So I have been playing STO for over a year. It likes to hog my CPU all to itself, which I am fine with, but I always ran it max details/distances, max AA, everything. I run at 2048x1152 res.
However, it seems over the past couple months, my performance has degraded substantially only in this game. I notice it more in highly populated areas like ESD, it'll stutter for me every now and again sometimes breaking off of 60 fps and dropping to 45 for several seconds.
I am currently overclocking my GPU and using an assortment of boost features through EVGAPrecisionX and I am still getting stuttering now and then/drops in FPS often. (The game just seems less stable or something) It always happens in combat whether on ground or in space.
I understand that many environmental textures have been redone so that could have a part in it as well
My main specs:
Intel i7 3770K 3.5ghz
Geforce GTX 670 FTW+ 4GB vRam
8gb Ram
Can anyone run this at absolute max settings without getting FPS drops?