I would like input on the following build; (Note this is a Fed Tac Romulan not a KDF Tac Romulan)
Mogai Heavy Warbird Retrofit
W/ 2 Beam Arrys, 2 Cannons, 1 Dual Beam & 2 Turrets all Polarized Disruptor Weapons
Console - Universal - Ionized Particle Beam
Console - Universal - Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator
Console - Universal - Plasmonic Leech
Console - Universal - Enhanced Plasma Manifold
If you own the Valdore and Mogai retrofit use the console set or at least the valdore console. Mount it in a science slot. I?d put the Mogai console in an engineering slot if you use it (thing is not worth much without a few points in flow capacitors.) Special consoles are nice and shiny but do not throw so many on your ship that you lose combat effectiveness in the bread and butter combat stat boosts they don?t provide. I hesitate to mount more than two or three personally.
Since you are desiring to use phased polaron weapons consider grinding out the purple XI Jem?Hadar space set to take advantage of the damage boost it provides. If you like it you can upgrade it to type XII purple by spending 150 lobi at the store vendor.
PS: As a TAC on the ground you definitely want to go for at least six points in combat specialist for the DPS boosts to everything you do. You really should consider three points in inertial dampeners and power insulators as you really note the difference vs the Borg and other foes.
Secondary is the power cycling of beams is not advantageous. In a nutshell, your cannons would be firing while your power is lower from the long beam shot cycle, resulting in less DPS.
But I wouldn't dismiss your weapon layout all together without knowing more. Is there a compelling reason why you're mixing the types? What is your goal with the ship (if maximum possible DPS is the answer, you're going to get a lot of 3-4 DHC, 3 Turret, no beam answers). Also, what BO abilities are you slotting? That link didn't have any selections.
I agree on the beam arrays, but not neccessarily on the DBB. It's fun to run one of those paired with DHCs in a ship that has the Tac BOFF slots to support a beam overload in addition to your cannon powers.