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Future Of Community Based PVP

jjgrands420jjgrands420 Member Posts: 135 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvP Gameplay
HAIL! Those familiar with the organizedpvp chat channel, the big games, "no bs tournaments" and spirit of cooperative gaming (despite cryptics failures) should be privy to the efforts put forth by people trying to improve the level of gameplay and enjoyment for all players.

In that vein let us brainstorm some things WE as PLAYERS can do to improve the game. I have personally went out of my way to host many 10v10 games in opvp chat, whether ur into that sort of thing or not at least we are trying. To get a game when pop fails, when u find only afker pugs and slaughterforce premades in Q.......

Rumblings of "League" based play have been about for years, where cryptics lack of a ranking structure, in game "points" pvp system, or even stats tracking has failed, us players can compensate.

So what would you like to SEE?>> I and other long time players do with their time to present an enjoyable gaming experience to the masses?

>> I thought long about the idea of debates neverending rules.. and to simply eliminate entirely I suggest a league that would be like interleague baseball. Homefield determines ruleset. At AL : DH. So If you were in a game and u lost the roll, or whatever decided it, you wouldnt cry. It be like horse. Hey if he can dunk behind his head one handed off the tree and you cant.. his game. You got ur turn coming. Shuttles anyone?

just a thought. lets be positive forwardlooking and never complacent!!


p.s. i want killboards, minicampaigns, permanent stat tracking... whats ur dream for pvp, that is within our grasp as players?
Post edited by jjgrands420 on


  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,412 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I'd like to see both 'fleet' and 'personal' stats, with leaderboards, detailed stat records, and maybe even a fleet special project to add such a thing to your starbase.

    So you'd have like a 'Fleet Command Deck' on your starbase that'd be a big command and control area- much larger than the teensy tiny ones on either starbase.

    You'd have a record of all members in your fleet, their Kill/Death/Healed ratios, detailed access to information about pvp participation by those players- how often they play, what types they play, whether they play with a pre-made team or just by themselves.

    More advanced gateway options that could be worked into the starbase, and allow for detailed player profiles- maybe Jim@Kirk is a strike ambusher, so he could enter those details under his PVP profile, and anyone in the fleet could call it up, look at his setup, leave advice, or put in a request to team with him.

    I'd also like to see some sort of dedicated 'fleet pvp weapons' facility that would deal primarily in buffs that add another layer of complexity to pvp for users to explore.

    Stuff like:

    1. Buffs. Much like the existing Boost category fleet buffs, which you can smuggle into space PVP with the right trick, these would be craftable by players with access to an appropriate tier fleet pvp war room holding, and would be consumables that boost skills.

    2. Devices that provide specific but limited functionality- stuff like the Nukara Web Breaker, but not consumable. There's only one device in the game currently that's reuseable and not a battery, and everyone mounts it- the subspace field modulator. I'd like to see more options on that table.

    3. 'Team' Consmetic options. These would be single shot or perhaps 'X charges' items that apply some sort of cosmetic effect to every ship on your team.

    For instance, maybe The Pretty Princesses PVP Fleet buys a 'Pink Tractor Beams' team cosmetic item and activates it during a pvp match. For the rest of their match, all tractor beams originating from their ships are bright pink. Or blue, or dark green- or that sort of thing.

    4. Options to unlock options that are basically extinct at the moment due to only being acquirable through real money- namely team batteries and dual system consumables. Make them procurable in batches from the fleet pvp war room store, but require some sort of provision for each batch so there's a cost in time and dilithium, not lobi.

    5. Allow fleets to host 'events', and have finer control over how people are invited to their starbases. Make it so that fleets can 'lock down' access to the lower decks, or the vendor room. They can invite people to their starbase, but only authorized players can access the vendors- that way fleets can show off their stuff without players mooching their high tier toys.

    5a. As an aside, add a new fleet holding, for some sort of 'war games field', with a little monitoring station of some sort. This one might take some work, but the basic idea would be to allow for people *on the ground* to view space PVP outside the windows. Maybe even just for 1 v 1 fights.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A lot of problems would go away simply with having a larger community. While we have some excellent players and fleets that make it up, we don't need an official leaderboard to be able to roughly rank quite a few fleets in terms of ability. And that shouldn't be possible. There needs to be more uncertainty otherwise it largely becomes a foregone convolution and that's boring for everyone.

    I know everyone shivers at the idea of a PvP reputation, but done properly it'd breathe a bit of life in.

    An almighty balance check.

    Gozer wanted to use existing PvPers to help rebuild PVP. When it comes to making new gametypes they'll need us to make sure it works and is bug free. Then open it up to Foundry authors to make some new maps, who wouldn't want to make a map to be forever used dally by hundreds of players?

    A season or even half a season's worth of hard work Devside would totally put PvP where it should be in 2013 so long as it's done right and gets plenty of testing.
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • havamhavam Member Posts: 1,735 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    • Remove FvF queues. The wait times for the FvK are atrocious.
    • Improved challenge queues so we can implement rules via the queue system.
    • Cryptic organized themes. ONe month we have shuttle wars as special pvp thingy, the next its heal the hulk. Something to add vaviery but with enough consistency to make it worth while adapting a builds and tactics.
    • A "/stopleveling" command. This would enable us to have pvp at lower tiers more reliably, it would also remove most problems with items and sets. Introduce new builds (since we have less BO slots) and would only leave some Very Rare Doffs as trouble makers
    • Some integration into the game as a whole. Territory control, some general stats about the war on the big social zones, accolades/titles/tribbles/scarfs.... for participating in pvp events. How about random pvp raids: take the maps in game randomly open one up for pvp through the dialy event times like bonus rep, tour the galaxy etc. ... So for one hour we fight over eg. vulcan. At the end of the month/week/whatever whichever faction won more matches get a bonus to the DIL/EC/FM awarded to all those who participated.
    • As for rewards: I don't want new items, we really have enough in game with many impossible to acquire reliably already. Numeric rewards for the fleet and helping its base, vanity costumes, or more reliable ways to get xyz doff space trait, would be great. We need to encourage people to pvp without farming.

  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I like the OP's "Baseball League" analogy... having been a Soccer Commissioner for many years, the idea of League play doesn't require a whole lot (if anything) from Cryptic... if we are willing to work at it. It would be great if they were to throw something into the ring, but it is not required.

    Any Sport League software would work... I use the rec. league because it makes the most sense in this environment (unknown number of teams).

    Teams are registered with a team leader (to receive schedules, and responsible for sending match results to the league admin/record keeper).. say 5 players and 2 alts. These are LISTED players (i.e. not @handles, but names that show on the PVPREPORT) character handles.

    The league will schedule games (perhaps creating divisions based on locality (for ease in scheduling (EU vs US)).

    Games are played, both team captains submitting the PVP Report to the league (double check) for entry and stats (only the info from the pvp report will be used).

    After X weeks of regulation play, a division play-off... finishing with a championship series with the top 4/8 teams from EU and US in a double elimination match system.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    FYI: I would be willing to assist with League Admin... stats tracking and the like...

    Rules are going to be tricky... there are a lot of talk about OP abilities/consoles... My recommendation is that if it is available in game, then it is fair game. That might not be a popular idea, but it would shorten the rule list by a HUGE factor.

    Individual Characters can be on only 1 team, that means that Alt's can be a member of other teams (scheduling conflicts are at your own risk).

    League will schedule games (create matches), but the team leaders can work together to reschedule a given match. For the evening hours in the "middle" time zone for EU and US (this is to try and accommodate various time zones).

    Team size limited to 7. Fleet membership is not a determining factor. While you can register a fleet team, it is not required that all members be from the same fleet.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A single queue system with mixed teams.

    Prevent people from joining more than one queue at a time.
    [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
    [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
    Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    havam wrote: »

    • Remove FvF queues. The wait times for the FvK are atrocious.

    At this point, the only fair thing would be to remove FvF & FvK & KvK.

    Just one big cross-faction queue.

    Everyone has more games available and any perceived notions of "factional imbalance due to item or ship X" suddenly goes away as you always have a chance of having it on your team or facing it on your opponents team.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    At this point, the only fair thing would be to remove FvF & FvK & KvK.

    Just one big cross-faction queue.

    Everyone has more games available and any perceived notions of "factional imbalance due to item or ship X" suddenly goes away as you always have a chance of having it on your team or facing it on your opponents team.

    romulans made FvF, FvK, and KvK very silly. to preserve the 2 factions they made them look even more the same, both sides having romulans. their whole point of having an allie failed, its pointless to have faction ques now. they just didn't want to make new starbase designs, and everyone have to level up new star basses. at least theres that, no new base hell grinds.
  • johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    At this point, the only fair thing would be to remove FvF & FvK & KvK.

    Just one big cross-faction queue.

    Everyone has more games available and any perceived notions of "factional imbalance due to item or ship X" suddenly goes away as you always have a chance of having it on your team or facing it on your opponents team.

    I definitely see your point Ulti... but really would rather they retain the XvX to some extent. I am holding out that at some point in the future we can have meaningful PVP "missions" beyond the pitiful ones we have now.

    You know my wish list: Territorial Control, Missions with actual Objectives that must be accomplished (think Fleet Alert, Starbase Incursion, Colony Invasion... but in PVP) Not just a map, but something both sides are looking to accomplish.

    Edit: Why not remove the faction queue, but not mix the teams... if you are queued.. youre queued... but you may get FvF, or FvK no guarantees either way.

    Personally, I think we should all be pushing to break the Rom's away from their "ally" and have a viable 3rd faction. With the ability for 3 way pvp.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I definitely see your point Ulti... but really would rather they retain the XvX to some extent.

    Unfortunately that does two things, in reality, in this game:

    1) Sees most feds queue for FvF instead of FvK. Other Fed players can sometimes be devils but better the devil you know in their opinion.

    2) Forces KDF players to face KDF players. (Which they seemingly do not want to do in KvK very often).

    In an ideal PvP focused game where the devs actually take PvP into consideration when designing things, and worry about balance (because it affects fun & sustainability) - yeah, faction vs. faction could be great fun.

    This is not that game.

    PWE and by extension Cryptic now, do not really focus on sustainability in their games as far as I can see.

    They are very consistently selling us power creep update after power creep update (this is unsustainable by any game that does not at least have a dungeon progression, which this game does not - its definitely not sustainable for PvP).

    You have developers, honest guys, come here and post things like (paraphrasing):

    'We think there is too much subsystem power in the system already'

    Followed with:

    Feds getting Plasmonic Leech, Warp Cores adding more power into subsystems, Warp Cores creating higher power caps, Warp cores that have battery like effects, Singularity Cores that add power to a system based on Singularity Charge (+5 to +15).


    'We know ACC is problematic. Except a post on ACC soon'

    Followed with:

    ACCx2 Fleet weapons
    ACCx3 Lockbox weapons (the first of their kind available)
    +10% ACC Andorian Escort 2 piece bonus
    +10% ACC to beams through Nukara console


    Up to +6.3% DEF from a single superior/superior traited Reman BOFF +3.8% DEF from Captain (Reman) Trait, Elusive available to nearly everyone.

    With just the race/boffs you can add 35.3% more defense to your ship.

    Nothing exasperates the need for ACC like adding more defense and in fact more defense than ACC.

    I'm not going to make any grandiose pronouncements on why I think we have somethings get said that go one way, and then an update not too much time after that seems to do the exact opposite, but that quite clearly does happen repeatedly.

    Sorry for the off topic post.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Geko wants to preserve RvB. RvB does not require Fed, KDF, F-Rom, K-Rom, or anything. It just requires two teams. FvF...is still RvB. KvK...is still RvB. FvK...is RvB just like FvF and KvK. One team is Red. One team is Blue.

    As long as there are still Private Matches available, then there's not stopping anybody from creating League Play or even Campaign Play. There are so many things that could be done if folks really wanted to do it...

    ...lots of folks just want some wham-bam pew pew fun. RvB queues (Assault, Capture and Hold, Arena (Ground/Space))...would work for that.
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