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Can We Have The Federation and Empire Be Allies?



  • ajalenajalen Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    (mostly nonsense) .... and the klingons would just join the house of martok and eventually work their way to challenge J'pet in a duel.
    ....and Worf become new chancellor of Klingon Empire........
    this time have enrough power (if J'mpok die ) and popularity to become chancellor
    hrisvalar wrote: »
    Ugh, this thread again. No, we cannot have an alliance......
    (bloodthirsty Andorian , nothing new)
    yes u have right PvP in this game is ..... horrible .... u wait 1/2 - 1 hour in queue for PvP arena , 10 times start CD but half people dont join match ...and then u re killed from bunch of mega skilled kids with supermegahyperstuff in lock box ship .... no thanks, i prefer PvE or Kerrat if i want another massacre .....
    ........The "war" will end. Either in Federation victory or a peace accord of some kind......

    sorry m8 but feds several times declare only thing , their at best can hold the line , no chance to big counteratack , so FED victory dont make sense

  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To be honest, as it stands now they might as well just remove the need for factions entirely.

    That way, you could be Fed, Rom or KDF and fly any ship in the game.

    The more universal lock box ships that are released, the closer we get to that happening....
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    yeah, my spelling sucks, meh.

    I like your sarcasm though! I just think we should have a storyline that ends the war completely and installs someone else on the high council, establishing a peace treaty and solely a military alliance.

    I wasn't being sarcastic mate, and I would never make fun of anyone's spelling or grammar since we have many people here, including me, that are not English native speakers. So you got that all wrong.

    What I was refering to as nonesence are the ideas you suggested. Let me elaborate on that:

    - You're suggesting that Starfleet officers should interfere a confict between 2 of the Klingon Great Houses with the idea of supporting one of said houses to assasinate the Chancellor. Starfleet would never conduct their affairs in that manner. And as a matter of fact, neither would any honorable Klingon.

    - You're suggesting that Starfleet officers should work for Section 31. I think the nonesence in this is pretty much self-explanatory. It's quite the stupid thing on Cryptic's behalf for the Feds. to have that many missions involving S31 even as it is now.

    - Klingons can't just join the House of Martok. Klingons have their own honorable houses that they represent and care for. The Klingons that do not belong to a House, but serve in the KDF are loyal to the Chancellor and the chain of command first and foremost.
    Yes, Klingons could support the House of Martok, especially the ones that are without a House if they see that the House has a honorable cause and the Chancellor working against the Empire's interests. So far J'mpok (even if I don't like him for killing Martok) has done nothing against the Empire's interests, furthermore no honorable Klingon would join the House of Martok on a unjustified crusade, especially if they're working with Starfleet or even worse Section 31 as you suggest. That would be seen as cowardice and they'd be judged as taritors to the Empire and have the House of Martok dissasembled just like the House of Torg for working with the Tal'Shiar.

    - No player can challenge J'mpok in a duel, as that would mean that after defeating J'mpok that particular player would become the Chancellor. And STO is not a game that has the mechanics to allow such a thing, unfortunately. It's a fun idea though and I could imagine how amusing the game dynamics could be if we had options like that. :)

    I hope you see my point now. ;)
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    sunfrancks wrote: »
    To be honest, as it stands now they might as well just remove the need for factions entirely.

    That way, you could be Fed, Rom or KDF and fly any ship in the game.

    The more universal lock box ships that are released, the closer we get to that happening....

    Oh, for the love of Trek, no! Just......no. Starfleet officers in B'rels and KDF in Galaxy class ships is the last thing we need.
  • jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited September 2013
    I got 4 klingon toons

    And much of the contemt in the game they cant play because there isnt anyone to play it with

    I am all for a klingon civil war where we can pick which alliance we play with in the PvE ques

    In no way do i want to share ships or technology though

    With a civil war the content does not need to be changed just a few storys added as Fluff
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
  • schneemann83schneemann83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    So much talk about how to justify peace from the Klingon point of view, aren't you forgetting one major point: There is no reason for Federation or Romulan Republic to end the Fed-Klingon war.

    Starfleet is much bigger and more advanced than KDF, the overwhelming majority of Roumlan captains align themselves with Starfleet to fight the Klingons. Thus KDF even lost the edge of their last major advantage, Cloak, to the -mostly Fed aligned- RR.

    The Klingon Empire on the other hand is in a bad shape: Their Fleet is outdated (seen e.g. an Klingon designed 5 forward weapon/tac console ship anywhere?), heavy losses required them to press Orion, Gorn and Nausicaan forces of questionable loyalty into service, who are by now outnumbering loyal Klingon warriors by far. KDF is already barely able to contain more and more Gorn uprisings. Countless Orions seduce their way into high ranking positions, preparing a hostile takeover of the Empire. Even the Klingons themselves are split, including open fights between major houses.

    Knowing the Klingon weakness, the RR got an exciting deal at Khitomer: Safety against Klingon aggression for the RR worlds, the choice to live D'Tans dream of reuniting Romulans with their Vulcan brothers within the Federation, while detaching a small military contingent as spies and Thalaron based threat to the Klingons.

    Making peace with the Klingons would just give them time to annihilate disloyal forces and to get their empire back under control, and then to focus their regained full strength against both the RR and the Federation.

    Thus both RR and Fed are best served following Kirks advice:
    "Let them die!"

    After Praxis, Federation made the mistake to search peace and let the Klingons recover. Today Federation, Romulans, Orion, Gorn ect. have to suffer the consequences of this peace.

    Federation would be foolish not to end the Klingon threat once and for all. Peace is not an option.
  • havokreignhavokreign Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The player base is heavily tipped in Feds favor. There's not much illusion of any war going on, especially after you've finished the first half of either storyline, much sooner once the Undine pop up and 'the manipulator and subservient' setup takes foot.

    From my perspective all the Red v Blue does, without meaningful PvP, is inhibit the lesser played factions ability to participate in content. KDF queues can be a TRIBBLE.
  • commanderkassycommanderkassy Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    blagorm wrote: »
    Now now now.... I KNOW It sounds RIDICULOUS>.. But listen here.... how I think it will benefit the game:

    PvE Queues Will Be Easier To Use, Being All Cross Factional

    Teaming Is Not Restricted Faction Wise

    PvP Still Is Available, It Would Be Friendly Simulations

    Free Travel to All Systems In Other Faction's Territory


    KDF And FED Will NOT Be Able TO Buy The Other Faction's Ships

    ROM Has No Change In This

    Faction-Specific Missions AREN'T Share-able, But The Opposing Faction Can Still JOIN Them On The Missions

    Ill Think of more later... but what do YOU think?

    Yes please.

    The war is absurd.
    ♪ I'm going around not in circles but in spirographs.
    It's pretty much this hard to keep just one timeline intact. ♪
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    vermatrix wrote: »
    Along the lines of what I said, they should just throw together a story mission or two to officially explain what ended the war and be done with it. can keep the pvp as more of a side, friendly dual sorta thing and be done with it, because the time line explains what started the war and the Klingon war story missions keep it going, but once you get past those missions the war basically drops off the map and you end up with cross faction stuff fighting the borg, tholians, elachi, and everything else they add together.

    Story would be pretty easy - kdf prove to the feds undine have infiltrated (why not use the formal signing of the kdf/fed non agression pact with the romulans?), either by unveiling them personally or using a federation captain to reveal them (I reckon section 31 would have a helping hand too) - as the undine involvment is televised across the galaxy; there is no way the federation could deny the undine threat exists; leading to a near overnight ceasefire - granted, fed and kdf scuffle still and are not defacto allies; but the war as it is has finished...

    ..of course that will not stop the undine for they are everywhere; still able to work their schemes from the shadows...
  • charliescot25charliescot25 Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    The war with the Klingons is okay for now. Cryptic will eventually have to come up with new ideas... It will eventually get boring after awhile.

    I do like the idea of The Undine being a major threat to the AQ, whereas the Klingons and Feds will work together, maybe a steady relationship to end the war.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    havokreign wrote: »
    The player base is heavily tipped in Feds favor. There's not much illusion of any war going on, especially after you've finished the first half of either storyline, much sooner once the Undine pop up and 'the manipulator and subservient' setup takes foot.

    From my perspective all the Red v Blue does, without meaningful PvP, is inhibit the lesser played factions ability to participate in content. KDF queues can be a TRIBBLE.

    This about sums it up for me. KDF queues are rough.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited September 2013
    This. And I would wager that the majority of PvP is FvF. It has been ever since it was introduced. Granted I have no hard evidence to back that up but I remember how the KDF howled that FvF has made PvP, and back then leveling, near impossible to actually get a queue to pop.

    The "war" will end. Either in Federation victory or a peace accord of some kind, which is still a Federation victory since they enjoy using words to solve issues. The Federation has yet to lose a war. This will be no different.

    That's because most Feddies refused to learn how to fight cloakers, despite there being at least half a dozen ways to decloak someone directly or indirectly (and several more ways to KEEP people from cloaking, at least for a while). Now that Romulans are involved, they can't hide in the FvF queues.

    Not to mention that almost all KDF ships only had cloak as a first-strike advantage, with the only ship readily available and battlecloaking being the squishy BoP class.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited September 2013
    kain9prime wrote: »
    If it bothers you so much, then don't go to Ker'rat or Otha and don't PvP. Stay on Fed side and pretend everything is just dandy. Your problem is solved at that point.

    And yes, there is a general difference in the players depending on the faction. KDF players tend to be much more team-oriented, where as Fed players tend to be more like armchair Picards who want to solo team-based missions or PvP, yet turn tail as soon as things don't go their way or send "haxx" tells when they lose badly. Or even better - angry QQ "tells" followed by "ignore" so you can't respond to them.

    I like being in a faction separate from most of those types of players and have been deleting many of my Fed alts to make new KDF, or KDF-allied Romulans.


    I run all-KDF characters right now. I also want no part of the Federation. I am a fan of the Klingon Empire, and I like to see the Empire actually ACTING like an Empire ought to be acting, rather than as the thuggish muscle of the pompous Federation, who can't even fight their own battles half the time.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    While the Klingon gameplay do need to be improved, I still think we should do an assassination themed new storyline.

    For the Feds, it can start off as you assigned to protect a high ranking officer who gets assassinated by the Klingons. The war begins to heat up again and you find yourself fighting Klingons. You uncover that your target to protect was actually Undine so you join the Klingons in the hunt for Undine. Your orders from, say Worf is to capture one alive to show the Federation Council. It takes awhile as you end up getting caught assassinating more and more Federation Officers/Politicians and you're put on the most wanted list. Federation NPCs attack you on sight. You weren't trying to kill them, just take those people alive, but it goes wrong for one reason or another. Eventually you capture a high ranking undine and you drag him into the Federation Council. The Federation is embarrassed and apologises to you and Worf.
    Then the bonus mission would be to follow Worf to the Klingon Homeworld where you two watch Martok's son or grandson challenge J'mpok to a duel, beat him and win.

    The Klingon storyline would be you're assigned to Worf. He's fed up with the Federation being fools and J'mpok using those aliens to gain more power. You're assigned two groups of missions. One is to recover information on the orions and expose their danger. You're also assigned to take an undine uncover as a Federation flag officer alive and expose him. Eventually you succeed at locating a group of undine infiltrators and toss them in the brig. You torture them to get more information and find out that Starfleet Head of Security and the President are Undine. Worf orders you to cut their heads off in full view of Federation officers. You meet up with a group of Federation officers who are in on the plan. They try to convince you to take the two alive, blah blah blah. You are disguised as humans and manage to sneak a special melee weapon in. You have a choice, assassinate either the president or head of security at the conference. One dies and the other is exposed to the fleet. The Federation apologises and releases you. You return to the Klingon homeworld to watch a duel, as Martok's house finally has the power, the prestige to challenge J'mpok. The challenger wins the duel. The woman who leads the Orions come to the new Chancellor and is executed on the spot because of evidence you gathered. The Federation officer with you and Worf is horrified by all the bloodshed but thrilled when the new chancellor announces peace with the Federation.
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited September 2013
    burstorion wrote: »
    Story would be pretty easy - kdf prove to the feds undine have infiltrated (why not use the formal signing of the kdf/fed non agression pact with the romulans?), either by unveiling them personally or using a federation captain to reveal them (I reckon section 31 would have a helping hand too) - as the undine involvment is televised across the galaxy; there is no way the federation could deny the undine threat exists; leading to a near overnight ceasefire - granted, fed and kdf scuffle still and are not defacto allies; but the war as it is has finished...

    ..of course that will not stop the undine for they are everywhere; still able to work their schemes from the shadows...

    The blind Starfleet fools would still refuse to properly root out the Undine infiltration. The only time Starfleet takes the necessary aggressive moves is when they're dragged into doing so by the situation at hand (see: Dominion War, the first REAL war the Federation had been in for a long time).
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited September 2013
    So much talk about how to justify peace from the Klingon point of view, aren't you forgetting one major point: There is no reason for Federation or Romulan Republic to end the Fed-Klingon war.

    Starfleet is much bigger and more advanced than KDF, the overwhelming majority of Roumlan captains align themselves with Starfleet to fight the Klingons. Thus KDF even lost the edge of their last major advantage, Cloak, to the -mostly Fed aligned- RR.

    The Klingon Empire on the other hand is in a bad shape: Their Fleet is outdated (seen e.g. an Klingon designed 5 forward weapon/tac console ship anywhere?), heavy losses required them to press Orion, Gorn and Nausicaan forces of questionable loyalty into service, who are by now outnumbering loyal Klingon warriors by far. KDF is already barely able to contain more and more Gorn uprisings. Countless Orions seduce their way into high ranking positions, preparing a hostile takeover of the Empire. Even the Klingons themselves are split, including open fights between major houses.

    Knowing the Klingon weakness, the RR got an exciting deal at Khitomer: Safety against Klingon aggression for the RR worlds, the choice to live D'Tans dream of reuniting Romulans with their Vulcan brothers within the Federation, while detaching a small military contingent as spies and Thalaron based threat to the Klingons.

    Making peace with the Klingons would just give them time to annihilate disloyal forces and to get their empire back under control, and then to focus their regained full strength against both the RR and the Federation.

    Thus both RR and Fed are best served following Kirks advice:
    "Let them die!"

    After Praxis, Federation made the mistake to search peace and let the Klingons recover. Today Federation, Romulans, Orion, Gorn ect. have to suffer the consequences of this peace.

    Federation would be foolish not to end the Klingon threat once and for all. Peace is not an option.

    The Federation is too weak and cowardly to do any of these things. They can't even defeat their enemies unless they significantly outnumber them. The Cardassians were strong enough to resist the Federation and force it to ply for peace, and the Cardassian Union was smaller than the Klingon Empire. The Klingon Empire, by itself, humbled the Cardassian military and established a foothold in its territory. The Federation never would have managed that.

    During the Dominion War, the 'bigger', 'more advanced', and presumably 'more powerful' Federation left half the fighting up to the Klingons. Even then, they were too pathetic and had to trick the Romulan Empire into joining the fighting.

    Were this a real war, the Federation would've meekly surrendered by now and agreed to unfavorable terms to save their pansy behinds.
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • vermatrixvermatrix Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    To those of you who talk as if your really Klingons you can go back to your mom's basement now with your fake Spock ears, your "I heart Kirk" t shirts, and blow up dolls dressed up like Klingon women, this topic is for us adults.
    To the rest of you, yes the whole fed/kdf war thing was good for awhile but it has outlived it's usefulness. A mmo game is not like a tv show or movie series where you can keep beating the same dead horse, you have hundreds to thousands of people playing and they are only going to keep playing if new stuff is added. As I've said before, once you get past the timeline thing which explains why the war started then get past the Klingon war episode missions this "war" just drops off the map with little to no mention of it in the other episode missions and then you get to end game stuff, New Romulus, Defera, Nukara, the special task force missions, all this cross faction stuff where feds, Klingons, and romulan republic factions are working together
  • yaisuke15yaisuke15 Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    vermatrix wrote: »
    To the rest of you, yes the whole fed/kdf war thing was good for awhile but it has outlived it's usefulness. A mmo game is not like a tv show or movie series where you can keep beating the same dead horse, you have hundreds to thousands of people playing and they are only going to keep playing if new stuff is added. As I've said before, once you get past the timeline thing which explains why the war started then get past the Klingon war episode missions this "war" just drops off the map with little to no mention of it in the other episode missions and then you get to end game stuff, New Romulus, Defera, Nukara, the special task force missions, all this cross faction stuff where feds, Klingons, and romulan republic factions are working together

    I'd actually like to team up with a Klingon flying a Negh'var Warship and a Romulan flying a D'deridex Warbird outside of an STF and actully watch as the bada**ery unfolds as we take on undine, borg, breen and dominion with our dreadnoughts. It'd look cool if I'd see the three flying in V-formation with smaller cruisers flying by and escorts with the group, like a huge a** cross faction fleet that isn't Omega. Someone should then take that picture.

    I'd actually like to spar a 'friendly' klingon with my sword against his bat'leth. The 'war' is only a farce to have pvp with fvk reasonably when we in truth get no military gains or losses, just new toys. If Cryptic wanted this to be a real war, they would have to have bounties set out for raiders on both sides, strategic bases and logitical outposts with listening stations. As is, there is no such thing and the PvP with FvK suffers because of that, leaving its only excuse as 'we are at war'.

    Either make this a real war so that PvP doesn't have a lame escuse, or drop the war at the end of the episodes (when we get all of them) so that new players or old warhawks can still revel in the days of war between the Federation and the Empire.
    "Look at me I'm a target!"
    "Fire the Lance on my mark... MARK!
    "How many times have we gone into the breach again R'shee?"
    My proposal for a Galaxy bundle
  • hrisvalarhrisvalar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    lan451 wrote: »
    This about sums it up for me. KDF queues are rough.

    There's other solutions for that, though, than to just rely on ending the war and having - following a war - have the combatants of that war relive that war in friendly wargames against their not-so-old enemy. If you're looking to TRIBBLE up your soldiers once and for all, that's how you do it. Better start phaser-fire proofing your shopping malls now.

    One solution I'd prefer over establishing peace is to simply remove or gate (by one or two hours) the friendly wargame option on the Federation side. I know Klingons like to wail bitterly about Feds going into FvF fights because they can't deal with KDF tactics, but that's simply not true. We (most of us) queue both FvF and FvK at the same time. The FvF queue just fills up quicker, so that's where we end up going. If I don't join the FvF queue, it can take quite a while for the FvK one to let me in, probably cause the line in front of me takes a while to thin out.

    Another thing PvP needs is to get its marks or commendations back, have its own gear, perhaps its own consumables that'll only work in PvP environments. You know, something to strive for and let you do better.

    Premades put people off from PvP, on both sides. It would be much more fun for everyone (who isn't in it for the roflstomping) if premades played premades (maybe a Fleet vs Fleet tournament type thing for bragging rights, hull emblems and materials) and people signing up to be in a pickup group, only fight other pickup groups.

    Lastly, worst case scenario, the equal numbers thing can be dropped, and an imbalance in numbers could be compensated the way WoW did in world PvP, by buffing the ones who are outnumbered, or giving them a button that summons PvE support for a little extra DPS that doesn't count toward the enemy's kills when destroyed.

    Buffing may also work for PvE content.

    But what do I know, I'm a bloodthirsty Andorian.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Well if people want the war to go on, then don't complain about Fleet Queue on the KDF side anymore.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    age03 wrote: »
    The USA is not at war with the USSR as there is no USSR anymore and the now Russia is a member of the G20.

    I don't see why the peace accords can't renewed abivouse the Klingon Empire will be running out of resources.It is why they singed both singed the accords because the klingon Empire had 50 years of life left and that was in 2298 or so.It is well pass that and the Klingon Empire was doing fine with trade relations with the Federation.

    I said the USA WAS in a war with the USSR not that it is currently at war.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Costumes... Talkng as if one is the object of thier fandom... Thats describes almost evry Star Trek fan who has ever lived and loved the IP....

    What Cryptic needs to do is fleshout the whole war so it makes sense at the the low levels but allows the individual player the choice of cross-teaming at endgame, where the truth of the Iconian manipulation is well known.
    As it is the war lives mainly in the hearts of the fans because Cryptic has long since dropped the ball on making it the major plot of the game (as per the PT2409) but it could be picked up again with some clever story telling.

    As to the pvp ques... Fah. Most feds dont seem to want to fight us klinks anyways. Why complain about something I can not change.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    vermatrix wrote: »
    ...yes the whole fed/kdf war thing was good for awhile but it has outlived it's usefulness. A mmo game is not like a tv show or movie series where you can keep beating the same dead horse, you have hundreds to thousands of people playing and they are only going to keep playing if new stuff is added. As I've said before, once you get past the timeline thing which explains why the war started then get past the Klingon war episode missions this "war" just drops off the map with little to no mention of it in the other episode missions and then you get to end game stuff, New Romulus, Defera, Nukara, the special task force missions, all this cross faction stuff where feds, Klingons, and romulan republic factions are working together
    There are both RL and story-based reasons for me to be against a faction merge or formal alliance between the Klingons and Federation.

    Real Life:

    In general, Fed players just get on my nerves. I deal with far more rude, elitist, cowardly and downright perverted punks on Fed side in a month than I have in 3yrs on KDF side. I don't like their playstyle, especially the ninja invites and stalking (if I'm flying to the edge of the map during a mission, and you're right behind me, you just don't get it.) Best Fed players I know were KDF or have KDF alts.


    The Federation tends to be against political bodies such as the Klingon Empire due to the nature of their society - expansion via conquest. This is exactly why many Klingons don't mind turning their backs on treaties with the UFP - their expansionist nature is at odds with what the Federation charter is all about. The primary goal of the Klingon Empire has always been to expand the Empire and eliminate or subjugate its enemies by any means possible, even if they've had to ally themselves with another enemy or rival.

    To those of you who talk as if your really Klingons you can go back to your mom's basement now with your fake Spock ears, your "I heart Kirk" t shirts, and blow up dolls dressed up like Klingon women, this topic is for us adults.
    Where as you tossing out high school level insults at people is TOTALLY mature.

    God, I love irony...

    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
  • ajalenajalen Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    ............Starfleet is much bigger and more advanced than KDF.........
    ................Their Fleet is outdated ............

    and even with less numbers and outdated ships we re still on par with federation in this war , o wait no .. joking .... Federation is at best on par with KDF ! read your messages from Admiral Qinn more carefuly

    and we still can beat alot feddies in their shiny new ships

    but wait ? outdated ?

    fed new ships - Odysey and Vesta rest is mostly just refit/variant from old ships
    kdf - Vo'quv and Bortas/Bortasqu' rest are mostly refits/reskins too

    so KDF build same number new ships as Feds

  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    What war? I don't always pew-pew Borg, but when I do I'm happy to do so along my worm eating, prune juice chugging, scrunchy foreheaded dog-loving buddies. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • blagormblagorm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    *rolls eyes*

    Im all honesty, if not KDF and FED peace..

    Gorn Rebellion Seems MUCH Interesting...
    R'tolves Will Spread Thier Peace and Will Prevail Over the Hostiles Who Dare Hurt Such A Isolationist Consitutional Monarchy!
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Frankly, I just think Cryptic should complete the story they started rather than pussyfooting around it.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    And a Gorn rebellion should be one of the cool perks to playing a KDF toon by offering many new missions and the like.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • yaisuke15yaisuke15 Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    What war? I don't always pew-pew Borg, but when I do I'm happy to do so along my worm eating, prune juice chugging, scrunchy foreheaded dog-loving buddies. :)

    Who are you referring to? The Feds or the Klinks?


    Then you haven't met me yet. I only care for the game and supporting other players. Running head first to aggro enemies is usually what I do, flying all around, taking up damage from escorts, frigates and dreadnoughts and dishing it back while everyone collective pounds on a target and then moves on while the enemy is targeting me and being systematically killed by the others. It's quite fun.

    But what do I know? I'm just the Plebian Federation player who grinded for his tier 5 ship and has only uncommon mk xii stuff for weapons and random colors for his consoles. Seriously, what do I know?

    In truth, I don't like the fact that all the Fed captains say escorts are the only way to go. And the same to you, you elitist Feds.
    "Look at me I'm a target!"
    "Fire the Lance on my mark... MARK!
    "How many times have we gone into the breach again R'shee?"
    My proposal for a Galaxy bundle
  • kain9primekain9prime Member Posts: 739 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    yaisuke15 wrote: »

    Then you haven't met me yet. I only care for the game and supporting other players. Running head first to aggro enemies is usually what I do, flying all around, taking up damage from escorts, frigates and dreadnoughts and dishing it back while everyone collective pounds on a target and then moves on while the enemy is targeting me and being systematically killed by the others. It's quite fun.

    But what do I know? I'm just the Plebian Federation player who grinded for his tier 5 ship and has only uncommon mk xii stuff for weapons and random colors for his consoles. Seriously, what do I know?

    In truth, I don't like the fact that all the Fed captains say escorts are the only way to go. And the same to you, you elitist Feds.
    Don't get me wrong, there are some Fed players who know what they are doing. I absolutely respect them and will say as much if and when they pop my ship or vape my captain. But I certainly noticed the general difference in people when comparing KDF players and Feds in the first few months of playing STO after it launched in 2010, and to this day, I still find that most Fed players have the same MO as the ones who came before them. Judging by the sheer number of "leech" and "team kick" request threads that keep popping up, I feel my opinion is justified, and I can only roll my eyes at the so-called "hero" faction...
    The artist formally known as Romulus_Prime
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