is adjective 'rehillh'. I could see that working within the names "Ashen Wing"(Rehillh Ihrraen'eri ?) or "Ashen Wind"(Rehillh Khaiell ?), but I'm a bit stumped in regards to "Ash Walker" or as a more literal meaning of "(That which) Walks Among/Over Ashes".
Adjective follows noun; adverb follows verb; some few exceptions exist.
Aen Rehillh = Ashen Wing
Khaiell Rehilh = Ashen Wind
There is no official word for "ash" in any dictionary at my disposal, although there is a small corpus of literature in Rihan which has not always been codified and added to the dictionaries, in which some such word might be found. However, many Rihannsu revere the Elements, and in cultures with such perspectives, it would not be uncommon to find a common thing named with reference to personified Elements, such as Okhala, the Element of Fire among the Rihanh (not the same as non-elemental fire, not the same as plasma fire, but the Personification of the Element of Fire in a Mystical or Religious sense). A possibility for "ash," then, might be something like "child of Fire," which would give:
veoth s'Okhala = Offspring of Fire = Ash
the plural in this example would be:
veothir s'Okhala
So for your other name:
nveninen sa'veoth s'Okhala = Walker with Ash, One-Who-Walks with Ash
nveninen sa'veothir s'Okhala = Walker with Ashes, One-Who-Walks with Ashes.
Nveninen sa'veothir s'Okhala would perhaps be best?
I might want to give up on "Ash Walker", it seems like a name that gets a bit lost in translation - at least in a way that is succinct and appropriate for a ship name.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more makes you poor!"
Laehval Ihrraen'eri is a great and accurate translation for prose. But going for a ship name, I'd probably choose the shorter of the 'wing' choices (ih'aen) and combine it, for something like:
Not strictly an accurate translation, but then names rarely are.
--Red Annorax
*will work for ZEN and Refined Dilithium*
Can I get a translation for the word Pheonix? Thanks Protogoth
Oh you, with your crazed ramblings. Your precious D'tan can never compare with the skill of Obisek or Sela. Without the Klingons or the Humans, the Rihannsu would still be on Rator III, the original "New Romulus". The Republic will wither after a while anyways, because without the Star Empire, the Rihannsu have no home, the Republic can never make up for that.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
Mate, Sela was a crazy psycopath :rolleyes:
Also, Obisek hates the Tal Shiar, and did ally with the Romulan Republic.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
Alas, there is no such word in Rihan.
Although "Latasam Stelai Rom'linz" (supposedly meaning "Star Road of the People") has been used as a poetic equivalent of "Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan" ("Romulan Star Empire"), and leaving aside for the present the fact that the only word out of the name that can be found in any Seiiya is "stelam" (which takes the form "stelai" in nominative-accusative plural, but which makes no sense here used as an adjective), the simple fact of reality is that "Latasam" is not coterminous with "Shiar." The Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan didn't even exist until Terran year 938, and the Rihanh did alright before that. Removal of that which had served only to stifle the people from being faithful to mnhei'sahe can only serve to encourage flourishing, rather than withering.
Sela has no skill, either. Sela came to power by hiring Hirogen mercenaries to hunt and kill Romulans and Remans. She appealed to force, rather than skill. She is and always will be unworthy of any authority.
On what basis do you assert that D'Tan is "not an appropriate leader" for Rihannsu?
--Red Annorax
First, let's get the name right.
The Romulan people as a whole are Rihanh. A group of Romulans are Rihannsu. A Romulan is a Rihanha. To call someone "Romulan," you call them "Rihan." The name of the Romulan language is also "Rihan."
The homeworld of Romulans is "ch"Rihan" (more properly "euhre ch'Rihan," which is literally "planet of Romulans"). The homeworld of Remans is "ch'Havran."
The new homeworld of Romulans and Remans is "ch'Mol'Rihan" (euhre ch'Mol'Rihan). We are "Mol'Rihannsu," New Romulans. "Kreh'dhhokh Mol'Rihan" is "New Romulan Republic."
Light, that which is visible manifestation of photonic waves, is
To Reveal (verb) is
irae'enh = revealing (adjective)
Liorae Irae'enh = Revealing Light
Liorae Irae'enh
This assertion is correct, I'm just mouthing off some standard propaganda to get a rise out of her.
But, either way, I'm still loyal to the Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan.
Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
Ahr'yy'a na Shiar ih'Saeihr Rihan, nim arhem fraetan h'taev hwi.