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Interactive objects... lit by creepy candle flames?



  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    anazonda wrote: »
    Dosn't make it it any less horrible, or less crappy to look at...

    Sorry taco... I know you guys are probably doing the best you can, but this just dosen't fly.
    I don't mind it. It works better on random objects that the old way of making things glow. Does it look weird on consoles? yeah. But overall I like it.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Just FYI.
    The FX change was due to a code change made a while back, which broke the old style of FX that had been applied to clickies. Rather than revert the code change, a new type of FX had to be made, which did not rely on the object's position.

    Transtation - The STO engine was updated to the current stable NeverWinter code branch, and that branch had the new NeverWinter interact graphic; so STO inheirited it. It's fixable, but with such an ambitious and overloaded STO development schedule that we're on now, it's low priority, :D:cool:
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Transtation - The STO engine was updated to the current stable NeverWinter code branch, and that branch had the new NeverWinter interact graphic; so STO inheirited it. It's fixable, but with such an ambitious and overloaded STO development schedule that we're on now, it's low priority, :D:cool:


    I get to be a NeverWinter Beta Tester without ever having to play THAT game...

    Now there's a wonderful LTS/Gold perk for ya.

    :rolleyes:<shakes head>:rolleyes:
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • toslover#1432 toslover Member Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Transtation - The STO engine was updated to the current stable NeverWinter code branch, and that branch had the new NeverWinter interact graphic; so STO inheirited it. It's fixable, but with such an ambitious and overloaded STO development schedule that we're on now, it's low priority, :D:cool:

    I'm not a fan of the graphic, but it's nice to know why that happened. :)
  • eazzieeazzie Member Posts: 4,175 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Since the update of the interaction glow was changed for computer consoles etc. players have said how they don't like it. I kind of disagreed and saw it as something new to get used to. But sadly I can't. Being the colour (or color for my american friends) it is now is at times hard to see. So I think there are two options available. Either leave it as it is but please change it to a more stand out colour (color) ie blue or red, or revert back to how it was.

    It is always good to have a change from time to time, but sometimes changes don't always work for the best.
  • mkilczewskimkilczewski Member Posts: 284
    edited August 2012
    Yeah come on guys, how hard can it be to revert this nonsense?

    Can't be any harder than putting beets back in the replicator, but, as usual, they're stymied by it. You know the drill. Rush the exact, same, buggy, patch/season, that was on Tribble, to Holodeck. Then wait for all the complaints of all the "little stuff", that invariably got broken, to hopefully die down, then do nothing to fix them, because they're small potatoes, and you've got bigger fish to fry. Then go to Vegas, and tell everyone about the awsome, new, expansion you just released, say your team has grown "exponentially" (20 more people) and promise people the future of the game is so bright, they're gonna' need shades. Oh, and don't forget to tell people that you're holding back on some things, because you don't want to release anything that isn't ready for primetime. (talk about closin' the freakin' door after all the horses got out)
  • brodie0854brodie0854 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Transtation - The STO engine was updated to the current stable NeverWinter code branch, and that branch had the new NeverWinter interact graphic; so STO inheirited it. It's fixable, but with such an ambitious and overloaded STO development schedule that we're on now, it's low priority, :D:cool:

    I'm not a betting man but if i where then THIS is what i'd stick my money on!
    Personally i hate the stupid effect we have now, it looks awful.
  • nephilim83nephilim83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    They're ugly and a needless change. By far the worst change I've seen since i started playing. And they don't even work in some instances. For example, small panels like the ones by the cells in Skirmish or Cold Comfort are impossible to see unless you are up close or at just the right angle. It's annoying. Put that fire out ffs.
  • danquellerdanqueller Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Admiral's Log:

    The consoles continue to burn throughout the ship, and nothing we have done to eliminate the problem has succeeded. Today's events have given me cause to wonder if things aren't worse than we could have imagined.

    At 1423 today, five Borg Cubes dropped out of warp directly on top of us. We didn't even have time to raise our shields before a tractor beam was established. True to form, the Borg sent a scout over to investigate our Engineering section. However, when it scanned the burning Mains console, it stopped and immediately beamed back. The Borg had been in the middle of their standard 'Resistance is Futile' speech, but cut off in mid-sentence the moment the scout returned. The tractor released us and the Cubes went to warp within seconds of this. I have viewed the Borg scout's brief visit to our ship, and I don't believe I have ever seen the expression of absolute horror and fear I glimpse on it's face when it scanned the console.

    At 1820, while we were still getting over our narrow escape, I received a report that the Xerox has collided with an asteroid outpost they were supposed to be moving to assist. According to transcripts from the Bridge, the Helmsman became confused by the flames erupting from one of the Outpost's hatches that he was supposed to dock to, and 'froze at the wheel'. What -is- it with that ship?

    At 1850, Exeter reports that her mission to investigate the silence of the Epsilon Eight listening post on the border zone has failed. Upon beaming over to the station, they found the entire facility staff has vanished, though everything appears intact. An explaination most likely resides in several of the workstation systems throughout the facility, but all of these had even larger versions of the 'flaming' effect, and the away team leader chose not to risk anyone to find out if these were a type that could cause true harm. They are currently assessing if an automated probe can be used to access the information.

    At 2006, Queller sent an inquiry asking about their plan to build containment boxes around the affected consoles. I am hesitant to move forward with this plan, as it involves several types of alloys I frankly have never heard of, and which do not, to my knowledge, exist. When I asked about them, their Chief Engineer sneared at my ignorance and claimed he would '..show all those fools!! My invention -WILL- work!!' before closing the channel in my face! I will have to speak to their Medical Officer to see if the Engineer is as unstable as the condition of his uniform and the maniac gleem I think I saw in his eyes suggests.

    I have finally received a reply from Starfleet in regards to my requests for assistance. However, the reply was a simple statement that the recent systems upgrades that seem to have been the catalyst for this situation were necessary measures to prevent other, serious problems with the food replicator menues, and would remain in place until further notice. This was not the reply I and others had hoped for, but no doubt it reassured some that at least our troubles were not without reason. We will continue our own efforts to end this potentially catastrophic 'effect', and I intend to send this log off with all dispatch in the hope it reaches Command.

    As soon as I can bring myself to enter my burning Ready Room.

    End Recording.
  • danquellerdanqueller Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Admiral's Log:

    Our ongoing problem with consoles that appear to be radiating a form of thermal radiation have taken a tragic turn today. At 1047, the Xerox reported her Science Officer had somehow become 'ignited' with the same radiation he was attempting to analyze. Commander Durik'sla immediately isolated him in Sick Bay, where he is reportedly insisting there is nothing wrong with him. While his staff are enjoying the chance to run the Science Officer through as many tests as they can, it seems likely that the man will be locked away from all contact until we can determine a way to halt this phenomena. The only bright spot seems to be that he does not require a light to read while in the isolation chamber's bed.

    Other ships have had continuing problems with this...effect.

    The Forge has managed to restore gravity, but Captain Jostin may have taken her corrective measures too far. Reportedly, the entire crew is being ordered to view the entire thirty-four hours of fire safety and prevention holos in the ship's library in a single viewing, with Security teams guarding the doors to the Briefing Rooms. Medical personel have been instructed to provide stimulants to keep the crew awake thoughout the entire presentation (they themselves are subject to these orders as well) and riot-control energy prods have been issued to the Instructors with orders to use them liberally in the event of a nod-off. I can't fault Jostin's dilligence in attempting to correct a perceived fault in her ship, but I'll have to look up Starfleet regulations on shipboard conduct before I ask if she's lost her mind.

    Unfortunately, I don't have to do so for Hermitage's Assistant Engineer. Locking the doors to Engineering, inserting a random number generator into the gravity regulators, and singing some song about 'Kath-something' into the shipwide intercom will, I am confident, qualify as mental breakdown in any Board of Inquiry Starfleet might wish to convene on the issue. By the time they managed to break in and sedate him with extreme prejudice, he'd rewired the main Engineering controls to function as a pipe organ and donned some sort of cape he'd fashioned from the emergency kit. I can only hope the damage to his mind can be repaired, as only he knows exactly how to unwire them without causing an overload in the impulse engines. For now, Hermitage will have to remain at dead stop until either he recovers, or the tugs arrive.

    The situation on my own flagship is little better. We've tried to bypass functions away from the affected consoles, but apparently the effect is tied into that as well as the replacement data terminals ignited with the same radiation when they were brought online. I'm beginning to give serious thoughts to Yur'Fi's suggestion that this is all an illusion placed into our collective minds by an alien race to test how we will react before making First Contact with us. However, her suggestion that the entire crew become intoxicated to test this theory is suspect, in my opinion, and I find I am not ready to implement such a plan yet.

    With no further word from Starfleet, we have no choice but to continue to seek a solution to this test of our determination to boldly go where no man has....no, no. I can't hide behind Starfleet's motos and brave declarations. We're in trouble, and I can only imagine what might be happening in other Fleets across space.

    End Recording.
  • danquellerdanqueller Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Admiral's Log:

    It is now more than three weeks since the upgrades to our systems that caused the mysterious radiation that continues to burn in and on our consoles. There is still no word from Starfleet since the last cryptic communication, and our crews are starting to fray at the edges. My Medical Officer was seen attempting to perform some sort of ritual over one of the fires, muttering incomprehensible words while gesturing in a way that unsettled the crew who were in Sick Bay at the time. I had to order Security to confine her to quarters until we can get a qualified psychologist from one of the other ships in the fleet to evaluate her. I am still awaiting the labratory test results I ordered to determine if she had ingested any Romulan Ale I hadn't managed to find. I hope that turns out to be the explanation.

    On Zenith, First Officer K'Solik went berzerk and attacked the flames with his Honor Blade. I don't know what the Klingon thought he was doing, but the three-bladed knife went right through the 'fire' and shorted out the main intercom and messaging system. I understand the command crew were using communicators to relay orders throughout the ship, and any visual diagrams had to be sent via courier. K'Solik was one of the first 'packages' to be delivered to Sickbay in this manner, but I am given to believe he will make a recovery from the burns he received.

    Queller's Chief Engineer tried to take control of the science vessel when the Captain refused his plan to convert the radiation into a harmless rain shower by use of his 'uberreplicatorrearrangerthing'. When asked if the device could be studied by the other Engineers aboard, he became very nervous and angry, and pulled a remote control device from his uniform pocket. Declaring that he was going to free the computers aboard from their slavery to Humans, he depressed a small button on the remote, pointing it at the main viewscreen on the Bridge. Perhaps if he hadn't forgotten to provide for a power source when he built the remote, it would have done something. As it is, he is now under sedation and heavy guard. I can only surmise that the stress of the past weeks finally broke the man, as he always seemed a dependable Officer in past fitreps.

    A Ferengi merchantman came alongside and tried to sell us their own irradiating consoles to our Engineers. When we tried to explain that we were trying to eliminate the problems with our own equipment, the Ferengi captain insisted that his consoles could hold the key to solving the mystery. Knowing Ferengi, I had the Exeter meet with them to investigate the possibility. However, as expected, the merchant was simply invoking the Nine-Hundred-Fifty-Eighth-And-One-Quarter Rule Of Aquisition: 'You don't have to tell the Customer what they don't need to know if you can get their Latinum first'. I'll have to look up the latest volume of the Rules of Aquisition to see if they actually have nine hundred fifty eight Rules, but by this time, I don't doubt they might. He was sent on his way with a stern warning not to attempt to deceive Starfleet Officers by igniting spare junk in the cargo bay with common flammible compounds.

    I am transmitting the logs of my Fleet to Starfleet again, in the hopes they somehow make it to HQ. I cannot believe Command would have left this go on for so long if the reports I had previously sent had arrived correctly. My fleet is falling apart, and unless a solution is found soon, I fear the unthinkable may occur. There hasn't been a mutiny in Starfleet since that Kirk incident almost a century ago, and I -will not- allow another on my watch!

    End Recording.
  • sonicshowersonicshower Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Ive been trying like heck to put the fires out on these consoles with my fire extingusher but so far no dice.
  • dinkelsendinkelsen Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Please, Cryptic, remove those horrible flames or at least make them optional. If I can disable them in the options that would be enough. If it has to be, make them flash, so they are only visible for certain periods of time.

    Reason is, my main occupation in STO is making screenshots and it is practically impossible to make a decent screenshot in an area where interactive objects are located. The ready room is polluted and unusable already and I also can't use the starbase's room where the officer of the watch is located because it is on fire.

    To Borgly Go Webcomic - Season 1, Season 2, Season 3
    Dei schware Pheisa Launzn trifft'n Robotazombiewiarfl und schlitzt eam fui auf. 50.000 Schodn, oida.
  • anazondaanazonda Member Posts: 8,399 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Indeed, cannot believe these are still here after all the complaints.

    Cryptic please give us a date when these will be removed.

    Well if you take a close look, it's becoming more and more appearent that Cryptic is willing sacrifice player-satisfaction over simplification.

    I can bet you, there wont be a date, and I am pretty sure we are stuck with this horrible excuse for interaction display.

    We had the same problem with a similar change a few months before F2P... That then turned into what we have now.
    Don't look silly... Don't call it the "Z-Store/Zen Store"...
    Let me put the rumors to rest: it's definitely still the C-Store (Cryptic Store) It just takes ZEN.
    Like Duty Officers? Support effords to gather ideas
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Indeed, cannot believe these are still here after all the complaints.

    Cryptic please give us a date when these will be removed.
    All the complaints? There's not that many people complaining and many people, myself included, LIKE the change!!!

    I can understand why some peeps dislike them. It might be a good thing to have an option for turning them off, but in many situations they GREATLY improve the visibility of things I want to find. And that is good!
    My character Tsin'xing
  • danquellerdanqueller Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    All the complaints? There's not that many people complaining and many people, myself included, LIKE the change!!!

    I can understand why some peeps dislike them. It might be a good thing to have an option for turning them off, but in many situations they GREATLY improve the visibility of things I want to find. And that is good!

    Well, that's a matter of personal preference, as I find making things easy to find incredibly boring (go to the flashing light, click, go to the flashing light, click again, good boy!), and could always get better results by simply using a tricorder scan (which oddly you always have with you).

    However, these aren't a matter of personal preference, and those of us who find them extremely distracting, offensive, and a severe break in emersion are forced to endure them for the sake of those who can't live without them. For that reason, I intend to continue to post Admiral's Logs in this or another thread until either they are made optional (which they should have been from the beginning of the game), or eliminated entirely (not just changed to a cute pink teddy bear hovering over the item and making little pixie-magic sounds).

    After all, how would -you- react if, in the next Star Trek film, Kirk and Spock calmly sit in the Briefing Room while the main computer terminal is burning right next to Kirk's arm? Or even worse yet, consoles all over the ship are pulsing with energy and emitting a flaming aura, and no one seems to find it out of the ordinary, even when a close up of a main character or console readout is completely blinded out by the glow? I think you'd consider that pretty bad cinematography and special effects use, wouldn't you?

    Lastly, if the effect -were- part of a Star Trek film, not having the main characters react to it would seem unrealistic, yes? And if they did react to it, wouldn't they stop at nothing to correct the issue, even leaving off the story the movie was -supposed- to be about to do so?

    I think you get the point.
  • welshavengerwelshavenger Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    danqueller wrote: »
    could always get better results by simply using a tricorder scan (which oddly you always have with you).

    "Commanders log, note to Starfleet Corps of Engineers, when I set my tricorder to scan for creepy cloud vampires, why does it take me to hidden caches of power cells or weird anomalies before it will even try to look for the vampire cloud?"
  • cavaduscavadus Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    It's an awful looking effect which completely distorts the shape of the object it intends to highlight.

    Ditch it; please. If they want to make the interaction indicator so simplistic just go with having the object slowly flash like in a host of other MMOs.

    The space candle flames look atrocious.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    If we had creepy wine, creepy food and a creepy server, the lighting would be kinda nice.:P
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • meltypantsmeltypants Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Have to agree that the new highlight graphics are over the top. There should be an option to disable it.
  • sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I concur that the new creepy candle effect is way over the top - I liked the older "flashing" better.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I miss the old days.

    Me too. Or when you had to travel your mouse over the entire screen to see when it changed to 'the hand' so you knew something was activate-able. :)
    Sometimes I think I play STO just to have something to complain about on the forums.
  • djzephyrdjzephyr Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I can see the guiding glowy being useful to newbies, but as someone who knows where all the usable terminals are by heart, I'd like an option to turn the obnoxious golden glitter off. We can switch off the icons above certain NPCs, but not the stupid-looking TRIBBLE currently dancing across my ready room desk and thru half of Earth Spacedock?? What gives?
    The Big Home-Built Beast:
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