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Kamarag Class Battle Cruiser class discussion.



  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Advanced bops have crfII and high yieldII and parsers show that on static targets which is what pve is full of, 4 bops and flagship firing beta off can out dps most escorts

    You clearly haven't seen a vorcha set up properly kitted with demIII apa fomm tac fleet can guard kang single handed take down a full side of Kase and guard the probes with ease there the nifty little things called RCS accelerators mixed with conn doffs and omega will make one just as nimble as a patrol or advanced fedscort

    Oh and ill take the way your jabbering on you did wondered in from star fleet

    and ill take from your insults, that your just a kid with limited knowledge spouting out phoney stats to buff your arguement. Lets be honest, you will find very few people who would share your opinion that cruisers out dps escorts......smh. and yeh escorts run beta as well, so that point is moot. ill just let the tac cube decide whos hurting it more, and its always either me or another escort as primary target. oh and what do you get when you doff out and equip an escort the way you doff out and equip a cruiser trying to be an escort? yeh, thats right, a better escort
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I prefer not to argue like you har to in he federation shipyards I like coming here but please don't say the escorts are the only ship capable of laying solid dps down every ship is capable if the pilot knows how

    all im saying is overall an equally outfitted escort will out dps an equally outfitted cruiser. simply because cruisers arent designed for dps. especially fed cruisers who 99% of which run beams due to turnrate issues. i guess u can throw dhcs on a bortasqu but when that sphere skips past u, u are useless for a minute or two. cruisers can heal.....nice, think iv had a pug heal me 2 or 3 times in all the stfs iv run. cruisers are tanks foremost, and honestly they need a way to maintain threat to do they re job.
  • lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The Boffs are pretty similar to Vorcha. One less eng slot traded for one more Sci slot. Or were you hoping for Commander Tac? hehe.

    Actually was hoping for the same layout as the Breen cruiser with a cloak. Since the vorcha is just as useless to me this new ship will serve as a storage locker for my bank kept mk12 gear (since it's free).

    C'mon Devs, lemme have the Kamarag skin for my Breen cruiser !!!
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
  • cpc2011acpc2011a Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Obviously someone has never done an Estf with a tank worth a spit in the wind. My engi's regularly take and hold the agro from the escorts, as they are supposed to do as tanks. My cruisers aren't in it for the dps, they are there to TRIBBLE off any and all baddies so that the escorts can do their dps'ing carefree. Yes there have been occasions where an escort yanks the agro from me, but a BO2 quickly fixes that issue. DPS may be king, but a good tank is priceless.
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    cpc2011a wrote: »
    Obviously someone has never done an Estf with a tank worth a spit in the wind. My engi's regularly take and hold the agro from the escorts, as they are supposed to do as tanks. My cruisers aren't in it for the dps, they are there to TRIBBLE off any and all baddies so that the escorts can do their dps'ing carefree. Yes there have been occasions where an escort yanks the agro from me, but a BO2 quickly fixes that issue. DPS may be king, but a good tank is priceless.

    im not trying to argue here, but aside from maybe aceton beam? all threat is dps based, so if you arent in it for the dps, how are you holding threat? not challenging you at all, i think theres many people who have no clue.

    i mean beam overload is one shot, one round of crf would triple that dps
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    all im saying is overall an equally outfitted escort will out dps an equally outfitted cruiser. simply because cruisers arent designed for dps. especially fed cruisers who 99% of which run beams due to turnrate issues. i guess u can throw dhcs on a bortasqu but when that sphere skips past u, u are useless for a minute or two. cruisers can heal.....nice, think iv had a pug heal me 2 or 3 times in all the stfs iv run. cruisers are tanks foremost, and honestly they need a way to maintain threat to do they re job.

    I see what you mean there, getting a hazard emitters from a pug even full of cruisers is like getting blood from a stone :/

    Happy hunting

    I see what the other person says too until the 10 console versions appears I fear not many will be used
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I see what you mean there, getting a hazard emitters from a pug even full of cruisers is like getting blood from a stone :/

    Happy hunting

    I see what the other person says too until the 10 console versions appears I fear not many will be used

    again i love cruisers and carriers, just seems in elite stfs dps is more important
  • twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Threat control? Also, some other skills generate above average threat. I very frequently draw aggro off otherwise decent escorts using a sci ship. Grav well and eject warp plasma make that happen, rather than my limited weapon damage (b/c only 3/3 weapon slots).

    A decent cruiser will do even better, by speccing into threat control.

    KDF cruisers can, added to that, pump out the pain much better than the average fed cruiser, so if those are flown by a captain with threat control, they should surely be able to draw aggro.
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    twam wrote: »
    Threat control? Also, some other skills generate above average threat. I very frequently draw aggro off otherwise decent escorts using a sci ship. Grav well and eject warp plasma make that happen, rather than my limited weapon damage (b/c only 3/3 weapon slots).

    A decent cruiser will do even better, by speccing into threat control.

    KDF cruisers can, added to that, pump out the pain much better than the average fed cruiser, so if those are flown by a captain with threat control, they should surely be able to draw aggro.

    ahh ic i was thinking only active boff skills, hadnt thought of the passives
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    all threat is dps based

    Starship Threat Control: +Threat as well as +DRM
    Romulan Threat-Scaling Consoles: +Threat

    Even in regard to damage, sustained DPS including DoT spam vs. burst DPS. Aggro may not even shift long enough for an attack to be used before it's back to the tank.

    Add in the first two though, the tank should never lose aggro unless they're dead.
  • cpc2011acpc2011a Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    twam wrote: »
    Threat control? Also, some other skills generate above average threat. I very frequently draw aggro off otherwise decent escorts using a sci ship. Grav well and eject warp plasma make that happen, rather than my limited weapon damage (b/c only 3/3 weapon slots).

    A decent cruiser will do even better, by speccing into threat control.

    KDF cruisers can, added to that, pump out the pain much better than the average fed cruiser, so if those are flown by a captain with threat control, they should surely be able to draw aggro.

    Exactly. Another combo I enjoy with a sci is GW3 and TBR2...tends to really irritate the tac cube in ISE lol...of course a misfire of tbr will irritate the team instead :(

    Anyway, yes threat control is a must with 3 of 4 of my engi's (3 because I've been playing around with a engi dps build) For an exciting time put a threat control engi in an escort(fed) or raptor/bop. You quickly find out who your true friends in game are lol.
  • trintrektrontrintrektron Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    He did say, " lt Cmd Sci" , right?
    I thought I took the Blue Pill.......:(
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Ummm.. KDF Battlecruisers can take and hold aggro without the captin of the ship having one single skill point in threat control. I do it with my Science captain all the time. It's not just DPS, several SCI officer, Engineering Officer, Tactical skill plus and player captain skills add to percieved threat. Engineer and SCI BOFF's and players have the majority of these. This is by design so that thesy in the fighte types specificly draw the aggro.

    Engineer captains make good tanks in LARGE ship because they can take the damage and stay in the fight

    Science Captains can do much the same bit while they cannot heal/repair as much damage as an engineer, they can mitigate the targets ability to cause damage while generally putting more damage on the target then and engineer captain would.

    The Kamarag is a nice step between the higher manuverability of the K't'inga/D-7 and the more tanky layout of the Vorcha. Please everyone recalll that this is the base versions of the Kamarag.

    A Fleet Version would likely gain one Console slot (bringing it to 10) a 10% - 15% improvement in hull strength and a 10%-15% increase in shield strength. Along with a tweak to the BOFF layout (I would guess the addition of a LtC tac boff and a cmdr SCi like the fleet K'T'inga. It would just become a slightly heavier version of a Fleet K't'inga, which isn't a bad thing.

    Khemaraa sends
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • rovakiinrovakiin Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's an interesting ship to be sure, seems well suited to engineers and sci, but my personal feel is that as a tac I'm better off in my Hegh'ta or Guramba. (I do mostly PvE with a small bit of fleet PvP).
  • silverfaustxsilverfaustx Member Posts: 262
    edited February 2013
    the mirror cruiser is better then this
  • futurepastnowfuturepastnow Member Posts: 3,660 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Throw a grav well, then lay warp plasma on top of it. Laugh heartily.
  • loverofwarsloverofwars Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    i dont really see the point of this ship its same consoles as mirror vorcha ship few different boff slots nothing of any real improvement you even lose 1k hull points with this same shield mod as well i'll try it but i'm not too sure its just lacking any vast difference
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As previously mentioned, I was intent on switching from the Mirror Vor'cha to the Kamarag. Now, I'm just not so sure.

    Simple spec difference, once again, suggests:

    -800 Crew
    -1000 Hull
    +0.5 Turn
    -Eng LCdr
    +Sci LCdr
    -Sci Lt
    +Eng Lt
    -Sci En
    +Tac En

    The results from my switch:

    -1400 Hull
    +1.2 Turn

    Yes, that's modified by skill build.

    I went from being able to lolHull Tank in the Mirror Vor'cha to "WTF Where's mah hull?" in the Kamarag. Yeah, the full shields and hull disintegrating situation.

    If the toon were a Tac instead of an Eng, you know - it'd be GDF time. He's not, though. He's an Eng, so it's Respawn time because MW's on CD. With that, I'd say it's more a Tac Battle Cruiser than an Eng Battle Cruiser. That hit to hull and the loss of crew...just makes it too damn squishy. Using that squishy for GDF and the better turn rate for DHCs...yeah, oh well.
  • twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As previously mentioned, I was intent on switching from the Mirror Vor'cha to the Kamarag. Now, I'm just not so sure.

    Simple spec difference, once again, suggests:

    -800 Crew
    -1000 Hull
    +0.5 Turn
    -Eng LCdr
    +Sci LCdr
    -Sci Lt
    +Eng Lt
    -Sci En
    +Tac En

    The results from my switch:

    -1400 Hull
    +1.2 Turn

    Yes, that's modified by skill build.

    I went from being able to lolHull Tank in the Mirror Vor'cha to "WTF Where's mah hull?" in the Kamarag. Yeah, the full shields and hull disintegrating situation.

    If the toon were a Tac instead of an Eng, you know - it'd be GDF time. He's not, though. He's an Eng, so it's Respawn time because MW's on CD. With that, I'd say it's more a Tac Battle Cruiser than an Eng Battle Cruiser. That hit to hull and the loss of crew...just makes it too damn squishy. Using that squishy for GDF and the better turn rate for DHCs...yeah, oh well.

    I suspect this ship stands or falls with your skill distribution. I tried it this morning on a tac character specifically specced for a Negh'Var, and it was a joy to behold. The turn rate-improvements intended to get the Negh'Var to a manageable level brought my turn rate, without boff skills, to 20,3 (I think, might be 20,5). Because of the speccing for a tanky ship the disintegration issue wasn't that bad, too. Sure, it took more damage than the Negh, but it also got PH1, TSS3 and HE2 to offset that. Might switch HE and TSS around at some point, btw.

    Also tried it with GW1 in the ltnt cmdr slot, and TSS1 & HE2, which ensured mass aggro, but worked too. At some point I was very happy with a supportive-minded Vo'Quv in an ISE, though, as aggroing some 5-6 spheres and a gate (oops) at once strained my heals.

    I've yet to try it on my eng and sci's, but so far, I'm pretty happy, and prefer it over my mirror Vor'cha, I think. I will admit that it is a snug fit with my preferred playing style (smack things really hard, with some heals and a dash of science thrown in for giggles), so that helps. I know strategic gameplay is probably inferior to raw offense, in terms of pure DPS, but I just like it better :P
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That's kind of the thing - the toon's built to tank - he's an Eng - hence the reason he was in the Mirror Vor'cha to begin with - for it's increased tankiness. It actually felt OP at times how well it could tank.

    I think I felt the most hit from the loss of crew. Many folks underestimate the value of crew in sustained tanking builds. That additional hull regen you get even in combat can make a difference. Yes, it's percentage based - but based on the way crew loss is handled, it takes far longer for that percentage to drop with a large crew than a smaller crew. Yes, Theta renders that discussion moot - but NPCs don't drop Theta.

    With x/25 Eng Power in either the Mirror Vor'cha or the Kamarag, I can hit the 70% Bonus Defense base cap before any abilities that would have boosted it to that or beyond. Turn in the Mirror Vor'cha is 19.7 while in the Kamarag it's 20.9. Hull dropped from either 47.7k to 46.3k or 46.7k to 45.3k (can't remember without looking, but it was a ~1.4k drop).

    The build in the Mirror Vor'cha:
    TS1, APB1
    EPtS1, AtS1, RSP2, EWP2 (should be 3, I know)
    EPtA1, ET1, AB1
    TSS1, HE2

    The build in the Kamarag:
    TS1, APB1

    EPtS1, AtS1, RSP2, EWP2 (should be 3, I know)
    EPtA1, ET1
    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    With the captain being an Eng, there would also be: Nadion Inversion, Rotate Shield Frequency, EPS Power Transfer, Miracle Worker, and Engineering Fleet.

    It's that combination of the fewer crew and less hull that's causing a double hit/double whammy.

    With things that disable/kill crew, it's a "Lesser of X or Y" - where for the most part, it's going to be that static number until you reach the lower numbers of crew where it's the percentage.

    So you take 1500 crew and subtract that static number.
    So you take 700 crew and subtract that static number.

    You're going to feel that more on the 700 crew than the 1500 crew. Your overall percentage of crew is going to remain higher longer starting with 1500 crew. You're going to get that much more hull regen for that much longer starting with 1500 crew.

    Going from 1500 to 700 while also losing 1.4k hull... is very noticeable. Something like that should be even more noticeable going from a Negh'Var to a Kamarag where you're losing 1800 crew and base 4k hull.

    Compare that to somebody going from a Sovereign to the Ambassador because they preferred the BOFF layout. Going from 800 crew to 700's not going to be anywhere near as noticeable...and...they actually picked up 500 hull. They also get the arguable benefit of going from the LCdr Eng Lt Sci to Lt Eng LCdr Sci.

    I was somewhat pleasantly surprised with the Ambassador.
    I was "WTF where's mah hull?" with the Kamarag.

    No doubt I could keep the shields up better in the Kamarag with the TT1, TSS3 instead of TSS1, and even the better turn rate...but the hull was just disintegrating while doing so over the course of any extended fighting/encounters just from bleedthrough.
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    well, the Kamarag can't be used to skin a Fleet K't'inga retrofit. Any one find is a s skin for any of the Fleet Vorcha's, or the Tor'kant by any chance?

    If not, maybe we can look forward to a fleet refit/retrofit version.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hm, interesting.

    I definitely agree on most of your points, and in prolonged fights it did indeed start to be more noticable, but I still wasn't suffering from melting-hull syndrome. However, I suspect my build might be a bit more defensive:

    TS1, APB1

    EPtS1, AtS1, RSP2, EWP2 (should be 3, I know)
    EPtA1, ET1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    TT1 (with 2 conn doffs), CRF1

    EPtW1, EPtS2, DEM2, AtSIF3
    EPtS1, RSP1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3 (or TB1, HE2, GW1, alternatively)

    I get 100% on my EPtS, including the resist buffs that gives, and the extra 19% hull damage resistance of AtSIF3 over AtSIF1. Those might explain the different experiences, I suppose.

    Now that I look back at it, not all that different in focus, but just different. Your EWP is a level higher than my DEM, but those are both offensive powers. I went for RSP1 instead of 2, because it's my backup, and at that point I'm taking so much fire it'll fill all of my shields in no time anyway.

    So, apart from the different levels of skills, I just run another EPtW instead of your EPtA, and another EPtS instead of your ET (which wouldn't work for me because of my chaining TT).

    Other than the TT cooldown reduction doffs I'm really not running anything proper yet, on that character, so those aren't the issue.
  • tsf00181tsf00181 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Here's what I'm working with right now. Seems to be doing okay. I keep wanting to go back to this guys Negh'Var though. I'm going to stick with it for awhile I think.

  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The Boffs are pretty similar to Vorcha. One less eng slot traded for one more Sci slot. Or were you hoping for Commander Tac? hehe.
    I was hoping for some universal slots oh well.I got it for my KDF geer to supplement the Neg and Vorchas.It isn't to bad haven't tried it yet.


    That ship of yours gives me some ideas.What skills does your BO have?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    twam wrote: »
    TT1 (with 2 conn doffs), CRF1

    EPtW1, EPtS2, DEM2, AtSIF3
    EPtS1, RSP1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3 (or TB1, HE2, GW1, alternatively)

    Hrmm, for what I use EWP for...and it's not being buffed by either Ambiplasma nor the 2pc Harness bonus. I might give this a go later.

    TT1, APB1

    EPtS1, ET2, EWP1, AtS3
    EPtA1, RSP1

    PH1, HE2, TSS3

    Hrmm, might also see if I do better with AtD1 there instead RSP1. Will have to play around with that.

    Like I said, it's with the extended fights or encounters where I end up losing crew. Once that's gone, I'm finding the need to hull heal more and more - which can mean simply not having those heals available - then bam - hull feels like it's going like a can of Pringles.

    No doubt, my idea of squishy is different - but I found the Vor'cha to be an amazing tank. I'll play around some more with the Kamarag, and if it doesn't work out - I'll just still with the Vor'cha.
  • darkzenithukdarkzenithuk Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I actually like it, probably a little more than my Negh'Var at the moment. Sure there's better available, but this one was free and easy to get. Looks the business too. :cool:
    Mortem a mundo, ortum republica, imperii ruina.
  • kiriseekirisee Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ooiue wrote: »
    I like the ship, it adds another great turning Battlecruiser to our arsenal :)

    just spent about 5 million to get it oufitted..ran Alhena right before they brought the shard down again for about the sixth time this week...the ship runs very well...turns nice!!!!! and can use cannons.....good ship!.....but PLEASE fix the problem you are having Cyptic...thid bringing down the shard everyday is getting old....is it an exploit you are trying to fix? or just a laggy game????
    "If everyone used Macs, we'd be working on how to get to Alpha Centauri rather than how to get to Mars."
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    age03 wrote: »

    That ship of yours gives me some ideas.What skills does your BO have?

    Take another look at the image he posted...look in the lower right corner of it.;)
  • tsf00181tsf00181 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I was hoping for some universal slots oh well.I got it for my KDF geer to supplement the Neg and Vorchas.It isn't to bad haven't tried it yet.


    That ship of yours gives me some ideas.What skills does your BO have?

    If that was aimed at me, here they are:

    LT Tactical:
    Tac Team One, Cannon Rapid 1

    Ensign Tactical:
    Torpedo High Yield 1

    Commander Engineering:
    Emergency to Shields 1, Aux to Battery 1, Emergency to Structural 2, Reverse Shield Polarity 3

    LT Engineering:
    Emergency to Shields 1, Aux to Battery 1

    Lt Commander Science:
    Hazard Emitters 1, Hazard Emitters 2, Gravity well 1

    3x Purple Technicians
    2x Projectile Weapons Officers

    I'm going to switch out the Emergency to Structural 2 for Directed Energy Modulation I think, its not getting used because it shares a cool down with the Aux to Battery.

    I've since adding a Borg Console and Cutting beam to the build, replacing the SIF console and rear torpedo. This guy was a new character. Plasma Torpedo is a place holder until I can get to T4 Omega for that torpedo.

    I'm going to eventually replace the Projectile officers with some more defensive ones. Probably the Subsystem cooldown ones or the Auxiliary Quartermaster if I can fine them. EC is a little tight right now :(
  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I've been using mine as an experiment, my first foray into a torpedo boat build. I've spent a stupid amount of EC (well a few million, hey it's a lot to me) using different weapons and configurations and I'm very happy with the results.


    X3 Rapid Reload Transphasic torps
    X1 Breen Cluster torp


    X4 Disruptor turrets

    The turrets are only there for the reduce resistance bonus. I may swap one of the turrets for one of the torps, the rate of fire is so crazy I don't think I need 3 up front.


    Full KHG MKX



    X1 Borg Universal
    X1 Monotanium Alloy
    X1 Ablative Hull Armor
    X1 Tetraburnium Hull Armor


    X1 Emitter Array
    X1 Shield Emitter Amplifier


    X3 Transphasic Compressors

    Tac consoles are Purple MKXI, everything else is Blue MKXI


    X2 Projectile Weapons Officers (blue)
    X1 Comm Officer
    X1 Technician
    X1 Shield Distribution Officer


    Lt Tac: Torpedo Spread 1, Torpedo High Yield 2
    Ens Tac: Tactical Team 1
    Cmdr Eng: Em Power to Shields 1, Engineering Team 2, Auxillery to Structural 2, Aceton Beam 3
    Lt Eng: Em Power to Weapons 1, Em Power to Shields 2
    Lt Sci: Polarize Hull 1, Hazard Emitters 2, Feedback Pulse 2

    I know it's by no means perfect but damn it's fun to fly. I can stay at max range, keep my energy levels on the 'equal' setting (shield setting if it get's hairy) and bludgeon ships to death. I've noticed that I gain aggro from Borg a lot more often with this ship so it must do something right :)
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