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Players VERSUS Craptech OPVP Tournys On The Fly

jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
edited July 2013 in PvP Gameplay
Those of you fortunate to have graced the Organizedpvp chat and fought in big 10v10 pvp, a set up game, or a tournament should know the joy associated with non-craptech branded pvp.

You don't have any afker or quitter, little to no whining, and everyone is there to try and win and have fun.

The pool of players has been there for 3 years, with 3500 members growing daily it will be here for the duration.

The Question is: How Can We Best Organize PVP Events to minimize hassle and expedite completion?

The answer in one form might have been found recently as I urged for an alternate 20man activity to big pvp.

The Protocols

1. Get interested parties into a specific chat channel where they can input their class/ship type.
(my impromptu tournaments used "SurpriseAttack"
2. Pick teamleaders.
(i did this by inviting wannabe leaders to bridge and emote rolling dice for high roll)
3. Pick teams.
(I had some success listing on the forums, in a specific thread for the specific event, an up to the minute post of all active players to be picked>> by far the biggest hassle)
4. Fight!
6. Profit

I encourage the playerbase to open their minds to new concepts and playing outside of their comfort zone. A resounding success the two tournaments i had in this style have been without question. With this schoolyard romp theme, there are a number of added benefits you dotn get from entering the standard q.

a: mixed faction teams
b: playing with new people
c: seeing new skills/powers/styles
d: opportunity for teamspeak
e: no "my fleets better than yours" attitudes
d: play complete games with active players in it to win it

A darker cynical look at the realities lets me see even further positives....

1. people who suck and are disruptive likely wont continue to be picked for team in this format... leaving the worst cryers and qqers on the bench.
2. with randomized captains no two tournaments will be the same
3. you wont ever see "all the good players on one team" the reknowned all stars will be picked in short order
4. people only bring ONE CLASS/SHIP to each event. Thismakesit atacfest.and that my friends. is good.

Qapla gg gl hf

stay tuned for next SurpriseAttack event. OR GET OUT THERE AND MAKE UP YOUR OWN!

comments,feedbacks or suggestions on how to expedite/streamline process always welcome. SurpriseAttack open channel (use for tournament ONLY)

Post edited by jjgrands420 on


  • skurfskurf Member Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yup. I've played in both of your tournies and both were super duper fantastic! :D Another benefit goes to people that play with others more than the recluse who nobody knows. If you play with others then you know who best to pick and others will know of you for when they pick. So get out there, get to know people, and join one of these SurpriseAttack tournies!

    Great work with it so far mini...I really enjoy them, even more than the big 10v10's cause the team is more organized with a captain that can pick the classes/ships he wants and teamspeak of course. Looking forward to the next!
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For those traumatized as children by being picked last, so perhaps you're thinking off passing up on such impromptu tourneys - give it some more thought, eh?

    Maybe you're just not well known, so it will give you an opportunity to show folks what you can do.

    Maybe you're a little rough around the edges, but it will give you the opportunity to get some pointers in a supportive environment.

    Folks in the community tend to be helpful to those that show initiative and interest. They want to build the community.

    So either way, it's a win-win for you.

    It's a damn nifty thing not-mini's doing here. :D
  • scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A little suggestion for you:

    I have a spreadsheet here:


    If you have a Google account, you could set a copy of this to public, and allow people to key in their captain names and chosen ship. After that, you pick the captains the way you usually do, and the team captains will assemble their teams by cut-and-pasting captain names into the slots. Might make it easier to tell who's been picked and who hasn't, because I think that was the slowest part of the process - aside from getting people onto TS, of course. :)
  • dirtyharib0dirtyharib0 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    That is exactly the kind of thing I had in mind when we did this last time, good stuff scurry. Shame I missed this one, any excuse to let toothless of the leash.
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For those traumatized as children by being picked last, so perhaps you're thinking off passing up on such impromptu tourneys - give it some more thought, eh?

    Maybe you're just not well known, so it will give you an opportunity to show folks what you can do.

    Maybe you're a little rough around the edges, but it will give you the opportunity to get some pointers in a supportive environment.

    Folks in the community tend to be helpful to those that show initiative and interest. They want to build the community.

    So either way, it's a win-win for you.

    It's a damn nifty thing not-mini's doing here. :D

    I got picked last :'(. I was hurt. Nobody loves me </3 :D

    Was good fun, but then again, I am not the most well known person :P
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    vegie0 wrote: »
    I got picked last :'(. I was hurt. Nobody loves me </3 :D

    Was good fun, but then again, I am not the most well known person :P

    I bet I could get picked last if I tried to join up! Yeah, yeah - I know it!

    With such awesome statements as the following made by me in the past:

    "I rarely ever toss anybody else a heal. Then again, the last time I tried to heal somebody - I ended up dropping the AtS out on one of their pets and the HE on one of their mines. I felt a little guilty when they popped, but I also kind of laughed my TRIBBLE off..."

    "I fly a Rom Plasma Beam Chel Grett...I like to fly around in circles going wheeeeeeeee!"

    "Sometimes when I'm in a match, I like to fly around and just shoot at pets or mines - never targeting another player. I really don't know why."

    "Anybody know if you can drop out a R-Tet Cascade and Iso before the Scramble wears off?"

    "I consider it a win if they fall asleep at the keyboard before I have to go for a smoke."

    "I think you learn more from dying, and I've got plenty left to learn."

    "So I was swooping in to fire off a Mega Torp and some random pet flew into it right as I fired. I was vaped instantly. It was freaking epic!"

    "My two mains are a Fed Eng in a Chel Grett and a KDF Eng in a JHEC." (my current main in training is actually a Reman Sci in a Fleet T'varo)

    "I fly a Sci Hegh'ta w/ 4x Sci BOFFs. If you die to him, you're doing it wrong."

    "Hrmmm, nobody's ever accused me of hax."

    "I don't blame cheese for losing - I know how much I suck."

    "They stealth nerfed APO. (the next day) Hey blue, can you close this thread for me - er - I made the same discovery 6 months ago and am getting senile. They never changed it. Sorry Jeff."

    "Did you hear the one about the baby Gorn that walked into a club?"

    So there you go, if anybody's concerned about being picked last - for a small fee, I can show up and guarantee you're not picked last. ;)

    But yeah, in all seriousness - those kind of tourneys, they're a good way to build the community - they look to be a blast - it's a bunch of pew pew fun without the pew pew /facepalm. Good stuff.
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