Something sorely missed is the ability to have pre-set character layouts/profile/templates containing ship choice and item equipped, skill point distribution, BOFF layout, DOFF active space setup and reputation passives.
Reading over what EverQuest 2 recently received makes the feature even more missed.
The CAT is out of the bag
The next part of the tour focused on Character Achievement Templates, or CATs. Previously, players had access to only two achievement templates without resorting to respeccing, and that's only if the player owned an Achievement Mirror to store one in. Hooper detailed the new system which gives players much more flexibility and the ability to use different builds on the fly.
There are three types of templates available to players: Server templates built by the team (separated into group, solo, and PvP, and geared toward those leveling up), personal server templates (those of a player's own making), and templates stored on the players' hard drive. The templates can be now saved and sent to friends. This could be especially helpful to new or returning players who may like some guidance on where to focus their AA points.
An important distinction about this new system is that there is now a build mode so that players can see exactly where all their points can go before actually spending them without going to a third-party site. Templates can also be changed anytime, anywhere, allowing players to tailor their build to their current needs without needing to travel back home to their mirrors. Another bonus -- unlimited free respecs! And extra extra good news: your current template/s carry over to the new system so you don't have to reallocate points like after previous changes in the system. Thank the heavens!
They also don't stifle experimentation by charging for respecs.
Major problem with this is that the Presets end up up being weak, if not useless. It sounds like a nice idea on paper, but ends up being badly implemented most of the time.
What are you rambling about? It's the players own presets they make themselves.
Oh, sorry i thought you meant Cryptic have their own presets that you can use instead of doing it manually
For the casual person that doesn't care in the least how something works, such a thing could help - but - given that there is already the ability to share builds on sites like STOacademy...all a person would have to do is copy whatever is there as they level/build/spec their characters and gear their ships.
Yeah. Thing is, those cookie-cutter templates are as good as worthless, in terrms of furthering one's understanding of game mechanics. Like your skill-tree. For example, every noob (myself included) kinda automatically fills up Driver Coil 9/9 when they start out on STO, until, much later, they get to a point where they understand what those skills actually do; and then they decide whether they want to either keep or ditch is. And it's good that way. And Cryptic gives you enough respec tokens along the way to get it 'wrong' a few times.
I *did* learn a lot, though, looking at skillplanner skill-trees for specific builds (like escorts). If nothing else, those 'templates' imbued me with a sense of 'fitness for a particular purpose,' so to speak. But offering entire ship templates, with boffs and doffs to boot, I don't think it would really help a person learn the game: ere frustrate them, when something is not working out the way they envisioned, leaving them still clueless as to what they even did to cause that, and a way to fix it.
Um, without 'stifling' respecs in some way, the skill tree would simply be obsoleted/rendered meaningless on the spot. If you could gratuitously respec before every fight, you'd basically have 'Infinity' skills on everything. Might as well give everyone 9/9 on every skill to begin with, then.
Ergo, stifling is good.
Honestly, before S7 - I'd reroll guys every 2-3 weeks or so if I wanted to make any changes. I figure many folks were doing that. You could hit 50 in a weekend and be geared before the next weekend. Probably played a role in how things were setup for the S7 Rep Grinds...not so easy to reroll and more likely to pay the ridiculous cost of the respec.
I guess I wasn't around back then.
I didn't respec at whim - it was usually because Cryptic changed something that killed a build. With S7, I rerolled all my guys with a more general build rather than the optimized builds I used to run...because I knew that rerolls weren't going to happen and I'd be unlikely to pay that much for a respec.
You're being way too anal about the cookie cutter builds, which isn't the basis of what the OP is about.
It is also in this part of the forum because there isn't a section better suited for it.
The premise of the idea is about giving players Character Templates.
Templates which stores the information for Ship choice, items equipped on the ship, bridge officer station layout, active space duty officers, traits, reputation and hotbar layout.
For easy swapping between multiple ships/setups. Cryptic could monetize the amount of templates available, 1 for free, 2 for gold, and whatever 500 zen for additional template slots or what have you.
I wouldn't call those 'templates.' More like loadouts. And I would be very much in favor of at least being able to save/load ship loadouts (see EVE Online). With fitted boffs too, of course. It has always surprised me something so basic was never present in STO.
Preferably, I'd like to see doff slotting saved per-ship too. And before anyone says, it's not a problem when an item/boff/doff, etc, is not available: simply don't load it then (again, see EVE Online).
Hotbar saving already occurs per ship (thank Gawd!). Trait and reputation, though?! Seems kinda pointless to save those along with a ship profile/loadout. Other than that, good idea!
Wasn't about pro-cookie cutter or con-cookie cutter. Was just about folks being more educated about the game. No, they don't have to know every single mechanic inside and out by any means - I sure as Hell don't, and while I've put some effort into some areas - there are many, many areas where I still seek to learn more and ask more questions.
It's just about more folks having some basic understanding - with the belief that would lead to less complaints about things being broken that are not, less complaints about something being OP or UP, etc, etc, etc...that's all it is about.
Tom gives Jerry a template and says run this - it's awesome. Jerry runs it and it does not perform "awesome"...obviously there is nothing wrong with how Jerry might be running it or anything of the sort - there must be something broken, something else OP, or something UP about the build. That's my issue. And perhaps arguing certain things in other threads did bleed over into my reply even after I tried to tone it down - for that, I apologize.
What meimeitoo describes before this post, comes off as an awesome suggestion - it's basic utility/quality of life stuff that's missing from the game.
That's something which we agree on.