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Need Advice - Fleet Galaxy

sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Federation Discussion
Alright, I admit that I might need some help. I have an encyclopedic knowledge of Star Trek but this game can be pretty complex and I feel like I might need some advice from other players, through gritted teeth. But STO is a different animal.

I am currently flying a Fleet Galaxy set up for maximum tank/DPS build and I would like some advice on how to improve my build.

I really do not want to fly any other ship, the Galaxy is the ship that I get on with the most. I even specially ordered the Fleet Galaxy from another Fleet Shipyard.

This is my set up currently

I am a tactical officer

Ship Equipment

Fore Weapons: 3 x Mark XI Fleet Antiproton Beam Arrays [Damage x 2 Acc x 2], Omega Force Torpedo

Deflector: MACO Mark XII

Engines: Jem'Hadar Mark XI

Shields: MACO Mark XII

Rear Weapons: 1 x Kinetic Cutting Beam, 3 x Mark XI Fleet Antiproton Beam Arrays [Damage x 2 Acc x 2]

Engineering Consoles: 3 x Mark XI Blue Neutronium Alloy, 1 x Mark XI Blue RCS, 1 x Plasmonic Leech

Science Consoles: 1 x Mark XI Blue Field Generator, 1 x Tachyokinetic Converter, 1 x Assimilated Module

Tactical: 2 x Mark XI Blue Antiproton Mag Regulator


- Chance to remove 3 buffs from target on use of weapons (Purple)
- Chance to regenerate shields with Brace for Impact (Blue)
- Chance to reduce bridge officer abilities with Aux to Battery (Purple)
- Chance to reduce weapon power drain with DEM (Purple)
- Chance to increase ship power with EP abilities (Purple)


Lieut Tact: THY I, TT II

Com Eng: EPtS I,RSP II, EPtW III, Aux to Structural III

Lieu Com Eng: ET I, Aux to Battery II, DEM III

Ens Eng: EPtA I

Lieu Sci: HE I, TSS II

I would appricate some suggestions to make this build more powerful :D
Post edited by sterlingwarbird on


  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It's a good thing you already announced you don't want to fly a different ship, because dumping the Galaxy is the very first thing people will suggest.

    If you MUST stay with this ship, I'd recommend the following...

    Buy the C-Store Galaxy and replace one of your neutroniums with the saucer sep console you'll get from it.

    Replace Aux2SIF with a 2nd Aux2Batt and replace 3 of your current doffs with purple tech ones so you can run a proper Aux2Batt build.

    Dump your current Lt Tac skills and replace with TT1 and a beam skill (BO or BFAW). Get a purple conn doff to reduce the cooldown on your single copy of tac team.

    I'm not a fan of the Omega torp but I assume you'd like to keep using it. Maybe move it aft and move one of the beam arrays up front?

    I assume the JH engine is a place-holder while you grind towards a better engine anyway correct? It looks like you were headed for a full MACO set, any particular reason why? I've never used a Galaxy but I assume the commonplace Borg deflector/engine + MACO shield combo would work well.

    I also don't like EptA in that Ens Eng slot, do you ever use that for anything? You already have 3 shield heals and EptW elsewhere so I can't really think of a better use for it.
  • sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    variant37 wrote: »
    It's a good thing you already announced you don't want to fly a different ship, because dumping the Galaxy is the very first thing people will suggest.

    If you MUST stay with this ship, I'd recommend the following...

    Buy the C-Store Galaxy and replace one of your neutroniums with the saucer sep console you'll get from it.

    Replace Aux2SIF with a 2nd Aux2Batt and replace 3 of your current doffs with purple tech ones so you can run a proper Aux2Batt build.

    Dump your current Lt Tac skills and replace with TT1 and a beam skill (BO or BFAW). Get a purple conn doff to reduce the cooldown on your single copy of tac team.

    I'm not a fan of the Omega torp but I assume you'd like to keep using it. Maybe move it aft and move one of the beam arrays up front?

    I assume the JH engine is a place-holder while you grind towards a better engine anyway correct? It looks like you were headed for a full MACO set, any particular reason why? I've never used a Galaxy but I assume the commonplace Borg deflector/engine + MACO shield combo would work well.

    I also don't like EptA in that Ens Eng slot, do you ever use that for anything? You already have 3 shield heals and EptW elsewhere so I can't really think of a better use for it.

    EptA is for the Tier 4 Tholian buff that dumps 20% weapon power from aux. The JH engine is the better out of the Romulan engines... the heavy graviton beam is not really useful in my current build and the Jem'Hadar engines give me better weapons. The Omega torpedo is great for crits as it literally vaporizes a ship, had it crit quite often.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Variant is right. First thing I'd suggest is ditch this ship. Barring that, here's a few more pointers on getting more out of your ship:

    For starters, use disruptors. They give you a disruptor breach which is a slightly weaker APB, AND you can't negate it with TT. Also, I would recommend getting rid of the Omega torp, since it's currently bugged, and once it gets fixed, it will be less than useless again. I would recommend a wide-angle quantum torpedo in it's place. That way you can maintain broadside and still fire off torps at a target.

    I would also agree with Variant, get rid of a neutronium and put a saucer sep console there.

    Also, I would ditch that field generator and replace it with a zero point energy conduit (romulan rep, tier 2), for the crit chance bonus and all the other added stuff. Lastly, that would of course require the replacement of AP mag regulators with disruptor induction coils, but they are relatively cheap, and you will notice the difference. If you still want your AP crit severity, you can just get a disruptor with a [crtd] mod. Personally I would go with [acc] [crtd] [crth] as your mods. You won't deal as much base damage as your fleet weapons (tbh, it's only 2 or 3% tops, and after skills and consoles still only about 5%), but you will crit more often and still crit just as hard)

    On another rather nasty side note, you could always go with Polarized Disruptors. They give you that rather wonderful polaron proc which can be quite... cruel, esp if you have points in flow capacitors.

    And you won't like this, but I would recommend Borg engines. They give you +5 engine power which means you can move around slightly better, and their turn rate bonus is equivalent to the JH engines. You will lose the slight power bonus, but that is countered by the zero point.

    So here's the Ship Layout I would recommend:

    Fleet Galaxy

    Shields: MACO Resilient Shield Array mk XII (or Borg)
    Engines: Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines mk XI or mk XII
    Deflector: MACO Graviton Deflector mk XII (or Borg)

    (believe it or not, the full Borg set is great for tanking)

    Fore: Disruptor Beam Array/Polarized Disruptor Beam Array x3, Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo
    Aft: Disruptor Beam Array/Polarized Disruptor Beam Array x3, Kinetic Cutting Beam

    Tactical: Disruptor Induction Coil x2
    Engineering: Neutronium x2, RCS, Saucer Sep, Plasmonic Leech
    Science: Zero Point Energy Conduit, Assimilated Module, Tachyokinetic Converter

    However, your BOff layout is in bad need of reconstruction IMO, so here's what I would run:

    Lt Tactical: TT1, BFAW2
    Cmdr Engineering: ET1 (for when you aren't under fire), EPtS2, EPtW3, Aux2SIF3
    LtCmdr Engineering: ET1 (repeat of above), EPtS2, EPtW3 (you might as well cycle that massive damage boost and power bonus)
    Ens Engineering: EPtA1 (since you like your tholian bonus, use when you don't need your shields to be bolstered)
    Lt Science: Unchanged

    And since I rebuilt your BOffs, here's an alteration to your DOffs:

    Conn Officer x2 (purple)
    Damage Control Engineer x2 (purple)
    Warp Core Engineer (purple)

    If you want, replace a DCE with your shield distribution officer.

    This ship SHOULD do more damage than your current one.

    Try it out, if you don't like it, go back to your old setup.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Variant is right. First thing I'd suggest is ditch this ship. Barring that, here's a few more pointers on getting more out of your ship:

    For starters, use disruptors. They give you a disruptor breach which is a slightly weaker APB, AND you can't negate it with TT. Also, I would recommend getting rid of the Omega torp, since it's currently bugged, and once it gets fixed, it will be less than useless again. I would recommend a wide-angle quantum torpedo in it's place. That way you can maintain broadside and still fire off torps at a target.

    I would also agree with Variant, get rid of a neutronium and put a saucer sep console there.

    Also, I would ditch that field generator and replace it with a zero point energy conduit (romulan rep, tier 2), for the crit chance bonus and all the other added stuff. Lastly, that would of course require the replacement of AP mag regulators with disruptor induction coils, but they are relatively cheap, and you will notice the difference. If you still want your AP crit severity, you can just get a disruptor with a [crtd] mod. Personally I would go with [acc] [crtd] [crth] as your mods. You won't deal as much base damage as your fleet weapons (tbh, it's only 2 or 3% tops, and after skills and consoles still only about 5%), but you will crit more often and still crit just as hard)

    On another rather nasty side note, you could always go with Polarized Disruptors. They give you that rather wonderful polaron proc which can be quite... cruel, esp if you have points in flow capacitors.

    And you won't like this, but I would recommend Borg engines. They give you +5 engine power which means you can move around slightly better, and their turn rate bonus is equivalent to the JH engines. You will lose the slight power bonus, but that is countered by the zero point.

    So here's the Ship Layout I would recommend:

    Fleet Galaxy

    Shields: MACO Resilient Shield Array mk XII (or Borg)
    Engines: Assimilated Subtranswarp Engines mk XI or mk XII
    Deflector: MACO Graviton Deflector mk XII (or Borg)

    (believe it or not, the full Borg set is great for tanking)

    Fore: Disruptor Beam Array/Polarized Disruptor Beam Array x3, Wide Angle Quantum Torpedo
    Aft: Disruptor Beam Array/Polarized Disruptor Beam Array x3, Kinetic Cutting Beam

    Tactical: Disruptor Induction Coil x2
    Engineering: Neutronium x2, RCS, Saucer Sep, Plasmonic Leech
    Science: Zero Point Energy Conduit, Assimilated Module, Tachyokinetic Converter

    However, your BOff layout is in bad need of reconstruction IMO, so here's what I would run:

    Lt Tactical: TT1, BFAW2
    Cmdr Engineering: ET1 (for when you aren't under fire), EPtS2, EPtW3, Aux2SIF3
    LtCmdr Engineering: ET1 (repeat of above), EPtS2, EPtW3 (you might as well cycle that massive damage boost and power bonus)
    Ens Engineering: EPtA1 (since you like your tholian bonus, use when you don't need your shields to be bolstered)
    Lt Science: Unchanged

    And since I rebuilt your BOffs, here's an alteration to your DOffs:

    Conn Officer x2 (purple)
    Damage Control Engineer x2 (purple)
    Warp Core Engineer (purple)

    If you want, replace a DCE with your shield distribution officer.

    This ship SHOULD do more damage than your current one.

    Try it out, if you don't like it, go back to your old setup.

    Both of you disgust me how your like "ditch the ship"... Gee, I hate Cryptic for underpowering one of the most iconic ships in the game.

    But thanks for the advice
  • insanesenatorinsanesenator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like how some the advice is basically "well, spend like $75 on new consoles, then completely change the gear you already have."

    Not very helpful.

    I think your gear is fine, you seem to know a thing or two about gearing, so that's up to you. my preference would be to change one of the neutronium alloys for another type of armor (like electroceramic for STF's), since (they may have changed this) but stacking the same armor type has diminishing returns.

    What I will comment on is your Boff setup, this is what I would recommend as a minor change:

    Lieut Tact: TT1, THY 2

    Com Eng: EPtS I,RSP II, EPtW III, Aux to Structural III

    Lieu Com Eng: ET1, EPtS2, DEM III

    Ens Eng: EPtW I

    Lieu Sci: TSS 1, HE 2


    Tac team 1 is all you need, the best part is the shield redirection.
    swapped the science skills, since a higher level hull heal might work better with your other shield heals.
    gave you an extra EPTW, so you have 2 of each for max cycling.
    And Lt slot, I think its just RSP 1 that goes there, I thought RSP 2 was Lt Cmdr.

    Major reworking:

    Lieut Tact: TT1, BFaW 2

    Com Eng: EPtW I,RSP I, EPtS III, DEM 3 (try to time with BFaW)

    Lieu Com Eng: ET1, EPtS2, Aux2SIF 2

    Ens Eng: EPtW I

    Lieu Sci: TSS 1, HE 2

    Wiggled around the EPt-X skills, switched the aux2sif for DEM (more damage vs more healing). gave ya BfAW rather than a torp skill, so you get the most benefit from all AP mag accelerator tac consoles.

    These are obviously playstyle choices though, and minor changes that *I* would make, but your mileage may vary. I also agree that the Galaxy should be a stronger, or at least more popular ship than it is now. I want Picard's Galaxy, he must have like 4 Cmdr slots for each type for what they do on the show.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like how some the advice is basically "well, spend like $75 on new consoles, then completely change the gear you already have."

    Not very helpful.

    Explain to me where the $75 in gear is please.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the ship itself is not underpowered, it is just the game that is too much focused on damage dealing rather than tanking and supporting...and many low rank engi powers either suck or share cooldowns (or both).

    anyway, "aux2bat cookie cutter build" should do the trick...most expensive part about that build should be the 3 technician doffs 12 million EC i think. If you buy keys in the store and sell them on the exchange a 10 pack should be sufficent. thats a little over 10 bucks i asume.
    sure, saucer sep console and wide angle torps would complement all this greatly, but those are not mandatory in my opinion. Also an all beam boat is the better choice anyway due to the limited amount of tac seats.

    also the second build posted by insanesenator is an "ok" build and far better compared to what you got there now...but the maximum, in terms of dmg, would be aux2bat.
    If i were you i would try that build out.

    this ship is intended to be a tank or support ship, and as i wrote before, there is no real need for those roles in PVE right now.
    Go pro or go home
  • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    baudl wrote: »
    the ship itself is not underpowered, it is just the game that is too
    much focused on damage dealing rather than tanking and supporting

    You mean like how space combat in the shows its based on go? :D
  • sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    hartzilla wrote: »
    You mean like how space combat in the shows its based on go? :D

    If you actually watched the shows, you would know how hollow that may sound. Space combat has a lot more then just pointlessly shooting at each other. There are lots of different things that can be done in combat that are just not covered in the game. It doesn't do very well at reflecting the versatility and ingenuity of Federation ship design.

    Watch Star Trek II and watch how the Enterprise is able to seriously damage the Reliant when she was the one that had First Strike capability by using her Prefix Codes. Infact, later the Enterprise is able to destroy the Reliant by using unconventional thinking and sneaking up behind her.

    That is what Star Trek is about, think about how to use surroundings to your advantage. Kirk flew into a Nebula to even the match because the Enterprise was in no condition for further battle.

    Evidence - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaVIIoRKBlk


  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is my current Galaxy set-up. I know I'm going to catch a lot of "why"s for putting nine points into Driver Coil, but aside from that, it works very well for endgame PvE. I've clocked it at 6,500 DPS over an entire ISE, and 8,150 against the Tactical Cube at the beginning of KASE. I did hit 13,921.57 once, but that was with a couple of Fire On My Marks. I'm going to be replacing the Advanced Fleet Plasmas with Romulan Plasmas once I get to the appropriate tier.

    Even if you don't follow this build exactly, use Plasma. Embassy consoles are the only thing that make up for your lack of Tactical slots, so take advantage of it. Three XI [+Th] [Pla]s are roughly equivalent to another blue XI Plasma Infuser. You'll also get a double bonus of sorts from using [+Th] [Pla] Particle Generators, as Particle Generators and the +9% Plasma Damage (per console) both buff your damage from Eject Warp Plasma.

    NOTE: The warp core has [S->E] and [SSS] modifiers that aren't visible because STO Academy doesn't support them yet.
  • variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Both of you disgust me how your like "ditch the ship"... Gee, I hate Cryptic for underpowering one of the most iconic ships in the game.

    But thanks for the advice

    Heh...at no point did I personally tell you to ditch the ship, I said that's the very first thing most people will tell you to do because the hatred for the Galaxy class is well-known in STO. Fly whatever ship you want to, it doesn't matter to me. :D
  • sterlingwarbirdsterlingwarbird Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is my current Galaxy set-up. I know I'm going to catch a lot of "why"s for putting nine points into Driver Coil, but aside from that, it works very well for endgame PvE. I've clocked it at 6,500 DPS over an entire ISE, and 8,150 against the Tactical Cube at the beginning of KASE. I did hit 13,921.57 once, but that was with a couple of Fire On My Marks. I'm going to be replacing the Advanced Fleet Plasmas with Romulan Plasmas once I get to the appropriate tier.

    Even if you don't follow this build exactly, use Plasma. Embassy consoles are the only thing that make up for your lack of Tactical slots, so take advantage of it. Three XI [+Th] [Pla]s are roughly equivalent to another blue XI Plasma Infuser. You'll also get a double bonus of sorts from using [+Th] [Pla] Particle Generators, as Particle Generators and the +9% Plasma Damage (per console) both buff your damage from Eject Warp Plasma.

    NOTE: The warp core has [S->E] and [SSS] modifiers that aren't visible because STO Academy doesn't support them yet.

    You are aware that most shields have an built 20% resistance to plasma at top level, both Maco and Omega does, doesn't that decimate damage numbers further?
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You are aware that most shields have an built 20% resistance to plasma at top level, both Maco and Omega does, doesn't that decimate damage numbers further?

    You never specified whether or not you were looking for a PvE or PvP build in the original post. As for PvP performance, I'd need someone to 1v1 me and test it. There's no question that Plasma is the way to go for PvE, as it's the only energy weapon type whose base damage you can buff to acceptable levels.
  • thehakaishinthehakaishin Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I left the game right after the Fleet vehicles were introduced. I have to say, I was abundantly disappointed. The Odyssey seems to have been the last honest effort to make the cruiser class relevant in combat (as tanking can actually be done by a Defiant and there was no such thing as a PvE experience that required a true "tank").

    The prospect of a Fleet Galaxy was both redundant and underwhelming by comparison to its peers.

    Some time ago, in a galaxy far far away, I saw news of a falsified promise from Cryptic citing a Galaxy-X retrofit, featuring saucer separation as well as enhanced mechanics and versatility for its lance and mobility, perhaps even enough to dawn the ship into the game's new generation.

    Naturally, it's been almost a year since I last visited these forums, and this has not happened... just as it's been 2 years of Cryptic glorifying their own efforts to "enhance" the PvP experience, and to date I've yet to see proof of their words ringing true.

    But, that is all a story for another thread...

    ...On topic, I am in the unfortunate (and almost hypocritical) position of telling you what so many have told me with my Dreadnought:

    It is futile. You're taking something that was designed to fail, and trying to win with it.

    While I've no doubt you can do well and design a build for the ship just as I had with the Dreadnought... I in fact encourage it... I believe the days of innovation for STO are ended. I do not believe there will be any more PSTAC Assaults, Hakaishin Dreadnoughts, Armitage ROFLTORPZ, etc etc.
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I like how some the advice is basically "well, spend like $75 on new consoles, then completely change the gear you already have."

    I'm still waiting for you to tell me what those $75 worth of consoles are.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
  • starboardnacellestarboardnacelle Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Re: Amarante build's PvP performance

    I took my Galaxy into Ker'rat with a team of four Engineers and a Science Captain, outnumbered two to one by Klingons. Two of us were flying Galaxy-class ships. We didn't die once, and I got a fairly substantial number of kills, despite using Plasma weapons.

    Still, this isn't a 1v1 test, so take it with a grain of salt.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Re: Amarante build's PvP performance

    I took my Galaxy into Ker'rat with a team of four Engineers and a Science Captain, outnumbered two to one by Klingons. Two of us were flying Galaxy-class ships. We didn't die once, and I got a fairly substantial number of kills, despite using Plasma weapons.

    Still, this isn't a 1v1 test, so take it with a grain of salt.

    I was there - in my own Fleet Galaxy, nonetheless :D *highfive*

    Warbird: If you need a PvP build, there is one in my forum signature below. The more offensive build is at the bottom of the post. I can clarify this setup if you need.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • insanesenatorinsanesenator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Explain to me where the $75 in gear is please.

    Wide-Angle quantum torpedo launcher, regent refit = $25

    tachyokinetic converter =200 lobi, even at 5 Lobi per box, thats 40 boxes @ $1.25/key = $50
    or, at $1,500,000 million per key; $60,000,000 credits.

    ...But then I noticed he already has the Tachyokinetic, and the rest of the universal consoles. My mistake.
  • vexashenvexashen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    my fleet galaxy build. throw a plasmonic leech on it and it gets even scarier. its not the top damage crusier out there but its fun and does plenty of damage to hold its own in pve

    The ORIGINAL SERIES VETERANS www.Tosfleet.com
    Cruisers with mk x common in infected elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q82PqoFFxjc
    Cruisers with good gear in infected elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMnFljZD9m8
    Soloing Infected Elite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaEFICFx4E8&feature=youtu.be
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    to OP:

    if you want to do more dps with this ship in pve, the vexashen build ( the guy above me ) is the one to follow
  • hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Wide-Angle quantum torpedo launcher, regent refit = $25

    tachyokinetic converter =200 lobi, even at 5 Lobi per box, thats 40 boxes @ $1.25/key = $50
    or, at $1,500,000 million per key; $60,000,000 credits.

    ...But then I noticed he already has the Tachyokinetic, and the rest of the universal consoles. My mistake.

    2500 zen does not equate to $25. I have the regent, the Odyssey 3 pack, and other random stuff out of the c-store (not including the single time purchases), and guess what, not a single cent spent on the game.

    Courtesy of Dilithium to Zen, you can get that stuff FOR FREE. As is, with the current cost of zen, 2500 zen is roughly equal to just under 280k dil, which is relatively easy to get (if you have multiple accounts, it gets even easier). Just pointing out. But you are correct, for instant gratification, it amounts to ~$75.

    As is, the modifications I put would only cost him about 3 weeks of his dilithium.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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