Ive been watching a few videos on youtube and thats when i started thinking about how limited we are when it comes to ship customization.
On our BO's we can change quite alot to make them fit us.
But when it comes to the ship we are limited to using a certain gear set to get a certain ship look.
It would be great to have the same unlock system on ship looks that we have with the maco, honor guard and omega set,
If we could unlock them with an acolade and then we could go to the ship costomization npc and chose what we want our ship to look like.
At the moment there is alot of looks to chose from,
So please let us chose what engine trail we want, what effect e want on our ship, more then beeing stuck to a certain gear set.
atm we got the following to chose from if this would be possible.
- Breen set
- Remnen
- Omega
- Honor guard
- Maco
- borg
- (the crafted one)
- dominon
Thats alot of visuals for the ships that is just beeing left as visual coding when we level on and get new gear.
Give us an option to use them again.