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Perfect World, Cryptic...it's time. We need a new Constitution class.



  • sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lianthelia wrote: »
    Like its been said, those 29th century ships have been stripped of all of their useful tech...they're nothing more than a shell.

    I suppose with these kind of arguments, why would Starfleet want to work with shells they abandoned centuries ago when they have fancy ships from the future?

    Actually, the hull of the Wells Class is still 29th Century metallurgical technology, so unless the hull of the ship was removed... which it would not be a ship then, 29th Century Technology MUST still exist on the wells and that argument is completely invalid.
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Dear Cryptic and Perfect World

    I think it's really cool that we get Fleet refits of older ships. I personally find many of the older ships to be more aesthetically pleasing than the newer ones, and I love my Fleet Excelsior class. But with all the refits and re-releases, one must wonder why we still don't have the ultimate iconic federation ship. In my opinion, out've all the ships in the line, no class is cooler than The Constitution Class and Connie Refit. (The Miranda Class is a close second...darn scary looking...)

    Here's what I propose. Don't just re-release The TOS Constitution Cruiser, Cruiser set, and Cruiser Refit with upgraded stats and "Unique" material. (Though you should definitely do that.) Make some new ships based on the Connie Class. None that are exactly like the little cruisers, but bigger, updated ones that have the feel of the ships we know and love.

    For example, I think that
    would make a great "tactical" version of the beloved vessel.

    Not everyone will agree with me, but I think the Abrams version of The Enterprise was beautiful, so if we could get one that looks a bit more like that, maybe as a science vessel version.

    TOS version would make a nice "standard" version
    and the refit
    could be a retrofit of some kind.

    Also, having seen Star Trek: Into Darkness and loved it, I really want a U.S.S. Vengance style Dreadnought.

    I think all these ships should be released as one, as opposed to the way The Odyssey class and Strategic, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance Science vessels were, that way we can mix-and-match ship parts. I think the customization of the ships is half the fun of having them. Also these ships would have to be huge as well, at least ad big as the Odyssey class. I miss old Enterprise, and nothing would fill my Trekkie heart with glee more than fling around in a re-imagined classic Enterprise with enough weapons and armor to make the Iconians nervous and a size that would make a Borg queen blink.

    Please take these suggestions into consideration.
    Sincerely, A Dedicated Member

    (What're your thoughts on all this, STOers?)

    Cryptic already made their "tribute" vessels to the Constitution / Refit.

    Excalibur Class
    Vesper Class
    Exeter Class

    All they need to do now is create Fleet T5 version of the T2 Cruiser, with these 3 (and only these 3) ship skins.

    They have the Fleet T2 Escort and the Fleet T2 Science ship. Both of those vessels are 40+ years older than the Excalibur & Vesper, both of which (by Cryptic's own canon) were developed in the 2400s, while the Nova and Sabre were built in the 2370s.

    This is what Cryptic needs to do, which would put the T5 Connie debate to rest. It would give players who enjoy the aesthetics of the Connie a reasonable modern alternative on par with the other Fleet retrofits of the same tier.

    But as for a T5 Connie...no.
    T5 Connie Refit...no.
    T5 JJprise...no.
    T5 JJprise Dreadnought...no.

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Actually, the hull of the Wells Class is still 29th Century metallurgical technology, so unless the hull of the ship was removed... which it would not be a ship then, 29th Century Technology MUST still exist on the wells and that argument is completely invalid.

    Well its Cryptic's story, I'd still take it before seeing some rust bucket Constitution class or better yet ships from a significantly different universe in game.

    Let them do the Excalibur, Exeter, and Vesper...I think that would be a acceptable compromise.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • rrincyrrincy Member Posts: 1,023
    edited June 2013
    Cryptic already made their "tribute" vessels to the Constitution / Refit.

    Excalibur Class
    Vesper Class
    Exeter Class

    All they need to do now is create Fleet T5 version of the T2 Cruiser, with these 3 (and only these 3) ship skins.

    They have the Fleet T2 Escort and the Fleet T2 Science ship. Both of those vessels are 40+ years older than the Excalibur & Vesper, both of which (by Cryptic's own canon) were developed in the 2400s, while the Nova and Sabre were built in the 2370s.

    This is what Cryptic needs to do, which would put the T5 Connie debate to rest. It would give players who enjoy the aesthetics of the Connie a reasonable modern alternative on par with the other Fleet retrofits of the same tier.

    But as for a T5 Connie...no.
    T5 Connie Refit...no.
    T5 JJprise...no.
    T5 JJprise Dreadnought...no.

    i support this ^
    12th Fleet
    Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
    U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
  • ussdelphin2ussdelphin2 Member Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Although I don't really object, this being a game and all, but it would be very strange. Refiting or retrofiting 200+ year old ships?
    Can you imagine turning a 200 year ship (the water ones) into a modern day Naval standard vessel? It would have to be completely rebuilt. Its not time or cost effective, nor would the end result be on par with the new designs. The excelsior is a stretch already.

    That's what a lot of people can't get their heads around, like the NX class in game, it is not a refit/retrofit of an old vessel, its a brand new vessel that visually looks the same as the old vessel but is built with modern materials and has modern equipment....

    A T5 Constitution class would be that, a brand new ship, straight out of the ship yard and no the size of the ship would not matter because if ship size did matter the Defiant class would be a T1 ship.

    Its not a ship I would buy but I would have no objection to seeing it in the game. And their is also no reason why these ships would not or could not hold their own against a Sovereign class... only a numpty would think there would be.
    How I picture a lot of the forumites :P
  • januhulljanuhull Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    iowa class battleship,
    50 years old, still one of the scariest things at sea.
    and if they refit them with the THEL and railgun systems being developed, they will still be as scary 50 years from how.

    comparing barely conceptualised of ww1 aircraft, to a matured tech continuind development is fallacious at best.

    If you are comparing 200 years of difference, try this. Take the HMS Victory, the only First Rate Ship of the Line still afloat, four decks of cannon, better than a hundred of them in total. Retrofit it however you want, and put it toe to toe with a little dingy ship, say the USS Arleigh Burke, a guided missile destroyer in service with the US Navy, and stick them in a match up.

    The Victory is toast before the Burke clears the horizon...
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    starkaos wrote: »
    No. The Constitution should never be on par with the Sovereign. It would be like a steamship destroying a nuclear sub.

    As far as any of Abram's Star Trek stuff goes, it is currently off limits for STO due to licensing issues. I would like to have the Vengeance in the game, but it is not going to happen.

    A refitted/revamped constitution isn't going to be identical to the old ship, it would be better fitted and better equipped to take on the likes of the sovereign , just because its an old style brought back Dosnt mean its the same stuff in its guts.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Tier 5 Miranda FTW. the miranda is a connie head with nacelles and a torpedo attachment, so like the connie both should be made t5.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mindmage2 wrote: »
    What part of "No Tier 5 Connie" do you people not understand? CBS said "NO". End of story.

    One thing I'd like to see are the Wrath of Kahn uniforms having changeable ranks.

    Clearly not everyone will know this so it's not a case of "you people" as you put it not understanding , just because you know CBS said no does not mean the rest of the players do. And I'd vote for a teir 5 constitution .

    I'd love to have some older ships for vice admiral level , I understand plenty of people don't want this, but I support it.
  • seanftdseanftd Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They would know it if they bothered to do a search to see if this has been suggested previously before startting another thread.

    Not everyone wants to sit and search through an endless amouth of threads on forums.
    And if someone wants to start a new thread then that's up to them
  • alpharaider47#7707 alpharaider47 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why not handle it like the Mirror Universe vessels in game? I know a lot of people have issues with the JJ Enterprise, however, if you check out some of the different sizes given for it, it could potentially be ranked higher than T1/T2. Some figures make it a monster compared to the original Constitution. Given that the game already has elements of the Abrams movie worked in- destruction of Romulus, etc, it would make sense to me if a "timeship" argument were made regarding it, and we get a nice shiny ship out of it- one that could arguably perform on par with many of the new/higher tier ships that we already have. Granted, permission would have to be gained for it to work, but it avoids the "refit an old ship" issue, and satisfies what the OP was essentially getting at.

    It does not make sense to refit/retrofit an incredibly old ship to match ships that already outperform it, however it does make more sense to incorporate an already capable ship that happens to share visual elements with an older ship.

    That's my take on it anyways, and if it makes any difference, I'd be willing to drop some serious cash on the new Enterprise.
    STO Beta Test and Launch Veteran
  • ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Why not handle it like the Mirror Universe vessels in game? I know a lot of people have issues with the JJ Enterprise, however, if you check out some of the different sizes given for it, it could potentially be ranked higher than T1/T2. Some figures make it a monster compared to the original Constitution. Given that the game already has elements of the Abrams movie worked in- destruction of Romulus, etc, it would make sense to me if a "timeship" argument were made regarding it, and we get a nice shiny ship out of it- one that could arguably perform on par with many of the new/higher tier ships that we already have. Granted, permission would have to be gained for it to work, but it avoids the "refit an old ship" issue, and satisfies what the OP was essentially getting at.

    It does not make sense to refit/retrofit an incredibly old ship to match ships that already outperform it, however it does make more sense to incorporate an already capable ship that happens to share visual elements with an older ship.

    That's my take on it anyways, and if it makes any difference, I'd be willing to drop some serious cash on the new Enterprise.

    God I hate reboots. :rolleyes:

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
  • javaman1969javaman1969 Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I've got a really pretty T2 Constitution "tribute" cruiser from picking and choosing from all the available skins myself. I'm just hit level 17 now; and it has some pretty cool toys inside. I have 3 more Lt.Cmdr levels to upgrade it until I'm offered a new boat. This game is cool enough to let me play with all different kinds of ships as I advance and I plan to do just that. Eventually, I'm going to want whatever is the state of the art in 2409. I can always transplant higher level systems into my old T2 later just to see how she runs. Granted she'll have a lot less slots.
    His methods have become unsound.
  • javaman1969javaman1969 Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    rrincy wrote: »
    i support this ^
    Cryptic already made their "tribute" vessels to the Constitution / Refit.

    Excalibur Class
    Vesper Class
    Exeter Class

    ...This is what Cryptic needs to do, which would put the T5 Connie debate to rest. It would give players who enjoy the aesthetics of the Connie a reasonable modern alternative on par with the other Fleet retrofits of the same tier.

    But as for a T5 Connie...no.
    T5 Connie Refit...no.
    T5 JJprise...no.
    T5 JJprise Dreadnought...no.

    I can deal with this Exeter is a nice design.

    I've got a really pretty T2 Constitution "tribute" cruiser by mish-mashing exterior components from all the available skins of the type, so, she's MY style cruiser, not JJ's or anyone else's. I just hit level 17 and it has some pretty cool toys inside now. I have 3 more Lt.Cmdr levels to upgrade it until I'm offered a new boat. This game is cool enough to let me play with all different kinds of ships as I advance and I plan to do just that. At "captain" level I see my Sci officer character skippering an Intrepid, which is a nice looking ship. Eventually, I'm going to want whatever is the state of the art in 2409. I can always transplant higher level systems into my old T2 later just to see how she runs. Granted I'll probably miss the extra slots.
    His methods have become unsound.
  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    coldbeer72 wrote: »
    Why does this conversation keep repeating?

    I'm just going to answer this one question, and try not to get involved in the argument again:

    Because fans of TOS (and TMP) love the Connie. They love it beyond logic, beyond reason, beyond any argument you can make against it (it's too old, etc etc etc).
    You cannot argue with love, you cannot defeat emotion with logic. (Certainly not in Trek, where emotion beats logic every single time.)

    People who love the Connie, who love old Trek, will keep asking for it no matter how many times they are told no. Because their dream is to fly the ship that they love in this game. That's all there is to it.

    And I'm out.
    Join Date: January 2011
  • lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    What part of "No Tier 5 Connie" do you people not understand? CBS said "NO". End of story.

    This. One of the definitions of insanity is repeating the same action over and over and expecting a different outcome
    If I tweaked a Steamship I could easily destroy a Nuclear Sub, which in itself is a Steamship, so I would be using the same reactor tech, armor and ordinance as the sub, but keeping the ship small and maneuverable.

    Sub would never know what hit it.

    Are you serious? If you believe that you are delusional. A nuclear sub is only a 'steamship' in that the propulsion if steam based. It is not a steamship in the sense that you are thinking of. You could not 'tweak' a steamship to do anything remotely close to what you are considering. In reality, a nuclear sub could destroy such a ship long before the crew even know that the sub was there. The same armor and ordnance? really? Do you even know that outfitting a surface ship with submarine ordnance isn't even physically possible, and vice versa? You really need to go look up how a submarine actually works before you claim anything like this again
    Actually, I'd say the timeships are the best argument against the "It's hundreds of years old" point. They're twenty-ninth century ships - as far in the future of STO as the NX and Connie are in the past, and, with the fact that technological development accelerates over time, orders of magnitude greater in the difference in advancement. Yet the twenty-fifth century ships coexist with them quite nicely.

    uh...what? thats like saying you invented a time machine in the 21st century, took a nuclear aircraft carrier back to the middle ages and then say 'wooden ships are just fine in the 21st century because a nuclear carrier works just fine in 1300 AD'
    Is there some kind of pathology that makes people on forums blind?

    It's a modern era starship that just looks like a steamship!

    I could ask you the same question. The 'it just looks like an old ship!!!' argument is not valid. It uses the same construction techniques and given the fact that it is designed to the same general specifications it would have the same approximate limitations. You can build a replica of the HMS Victory today, but you'll never turn it into a ship capable of going up against even the most simple military ship of the 21st century
    The design of the ship determines its potential. No matter how much technology is added to an old design, it can only reach a certain potential and that potential is a Tier 1 ship.

    iowa class battleship,
    50 years old, still one of the scariest things at sea.
    and if they refit them with the THEL and railgun systems being developed, they will still be as scary 50 years from how.

    battleships have been obsolete since the end of world war 2. they were replaced by the aircraft carrier as far as being used in combat
    This argument would carry some weight if it wasn't already contradicted in-game. But since the B'Rel, D'Kyr and Kumari are all Tier-5 compatible, this argument has already been disproven.

    no it hasn't
    Why the hell not, we have Andorian Ships from 200 years ago destroying Wells Class Timeships from the 29th Century... How is that not stupid? Your argument is invalid.

    1. because its hundreds of years old
    2. because it is obsolete
    3. because the other ships should not be in the game either, 2 wrongs don't make a right
    4. his argument is not invalid, yours doesn't make any sense at all
    5. the kumari is not the same ship as the original. it uses a similar design and was named in that ships honor
    Mentioned it in the other Tier 5 Constitution thread, make Holographic Ship Costumes permanent and put the Constitution Holographic Costume in the GPL store. Problem solved. Fans of the Tier 5 Constitution are able to pilot a Constitution and people that have a problem with it don't have a problem with it not making sense to have a ship from the 23rd Century be on par with 25th Century ships. While we are at it, we could add Model T Ford holographic ship designs and 16th Century Galleon holographic ship designs.

    no. cbs said no to the ship they would say no to that as well. aside from that, its not the same thing
    Partially as a consequence, Congress passed Pub. L. 109-364, the National Defense Authorization Act 2007, requiring the battleships be kept and maintained in a state of readiness should they ever be needed again.[29] Congress has ordered that the following measures be implemented to ensure that, if need be, Iowa and Wisconsin can be returned to active duty:
    1.Iowa and Wisconsin must not be altered in any way that would impair their military utility;
    2.The battleships must be preserved in their present condition through the continued use of cathodic protection, dehumidification systems, and any other preservation methods as needed;
    3.Spare parts and unique equipment such as the 16-inch (410 mm) gun barrels and projectiles be preserved in adequate numbers to support Iowa and Wisconsin, if reactivated;
    4.The navy must prepare plans for the rapid reactivation of Iowa and Wisconsin should they be returned to the navy in the event of a national emergency.[29]

    These four conditions closely mirror the original three conditions that the Nation Defense Authorization Act of 1996 laid out for the maintenance of Iowa and Wisconsin while they were in the Mothball Fleet.[4][10]

    they can never and will never be used again in anything resembling a combat role. I don't care what shape they are in. an aircraft carrier can bring down several battleships with little to no difficulty. that is why they are obsolete. just ask the bismarck and the yamato
    Actually, the hull of the Wells Class is still 29th Century metallurgical technology, so unless the hull of the ship was removed... which it would not be a ship then, 29th Century Technology MUST still exist on the wells and that argument is completely invalid.

    that statement makes no sense. a hull is a hull. there is no 'technology' involved. it is simply a hull. the fact that a hull exists does not in any way whatsoever imply or require that any kind of technology exists within it
    Clearly not everyone will know this so it's not a case of "you people" as you put it not understanding , just because you know CBS said no does not mean the rest of the players do. And I'd vote for a teir 5 constitution .

    no, cbs said no, that means no. it doesn't matter what the players think or say, the answer was given. that answer is no

    Not everyone wants to sit and search through an endless amouth of threads on forums.
    And if someone wants to start a new thread then that's up to them

    in other words you want people to be lazy, not bother to search for something that comes up every other week and virtually everyone already knows anyway. don't make stupid excuses. if you're too lazy to use a search function on a forum you shouldn't be posting
    People who love the Connie, who love old Trek, will keep asking for it no matter how many times they are told no. Because their dream is to fly the ship that they love in this game. That's all there is to it.

    then those people aren't very bright. I don't care what their 'dream' is. they were told no. ranting about the same thing over and over again doesn't give the impression of intelligence or rational behavior. if they have to be told multiple times, somethings wrong.
  • thlaylierahthlaylierah Member Posts: 2,991 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Are you saying every retrofit in this game is made of the same materials that they were originally constructed with?

    So the D'kyr is 200 years older than the Connie but doing well?

    The Excelsior is also an old ship, no mods to that either?

    Yes, Nuclear technology for all it's hype is still just steam power.

    In NO way am I suggesting that THE Connies from yesteryear be modified to make T5 equivalents.

    What I AM saying is that modern new age cutting edge best ships in the game can be crafted to resemble those old ships and with the SIF can be any shape imagineable.

    If a CBS exec is responsible for keeping the T5 Connie out of STO... well I know some angry Trekkers are out there, perhaps that malfunction can be remedied.

    Myself I hope Paramount buys the IP from CBS and curb stomps them out of existence by following JJ's idea to make their own show most likely on their own network.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Are you saying every retrofit in this game is made of the same materials that they were originally constructed with?

    So the D'kyr is 200 years older than the Connie but doing well?

    The Excelsior is also an old ship, no mods to that either?

    Yes, Nuclear technology for all it's hype is still just steam power.

    In NO way am I suggesting that THE Connies from yesteryear be modified to make T5 equivalents.

    What I AM saying is that modern new age cutting edge best ships in the game can be crafted to resemble those old ships and with the SIF can be any shape imagineable.

    If a CBS exec is responsible for keeping the T5 Connie out of STO... well I know some angry Trekkers are out there, perhaps that malfunction can be remedied.

    Myself I hope Paramount buys the IP from CBS and curb stomps them out of existence by following JJ's idea to make their own show most likely on their own network.

    You don't seem to realize that the Constitution and NX at Tier 1 have already been updated with modern technology. They are already retrofits.
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    CBS said no, end of story and I hope they never change their position on that, there are too many damn antiques flying around as it is.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mindmage2 wrote: »
    What part of "No Tier 5 Connie" do you people not understand? CBS said "NO". End of story.

    I imagine the bit they don't understand is the "No" part.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • captaingalaxy1captaingalaxy1 Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    To make a Connie that is on par with Sovereign Class damage outputs, Ask Admiral Quinn set a Constiution Class Refit on Autopilot and send it into the Borg Sector Block and see what modification they make!! You never know it may have weapons as good as a borg sphere or cube.
    "Omega Class will prevail she cannot be defeated!"
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    seanftd wrote: »
    Clearly not everyone will know this so it's not a case of "you people" as you put it not understanding , just because you know CBS said no does not mean the rest of the players do. And I'd vote for a teir 5 constitution .

    I'd love to have some older ships for vice admiral level , I understand plenty of people don't want this, but I support it.

    For every person that doesn't know of CBS saying no to a t5 connie there are probably more that know that no has been said and keep arguing in every single connie thread that it should be added.

    Still haven't had anyone answer my question as to why we *need* a t5 connie...the game has survived years without a t5 connie so we obviously don't *need* one.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Ya, NO T5 connie !

    ...But sign me up for a T4 'refit', or even a T3.5. The early movie Connies were the best looking by far. Snoggy has the right idea, study his sig pic.

    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Cryptic already made their "tribute" vessels to the Constitution / Refit.

    Excalibur Class
    Vesper Class
    Exeter Class

    All they need to do now is create Fleet T5 version of the T2 Cruiser, with these 3 (and only these 3) ship skins.

    They have the Fleet T2 Escort and the Fleet T2 Science ship. Both of those vessels are 40+ years older than the Excalibur & Vesper, both of which (by Cryptic's own canon) were developed in the 2400s, while the Nova and Sabre were built in the 2370s.

    This is what Cryptic needs to do, which would put the T5 Connie debate to rest. It would give players who enjoy the aesthetics of the Connie a reasonable modern alternative on par with the other Fleet retrofits of the same tier.

    But as for a T5 Connie...no.
    T5 Connie Refit...no.
    T5 JJprise...no.
    T5 JJprise Dreadnought...no.

    I'm glad someone said this so well. If the issue is with the Constitution class, they should just make that costume unavailable to a T5 refit.

    I mean, the Excalibur is on tons of the marketing images - it's the flagship ship for the game.
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,905 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Ya, NO T5 connie !

    ...But sign me up for a T4 'refit', or even a T3.5. The early movie Connies were the best looking by far. Snoggy has the right idea, study his sig pic.


    I wouldn't have a problem with a tier 5 Exeter, problem is most people either want that 200 year old rust bucket of a original connie or that abomination of a jj connie, neither of which should be or need be in game.
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • alpharaider47#7707 alpharaider47 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Because CBS keeps saying "No." Cryptic can't do anything content wise without CBS's permission.

    Which I fully understand, my suggestion would include having to pitch a new idea to CBS; is it likely? No, of course not, but if there is interest, it could be worth a shot. The worst that could happen is that they once again say no, and individuals like myself will then accept that and move on.
    STO Beta Test and Launch Veteran
  • kneeliftkneelift Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    NO....as in like NO......NO NO NO
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    At some point, Cryptic will eventually give us a Fleet Exeter so people can finally shut up about it... :rolleyes:

    With all of the ridiculous types of ships people can fly now, it's bound to happen. It's just a matter of time.
  • hodgedad42hodgedad42 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Amazing to see the unadulterated HATRED of the tier 5 Connie advocates. Well, gee sorry we want what we want! But, having said that--I'd be MORE than happy with the Exeter as a Tier 5 Fleet ship. And BTW, eventually if enough people complain or advocate it CAN and WILL happen! Those of you that don't agree, well, businesses that DON'T listen to thier customers eventually go out of business. Gaming is littered with MMORPGs that didn't listen to customers. My two pennies...
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have to say that the "age" is not a valid argument against having a T5 constitution.
    We already have a grand total of six Tier 5 22nd century starships.

    The Andorian ship and its variants, the D'kyr, the T'varo warbird and the Somraw Raptor.
    ALL of them are 22nd century ship designs that were first seen in "Enterprise" and thus much older than the Constitution.
    And of contemporary ships to the Connie we have a T5 K'tinga, B'rel and Excelsior as well.

    As far as I can see a precedent for a T5 constitution and even a T5 NX class ship has already been set.
This discussion has been closed.