9 turn rate is more then enough for DHC in pve, don't worry about it. I manage DHC on a bort so the mogh will be no problem. Mogh will give you just as good if not better dps, it will just have a less versatile boff layout.
Fleet Mogh has higher hull HP and much higher shield HP than the Fleet Peghqu' and a Commander Engineering, which means any tanking besides speed-tanking the Mogh can outperform the Peghqu'. Whether the extra tank is worth it compared to the Tactical focus, Universal Lt. Comm, and Battle Cloak on the Peghqu' will depend on tastes.
In the end, why not get both? One Fleet Module for 500 Z or ~8 Mil EC more than Fleet Mogh and you can have the Fleet Peghqu' as well, as it only costs one module if you qualify to buy it (by having Lifetime or 1000 Day Vet Subscriber status.)
9 turn rate is more then enough for DHC in pve, don't worry about it. I manage DHC on a bort so the mogh will be no problem. Mogh will give you just as good if not better dps, it will just have a less versatile boff layout.
Don't forget that it also has 50 inertia, which is almost twice the inertia that the Tor'kaht has (it has 30). The only other KDF battlecruiser that might realistically keep up with it in turning would be the Fleet K't'inga, which has 11 turnrate and 35 inertia.
People really tend to overlook that inertia. It helps with making sharper turns rather than powersliding/curving. It makes a difference.
Much as I like the peghqu I'd say go for the mogh as they're about evened out in terms of effectiveness but the mogh can also slot some rsp 3 for some dang good survivability boosts.
Until now one of my engineers has been flying a (non-fleet) Qin Raptor with 3 DBBs and a Photon launcher forward so I've decided to switch to the Fleet Mogh with one additional DBB.
Their firing arc is good enough and given the Qin's borked turn arc, I don't think there will be any loss in effective turnrate.
Slow turning and cannons can prove frustrating.
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
In the end, why not get both? One Fleet Module for 500 Z or ~8 Mil EC more than Fleet Mogh and you can have the Fleet Peghqu' as well, as it only costs one module if you qualify to buy it (by having Lifetime or 1000 Day Vet Subscriber status.)
Don't forget that it also has 50 inertia, which is almost twice the inertia that the Tor'kaht has (it has 30). The only other KDF battlecruiser that might realistically keep up with it in turning would be the Fleet K't'inga, which has 11 turnrate and 35 inertia.
People really tend to overlook that inertia. It helps with making sharper turns rather than powersliding/curving. It makes a difference.
Their firing arc is good enough and given the Qin's borked turn arc, I don't think there will be any loss in effective turnrate.
And yeah, I will try both