Personally (don't know about anyone else) but to me the fleet alert icon thing next to the map, quite frankly, looks tacky and an afterthought.
Perhaps a better idea would be an alert button like sector block Borg Invasion events, instead of saying "Alert Distress Call", Have a button in the same area, same style that reads "Alert Fleet Starbase" or something like that.
The current one doesn't look very.... Star Trek, whereas the Borg one does.
Something like this...
To me, the Alert notice should be under the minimap than on the side. Which could be similar to the Trek Red Alert notice.
I also figure, like how the DOFF and Mailbox icons flash green, why couldn't the Fleet Button flash Red?
I agree. It looks and functions quite nicely! It's just a shame how it adds you to the queue and then removes you from it a few seconds later, over and over again! Grrrr! lol
However I sometimes play with my minimap positioned at the bottom of my screen. I have not yet had a red alert with my minimap in this location - but I would be concerned that the button would be somehow cut off, especially for people who may position their minimaps in the bottom left corner of their monitors.