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Let's talk AFK Players



  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I've always found people don't like being lectured, which is how any advice comes across in a text-based format.

    That's why I always ask "Can I offer a bit of advice?" first. If they freak out and beak me off, fine on to my list they go. But I have had mostly good experience with this.

    I think that most people are willing to learn it's just there are just enough loud mouths out there who like to throw around insults and unwanted "advice" that people are just expecting it. I have met a few people who where really surprised I asked first.
  • ricorosebudricorosebud Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This again?

    Why do the devs need to code in a feature because of AFKers?

    DO NOT PUG!!!!!! It's a easy solution that does not require a response from the developers. That would be a waste of resources. Stop being lazy, make a private match with friends and fleetmates if you want 100% guarantees. This is a non-issue. I don't need the developers to devote time making a feature to regulate it for me. You don't either.
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    DO NOT PUG!!!!!! It's a easy solution that does not require a response from the developers. That would be a waste of resources. Stop being lazy, make a private match with friends and fleetmates if you want 100% guarantees. This is a non-issue. I don't need the developers to devote time making a feature to regulate it for me. You don't either.

    Well see the problem is some people have these little things called Lives that get in the way. When they get a chance to play their friends and/or fleet mates may not even be available. So they have to relay on pugs.
  • ricorosebudricorosebud Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    abaddon653 wrote: »
    Well see the problem is some people have these little things called Lives that get in the way. When they get a chance to play their friends and/or fleet mates may not even be available. So they have to relay on pugs.

    I do so love a good snarky reply. Thanks ever so much for talking to me like a child. Allow me the honor of returning the favor.

    You see, you forgot about these little things called chat channels. They are incredible! There are more than one dedicated to the sole purpose of letting those that desire to do STF's get together. Better than pugging, little effort required. Amazing I know! If you like I can hold your hand through the process of finding one. Or will you be fine on your own out there in the big scary?
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I do so love a good snarky reply. Thanks ever so much for talking to me like a child. Allow me the honor of returning the favor.

    You see, you forgot about these little things called chat channels. They are incredible! There are more than one dedicated to the sole purpose of letting those that desire to do STF's get together. Better than pugging, little effort required. Amazing I know! If you like I can hold your hand through the process of finding one. Or will you be fine on your own out there in the big scary?

    You mean the various elite STF channels that can get you laughed at and maybe even kicked depending on who's on because you don't know all the ins and outs of how exactly that particular channel wants you to word your STF announcements?
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Great idea OP. In addition to AFKers, I would use this system to ignore every single jerk yelling and screaming at the rest of the team for not being as l33t as he is. That way he'll find it harder to group as well, hopefully encouraging said person's attitude to improve for the better.

    I don't encounter AFKer's as often as other people seem to, which is odd. The again, it's probably because I don't play STF's as often as other people do.
  • ricorosebudricorosebud Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    talien wrote: »
    You mean the various elite STF channels that can get you laughed at and maybe even kicked depending on who's on because you don't know all the ins and outs of how exactly that particular channel wants you to word your STF announcements?

    Nope. I definitely don't mean those. That sounds terrible. Sorry you had a bad experience. Ask around, there are a couple of GOOD ones out there that have no such shenanigans.

    Point is, the resources to 100% avoid AFKers and leechers are out there, and are easy to find and take advantage of. This game doesn't need to have developers waste their time devising and implementing a system (that furthermore will be abused by trolls and/or elitists and will likely not work as you want it too) that totally filters out a minor inconvenience, when you yourself can do just that with far less effort.

    I think that time and those resources be better used on content and bug fixes. Call me crazy.
  • jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ...Point is, the resources to 100% avoid AFKers and leechers are out there, and are easy to find and take advantage of...

    This ^^

    I have NEVER, in 3 years of STO, been in a group for an STF with someone who is, or goes AFK.

    Once in my time in STO, I did have to go AFK a few minutes after the game started ( banes of being a parent and all ) and alas did not make it back until the end of the match - but, BEFORE I went AFK, I explained in the texted chat that I had to go AFK and why (it took less than 5 seconds to type it all up).

    The tools to avoid constant AFK'ers are already in game - people just need to learn how to use them
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You see, you forgot about these little things called chat channels. They are incredible! There are more than one dedicated to the sole purpose of letting those that desire to do STF's get together.
    Such as???
    Ask around, there are a couple of GOOD ones out there that have no such shenanigans.
    I'm asking right here. What are the chat channels you refer to? Which are good, which are bad?

    Stop hiding in your private playground and acting like because you don't have an issue, no one else can.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • jockey1979jockey1979 Member Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Such as???

    I'm asking right here. What are the chat channels you refer to? Which are good, which are bad?

    Stop hiding in your private playground and acting like because you don't have an issue, no one else can.

    I play with real life friends, but we are more than happy to team up with other players.

    Feel free to add me to your friends list ( @jockey79 ) - we do use Teamspeak, HOWEVER, if we team up with someone who is not on TS or does not want to use TS, we do not mind typing our chat as we say it ( done that more than once ) so you know what is going on.

    [Edit] As far as I know, there is "ESTF","Elite-STF", "EliteSTF" chat channels, but I have never used them - so as for the quality of those channels I cannot comment - but they are there for anyone to use
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Elite stf is fine, but it can also be deserted.

    As for the AFK leechers, the only current option I know of is just leave and take the 1 hour penalty to spite the afk leech .
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Some people think it is harsh to ask to not play with inexperienced players or ill equipped players. That is what the NORMAL setting is for so that these people can learn what to do. I spent countless hours learning how to do things on normal before attempting elite setting because I did not want to be considered a piker. There is something called common courtesty which seems to be sorely lacking in the STO community. I see it everyday in zone chats and warzones. There needs to be an option to avoid protagonists AFK'ers and people you choose to disassociate with. Now for those of you who get upset with this idea remember most of us have precious little time to game because we have families and jobs and other obligations. The last thing we need or want is the aggravation of some jerk costing us the good reward in a STF because they deliberately TRIBBLE things up. As for the guy spouting about channels and friends not everybody has a regular schedual and your friends may not always be on at the same time. So you have to play with a PUG from time to time. All I am asking for is the opportunity to ignore and no longer have contact with people with no common courtesy. Attitude goes a long way in this game and the ignore goes both ways if you don't like having someone bark orders put them on your ignore and the problem is solved. This solution allows like minded and like styled players to team up with each other more often and helps to avoid conflicts. If you already have this solved for yourself great why are you complaining?The rest of us do not and seek a viable alternative to dealing with the pakleds of STO. I am merely trying to suggest a peaceful solution to a irritating problem that is fair to everyone.

    Now then for those who think this is cruel how many tens of thousands of players play STO? If you keep getting ignored and finding your wait times growing then stop and ask yourself what are you doing to TRIBBLE off so many people? This system is fair because it allows for consequenses for abusive behavior. Some people do not wish to learn how to play and when you try to make contact to offer them advice you get the TRIBBLE you post or some other moronic attitude. Frankly my time is too precious to waste on someone who wants to act like that.

    All I want to see is a simple but effective way to deal with this sort of nuisance. Since there is no council or other governing body interested in handling complaints this solves the he said she said instantly. The ignore button needs to be configured to facilitate a better gaming experience.
  • ricorosebudricorosebud Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Such as???

    I'm asking right here. What are the chat channels you refer to? Which are good, which are bad?

    Stop hiding in your private playground and acting like because you don't have an issue, no one else can.

    Stop being an insistent jerk. You have tried to pick arguments with me before.

    I am not responding to this thread to advertise a particular chat channel. I don't want to be confused as trying to further my own agenda. It's not private. I am not hiding. The channel I am a member of (it's NOT EliteSTF) has over 3k members, shouldn't be difficult to find.

    I am not acting. I am stating that there IS NO issue, flat out.

    "I must've hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh kid?"
  • ricorosebudricorosebud Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    arnthebard wrote: »
    As for the guy spouting about channels and friends not everybody has a regular schedual and your friends may not always be on at the same time. So you have to play with a PUG from time to time. All I am asking for is the opportunity to ignore and no longer have contact with people with no common courtesy. If you already have this solved for yourself great why are you complaining?The rest of us do not and seek a viable alternative to dealing with the pakleds of STO. I am merely trying to suggest a peaceful solution to a irritating problem that is fair to everyone.

    All I want to see is a simple but effective way to deal with this sort of nuisance. Since there is no council or other governing body interested in handling complaints this solves the he said she said instantly. The ignore button needs to be configured to facilitate a better gaming experience.

    First: wallotext

    Second: I am 'spouting off' the solutions to your perceived problem that are already available to you. I DO NOT want the developers to waste their time trying to 'fix' this 'problem'.

    Third: Like I pointed out to a smarmy fellow in an earlier post, I am not a child or a simpleton. It is not news to me that real life comes before/intrudes on game time. AGAIN: the soultions are there, and easy to find. And if your time is so tight, precious and valuable why are you trying to squeeze in a STF? Those by nature can vary wildly in time to complete depending on the group, AKFers or no. And get out of here with 'forced to PUG'. That is so silly I am not going to bother pointing out why.

    In short, everything you asked for in your little novel you already have available to you. The developers do not need to add code to the game and waste time and resources because you can't/won't find them.
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I report them to the GM. Let them be annoyed by my participation in the system.

    I will keep doing so until I am given a better option.

    Other than that, no big deal. 'Tis only a game.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There are ressons players go afk either it is to long or it need tweaking.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • crownvic2doorcrownvic2door Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I like the original idea, those on my ignore list cant be teamed with me...sounds good! even though I have like half a million spammers and trolls on there, I have spent WELL over 1,200 hours in less then a year playing this game...(I have no life)? lol But the trend I have seen is that those people in my list don't seem to last in the long run of the game I have not seen them online in ages. says a lot about the type who troll and spam doesn't it?
  • jrq2jrq2 Member Posts: 263 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I like this method

    As of now I have like 30 or so AFKers on my ignore list and it takes a long time for me to run into them again. So I can?t see how this can be abused.

    Even if a group of 4 should ignore the 5th player just for kicks it would only limit that one player to miss out on just 4 queues IF by chance those 4 players just happen to queue for the same exact event at the exact time you did, which would be a REALLY BIG IF.

    So I can see this working.
  • ricorosebudricorosebud Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • section31agent#8506 section31agent Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • midwayacemidwayace Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    WOW! Kudos Arnthebard... Why didn't the Devs think of this themselves? I love the idea as a RP player losing the griefers who come to Drozana for the express purpose of tormenting us during one of our sessions. Think of it ......a instance on Drozana for just us RP guys now that would be reallly useful.

    Everyone hates the grind in STFs but those idiots who have nothing better to do than TRIBBLE with everyone else deserve some form of seperation from the general population.

    As for the inexperienced player or ill equipped player there are PvP Boot Camps and the normal setting. You really should have your act together and be a team player before getting involved in a STF on a ELITE setting. As for the private team stuff forget it...too many times I have seen people get kicked from the team just before the last boss gets killed so that they lose any chance at the really good rewards. And if you don't have thier choice of VOIP Team Speak/SKYPE/ect.. they boot you from the team.

    But enhancing the ignore button is pure genius. It really would clean up the problems in STFs and PvP.

    Any Devs reading this? Give the guy props for original thinker.
  • midwayacemidwayace Member Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yeah the only problem with your solution is friends are not always on. Most people have jobs, school, family, or {Dare I say it} a living breathing human girlfriend. Like at this time most people in the USA are headed to work or school so I am left to grind with PUGs. So other than those obstacles yeah team with your buddies. Even still, you must admit the Ignore enhancment is still one of the best ideas coming from a forum.
  • abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Oooo, this thread is getting interesting.

    -grabs popcorn and gets comfy-
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    I'm noticing some violations of PWE Community Rules and Policies in this thread.

    Let's keep the conversation civil. There's no need for further hostility here.

    Please show some respect for other people's opinions, even if you don't agree with them.

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    When referring to other forum users, please leave off any personal references to beliefs, feelings, behavior, intelligence, character, skills, etc.

    Any post that's been crafted to provoke an angry reaction is trolling and is subject to moderation, warnings, and infractions. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO TROLL POSTS! Report them.

    If you are responsible for a post that breaks the rules, please take responsibility to go back and take out the inflammatory language. Otherwise, the Mods will have to exercise their responsibilities.

    Read the rules (see above)

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

    Live Long and Prosper,
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    aarons9 wrote: »
    yes you should punish those under powered and inexperienced.. that is why there is NORMAL stfs and ELITE stfs..

    nobody not prepared should ever join an ELITE stf.. there is NO NEED..

    uh huh, well considering, I went into ISE on my old tac wearing mk x green weapons, and misc green and blue gear from pre lvl 50 days because I had retired him, and I'm now un mothballing him, but I somehow managed to outDPS everyone else, but I'm the least geared without any sets. Your idea is terrible.
  • admgreeradmgreer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This solution has been suggested before. When I have seen threads started addressing the AFK issue and harrassment issue the same trolls come on and reply "dont pug" or "dont go to Dronza" or "only play with people you know" That is not a solution or resolution to the issue. That is just someone being a jerk and trying to get a rise out of you. The vote kick option would be abused and used to grief others. But having the ignore feature prevent the player from loading into a mission or zone where someone on your ignore list is would work. Now the only downside is loading time. It may increase load time and decrease server stability having to load your ignore list and the scan for current players in zone and then redirect to an open zone you can load into. Other games can do it so its not impossible.
  • adon333adon333 Member Posts: 304
    edited April 2013
    This thread isn't about getting Cryptic to fix a problem, it's about giving more power to neckbeards in-game so they can wield more virtual muscle and address/not address w/e qualms or imagined problems they perceive to have. We've heard this all before.

    Yeah, that's right.
  • manlyyamsmanlyyams Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    abaddon653 wrote: »
    In general I agree with the this in terms of trolls and afkers. However you are also saying you want to punish the under equipped and inexperienced. That is just plain wrong.

    In terms of the under equipped they are most likely there to fix that little problem. I would rather team with an under equipped player who knows what he is doing and has a good attitude over the fully kitted out player who barks orders and insults people for accidentally TRIBBLE up.

    As for inexperienced players, well how do you expect them to get any better if people keep ignoring them and they can't get into a group. If you have more experience and know the stf like the back of your hand great, pass that experience on to the newbies, teach them and nurture them. There are enough nubs in this game already, don't expand that population by punishing the new players who really want to learn.

    For those who do not know the difference between a Newbie/Newb and a Noob/Nub I direct you here, you will learn something and hopefully get a chuckle at the same time.


    I have had it up to here (holding hand above my head) with players who have been around for a while and act as though it gives them a license to insult and/or talk down to the newbies. Yes some times they can be extremely frustrating but its YOUR job to educate them and help them grow as players.

    So yeah afkers, trolls and griefers deserve the worst things in this world, but don't include the inexperienced and/or under equipped in with them.

    I thought you had a point until you linked a comic made by Tim Buckley. :P

    But no, I think the general consensus is that barring an underequipped player isn't necessarily being suggested here... as long as said player listens to advice/suggestions during the action. I've had plenty of situations where an obviously underequipped player starts aggroing and destorying things before anyone is ready to deal with the consequences. Let's take.. ISE for example. That one is easy to TRIBBLE up at first, yeah. Not going to lie. And after people deal with the fallout from the first transformer, generally something is said to the guilty, be it as an accident or whatever.

    Usually they will apologize and listen to what is said. To those new players I am grateful. But many other times, they will outright ignore the chat, and then proceed to TRIBBLE up the other generator, doing the exact sasme thing. Let's say popping a generator before the cube is even dead. So then everyone else has to deal with the cube as well as incoming sphetes. Does that seem cool? Not really. Players like that need to learn that ignoring their teammates is going to have consequences.
  • zerobangzerobang Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    i already made this suggestion myself before.

    do NOT team me with people on my ignore list
    do PREFER to team me with people on my FRIEND list!
    -> quality of Queue matches would skyrocket for everyone.

    if this works for Xbox Live SYSTEM WIDE, then it can't be that hard to compare 5 - 20 lists of ASCII names.
    the lists are saved online there isn't even an up/download process... just comparing a bit of text before someobdy gets added to a queue.
    If Cryptics servers can't handle that... they better get some new ones because that is very basic stuff.

    at the end of the day, the unique reason behind an ignore button press doesn't matter,
    if i put someone on a IGNORE LIST i do NEVER want to see hear or play together with that person again, not just MUTE him in a chat.
    unless i remove him from that list (also i should be able to make a note for myself when and why i banned someone... why is there a free-text field for my Friend list but not one for my ignore list?).

    If there are people that are trigger happy and ban you for no good reason, so be it, you are probably better off not playing with those guys anyway.

    The fear alone of getting ignored by many other players and therefore have increased wait times in the queue should be enough reason for anybody with half a brain to NOT AFK regularly.

    As long as there is no fear of any kind or form of consequence, people will just keep doing it.

    This again?

    Why do the devs need to code in a feature because of AFKers?

    DO NOT PUG!!!!!!

    first: putting someone on IGNORE should actually IGNORE that person completely. If you ask me the very functionality of the button is incomplete unless the PvE + PvP queues do filter for it.
    It's a MUTE button, not an IGNORE button.

    "DO NOT PUG!"
    is no solution to the problem. Many Players do not use chat channels like EliteSTF.
    Also the only good channels i know are for STFs and a Red Alert announcement channel...
    I would have no idea where to go for a private round of Mine Trap ... (not to mention that Mine Trap is bugged to hell and puts everyone in a private queue at that odd respawn point, instead of spawning groups together in one of the zones... it's kind of hard to play that one like that anyway).

    age03 wrote: »
    There are ressons players go afk either it is to long or it need tweaking.

    going AFK because you have to is not the problem (then you writhe "sorry got to AFK real short" in the chat, nobody will ban you for that), being intentionally AFK from start to finish, or tabbing out, just to grab the default completion reward is the problem. you may not have run into one of those AFKers, but when Mine Trap was new, i had like one or two AFKers in my team PER ROUND.
    After 2 Weeks it was so annoying that i started to put them on the Ignore list anyway.

    By now i'm not playing it anymore because i'm done with the Rep System, so i can't comment on the current state of AFKers in there.
This discussion has been closed.