Was on second life the other day. And found out the fan base there for star trek is under attack buy CBS. CBS has no second life products to sell or use in SL. Nore is it represented in SL. Yet once again CBS has decided to attack its fan base once again. This has happen before. a Fan group in California that designed a bird of pray was sued buy CBS and forced to remove it. A contractor who did renovations and did a star trek theme decorating service was forced to shut down. Again CBS does not provide these services.
According to CBS even fan art is violations of there holy copy right. As a Star trek fan I enjoy the story and fun of star trek. But CBS is a huge turn off to the franchise. Copy right was not made for hole sale ownership of a idea or concept. the idea of expression dichotomy was clearly included in the law.
CBS need to learn not to hate the fans. THAT IS there money base. Expression dichotomy of the fan base in art, design, and including fan base stories.
Is is a true shame that CBS Greed And hate of the star trek fan base has reaches new levels. Even George Lucus leaves the fan base alone. Makes you wonder why there is a larger Star wars fan base then Star trek. maybe it's not fear of prosecution.
This is a rant I know. But some one has to tell CBS to stop killing off there fan base. There killing the golden goose out of greed. Support expression dichotomy in the copy right laws. Artistic freedom is at stake.
CBS is unlikely to go after star trek fans unless they are making money from it, which i suspect they were.
if you make something star trek related and then try to turn a profit you are stealing someone else work and infringing on their copyrights and possibly even pretending that you are in some way affiliated with cbs. lucas and his lawyers would do the same.
and of course the size of the fan base has nothing to do with this. no one decides to become, or stop being a fan of trek because of this. you are either a fan or you are not.
What everyone said so far is true. But the point being not even lucus arts go after there fans as hard as CBS does. There a guy who did a star wars theme building based on tatoinee. assuming I spelled it right. And lucus arts celebrates it. CBS would have condemned it.
This isn't about the law. It's about CBS lack of accommodation for there fan base.
if you make something star trek related and then try to turn a profit you are stealing someone else work and infringing on their copyrights and possibly even pretending that you are in some way affiliated with cbs. lucas and his lawyers would do the same.
and of course the size of the fan base has nothing to do with this. no one decides to become, or stop being a fan of trek because of this. you are either a fan or you are not.
This isn't about the law. It's about CBS lack of accommodation for there fan base.
Well I was wrong. thank you for that information. Guess we are all doomed.
the last site is awesome. keeping that one. seems there are liked minded people. right or wrong is nice to know.
If YOU ever made anything that had as much value as Trek, you wouldnt want people devaluing your intelectual property either.