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34,000 bug reports in 13 days

frtoasterfrtoaster Member Posts: 3,352 Arc User
When Legacy of Romulus appeared on Holodeck (May 21, 2013), the first bug I reported had ticket ID #1,701,381; the last bug I reported today (June 2, 2013) had ticket ID #1,735,097. Assuming that the ticket ID increments by 1 each time a bug is reported, this means that approximately 34,000 bugs were reported in 13 days. On average, about 2,600 bugs were reported per day. Of course, more bug reports are expected when Legacy of Romulus first launched, and more bug reports are expected during weekends than weekdays. It is also unknown how many of the bug reports are duplicates.
Waiting for a programmer ...
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  • lucianazetalucianazeta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    frtoaster wrote: »
    When Legacy of Romulus appeared on Holodeck (May 21, 2013), the first bug I reported had ticket ID #1,701,381; the last bug I reported today (June 2, 2013) had ticket ID #1,735,097. Assuming that the ticket ID increments by 1 each time a bug is reported, this means that approximately 34,000 bugs were reported in 13 days. On average, about 2,600 bugs were reported per day. Of course, more bug reports are expected when Legacy of Romulus first launched, and more bug reports are expected during weekends than weekdays. It is also unknown how many of the bug reports are duplicates.


    Just look at the forum and how often duplicate threads are made on it, we've got T5 Connie and Escorts are OP threads on a daily basis.

    But yeah, it's especially piling up because Cryptic hasn't released any bugfixes yet since launch, I believe they are piling them all up to fix them all at once, or at least, the latest Ask Cryptic seems to point to that belief.
  • x0ligyx0ligy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Alot of tickets will be anger about the constant down time, items missing and other gripe not all will be bug reports or duplicate bug reports. Thing is they dont inform you about anything other than "Server maintenance" and play all their cards close to there chest.

    Why? so they dont have to explain it when more things mess up!

    Ive already had loggin issues today and after 10 attempts went and played another game, yet they have constantly been working on these "issues" for how many weeks? Ofc they moved my post and added to the title (Pc Problems) When i could not connect to there server :rolleyes: my et was fine i checked, there server failed same places.
  • sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Also, I believe bug reports/ticket #s are shared across the platform as well [at least all Cryptic games, possibly since been unified into the PWE support queue].

    Otherwise, you're looking at over 1,700,000 bug reports since Feb 2010 (~1209 days) or an average of 1400 bug reports a day. So a burst by your numbers, but not as significant of one given issue.

    Also, it is important to note that a bug report reflects # of people with an occurrence rather than # of bugs.

    Still, the bugs needs to get fixed. There are some really annoying ones out there.
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Conversely, the number of reported bugs is much smaller than the number that actually occur, since not everyone bothers to file a ticket. (Oh, and the reporting system was itself down for a while...)
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  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    when was the last confirmed working instance of the game's report a bug feature?

    This thing has not been working properly since S1 or 2? Wouldn't be surprised if the ticket number generator applies some insane doff style crit success chances.
  • neridiumneridium Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    OP, I think the system used for reporting bugs is also used for Neverwinter. I've been Beta testing there and seen number's in the region you've described. I think the 34,000 represents both games and maybe even Champs too.
  • insanesenatorinsanesenator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    What if the bug reporting software doesn't go incrementally for bug reports... what if THAT is a bug?
  • sudoku7sudoku7 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    naevius wrote: »
    Conversely, the number of reported bugs is much smaller than the number that actually occur, since not everyone bothers to file a ticket. (Oh, and the reporting system was itself down for a while...)

    You are correct. I shouldn't have used reflect in hindsight. More appropriate to say it is indicative? In any case, yes. The majority of folks aren't going to file a bug report when they come across one [this is sadly true even in public betas].

    And the reporting system is blargy in any case.
  • kublakhan81kublakhan81 Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    And don't forget multiple people reporting the same bug, mail system, for example.
  • madpeuro1madpeuro1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Having played since the game was in beta, they never seem to get all the bugs fixed. The glitches that were harmless fun, were removed but the ones that continue to lose them support from their players remain. Cryptic, please take a break from adding things to the game for a while and focus just on getting all these bugs sorted out.
  • shevetshevet Member Posts: 1,667 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Of course, there is a problem with the bug reporter itself - it's supposed to let you search to see if a bug's already been reported, so you don't wind up submitting a duplicate.

    I've never yet seen that feature work. (Of course, I submitted a bug report about that. And so, I imagine, did a lot of other people.)

    Duplicates. Lots and lots and lots of duplicates. This, though, is part of the problem in itself....
  • kaltoumkaltoum Member Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Just to make an estimate how horribly buggy this MMO is you don't even need to look at the ticket number. Just look at bug section of these forums. You will be amazed how many people make bug reports just in one day.

    I enjoy this game but to be frank this MMO has more bugs than Starship troopers.
    Once upon a time in galaxy far far away......
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