Eng Cons: Enhanced RCS MK XII Ultra rare + all resist / Plamonic Leech
Sci Cons: Assimilated Module / Tachyokinetic Converter / ZPEC
Tac Cons: 5x purple MK XII Disruptor Induction Coil
Weapons: 3x purple MK XII DHC Nanite Disruptors (accx3) / purple MK XII DBB (accx3)
2x purple MK XII Turrets (accx3) / KCB
Def: Borg MK XII
Eng: Borg MK XII
Sh: Elite Fleet Res - Adapt / ResB / Cap
SC: something that boosts Aux / Shields??
Dev: Red Matter / Subspace Field Modulator
This is kind of a halfway Aux2Bat build and I don't really see the point in it. I also don't see the point in having 2 Conn Officers, plus your single A2B cooldown reduction, and still having 2 copies of TT.
Either devote to A2B totally or don't. To do this, get a second copy of it, and a third technician, get rid of the 2 conn officers, and you only need 1 copy of Tac Team. Uptime will not be exactly 100%, but will be close enough, and if the Ensign tac is really free you can keep your second copy.
There is not much point in having DEM if you are not using beam overload, and don't have Marion Frances Dulmur. In any case it would be difficult to fit it onto a double Aux2Bat escort, and impossible in this case.
You already have the DBB so I suggest BO3 to maximize your alpha. Use weapon batteries or the Red Matter to keep your power up during the drain. I would then replace APD1 (don't like delta personally) with CRF1.
If you find you are having survival problems then keep EptShields, but consider instead EptWeapons, and be sure to keep Engines. Regardless, with a double A2B build, these should be on near enough 100% uptime, with perhaps 1 to 2 second gaps. APO and TSS will certainly benefit from the cooldowns, and you will find your beam overload and rapid fires cooling down fast enough to chain them continuously.
To complement the EptX uptimes, try the Romulan Warp Core Engineer Keel'el (for fed side, there is a kdf equivelant) who has a good chance to strip debuffs when using an emergency power. The 5th doff could be your cannon one, or the usual safe choice for me which is a shield distribution officer.
Gear seems pretty good to me, also consider the Valdore shield heal console, and the Dhelan's 2 piece set, which has a good tank console (Inverter) and a nice weapon drain console (Sabotage probe), with the set giving a defense bonus.
Either devote to A2B totally or don't. To do this, get a second copy of it, and a third technician, get rid of the 2 conn officers, and you only need 1 copy of Tac Team. Uptime will not be exactly 100%, but will be close enough, and if the Ensign tac is really free you can keep your second copy.
There is not much point in having DEM if you are not using beam overload, and don't have Marion Frances Dulmur. In any case it would be difficult to fit it onto a double Aux2Bat escort, and impossible in this case.
You already have the DBB so I suggest BO3 to maximize your alpha. Use weapon batteries or the Red Matter to keep your power up during the drain. I would then replace APD1 (don't like delta personally) with CRF1.
If you find you are having survival problems then keep EptShields, but consider instead EptWeapons, and be sure to keep Engines. Regardless, with a double A2B build, these should be on near enough 100% uptime, with perhaps 1 to 2 second gaps. APO and TSS will certainly benefit from the cooldowns, and you will find your beam overload and rapid fires cooling down fast enough to chain them continuously.
To complement the EptX uptimes, try the Romulan Warp Core Engineer Keel'el (for fed side, there is a kdf equivelant) who has a good chance to strip debuffs when using an emergency power. The 5th doff could be your cannon one, or the usual safe choice for me which is a shield distribution officer.
Gear seems pretty good to me, also consider the Valdore shield heal console, and the Dhelan's 2 piece set, which has a good tank console (Inverter) and a nice weapon drain console (Sabotage probe), with the set giving a defense bonus.