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what sci ship should I use?

semper8semper8 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Federation Discussion
So I'm leveling one of my alts, and I'm at the point that Im just about to need a RA ship.

My question is, what ship should I get? At first I was thinking maybe the wells (timeship) and have already started saving for it. But now there going for like 90 mil ec.... idk if I want to drop that much ec on a "ehhh" ship you know?? I was thinking maybe using the ec I have to buy about 60 keys and just open temp boxes and see what happens, then if I don't get it maybe just buying a vesta or carrier.

So what should I do? Just buy the well? Gamble? And what ship do you think would be best?
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  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Let me be the first to say this as honestly as the internet will allow:

    Whatever ship you want. :) I use a Mirror DSSV and love it. 1) I paid 60K EC for it (versus opening Lockboxes hoping on chance to win and requiring Keys which would cost either more EC OR actual money), 2) It looks cool to me - and Rule of Cool trumps all.

    BUT ... there are a lot of voices who would say "Go Vesta or go home". Okay, maybe not in those words, but the Vesta has A LOT of really good strengths for a Sci vessel. I'm just not willing to pay $50 for a lot of digital information packed into ONE "item".

    Milage varies, go with what you want to use because only you will actually use it :)
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Vesta :)

    if you want the Wells, then buy it. it is decent, nothing special (in light of the Vesta, lol).

    I personally would just simply go for lock boxing, so I would have a chance to luck it out, and get some lobi next to it (I would suggest tho, that you play the current lock box, as it has dilithium claims in them, if you luck out the ship, sell it, and buy the Wells).

    still, the Vesta can probably do, what you want the Wells to do, and will probably do far more

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited June 2013
    The Tal Shiar Adapted Battle Cruiser could make a good sci ship.

    It has the BOFF layout to do it, but it's built like a cruiser so you'll have more fire power and space.

    Perhaps a Carrier? I recommend the Jem Dreadnought or the Tholian Recluse over the Atrox. (And I own the Atrox).

    The Vesta will probably out perform any job the Time ship would have. You really only need one and most people recommend the Tactical version. DPS is king in this game.

    But here's the thing, you need to love the ship you fly, that's more important than anything else. If you hate the ship your not going to want to fly it, when I was leveling my Fed in Cruisers back when ships cost EC not Dilithium I took the (T3) Heavy Cruiser and hated it, I end up swapping to the Heavy Escort (T3 Akira) and loved it. My captains story was his assigned ship kept breaking down, issues with the 4 Nacelles so he kept getting reassigned to the Akira Class. When ever I think of Ressurecting that Cruiser as a T5, I keep looking at the Excelsior and thinking maybe that would be a better choice.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
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  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'd tend to go with the Vesta as well. The Wells basically has 2 advantages over a basic sci ship: turn rate and its special console. Those might make the difference for PvP, but in PvE they're just not that huge. I'd go for one of the basic or mirror ships over the Wells, just because it's so much cheaper and you don't lose much. The Vesta is the sci ship that really pulls way ahead, mainly because it can mount DHCs, and comes with the Aux DHCs that let you get high firepower without sacrificing the effectiveness of your sci abilities.
    But here's the thing, you need to love the ship you fly, that's more important than anything else.

    This is true, but I tend to find that if my ship is not effective that's the main thing that'll make me hate it. That could be just me.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have the Vesta, the Wells, the Intrepid and the Nebula.

    In days of old the choice was simple, Go intrepid for a sci ship that handled like an escort, or go nebula for a sci ship that handled like a cruser.

    These days its realy not a matter of choice, but rather a case of progression.

    The Vesta is better then the wells, the wells is better then the intrepid and the intrepid is better then the nebula. The only time this order is disrupted is if you put down 600 lobi on the temporal warfair set. If you do;

    The Wells is better then the vesta, the vesta is better then the intrepid, the intrepid is better then the nebula.

    As you are including the Wells in your selection you might also look into the tholian ships, as these are also science heavy. But I have no experience of them.
  • byzanathosbyzanathos Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i'm starting to think buying the really expensive ships is over rated. I've got the vesta pack but I still fly the basic 7 console intrepid in elite STF's and it's still awesome just a bit more of a challenge.

    fact is once you get together some really good gear even 7 console ships can plow through STF's

    if this is for an alt do you really want to go for one of the tippity top end ships? I mean you can get 10 console fleet ships pretty easy. and for a fraction of that cost you can get 9 console mirror ships.

    the standard Reconnaissance Science Vessel has 3 tac consoles, 9 total and a really good boff layout and you can tag that as a free ship.
  • exsteeleexsteele Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Perhaps if you told us what exactly you want to do, what role you want to play in various content?

    For instance, in STFs, I want to do crowd control. Slow down and destroy probes/assimilated vessels so that they can't reach their destinations. For this, I find that Gravity Well, Tractor beam, Tractor Beam Repulsors and Warp Plasma are the best tools in the game for such a thing. And the only Science vessels that can do ALL of that are the Wells and the Nebula.

    However, if you wanna be more of a straight up healer, an Intrepid is better thanks to its higher amount of Sci slots.

    If you wanna do more damage, the Deep Space Recon vessel has you covered.

    Aside from what ship, you may also want to look into what other abilities you want to have. For instance, I have all 3 pieces of the Dominion set (at MK 12 thanks to the lobi store trade-in), and I find that the Anti-Proton sweep is very handy when facing Donatra and her "cloak every 10 seconds" Scimmy. Of course, then I'm using Polaron weapons since the Dominion set gives a bonus to that damage type. The best part is that the Dom set only requires you to run the same mission twice and another one once, instead of grinding a dozen STFs .

    Other sets have valuable bonuses, too. Just make sure everything ties together. For instance, don't pursue the Breen Energy Disapator (from using all 3 parts of the Bren space set) if you don't have any points in power drain or any other draining abilities. But if drain is your game, go for it!
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    exsteele wrote: »
    However, if you wanna be more of a straight up healer, an Intrepid is better thanks to its higher amount of Sci slots.

    Strait up healing is better left to cruisers. You can do it with a science ship but a cruiser with a Lt.Com Science officer is better. Transfer shield strength and hazard emitters are fantastic abilities but if your keen on healing they aren't enough.

    Your going to want extend shields 3, which requires a commander engineering slot, and Auxiliary power to structural integrity field 2. Would be fantastic to have level 3 of that as well but it also requires a commander engineering slot.

    There are no Science heals at commander level. It allways bugs me when people say science ships are for healing. They really aren't, cruisers do it better. Science ships are for frustrating and annoying your enemies.Sure you can throw the odd heal to a team mate when they are in trouble, but you can do this with an escort as well, doesn't make escorts healers any more then it makes science ships.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why not just go otr stick with your Intrepod.It is what my Fed Sci off flys the most of.


    I would certianly like to know more on how you did that.
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  • fletch246xxxfletch246xxx Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Use the only full carrier for feds

    The Atrox has great sci powers AND fighters to add back some of the missing dps on sci ships
  • intrepid74656intrepid74656 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Use the only full carrier for feds

    The Atrox has great sci powers AND fighters to add back some of the missing dps on sci ships
    semper8 wrote: »
    So I'm leveling one of my alts, and I'm at the point that Im just about to need a RA ship.

    My question is, what ship should I get? At first I was thinking maybe the wells (timeship) and have already started saving for it. But now there going for like 90 mil ec.... idk if I want to drop that much ec on a "ehhh" ship you know?? I was thinking maybe using the ec I have to buy about 60 keys and just open temp boxes and see what happens, then if I don't get it maybe just buying a vesta or carrier.

    So what should I do? Just buy the well? Gamble? And what ship do you think would be best?

    What ships did you use before? For example if you liked the Intrepid flying at captain I think you are going to love the fleet version.

    I have the Vesta pack and I found the Vesta a bit too fragile for my taste (maybe I abused it a bit flying to much like an escort). Though certainly it's a multi purpose ship and possible the only pack "worth" 50 bucks.

    The Wells (and the Mobius for that part) have the possibility to fulfill almost any role depending on your personal/fleet preference. I have the Wells but didn't like the looks so it's rotting away now..

    Carriers are a whole different ballgame and being a Fed you only have a limited, but very nice selection. If you have enough lobi, certainly worth considering.
  • dwhornetdwhornet Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    semper8 wrote: »
    So I'm leveling one of my alts, and I'm at the point that Im just about to need a RA ship.

    My question is, what ship should I get? At first I was thinking maybe the wells (timeship) and have already started saving for it. But now there going for like 90 mil ec.... idk if I want to drop that much ec on a "ehhh" ship you know?? I was thinking maybe using the ec I have to buy about 60 keys and just open temp boxes and see what happens, then if I don't get it maybe just buying a vesta or carrier.

    So what should I do? Just buy the well? Gamble? And what ship do you think would be best?

    If your planning to get a Vesta or Atrox Carrier eventually you can claim it on all your characters, that alone gives me reason to think you should do just that.

    As far as the DSSV and the RSV (or mirror equivalents), the Tal shair adapted battle cruiser outclasses both of those ships in the science role. Science role being defined as having the universal commander being science. The only thing is the Tal shair adapted cruiser has less of a turn rate, but that became almost irrelevant when they changed almost all science based abilities to be 135 degrees from 90.

    I fly mine with a universal commander as tactical, which for PvE seems to work very well. I've gotten first place twice on star base 24 using the ship. keep in mind I only played it twice with it using an all beam build. Probably due to having 8 weapon slots, instead of 6 ;)

    Not having the wells class, I cannot comment on it. But with a price tag of 90 million, it's at a relative high, and should go back down. Especially if there is a key sale some time soon. You can easily buy 12 fleet modules now and buy 3 fleet level ships with the EC also.

    If I were you, I'd get both the Mirror RSV and mirror DSSV, play with them and get a feel for it. I have a feeling after you do you will want the battle cruiser hands down. I could be wrong, that may push you towards the vesta at some point.
  • dwhornetdwhornet Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oh just a thought, if you want the science carrier you also have the tholian recluse carrier. If you get that, buy the tholian pets that have attack pattern beta 2.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Some thoughts I'd like to contribute.

    The Fleet Nova has been an interesting ship to fly as Science so far. You might want to look into that, if you have enough ECs to buy them off of the Exchange.

    The Nebula has been seen in effective healer roles, so don't count it out.

    The Orb Weaver may be an avenue if you are looking for a cheaper lockbox science ship. I've talked to saxfire, a regular PvP player and eccentric build creator, and he recommends this ship for partigen damage. Nova could also do this too.

    TSABC... I wouldn't recommend this ship for anything but healing roles, since everywhere except Ker'rat, tanking is meaningless, and I have yet to see the ship perform in a heavy science role. Set it up like a Recluse build, and you are good to go for heals.
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  • dwhornetdwhornet Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Some thoughts I'd like to contribute.

    The Fleet Nova has been an interesting ship to fly as Science so far. You might want to look into that, if you have enough ECs to buy them off of the Exchange.

    The Nebula has been seen in effective healer roles, so don't count it out.

    The Orb Weaver may be an avenue if you are looking for a cheaper lockbox science ship. I've talked to saxfire, a regular PvP player and eccentric build creator, and he recommends this ship for partigen damage. Nova could also do this too.

    TSABC... I wouldn't recommend this ship for anything but healing roles, since everywhere except Ker'rat, tanking is meaningless, and I have yet to see the ship perform in a heavy science role. Set it up like a Recluse build, and you are good to go for heals.

    Just picked up an Orb Weaver from the exchange for 53 mil. lets check it out :P
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