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  • delsabereduxdelsaberedux Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tacofangs wrote: »

    One bleep for yes, two bleeps for no. I'm not sure what the boops, whirs, and clanks are supposed to mean, unfortunately...

    Perhaps the wonky Dev Tracker link on the forum index can be changed to link towards the Twitter feed instead?
  • commodoreshrvkcommodoreshrvk Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    After years of playing and reading the forums, you can pick up the different "posting personalities" of devs. Those that think the STO devs don't post much need to really look at other games (where silence is the norm).

    BranFlakes - posting is his job so yes you should see him all over the forums.

    Taco, Bort, Archon - are the staples and are always posting and polling the community. I think these three have some sort of internal competition going to see who can post the most and win a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

    JamJamz and Miller - seem to pop in now and then and typically increase posting teasing about upcoming ships.

    Jhenig, Gecko, CmdrAnder, and Kestrel - I call them watchers, you can tell they are watching the forums and when they pop it, they do provide info and often "one-liners" to threads you might not think devs are paying attention to.

    dStahl - we know he is Mr. Damage Control and he pops in to some of the more heated threads (he may be the only one with a MKXII flamesuit). I also think Dan may suffer from bouts of insomnia as we do get some late night posting runs from him.

    Zero - is always posting in the Tribble and Foundry forums.

    Crypticoz - is all over the gateway threads.

    Crypticfrost - is always in the Foundry threads.

    What more could you possibly want in terms of participation?
  • commodoreshrvkcommodoreshrvk Member Posts: 477 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    [Deleted double post]
  • alanburchalanburch Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    After years of playing and reading the forums, you can pick up the different "posting personalities" of devs. Those that think the STO devs don't post much need to really look at other games (where silence is the norm).

    Thanks for that very fair summary of STO Dev posting. I think an honorable mention should go to Heretic even though he's no longer (professionally) with us.

    It seems that there is no debate in saying that STO has one of the best, if not the most supreme, forum communities in the gaming world.
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