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It just took me an HOUR to kill Donatra with pugs.

sdkraustsdkraust Member Posts: 524 Arc User
I am 100% serious with this.

By the end, each one of them had died at least 20 times with a dozen or so injuries on each ship. None of them brought components to fix their ships.

How are these people so bad?

This is KASE mind you.
Post edited by sdkraust on


  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    It's a combination of not understanding or thinking critically about the game's mechanics and not talking to someone who does undestand the game's mechanics. As a consequence they can't build a worthwhile ship, and half of them probably wouldn't be able to use a worthwhile ship properly if it was given to them. They also probably haven't twigged that "Elite" in "Elite STF" refers to the difficulty level and you get ship injuries.

    It again comes back to the difficulty curve issue with the game. Ordinary PvE (particularly on Normal, which most people stay on the whole way through their first character) lets you away with any half assed build, and STFs don't. And you won't realise this unless you've of your own accord sat down and studied every power, skill and ability in the game and concocted a good end level build yourself, or spoken to someone who has experience of STFs. I suppose it wouldn't kill them to read the forums as soon as they go have their first STF in which they die ad infinitum, but obviously a lot of people don't.

    I appreciate you can't have Lt. Commanders needing to absolutely max their little Escort or Cruiser straight off the bat, but they could stand to gradually make the storyline missions a little bit harder as you level up. Off the top of my head there's maybe 2 "**** you" hard boss NPC ships (the ISS Molly and IRW Somethingorother from the Hobus mission) and the rest is pretty much as easy at level 45 as it is at level 5.

    I don't PuG STFs anymore, but I have been PuGging a few Fleet Events lately. Was in one yesterday with two absolute hodge-podge Escort builds. I think one guy had a Polaron DBB, at least two different types of cannon and turret (phaser and plasma, from the looks of 'em) and some form of mines out the back. The other guy was a vintage skittle boat who had the Klingons tasting the rainbow. I figure I must've been doing at least as much damage as the two of them put together, if not more, just by something as simple as picking weapons that fire the same colour blasts.

    Although I have to say, I have seen 700 day vets die repeatedly and not heal themselves in STFs. Someone who's been in the game that long has no excuse for not knowing better.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    As the poster above describes and the game desires team play but has solo play for most of its existance so when a player gets to the STFs they are sometimes unprepared for the Team work needed to win and have a subpar vessel design to use.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • kylesal24kylesal24 Member Posts: 312
    edited July 2012
    An hour? One would think that 1 person could destroy the warbird. But never mind. I think that a tutorial of STFs be monitory before playing any of them. It would be interesting to see if PUG teams would get better if that happened.
    Delta Fleet Command
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    kylesal24 wrote: »
    An hour? One would think that 1 person could destroy the warbird. But never mind. I think that a tutorial of STFs be monitory before playing any of them. It would be interesting to see if PUG teams would get better if that happened.

    well, most pugs do not fail at the part, where ppl do not know what to do. they just do not know how to do it, and they do not have the means to do it. so a tutorial would not improve things that much (and you cant put a tutorial in the game, which tells you an optimal build, elite tactics, enemy behaviour to different actions etc)

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Donatra isone of the few bosses in the game with meaningful regen... so good luck killing her if you die alot.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • drasketodrasketo Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    kylesal24 wrote: »
    An hour? One would think that 1 person could destroy the warbird. But never mind. I think that a tutorial of STFs be monitory before playing any of them. It would be interesting to see if PUG teams would get better if that happened.
    Donatra isone of the few bosses in the game with meaningful regen... so good luck killing her if you die alot.


    If you are using the "wrong" kind of build, you could probably hammer on donatra forever and never bring down her shields. That, and her shields regenerate while she is cloaked, which is very unfair, especially since sometimes she stays cloaked for a ridiculous amount of time.

    Im certain my eng characters could "tank" her roughly forever, but I seriously doubt any of em would stand much of a chance killing her.

    As for mandatory tutorials .. youd have to cover literally everything. Its not just telling people to be elsewhere when she fires off the big green HAHAIKILLYOUNOW! gun, people should be able to pick up on that pretty fast. The problem is much more fundamental.

    Your typical pugger fails because they didnt skill properly, they are flying the wrong ship, using the wrong weapons, the wrong consoles and the wrong gear, their boff power choices suck, and they dont know how to fly. Then you get to not knowing anything about the actual tactics. Teaching them the tactics, assuming they are even capable of learning (youd think by now they would have realised that at least *something* was wrong...), isnt going to change much.
  • dood98998dood98998 Member Posts: 389
    edited August 2012
    Composition of pug groups: 60 percent incompetent noobs (think rainbows), 30 percent snobby elitists, 10 percent truly awesome people (you guys, among others). Therefore, 9@ percent of the time it will be hell in an stf.
    When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
    This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines :D
  • thoroonthoroon Member Posts: 409 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    dood98998 wrote: »
    Composition of pug groups: 60 percent incompetent noobs (think rainbows), 30 percent snobby elitists, 10 percent truly awesome people (you guys, among others). Therefore, 9@ percent of the time it will be hell in an stf.

    I still think I live in a completely different world ...
    Really bad PUGs hardly exist for me, and I still don't want to believe it's just because I usually fly an escort there.
  • ryanevryanev Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Only an hour? It once took me and 2 other players (yes 2 had left). About an hour and a half just for Donatra.

    Since I was the only DPS ship and the other 2 were in some rainbow cruisers (as a result we couldn't even bring her shields down) we had to resort to Eject Warp Plasma, Transphasics, Aceton Beams etc... it was a slow and painful process taking out her heath 1% at a time.
  • svetivanovasvetivanova Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    That doesn't surprise me one bit, especially with the new modifications to that particular STF.
    If anyone gets within 5.1km or closer, she'll cloak nonstop, which adds to that time.
    Did one earlier tonight too that lasted damn near an hour. Rainbow/Skittle boats won't make things any better either (anyone else notice stf pugs have gone to hell since starbase's came out?)
  • burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Be lucky she didnt bug on you and either:

    Insta-Fire the thalaron blast
    Fire Super Torpedo Spreads that one-shot an entire group at full Shields/Hull

    those times were fun.
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    That doesn't surprise me one bit, especially with the new modifications to that particular STF.
    If anyone gets within 5.1km or closer, she'll cloak nonstop, which adds to that time.
    Did one earlier tonight too that lasted damn near an hour. Rainbow/Skittle boats won't make things any better either (anyone else notice stf pugs have gone to hell since starbase's came out?)

    STF PuGs were out of hell to begin with? :confused:

    But yeah, it's stands to reason that the best STF players who've done 100s of the feckin' things are going to take a break by going into the new content.
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sdkraust wrote: »
    I am 100% serious with this.

    By the end, each one of them had died at least 20 times with a dozen or so injuries on each ship. None of them brought components to fix their ships.

    How are these people so bad?

    This is KASE mind you.

    I had the same problem on Sunday.

    Queued up for a KASE in my D'Kora, and had maybe an hour left before I needed to leave to drive up to my parents' house for Sunday Dinner. Long story short I was 15 minutes late in leaving.

    Donata's cloaking was the main problem - she took to cloaking for ridiculous amounts of time, with the result that we just couldn't do enough damage between decloaks in order to counter her regeneration rate. (It probably didn't help that I was doing considerably more damage than the rest of the team combined, and that nobody seemed to have any movement debuffs or snares to throw at her in order to help keep her more than 5KM away from me - I had a Forward-Arc DPS loadout and she was cloaking pretty regularly)

    In the end I had to swap my weapon loadout around to put two Torpedo Launchers and a Turret in my Aft Weapon slots; and orbit crazilly around her, trying to stay more than 5KM away but keep her in my torpedo arcs as much as possible. We got her eventually, but the operative word there was "eventually".
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • ryanevryanev Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    skhc wrote: »
    STF PuGs were out of hell to begin with? :confused:

    But yeah, it's stands to reason that the best STF players who've done 100s of the feckin' things are going to take a break by going into the new content.

    Not necessarily. I personally find the new fleet mark grind tiresome and not enjoyable at all for some reason.

    I could grind 10-20 stfs a day with pugs without any feeling of frustration, while for some reason I can't stand the new Fleet Actions. Maybe it's the random radio voice overs, which while interesting are totally random and make no sense at all (For example: Starbase Blocade - "Get these ships out of us!!" while still on the "Read Briefing" part It's just stupid.)
    Maybe it's the fact that the only reward is Fleet Marks so by doing the mission your sole aim is to Grid since the best you can get is blue MK XI-XII stuff.
    Maybe the opponents offer no challenge whatsoever and after the 5th run it just becomes spamming of DPS abilities (Note: Starbase Blockade and No win scenario excluded. They actually require some thinking to complete to a maximum result)
    (Not that STFs are hard by any means, but at least you have to be on your toes so that you don't accidentally get blown up by a Torpedo with your shields down or by a Donatra Torpedo spread)

    tl;dr STFs are still more enjoyable for me, than the new content missions so many players that are regular STF-ers still play them.
  • areikou#8990 areikou Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    They should make the STFs a single mission run. Now hear me out on this, I know it sounds crazy but I got me an idea here!

    Think about this, you create a new series of Featured Episodes, all of which are based on the 3 space and 3 ground STFs. They can be normal, advanced, and Elite. The difference here is, they run just like the regular STFs, but people can use their Boffs on the ground, and have AI assistance ships (That run scripts based on strategies of the STFs).

    Now these would not REPLACE the actual STFs and the rewards would be whatever you get from normal Featured Episodes (No prototype farming, or anything of the sort). But what it does do, is show new people how the STFs are run, while at the same time giving them a little incentive to do so (Rewards). So this way, by the time they get to the real thing, they already have an idea of what they're supposed to do.
    [Unrepentant] Lapo@overlapo: the problem with space STF
    is that you can't properly teabag your defeated opponent

    Unrepentant: Home of the Rainbow Warrior and the Rainbow Brigade.
  • catcherintheskycatcherinthesky Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm a casual player, started a few months ago. The new changes to the STF missions have really changed things up. I used to be able to get through all of them (Elites) with only the occasional ONE SHOT death from the notorious 'INVISI-Torp' with my feebly hulled Recon.

    Since the make over, I get killed multiple times during a battle and end up with multiple ship injuries, where previously I used to have at most one.

    It's possible the same issue affects many other players... giving rise to the OP's beef. I'm trying to work out how to adapt my ship and method to compensate, but feel it may not be possible without going to some other route. (ie: payed ship). The other option is to get off the train and stop playing, as repeatedly being oneshotted out of existence is hardly what I call fun. I can go into a PVP for that ;)
  • eurialoeurialo Member Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sdkraust wrote: »
    I am 100% serious with this.

    By the end, each one of them had died at least 20 times with a dozen or so injuries on each ship. None of them brought components to fix their ships.

    How are these people so bad?

    This is KASE mind you.

    devs can solve this problem simply avoiding players respawn if they do not repair their ship and avoiding them to get any reward (dilithium or anything else). Moreover repairing the ship on the base should be much more expensive...

    But there is still an old problem: people who simply do nothing except waiting the and of the mission and collect the rewards.

    Playing STO spamming FAW is like playing chess using always the computer's suggested moves
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm a casual player, started a few months ago. The new changes to the STF missions have really changed things up. I used to be able to get through all of them (Elites) with only the occasional ONE SHOT death from the notorious 'INVISI-Torp' with my feebly hulled Recon.

    Since the make over, I get killed multiple times during a battle and end up with multiple ship injuries, where previously I used to have at most one.

    It's possible the same issue affects many other players... giving rise to the OP's beef. I'm trying to work out how to adapt my ship and method to compensate, but feel it may not be possible without going to some other route. (ie: payed ship). The other option is to get off the train and stop playing, as repeatedly being oneshotted out of existence is hardly what I call fun. I can go into a PVP for that ;)

    The recent changes to the NPC critters really only effects Cure in any major way because of the Negh'Var Isometric Charge. Aside from that, all I've seen is a couple of turbo charged cubes in KA. But they aren't more powerful, they're just able to cover the map quickly to attack a target 30km away if someone spawns one and then is destroyed by it. I've certainly not noticed any increase in my death rate.

    You could just be having an unlucky run.

    Maybe more importantly, you shouldn't end up with multiple ship injuries anyway, even if you die ten times in one STF. Buy a couple of stacks of minor and major components from a shipyard vendor (they're not expensive) and if you die, immediately bring up your ship status and heal the injury. From a clean bill of health, you'll only get one minor or one major ship injury when you explode. So just heal it while you're waiting to respawn and don't let 'em mount up.
  • mikec1013mikec1013 Member Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I have been PuGging a few Fleet Events lately. Was in one yesterday with two absolute hodge-podge Escort builds. I think one guy had a Polaron DBB, at least two different types of cannon and turret (phaser and plasma, from the looks of 'em) and some form of mines out the back. The other guy was a vintage skittle boat who had the Klingons tasting the rainbow. I figure I must've been doing at least as much damage as the two of them put together, if not more, just by something as simple as picking weapons that fire the same colour blasts.

    Ugh! I was in pug Hell the other night. Started as a 5 person team. 1 split immediately. About 5 minutes in another left. Upon further inspection I realised why, of the 3 of us left, one was a Lt. Commander and the other a Captain. I was looting mk iv gear! I haven't had drops like that since sometime in early season 4! Since I was killing everything I got aggro'd up the jeffries tube. I think we managed to save 9 of 20+ transports. It was the longest 15 minutes of STO ever!
    Went to starbase incursion after that debauchery. Only a RA lower and RA upper in that pug with us 3 VA's. Not quite as bad, but less than 20 in phase one, 2 in phase two, and no captain for phase three.
    Q hates me...
  • tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sdkraust wrote: »
    I am 100% serious with this.

    By the end, each one of them had died at least 20 times with a dozen or so injuries on each ship. None of them brought components to fix their ships.

    How are these people so bad?

    This is KASE mind you.

    Was everybody flying freighters? :P
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    mikec1013 wrote: »
    Ugh! I was in pug Hell the other night. Started as a 5 person team. 1 split immediately. About 5 minutes in another left. Upon further inspection I realised why, of the 3 of us left, one was a Lt. Commander and the other a Captain. I was looting mk iv gear! I haven't had drops like that since sometime in early season 4! Since I was killing everything I got aggro'd up the jeffries tube. I think we managed to save 9 of 20+ transports. It was the longest 15 minutes of STO ever!

    I'm actually not too bothered by lower level players coming into Fleet Events if they can play properly. Even with half the BOff abilities to pick from, I'd do more damage with my level 29 character than the 2 Vice Admirals I mentioned in my first post as long as the level matching is working (Cos there's one mission it doesn't work for).

    Of course a rubbish Commander is going to be even less effective than a rubbish Vice Admiral.
    mikec1013 wrote: »
    Went to starbase incursion after that debauchery. Only a RA lower and RA upper in that pug with us 3 VA's. Not quite as bad, but less than 20 in phase one, 2 in phase two, and no captain for phase three.
    Q hates me...

    A Rear Admiral should definitely be able to keep up with a VA if they can play properly. On ground, an Upper Half is less likely to be packing purple Mk XI / XII weapons because most people get those from doing a lot of STFs, but the game should be giving them a small buff anyway to make up for it. It was just a meh team (although 20 in phase 1 isn't completely terrible for a PuG) and would have probably got the same result if the two RAs had been VAs.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    yeah, starbase incursion and colony defense are more about tactics. poor tactics will doom you more than weak players
    My character Tsin'xing
  • sdkraustsdkraust Member Posts: 524 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    As far as Starbase Incursion goes I had no issues running it with a Lv 10 Tac still using the stock Phaser Sniper Rifle.

    Hell, he probably did better than when I ran in there with my Eng just hacking away with the Crystaline sword.
  • skhcskhc Member Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I actually noticed on Incursion that my Commander's mk VI Pulsewave had slightly higher damage when it had been buffed up by the level matching than my VA's Mk XII. But that was offset by the lesser buffs from my Mk VI kit vs. my Mk X kit.
  • sean2448sean2448 Member Posts: 815 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    STF"s are turned up for advanced fleet gear I know it sucks know but it will get better
    I hope
  • dashuk2381dashuk2381 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Honestly I hate Khitomer Accord Space, it has to be one of the worst STFs and I think Donatra might be broken or bugged at times. It doesn't matter if you have a good or bad PUG, she always takes forever. I've been on teams where we've blasted the gates with no probes getting through in record time and then it takes 30 minutes to kill her because she cloaks every 5 seconds. Honestly last night was the worst I've seen yet, she easily cloaked 15+ times and it took forever even with a good team. Funny thing is she hardly did any damage to any of us, but everytime we took her hull down 4-5% she cloaked.
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    dashuk2381 wrote: »
    Honestly I hate Khitomer Accord Space, it has to be one of the worst STFs and I think Donatra might be broken or bugged at times. It doesn't matter if you have a good or bad PUG, she always takes forever. I've been on teams where we've blasted the gates with no probes getting through in record time and then it takes 30 minutes to kill her because she cloaks every 5 seconds. Honestly last night was the worst I've seen yet, she easily cloaked 15+ times and it took forever even with a good team. Funny thing is she hardly did any damage to any of us, but everytime we took her hull down 4-5% she cloaked.

    You can stop her from cloaking if the person who has aggro on her is at least 5KM away. The problem is if you have a bunch of teammates with their weapons set to "tickle"... trying to kite her whilst dealing meaningful damage is pointless unless you're setup to broadside.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • lostmoonylostmoony Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    this discussion is for?

    kil the boss ? do it why cry?

    kase is one of the most nuuby missions so whats the prob and if 4 new players in and have probs who cares the boss is totally easy to do solo not really harder the a tac cube so.....

    or if your prob is that a escort dies instant on the aoe attak from the last boss thats normal escorts have no shild+ no hull+ no armor so they still get 1 shoted from the aoe;)
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