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Bye bye KDF



  • broadnaxbroadnax Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kimmym wrote: »
    All I'm saying, as a KDF, is for Cryptic to maintain their honor.

    They said no new faction until the KDF was complete.

    KDF is not complete.

    We are getting a new faction.

    Any Klingon worth the title would be a bit upset at the lack of honor.

    I don't even make unreasonable requests. I don't want everything the Feds have. I just want an equal amount of end game events.

    But you are taking your opinion about what constitutes a fleshed out faction (just like I take my own opinion) and saying anybody who disagrees is wrong.

    I'm not an "endgamer". PvP, STFs, repetitive grinds bore me. I like storylines. To me, if we get 50 levels of honest to goodness episode content, the KDF becomes a real faction that I will enjoy playing.

    A lot of potential and existing KDF players have been asking for a full, 1-50 faction over the last couple of years. To us, it sounds like Cryptic came through.

    You are also making the assumption that the kind of endgame content you want has not been added for the May release. For all we know, that is part of the expansion too.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm more then fine with new content that isn't tailored for the KDF.

    Just follow thru on your promises, is all. I'm not one to go and rant about developers "promising" things like others do, but this is very, very different. They many times said they would not make a third faction without completing the second.

    A new tutorial and level 1-20 do not finish the KDF. If Cryptic is going to tell me that those 2 things finish the KDF, so we are going to make a new faction, they have told me 2 things in no uncertain terms:

    1. Their idea of complete and mine to not match.

    2. They consider the KDF finished.

    I disagree vehemently. The early levels are lost to me, I am past them on all of my KDF and no amount of content their finishes my faction. Lack of early content is not what drives me to play Fed. It is the fact that I can run out of things to run on the KDF, where by the time I finish a round of events on my Fed since I have so many to choose from the ones I did first are up again.
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Bottom line is this:

    There will be many many players like myself who moved to the KDF because they were tired of the Fed "content" - now KDF players like myself are going to be making significant investments in the rommie faction - why?

    All "new" content - new toons - new doffs - new missions - new ships - new areas of play

    This is NOT coming to the KDF - 1-20 levels - most of which will be updated or as the term - non-faction specific - that is used does not equal new content for the KDF

    No real end game content for KDF announced.

    The new Tutorial might even take up 1-4 levels of those "new" 20(we don't know)

    Really in the end - this Brand new faction is going to gut the KDF more than add to it.

    Will I give up on my many KDF toons or my Fleet? NO - but I will be spending less time on them.
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    For those who think the current cryptic would release Klingon's 1-20 with out content to back it up. Makes no business sense they want to attract and retain players not loose money in the long run. With free to play model you can't be so haphazard about player retention. When developers got to get paid.

    I also doubt that a lot of it won't be Klingon specific, it may have missions that have Romulan and Klingon side to the mission so that they can reuse mission story points. Becuase remember Klingons attacked the Romulans shortly after their empire got crippled by the Hobus incident.

    So i wouldn't be surprised if some of the missions had both perspectives, that doesn't make the missions any less content specific for Klingons. But it would make it so they wouldn't have to make a whole bunch of new things for either the Romulans or Klingons but kinda use both sides as a conduit for more story. Much like they talked about doing with some of the fed missions, adding a Klingon side to those stories.

    I really do think these doubts are misplaced.. Though I'm sure there isn't going to be enough to make up for the crummy treatment Klingons got at launch and onward. But that is the past, and while i am aware people are still upset about it it doesn't feel like it. All these hurt feelings are helping, with the constructive feedback and continued growth of this game. It is also not giving a good impression to developers or players who are trying to sort through the emotion to find, what the Klingon actually need to make them a popular choose as well as fed for players.

    So the team can justify pouring money into them... They need players who spend money in the Klingon... It makes seem to some new players and maybe some old players. That Klingons haven't gotten better which since playing one in the beta, and before and after free to play they have improved a lot. This in turn scares some people from trying a Klingon... A Long with the longstanding issue of no 1-20 which they are correcting...

    End game content ? why do klingons need end game content specific to them... When the feds don't even have any.... unless you are talking about fleet actions those are nothing more then dps feasts anyways.

    Stf's and the new fleet stuff, and season 7 Romulan content are basically the same for both sides and likely Romulans as well...
  • plox21plox21 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    and again klingons get shafted because nobody doesnt read , or they cant read legacy of romulus content.

    Create your first character as a member of the Federation, Klingon Empire, or Romulan Republic and level your captain from 1 to 50.

    Does this say something to you!?!?!???
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    plox21 wrote: »
    and again klingons get shafted because nobody doesnt read , or they cant read legacy of romulus content.

    Create your first character as a member of the Federation, Klingon Empire, or Romulan Republic and level your captain from 1 to 50.

    Does this say something to you!?!?!???

    That says a lot to me.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yes, it says some fool thinks that a tutorial and level 1-20 will finish the KDF, where people who actually try to play the KDF will tell you that we are far beyond where that content will help us. It says that when the KDF ask where is my content, the devs position is that the KDF is finished, that is why they released a third faction.

    Sure, the new early levels will draw more people in to try it. It doesn't matter how many people come if there is so much less at endgame we give up and go blue or green in frustration. If they tell us we will get an equal amount of events, I'd be squealing with glee, but instead they aren't, they are calling it finished without the most important part.
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kimmym wrote: »
    Yes, it says some fool thinks that a tutorial and level 1-20 will finish the KDF, where people who actually try to play the KDF will tell you that we are far beyond where that content will help us. It says that when the KDF ask where is my content, the devs position is that the KDF is finished, that is why they released a third faction.

    Sure, the new early levels will draw more people in to try it. It doesn't matter how many people come if there is so much less at endgame we give up and go blue or green in frustration. If they tell us we will get an equal amount of events, I'd be squealing with glee, but instead they aren't, they are calling it finished without the most important part.

    My question remains what endgame content klingons cannot run that feds can ? Fleet actions(dps kill feasts) ? From what I've played of the Klingon side they have just about as much pve stuff at end game.... Though considering I do mostly stfs and the season 7 romulan content fleet alert stuff... I don't understand whats wrong here ?
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My question remains what endgame content klingons cannot run that feds can ? Fleet actions(dps kill feasts) ? From what I've played of the Klingon side they have just about as much pve stuff at end game.... Though considering I do mostly stfs and the season 7 romulan content fleet alert stuff... I don't understand whats wrong here ?

    I think people should give it a few more weeks to see what news comes along.

    But bottom line is there is not much at end game for players to get in the KDF

    Ships? - no new c-store one since the flying brick 13 months ago

    Costumes? 1 KDF vs 20 Fed - Rommie?

    A PvP system that is becoming less and less used.

    A new tutorial and a few missions equals nothing - if there is nothing to get once you are done.
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think people should give it a few more weeks to see what news comes along.

    But bottom line is there is not much at end game for players to get in the KDF

    Ships? - no new c-store one since the flying brick 13 months ago

    Costumes? 1 KDF vs 20 Fed - Rommie?

    A PvP system that is becoming less and less used.

    A new tutorial and a few missions equals nothing - if there is nothing to get once you are done.
    well I feel the new sets that they added in rep system is something to work for or the fleet system ? Another question what is there to work for on fed side that klingons can't unless your merely talking about c-store stuff which really is way overbalance toward fed.. Romulan probably won't have as much here either...

    costumes and ships I can understand I hope they change that over the coming years but they need the financial backing from Klingon to show that it is profitable enough to do.

    pvp system really is suffering on both sides tbh.
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    well I feel the new sets that they added in rep system is something to work for or the fleet system ? Another question what is there to work for on fed side unless your merely talking about c-store stuff which really is way overbalance toward fed.. Romulan probably won't have as much here either...

    costumes and ships I can understand I hope they change that over the coming years but they need the financial backing from Klingon to show that it is profitable enough to do.

    pvp system really is suffering on both sides tbh.

    Kind of hard to show financial backing really when there is bugger all to buy on the KDF side, if Cryptic expect KDF players to spend money then they actually need to add something to the store to you know buy that the players want. For example many KDF players have been calling for a ship (for end game that you don' spend all of 5 mins flying) that is not a cruiser for once, be it a retrofitted version of one of the awesome looking raptors in game at t3 and t4 (which would save them time on artwork btw) but its always a cruiser.

    I would be willing to bet if they added a new T5 raptor be it a new design or retrofit with 5 weapons slots fore like the andorian ship they would fly off the shelf so to speak. Hell I don't even fly Raptors but I would buy the pack to support the KDF.
  • lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Show me your evidence.

    How about past history and common sense?
    Klingon Faction is now playable from level 1. Meaning our player base will expand substantially for new players.

    Which is how it was for a long time and there were no 'substantial new players' in fact the player base was smaller than it is now
    We have substantially more KDF content as well, via STFs, and new storyline missions from ranks 1 thru 19.

    Nope. Go back and read what dstahl actually said
    pretty sure it says all 3 factions with story content 1-50 on the new site.

    it said nothing of the sort
    Ya ?
    And the KDF will STILL be kickin your troll a** all over the galaxy.

    Trolling is against site rules you *&#^&%#

    so is calling someone a troll. which is what people do when they can't refute their argument
    KDF will increase in numbers starting from june I guess after the new star trek movie launches and since new players will be able to play kdf from start

    yeah. like they did when they could do that before, right?
    1-50, New UI, and this spells doom for the KDF?

    we had 1-50 before, no influx of players. a UI doesn't do squat
    Except when we go with what people on the forums have been saying, there are a lot of people who want to play Romulan but have never played KDF, either because of the interface or lack of interest or whatever.
    Those have been playing Fed and biding their time.

    Nope. you're making assumptions
    So why should they gat nothing like the OP (who's been making troll posts and nothing more) be right.
    Oh, BTW nothing would mean not even a tutorial.

    you mean the tutorial that is only 'in discussion' and can't be agreed on yet?
    I, for one do not see the reason for this kind of negativity. Every new player that checks out STO will have the option to start as a KDF. We won't be locked behind 25 levels of Federation gameplay anymore

    they weren't locked into it for a long time before that change you know. and they had even fewer players than they do now
    The KDF gets to start at Level 1. Now it's becoming a full faction

    thats not a full faction. we already had that with 8 missions and a handfull of never ending patrol missions that make you want to hang yourself after the 30th one
    They're probably adding new missions

    no they aren't. they already said they weren't. and no 'probably' they either are or are not
    otherwise, it would be IMPOSSIBLE to get to Level 50 in the amount of time a Fed would

    except, you know, most current KDF players did just that. I know I did
    the facts are there for you. It's better than 0% more content.

    you have stated no facts, just assumptions based on nothing
    We've been told we are getting 1-25 content. We've asked for that. We will have it. Be happy.

    we have been told nothing of the sort
    I play Fed. Why? Because I only use one toon. If I had had the choice at the start to choose a Klingon or Romulan, I may well have decided to make my character be of one of those factions - I'll admit that it would most likely have been Romulan, but the point is the same, I would have probably NOT chosen Fed and I firmly believe that this is why less players play KDF

    no, the reason people don't play the KDF is that there is nothing to play
    Agreed! This is what I have been asking for since STO was released and this has been the #1 argument as to why the KDF cannot grow.

    Bye bye negative trolls!

    that statement makes no sense. and it doesn't change the fact that they didn't say squat about getting new content
  • cptvanorcptvanor Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kimmym wrote: »
    It doesn't matter how many people come if there is so much less at endgame we give up and go blue or green in frustration.

    Exactly what end game content are you missing that the Feds have? Unless you're asking for content that is exclusively KDF at end game...
  • cryptkeeper0cryptkeeper0 Member Posts: 989 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A T5 raptor would be cool, But I understand why people feel that way... New raptor and bird of pray and carriers new T5 2409 version should be added to the game.
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Not for me, I will still be on my KDF. Vaporizing and destroying targets. Either on ground or in space. I have too much fun on my KDF to give it up completely. Comparing it to my Fed, my KDF is far more built up.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,149 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    "What's a Klingot?"
    Typhoon Class please!
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It would behoove Cryptic to just remove the Klingon faction entirely.

    Clearly, the Klingon community is the least canon aspect of STO.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dova25 wrote: »
    KDF will increase in numbers starting from june I guess after the new star trek movie launches and since new players will be able to play kdf from start it is a good news.So in fact it will be "Hello KDF "

    Now If they will be some new ships for kdf too :)
    then I personally will be satisfied.

    let them go im glad now the feds and klink will be left with people who know how to play and not scrubs
  • cptvanorcptvanor Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ships? - no new c-store one since the flying brick 13 months ago

    Costumes? 1 KDF vs 20 Fed - Rommie?

    So new ships that you have to pay for, and costumes are the endgame content that the KDF is missing, really?
  • wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    What part of this did you not understand?

    Reading comprehension works wonders.

    I have noticed this as well that reading and understanding what was read is a short coming of a lot of players wtf?
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    cptvanor wrote: »
    So new ships that you have to pay for, and costumes are the endgame content that the KDF is missing, really?

    It would be a nice place to start. I am sure that some of the KDF only players that have been playing KDF a lot longer than me could give a long list of things.

    I am just not that picky.
  • wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    broadnax wrote: »
    I'm not an "endgamer". PvP, STFs, repetitive grinds bore me. I like storylines..

    sound to me you have no idea what a mmo is or has sever been please go back to your console and your single player games
  • sernonserculionsernonserculion Member Posts: 749 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    thay8472 wrote: »
    "What's a Klingot?"

    [Theorizing] Must be the result of a Klingebet marrying a Klingone. That's what they got.


  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If I hear one moer person saying that "oh the KDF getting content" and then refering to tutorial and to 1-20 level, I am going to tear my eyeballs out.

    I am refering to more than the n 5 days it takes to get to level 50. I am refering to an identity other than "lets share the fed stf". I am refering to things happening outside the fed storylines.

    cause the moire fed content klingons get to have, then more it will be like KDF is nothing more than a CC of federation without all the gandure and costumes and added trills etc whatsever the feds have.

    take for example amount of races klingon have vs fed, ship? lets not just carboncopy ships already in existence and just make them larger. lets have some development in the shipyards of the KDF.

    or did the ship developers go to sleep and never woke up?

    More Klingon identity and more storylines and more special ships for KDF. thats whats required. until thats shown nothing else matters. not level 1-20 cause its passed in less than a day. not tutorital, thats for new players, not clusters in neverending streams.

    more conent for level 50.

    You're pretty short-sited and frankly a little dim.

    The Devs can't spend money, time and effort on the KDF because it has such a tiny player-base and doesn't make any money when you compare it to the feds.

    Flesh out missions 1-20, allow players to start with KDF from the start, get more players playing the faction - then it becomes worthwhile and profitable to make new content/ships/stories for them. How ******* hard is that to understand?

    Man, these threads really grind my gears.

    Kirk's Protege.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My question remains what endgame content klingons cannot run that feds can ? Fleet actions(dps kill feasts) ? From what I've played of the Klingon side they have just about as much pve stuff at end game.... Though considering I do mostly stfs and the season 7 romulan content fleet alert stuff... I don't understand whats wrong here ?

    2 fleet actions, that raise a lot of my ire due to the blatant disregard for parity. They copied the KDF version of the minefield event to replace a perfectly functioning Federation event, but couldn't be bothered to do the same in reverse for the KDF. Small, yes, but indicative of the problem that has manifest the entire time. "Fed's need this, its wicked cool, KDF, Meh, who cares."

    And a ton of story episodes that just need a few text tweaks and they become perfectly viable KDF missions. Of course it makes no sense that we would have the Fed's Klingon arc, but with all the ways the Feds and KDF are buddy-buddy throughout the rest of the game there is no good reason why they couldn't just release the rest of those episodes on both sides, and in the interest of mutual co-operation the Feds work with some KDF personal. It is very Starfleet, and we have instances of it all throughout the game. You get to see one every time you dock at DS9 as a KDF.

    Bottom line is nobody cares enough to hit copy/paste. That's sad and unnecessary.
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • theofficialmip#7339 theofficialmip Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Klingon players in sto are not honorable warriors. They are whiny cry babies! :(

    Klingon "Mom the Human and Romulan got more cake then I did!"

    Klingon's Mother "but my Klingon son the cake is still in the oven."
    One of the 0.7%ers Markus Urelious 16000+ Accolades [Fed Tac FA] + Several More
    Forum Member Since Feb 2010
  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    Maybe I'm missing it, but where is it said that they get no new content at all? For all you know, there is a TRIBBLE ton of KDF specific content being add to help them from level 1 to 25. It's way too early to cry DOOM! over stuff you haven't even play tested yet. Wait for it to hit Tribble and try it out. If there is no new KDF missions added, then by all means complain.

    While I agree that the OP's statement is jumping the gun and has no basis in fact... I also have to say that to suggest that there will be a "TRIBBLE ton of KDF specific content being add" has to be one of the most humorously blind and hopeful things I have read in awhile...

    History is quite clear on this issue: The KDF MAY if it is extremely LUCKY get a TINY bit of specific content (likely related to their academy) and that would be about it.

    However, the Romulans will not fair much better. They will get some spit and polish at the moment and then they will sell a few C-Store ships for them and do some lock boxes for the Remans and maybe the Tal'Shiar and then later the Iconians and then they will probably gather dust like the KDF does.
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Each one of those klingon fans = a dozen fed fans. Any dork can put on a 10 dollar t-shirt and a fed communicator pin and be instantly recognized, but a klingon uniform is much more expensive as well as make-up ,wigs and weapons.

    You have a point there. Showing up at conventions as a Klingon isn't easy to pull off, especially if you want to avoid looking like TRIBBLE. Facemasks/makeup take money and effort to put on or wear, the uniforms often have to be made by the fan themselves or cobbled together from various parts, and so on. It's easier to dress up as a Feddie, because almost all the Feddies on the show were humans wearing now easily-obtainable costumes.

    Hell, even I have a communicator pin I could wear, since I got it from the Collector's Edition box for STO, and I'm not really a Federation fan. Just get a proper TOS-style shirt and I'd pass muster at a convention.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Guise. Guise. The announcement was just released a few hours ago, and it was rather thin on the details. I also have my grievances with Cryptic regarding the past treatment of the KDF, but that's no reason to start jumping down their throats about the KDF being shortchanged this time 'round. It is neither confirmed nor denied that the new levels 1-20 will have new content to fill them. All we know is that the faction will be re-expanded to levels 1-50, and we will be getting a UI makeover.

    How about we KDF players just hold off on criticizing Cryptic until we've actually seen what they come out with?

    As for Federation players that talk about KDF 'whining': Bugger off. Whether or not you want to admit it to yourselves, the Federation has been the spoiled child of STO, and the KDF has been getting the crumbs left behind. We do NOT have a clear edge when it comes to ship quality (Federation have better escorts, and have science ships), and what edge the KDF did have has been watered down by KDF exclusives given to Federation players who only stamp their feet and ask for more (and 'suggesting' that more KDF exclusives be given away). More than half the game's content is modeled after Federation thinking, so all that content is effectively Federation-biased, and some of the content is available to both sides. The KDF has a few story arcs for themselves.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    How about past history and common sense?

    By that analogy, noone should hope for change. If people didn't believe that changes were possible, we'd be still living in caves and beating rocks together.

    Which is how it was for a long time and there were no 'substantial new players' in fact the player base was smaller than it is now

    You forgot to mention that the KDF then had zero content compared to what the KDF has today. I'm not saying that it doesn't lack in comparison to the Fed., but there is a difference and thus the smaller number of players. Also more people play STO now than then.

    Nope. Go back and read what dstahl actually said

    Stahl said nothing. You are driving conclusions out of nothing just as the other poster.

    it said nothing of the sort

    This I agree with! Nothing of sort was mentioned, Romulan or Klingon related.

    yeah. like they did when they could do that before, right?

    Before you have to go through 25 levels of Fed. to make a KDF char. And then replay the Devidian missions that you just finished on your Fed.
    If you can't see how the option for new STO players to start as KDF from the begining would reflect positively on the faction, I really don't know what to say.

    we had 1-50 before, no influx of players. a UI doesn't do squat

    Again, the KDF may had that before, but that 'before' being a time when the KDF was considered a PvP faction by the devs. and had zero content compared to now.
    And the UI may not do squat to you or me, but I have talked to dozens of people on these forums only that have a colourblindness/headache problems with the UI and said they'd like to try out Klingon if they could change the UI colours. I can only imagine that there are much more people with similar issues that don't visit the forums.

    Nope. you're making assumptions

    So are you.

    you mean the tutorial that is only 'in discussion' and can't be agreed on yet?

    You see, it's all it the way one wants to interprete the things. Mr.Stahl in that interview you're referring to said that they're only discussing the tutorial. Now, from another perspective you could say that the only thing any of them will be discussing during interviews is the tutorial, because it was spoken of before and known to be worked on, keeping any other thing to themselves as they did with all this new stuff untill today.

    they weren't locked into it for a long time before that change you know. and they had even fewer players than they do now

    Once more, you could say that this was ages ago. Less players played STO and the KDF was viewed as PvP only faction. Seen how small the percentage of dedicated PvPers is today and that more people in STO like to PvE, it's not surprisning that the fation had less players when it was PvP exclusive faction even if you could start as a KDF.

    thats not a full faction. we already had that with 8 missions and a handfull of never ending patrol missions that make you want to hang yourself after the 30th one

    He didn't say it is. He said it's becomming a full faction, which it slowly is and a few very important steps have been made in that direction today.

    no they aren't. they already said they weren't. and no 'probably' they either are or are not

    Wrong, they actually said that new FEs will come with the next update.

    except, you know, most current KDF players did just that. I know I did

    Yes, but I don't believe the Cryptic devs. to be still counting on that, today, 2.5 years after that. And noone still has any proof of what they plan for the leveling.

    you have stated no facts, just assumptions based on nothing

    As did you, based on past experiences that you don't expect to ever change.

    we have been told nothing of the sort

    Again, with this I agree, although you can't blame people for logically expecting it.

    no, the reason people don't play the KDF is that there is nothing to play

    That is not true. There's plenty to play as KDF. There is just more to play on the Fed side, which is completely unfair and lousy treatment of the factions, but you can't really say there is nothing to do on the KDF.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you are wrong about anything you said in your post, you could be hitting it right on the spot for all I know. ;)

    The point I want to make is that this whole debate is based on assumptions from both perspecitves - the negative & the positive one. We just don't really know anything yet. And since the whole discussion is based on assumptions, I'd rather assume that positive things are comming, rather than getting dissapointed over negative assumptions.
This discussion has been closed.