- more modifiers (other weapontypes - not only Plasma Infused) for Threat-Scaling Science Consoles -> i realy hate these green TRIBBLE on a federation starship!
- more Wide Angle Torpedo Launcher (all weapontypes)
- more 360? beams (all weapontypes) as counterpart to turrets
1) fix major bugs
2) fix major bugs
3) fix major bugs
4) fix major bugs
5) fix minor bugs
6) fix other minor bugs
7) stop p2w
8) Make rep a faction where some factions oppose the other
9) moar ships
10) Moar bridges with combat benefits
11) Allow use of ships that are dry docked for players with an abundance of bridge officers that can captain them.
Said NO to Arc. Gets punished by not being given a free outfit, free lobi, and free shuttle. Now forced to use Arc's site when trying to get to STO site. Still not rewards for beta testing the Arc website by force. Bravo Cryptic.
My wishlist...
1) fix major bugs
2) fix major bugs
3) fix major bugs
4) fix major bugs
5) fix minor bugs
6) fix other minor bugs
7) stop p2w
8) Make rep a faction where some factions oppose the other
9) moar ships
10) Moar bridges with combat benefits
11) Allow use of ships that are dry docked for players with an abundance of bridge officers that can captain them.
- Implement the player/BOff voice overs already there for actual use.
- Implement the species specific battle music already there for actual use*
- Let players chose what rank to be called in NPC dialog.
*(after 4 years, it's very old hearing the same 4 or 5 generic explore and battle musics when I decide to turn off Winamp T-T. They're there. They sound wonderful! Especially the VS Romulans tracks, and definitely VS Borg tracks. Please use them....)
- Implement the player/BOff voice overs already there for actual use.
- Implement the species specific battle music already there for actual use*
- Let players chose what rank to be called in NPC dialog.
*(after 4 years, it's very old hearing the same 4 or 5 generic explore and battle musics when I decide to turn off Winamp T-T. They're there. They sound wonderful! Especially the VS Romulans tracks, and definitely VS Borg tracks. Please use them....)
As visually impaired, im all for any voiceovers.
These days, i just listen ST music from Spotify, it would really be cool to have some music that is adjusted for right situations.
Also add
1- bridge's that look like my ship
2- boarding actions in the above bridge
3- A heroic mode above the current Eite that is actually challenging
4- End game content......Real exploration with colony building ship building and defense and expansion of the colonys...Sim city style
5- a beam rapid fire....... beam overoad fixed so its not a useless PvE skilll
6- Torpedo's fixed so they are worth putting on a ship currently dual heavy cannons are the only real heavy dps weapon in the game
7- A complete end to cross healing for ships and magical healing potions for ground
8- bring DoFF's under control They are more powerful that the SHIPand all its weapons combined !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have 20k DPS ships ..................damage is out of control rendering content a joke
nevermind lol
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
How about collisions with roids and ships and debris enabled with this and actually dangerous ship destruction blast.
I made a suggestion before about making the system damage debuffs apply to your hull HP rather than having to die to get a single debuff... let me see if I can find my post..
Also, speaking of Elite modes, I've always wanted it where you get damaged system debuffs from hull % level instead of having to actually explode to get like, a damaged sickbay. wut?
Have it still function on RNG like it is now, but the lower your hull passes under, say, 70%, the higher the risk the RNG will give you a damaged system. The lower your hull, the higher the risk it will roll more and worse damage.
Like at 70% hull, 10% chance to receive 1 minor system damage every 40 seconds.
50% hull, 30% chance to receive 2 minor or 1 major system damage every 30 seconds.
30% hull, 50% chance to receive 1 major system damage every 20 seconds.
15% hull, 80% chance of receiving 2 major or 1 Critical system damage every 10 seconds.
It would certainly add a lot more excitement, danger and a damned reason for people to have heal powers on their BOffs and help themselves and each other instead of piling on nothing but DPS related powers and ramming their face on the keyboard to attack and respawn until the map ends.
I made a suggestion before about making the system damage debuffs apply to your hull HP rather than having to die to get a single debuff... let me see if I can find my post..
The whole things seems pretty much what i would wish elite level to be. It also should have damage that you actually have to go repair at spacedock, like hull perphaps? I would also add doff missions to repair the actual damage to the ship (The debuffs you get for example) It would take some time and this could continue through battle but like in real situation, you have to stop and wait on some point so they can fully repair your ship instead of just adding emergency patches to variou systems. Would really add nice realism spice to missions like that romulan one which takes 1.5 hours to defend starbase from 3 waves of Elachi ships.
I also think that the actual debuffs or the lower hull would left a persistent visual damage to your ship which only goes away when fully repaired.
-Defeat explosion cosmetic change to disable ship with plasma leaking
-Smaller and canonical weapons.
-Standard uniform for STO
-Plausible and more importantly more Trekkish story plot.
-Talk your way out of situations with diplomacy
-Option to disable or stun rather than slay all.
1) fix major bugs
2) fix major bugs
3) fix major bugs
4) fix major bugs
5) fix minor bugs
6) fix other minor bugs
7) stop p2w
8) Make rep a faction where some factions oppose the other
9) moar ships
10) Moar bridges with combat benefits
11) Allow use of ships that are dry docked for players with an abundance of bridge officers that can captain them.
I would be satisfied with 1-6.
- Implement the species specific battle music already there for actual use*
- Let players chose what rank to be called in NPC dialog.
*(after 4 years, it's very old hearing the same 4 or 5 generic explore and battle musics when I decide to turn off Winamp T-T. They're there. They sound wonderful! Especially the VS Romulans tracks, and definitely VS Borg tracks. Please use them....)
As visually impaired, im all for any voiceovers.
These days, i just listen ST music from Spotify, it would really be cool to have some music that is adjusted for right situations.
Also add
-Stop p2w
2- boarding actions in the above bridge
3- A heroic mode above the current Eite that is actually challenging
4- End game content......Real exploration with colony building ship building and defense and expansion of the colonys...Sim city style
5- a beam rapid fire....... beam overoad fixed so its not a useless PvE skilll
6- Torpedo's fixed so they are worth putting on a ship currently dual heavy cannons are the only real heavy dps weapon in the game
7- A complete end to cross healing for ships and magical healing potions for ground
8- bring DoFF's under control They are more powerful that the SHIPand all its weapons combined !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have 20k DPS ships ..................damage is out of control rendering content a joke
nevermind lol
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
How about collisions with roids and ships and debris enabled with this and actually dangerous ship destruction blast.
I made a suggestion before about making the system damage debuffs apply to your hull HP rather than having to die to get a single debuff... let me see if I can find my post..
Ah, here it is. Was in a thread about alternate ideas to just up and exploding.
Here's the relevant snip:
The whole things seems pretty much what i would wish elite level to be. It also should have damage that you actually have to go repair at spacedock, like hull perphaps? I would also add doff missions to repair the actual damage to the ship (The debuffs you get for example) It would take some time and this could continue through battle but like in real situation, you have to stop and wait on some point so they can fully repair your ship instead of just adding emergency patches to variou systems. Would really add nice realism spice to missions like that romulan one which takes 1.5 hours to defend starbase from 3 waves of Elachi ships.
I also think that the actual debuffs or the lower hull would left a persistent visual damage to your ship which only goes away when fully repaired.