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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: Very well. *Tosses the keystone to Mortana* I believe in being kind.

    Mortana: Thank you.

    Drake: Do you have the coordinates for the ruins where you found this?

    *Sickbay. Kenar injects Tara with a hypospray as he finishes removing the augmentation.*

    Kenar: There you go. Now, I'd suggest you take it easy for a few days until your adrenaline and noradrenaline levels return to normal.

    Tara: Okay, Doc.

    *Tara gets up and starts to walk out.*

    Kenar: Miss Forrester...

    *She turns back and looks at him.*

    I mean it.

    *Tara nods before continuing out the door.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *DS61, 2nd and 3rd Fleets. The Romulan Warbirds decloak surrounding the station and its defenders.

    20LY away, 5th Fleet led by R.S.S. Republic and R.S.S. Yamato. The fleet is en route to provide assistance to the DS61 defence fleet, though they're still 6 hours out.

    U.S.S. Possibility, Bridge. A transmission from the Romulan Flagship bursts through the comm.*

    Romulan Commander: Captain Terrence Allen, Commanding Officer of U.S.S. Possibility. The Romulan Star Empire is aware of your ship's presence in this system. For your safety, it is highly recommended you depart the warzone. We cannot be held responsible for any damage you sustain if you do not heed this warning.

    This is the Imperial Romulan Warbird D'tervik to Deep Space 61 and Republic Vessels. This sector has been claimed by the Romulan Star Empire. You are ordered to surrender or withdraw, or you will be destroyed.

    *R.S.S. Enterprise, CIC.*

    This is your only warning.

    Matt: Bridge, put me on with him.

    Thompson *Over Comm*: Aye, sir.

    Matt: This is Vice Admiral Matthew Forrester of the Republic Star Ship Enterprise. Negative on surrender. You are ordered to stand down or be fired upon!

    I won't ask twice!

    Romulan Commander: I see... It seems we will have to explain the hopelessness of your situation to you.


    *The lead warbird fires a small torpedo towards a Yamato-Class Dreadnought. The torpedo hits the shields, but the ship is engulfed by a bright green light, as are the ships surrounding it.

    The CIC erupts in chatter as people try to figure out what just happened.*

    Matt: Oh my god! 2-and-a-half thousand people!

    Lieutenant: All life signs on the Hathaway, Melbourne and Constellation are gone! I'm reading a massive radiation surge!

    Matt: Thalaron weapons!

    Romulan Commander: There are more than 500 such devices armed and ready to be launched at your fleet, Admiral.

    You have 5 minutes.

    *The transmission shuts down.

    The CIC is filled with silence as Matt looks down, leaning on the holo-map.*

    Lieutenant: Sir?

    Admiral, what are your orders?

    Matt: Green-blooded Romulan targs.

    'What are my orders'? Here are my orders.

    *He opens a channel to the entire fleet.*

    All ships, this is Enterprise. Select your own targets and stand by to engage warp drive! They can't fire the thalaron weapons at point blank range without being caught in the blast themselves! Lock weapons and get right down their throats!

    I'm not going to lie. This is going to be the hardest battle of our lives, but we can't fall back. We can't surrender. We can either break through and run, or we can fight and lose. If we're going to fight and die, we're damn well going to take as many of those b*stards with us as we can!

    *A series of tones come through the lieutenant's console.*

    Lieutenant: All ships are responding, sir. All except the Possibility.

    Matt: Alright everyone. Get ready.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Keyes ship shakes as it takes another hit

    Officer: sir shields at 60 percent

    Keyes: keep it up continue firing repulsor beam and take them out we take this sector we have a chance of helping take the pressure off the republic.

    Officer: sir we are in range of the planet nova class warheads are standing by.

    Keyes: Romulan fleet i order you to surrender or we destroy your military base on the planet below and all shipyards and stations in orbit with nova class missiles. I dont bluff your lucky we havent fired them yet seeing you killed millions of our people when you did you have moments to respond
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *DS61, 2nd and 3rd Fleets. The Romulan Warbirds decloak surrounding the station and its defenders.

    20LY away, 5th Fleet led by R.S.S. Republic and R.S.S. Yamato. The fleet is en route to provide assistance to the DS61 defence fleet, though they're still 6 hours out.

    U.S.S. Possibility, Bridge. A transmission from the Romulan Flagship bursts through the comm.*

    Romulan Commander: Captain Terrence Allen, Commanding Officer of U.S.S. Possibility. The Romulan Star Empire is aware of your ship's presence in this system. For your safety, it is highly recommended you depart the warzone. We cannot be held responsible for any damage you sustain if you do not heed this warning.

    This is the Imperial Romulan Warbird D'tervik to Deep Space 61 and Republic Vessels. This sector has been claimed by the Romulan Star Empire. You are ordered to surrender or withdraw, or you will be destroyed.

    *R.S.S. Enterprise, CIC.*

    This is your only warning.

    Matt: Bridge, put me on with him.

    Thompson *Over Comm*: Aye, sir.

    Matt: This is Vice Admiral Matthew Forrester of the Republic Star Ship Enterprise. Negative on surrender. You are ordered to stand down or be fired upon!

    I won't ask twice!

    Romulan Commander: I see... It seems we will have to explain the hopelessness of your situation to you.


    *The lead warbird fires a small torpedo towards a Yamato-Class Dreadnought. The torpedo hits the shields, but the ship is engulfed by a bright green light, as are the ships surrounding it.

    The CIC erupts in chatter as people try to figure out what just happened.*

    Matt: Oh my god! 2-and-a-half thousand people!

    Lieutenant: All life signs on the Hathaway, Melbourne and Constellation are gone! I'm reading a massive radiation surge!

    Matt: Thalaron weapons!

    Romulan Commander: There are more than 500 such devices armed and ready to be launched at your fleet, Admiral.

    You have 5 minutes.

    *The transmission shuts down.

    The CIC is filled with silence as Matt looks down, leaning on the holo-map.*

    Lieutenant: Sir?

    Admiral, what are your orders?

    Matt: Green-blooded Romulan targs.

    'What are my orders'? Here are my orders.

    *He opens a channel to the entire fleet.*

    All ships, this is Enterprise. Select your own targets and stand by to engage warp drive! They can't fire the thalaron weapons at point blank range without being caught in the blast themselves! Lock weapons and get right down their throats!

    I'm not going to lie. This is going to be the hardest battle of our lives, but we can't fall back. We can't surrender. We can either break through and run, or we can fight and lose. If we're going to fight and die, we're damn well going to take as many of those b*stards with us as we can!

    *A series of tones come through the lieutenant's console.*

    Lieutenant: All ships are responding, sir. All except the Possibility.

    Matt: Alright everyone. Get ready.

    Captain Brea: This is UNSC Captain Brea of the UNSC Everest of the 12th battle group to enterprise we are less then 2 hours and have 75 additional ships to support you. Sorry we didnt get here sooner but Keyes wanted to strike the romulan base at the border before we left. How may we be of assistance
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Keyes ship shakes as it takes another hit

    Officer: sir shields at 60 percent

    Keyes: keep it up continue firing repulsor beam and take them out we take this sector we have a chance of helping take the pressure off the republic.

    Officer: sir we are in range of the planet nova class warheads are standing by.

    Keyes: Romulan fleet i order you to surrender or we destroy your military base on the planet below and all shipyards and stations in orbit with nova class missiles. I dont bluff your lucky we havent fired them yet seeing you killed millions of our people when you did you have moments to respond

    *The Romulans do quickly respond... firing Thalaron warheads into the fleet. As the UNSC ships take heavy casualties, the Heavy Warbirds begin firing their disruptors and plasma torpedoes at range. The UNSC find the Romulan ships incredibly durable, even for their size (2x the size of an Odyssey-Class Starship). The Light Warbirds and Strike Warbirds quickly dart into the UNSC formation, firing on the capital ships.*

    UNSC Enlisted: Sir, the Romulan fleet is using Thalaron weapons! There are more ships here than we planned for!

    What are your orders?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Captain Brea: This is UNSC Captain Brea of the UNSC Everest of the 12th battle group to enterprise we are less then 2 hours and have 75 additional ships to support you. Sorry we didnt get here sooner but Keyes wanted to strike the romulan base at the border before we left. How may we be of assistance

    *They find that the transmission is being jammed.

    R.S.S. Enterprise. The Enterprise is running straight towards one of the Romulan Warbird Battlecruisers, firing all weapons. She banks at the last second to avoid colliding, firing volley after volley of torpedoes into the Battlecruiser. Both ships are battering the other's shields into pieces, with the Enterprise running 2 MFPs instead of ZPBs to cause hull damage through the shields.

    Elsewhere, the R.S.S. Potemkin, another Yamato-Class Dreadnought, is diving straight at a Heavy Warbird, firing her ZPLs. After a couple of volleys, she manages to penetrate the warbird's hull, but the warbird engages her engines and charges at the Potemkin. The Potemkin directs her leading edge towards the warbird and also goes at full speed, the two ships ramming each other. The warp core in the Potemkin explodes as both ships split into pieces. The explosion sends one of the nacelles from the Potemkin into another Heavy Warbird, destroying its bridge.*

    OOC: Yes, I got that from the Pegasus' sacrifice scene from the BSG film. I may not be a fan of the reimagined BSG, but the space battles were definitely awesome.

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. Enterprise manages to take out the Battlecruiser, taking light hull damage before moving in at full speed towards one of the Heavy Warbirds. She gets as close as she can, blasting straight through the shields, before letting loose all her weapons.


    Lieutenant: Potemkin is gone!

    R.S.S. Yorktown and R.S.S. Turas are taking heavy damage! They can't take much more!

    Matt: If we don't punch a hole to get the station evacuees out, not to mention ourselves, it won't matter!

    R.S.S. Venture, swing around and support the Yorktown! R.S.S. Churchill, the Warbird at A23xC12xD04 is trying to hit the station! Don't let it get close!

    DS61, how far along is your evacuation?

    DS61 *Over Comm*: We're only 30% through! You need to hold them off for just another 20 minutes!

    Matt: Commander, we don't have 20 minutes! You'll be lucky if we get 10!

    Lieutenant: Sir, the Possibility still hasn't responded to the Romulans' message.

    Matt: He's a Federation Captain, Lieutenant. I can't give him orders.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Keyes: fire all warheads at light speed at the planet. And wipe the romulans to hell. Polar are the covenant ships in position.

    Polar: aye sir.

    Keyes: tell them to get ready.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Brea: are they reading us.

    Officer: can't tell there's a lot of interference

    Brea: what are the scans showing.

    Officer: heavy fighting and the station trying to evacuate people.

    Brea: all capital ships provide support to the republic all support vessels help evacuate. Send all 4 prowlers through they can avoid being detected and help evacuate.

    Officer: aye sir.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Keyes: fire all warheads at light speed at the planet. And wipe the romulans to hell. Polar are the covenant ships in position.

    Polar: aye sir.

    Keyes: tell them to get ready.

    *Romulan fighters quickly move in to try and shoot down the missiles. One of the missiles does hit the planet, but not before more Thalaron warheads are launched at the UNSC ships.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *DS61, 2nd and 3rd Fleets. The Romulan Warbirds decloak surrounding the station and its defenders.

    20LY away, 5th Fleet led by R.S.S. Republic and R.S.S. Yamato. The fleet is en route to provide assistance to the DS61 defence fleet, though they're still 6 hours out.

    U.S.S. Possibility, Bridge. A transmission from the Romulan Flagship bursts through the comm.*

    Romulan Commander: Captain Terrence Allen, Commanding Officer of U.S.S. Possibility. The Romulan Star Empire is aware of your ship's presence in this system. For your safety, it is highly recommended you depart the warzone. We cannot be held responsible for any damage you sustain if you do not heed this warning.

    This is the Imperial Romulan Warbird D'tervik to Deep Space 61 and Republic Vessels. This sector has been claimed by the Romulan Star Empire. You are ordered to surrender or withdraw, or you will be destroyed.

    *R.S.S. Enterprise, CIC.*

    This is your only warning.

    Matt: Bridge, put me on with him.

    Thompson *Over Comm*: Aye, sir.

    Matt: This is Vice Admiral Matthew Forrester of the Republic Star Ship Enterprise. Negative on surrender. You are ordered to stand down or be fired upon!

    I won't ask twice!

    Romulan Commander: I see... It seems we will have to explain the hopelessness of your situation to you.


    *The lead warbird fires a small torpedo towards a Yamato-Class Dreadnought. The torpedo hits the shields, but the ship is engulfed by a bright green light, as are the ships surrounding it.

    The CIC erupts in chatter as people try to figure out what just happened.*

    Matt: Oh my god! 2-and-a-half thousand people!

    Lieutenant: All life signs on the Hathaway, Melbourne and Constellation are gone! I'm reading a massive radiation surge!

    Matt: Thalaron weapons!

    Romulan Commander: There are more than 500 such devices armed and ready to be launched at your fleet, Admiral.

    You have 5 minutes.

    *The transmission shuts down.

    The CIC is filled with silence as Matt looks down, leaning on the holo-map.*

    Lieutenant: Sir?

    Admiral, what are your orders?

    Matt: Green-blooded Romulan targs.

    'What are my orders'? Here are my orders.

    *He opens a channel to the entire fleet.*

    All ships, this is Enterprise. Select your own targets and stand by to engage warp drive! They can't fire the thalaron weapons at point blank range without being caught in the blast themselves! Lock weapons and get right down their throats!

    I'm not going to lie. This is going to be the hardest battle of our lives, but we can't fall back. We can't surrender. We can either break through and run, or we can fight and lose. If we're going to fight and die, we're damn well going to take as many of those b*stards with us as we can!

    *A series of tones come through the lieutenant's console.*

    Lieutenant: All ships are responding, sir. All except the Possibility.

    Matt: Alright everyone. Get ready.

    *OOC: Terrence??? Lol.. Yeah Terry is not short for anything. *

    Terry: *Calmly sitting down, the steel in his words are heard * Romulan vessels under articles of interstellar law as a Council Agent you will here my response to a murderous dog. In about thirty seconds you will see the response of the Galaxy to your supposed justice.

    Commander direct the surprise...

    Observe what we can do which your fleet is painfully aware of how their power could not take that power station from the Federation with very little lost.

    *OOC: I am thinking now is a good time to toss that surprise.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Romulan fighters quickly move in to try and shoot down the missiles. One of the missiles does hit the planet, but not before more Thalaron warheads are launched at the UNSC ships.*

    *The Federation forces evade and deploy the bits and MS forces as they handle the Thalaron weapons, making sure they are not in range. The Romulan fighters are soon outclassed by the new MS... *

    Jalit: Fire our barrage give the Romulans something to consider.

    *Element zero torpedoes are fired off at warp.. the Thanix cannons rip out striking many ships...*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *The surprise comes in, in the form of smart mines made of element zero which are auto targetting the Romulan Thalaron weapons and strike the ships with explosions and an odd transaction occurs that creates a larger blasts that knock more Romulan ships out of Commission... the EMP... sends the Romulan ships into chaos...*

    Terry: Sir if you are going to do something. Do it now.

    Open fire at the nearest command ship the hull weaknesses...

    *The Possibility veers in firing and dodging blasts due to its smaller size making the Romulan and Republic vessels slow in comparison. *

    Terry: Keep firing and peppering their main systems..

    Rissa: I wonder what that counter action was?

    Fox: It wasn't part of the plan...

    Rissa: No.. It means there is more than Thalaron on those ships we tested Element Zero on this kind of thing, it helped make the boom bigger, Twilight on the other hand is the only way I can think that would make it do that.

    Terry: None the less they are aware of the mines coming in but not what kind of mines they are.

    Phillips: Sir?

    Terry: Ones that can dodge...
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mortana: Thank you.

    Drake: Do you have the coordinates for the ruins where you found this?

    *Sickbay. Kenar injects Tara with a hypospray as he finishes removing the augmentation.*

    Kenar: There you go. Now, I'd suggest you take it easy for a few days until your adrenaline and noradrenaline levels return to normal.

    Tara: Okay, Doc.

    *Tara gets up and starts to walk out.*

    Kenar: Miss Forrester...

    *She turns back and looks at him.*

    I mean it.

    *Tara nods before continuing out the door.*

    OOC: Did you see this?

    *The Enterprise soon sees the Romulan ships start to pull back, before cloaking.*

    Lieutenant: They... they ran.

    Matt: Yes they did, lieutenant! Yes they did!

    All ships, pull back to defend the station!
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Keyes: all ships evasive action. Deploy nova mines.

    Ooc: also one nova can destroy a planet. Just an FYI.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Did you see this?

    *The Enterprise soon sees the Romulan ships start to pull back, before cloaking.*

    Lieutenant: They... they ran.

    Matt: Yes they did, lieutenant! Yes they did!

    All ships, pull back to defend the station!

    *Kenway looks at the two of them.*

    Kenway: The archive is at these coordinates. Plus I need to see if there is some kind of map out of the keystones.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *USS Possibility is heading back to the station *

    Terry: Alright keep on your toes they are not finished.. They are going to resume..

    Rissa: Captain I think I know what caused that reaction...

    Terry: Look try not to focus on it right now we need to worry about the station.

    *The Vessel rumbles as it is hit by torpedoes. Hanshan comes on the viewscreen tense *

    Hanshan: To have so many die at the hands of a human.. I think it is just right that I be the one to test your mettle.

    Terry: Why? For pride? That is pointless and you know it. I am going to tell you no one else needs to die today. Especially not in a pointless war that will end up getting all of us killed.

    Hanshan: Please. Human you know so little about our strength.

    Terry: You seem to discredit it. We beat you once before and will do so again. I don't approve of needless bloodshed stand down and turn back.

    Hanshan: Don't give me orders terran dog.

    Terry: Please for the sake of your men go..

    Hanshan: *kills the feed* Fire.

    Terry: Evasive action..

    *The ship barely misses the volley... Fox is by the comms *

    Terry: Fox inform Admiral Forrester that there is a Tal Shiar force incoming the leader is taking special interest in killing us.

    Fox: Aye..

    Preserver: Might I suggest we unload the Thanix cannon?

    Terry: That is an idea.. The AT Fields keep the Thalaron out and we will be so close that it will hurt them too.

    Fire the thanix..

    Helm: Alright I am bringing us about and compensating for the damage..

    *the rumbling ceases as more damage comes in from three more ships aside from the other 2.. *

    Terry: Get the gunnery stations on those other ships...

    Fire torpedoes.

    *Hanshan's vessel...*

    Hanshan: Tough little human.

    *Notices what the ship is doing but its too late as the ship is hit with the Thanix beam...*

    Hanshan: Have our wings pick up ships and the set the ship on collison course.

    Sub-Commander: Aye sir.

    *Hanshan sets the auto pilot on the course and locks down the controls before he is beamed out.*

    *Possibility *

    Terry: Nice shooting

    *A canceling field comes into play *

    Phillips: Damn it they are cancelling the AT Field out with their own deflectors..

    Terry: David's manuver. Damn it.

    Helm: The lead ship is on a collision course I can do much since they knocked the controls out with that shot.

    Terry: Go. All of you..

    Rissa: But

    Terry: Go damn it.

    *Tactical takes out another two Romulan ships and disabling a third before the lead ship rams the Possibility barely knocking the pylon and nacelles off and causing massive damage. *


    Terry: *Getting up a cut above his eye is bleeding* Abandon ship now..

    Preserver: We have Republic ships inbound in a bit..

    Fox: Counting on them huh?

    Slig: Why not... They are handy in a fight.

    Rissa: Will they get here in time *Picking up the injured helms men..*

    Terry: They will be go..

    Phillips: Sir *Rissa and the wounded get out as escape pods start getting out...*

    *Romulans then board and fire a shot at Terry but Phillips get hit many times. Fox slices many of them up while leaping around in his suit while the Preserver flings a throwing field at them.. *

    Terry: Get to the Pods now..

    *He heads over to Phillips who is already expired... and slumped over.*

    Damn it.

    *Fires a phaser at one Romulan,*

    Go now..

    *The others get to a pod... just outside the combat bridge...*

    Preserver: Come on Human..

    Terry: *before he can get in is knocked out with a blast and the pod releases into space..*

    Hanshan: Well little human.. It seems we will be talking more. Scuttle the ship..

    Lt.: Excellency Republic ships in bound they will be here soon.

    Hanshan: Beam us a board now. I want the Republic Commander to see this.

    *Brig on the Romulan ship*

    *Terry is tossed into the brig violently shackled up as Hanshan hails Matt*

    Hanshan: Greetings... We are the fourth expeditionary force of the Romulan Tal Shiar. Admiral Matthew Forrester..

    I have here some one you do know.. A Federation dog that will be an interesting pet back in our brigs. Someone my master will have interesting conversations with..

    Terry: Go space yourself scum bag.. I would rather eat Klingon food than that.

    *Hanshan delivers a punch *

    Hanshan: We will see about that but it won't be that pleasant dear Captain.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *USS Possibility is heading back to the station *

    Terry: Alright keep on your toes they are not finished.. They are going to resume..

    Rissa: Captain I think I know what caused that reaction...

    Terry: Look try not to focus on it right now we need to worry about the station.

    *The Vessel rumbles as it is hit by torpedoes. Hanshan comes on the viewscreen tense *

    Hanshan: To have so many die at the hands of a human.. I think it is just right that I be the one to test your mettle.

    Terry: Why? For pride? That is pointless and you know it. I am going to tell you no one else needs to die today. Especially not in a pointless war that will end up getting all of us killed.

    Hanshan: Please. Human you know so little about our strength.

    Terry: You seem to discredit it. We beat you once before and will do so again. I don't approve of needless bloodshed stand down and turn back.

    Hanshan: Don't give me orders terran dog.

    Terry: Please for the sake of your men go..

    Hanshan: *kills the feed* Fire.

    Terry: Evasive action..

    *The ship barely misses the volley... Fox is by the comms *

    Terry: Fox inform Admiral Forrester that there is a Tal Shiar force incoming the leader is taking special interest in killing us.

    Fox: Aye..

    Preserver: Might I suggest we unload the Thanix cannon?

    Terry: That is an idea.. The AT Fields keep the Thalaron out and we will be so close that it will hurt them too.

    Fire the thanix..

    Helm: Alright I am bringing us about and compensating for the damage..

    *the rumbling ceases as more damage comes in from three more ships aside from the other 2.. *

    Terry: Get the gunnery stations on those other ships...

    Fire torpedoes.

    *Hanshan's vessel...*

    Hanshan: Tough little human.

    *Notices what the ship is doing but its too late as the ship is hit with the Thanix beam...*

    Hanshan: Have our wings pick up ships and the set the ship on collison course.

    Sub-Commander: Aye sir.

    *Hanshan sets the auto pilot on the course and locks down the controls before he is beamed out.*

    *Possibility *

    Terry: Nice shooting

    *A canceling field comes into play *

    Phillips: Damn it they are cancelling the AT Field out with their own deflectors..

    Terry: David's manuver. Damn it.

    Helm: The lead ship is on a collision course I can do much since they knocked the controls out with that shot.

    Terry: Go. All of you..

    Rissa: But

    Terry: Go damn it.

    *Tactical takes out another two Romulan ships and disabling a third before the lead ship rams the Possibility barely knocking the pylon and nacelles off and causing massive damage. *


    Terry: *Getting up a cut above his eye is bleeding* Abandon ship now..

    Preserver: We have Republic ships inbound in a bit..

    Fox: Counting on them huh?

    Slig: Why not... They are handy in a fight.

    Rissa: Will they get here in time *Picking up the injured helms men..*

    Terry: They will be go..

    Phillips: Sir *Rissa and the wounded get out as escape pods start getting out...*

    *Romulans then board and fire a shot at Terry but Phillips get hit many times. Fox slices many of them up while leaping around in his suit while the Preserver flings a throwing field at them.. *

    Terry: Get to the Pods now..

    *He heads over to Phillips who is already expired... and slumped over.*

    Damn it.

    *Fires a phaser at one Romulan,*

    Go now..

    *The others get to a pod... just outside the combat bridge...*

    Preserver: Come on Human..

    Terry: *before he can get in is knocked out with a blast and the pod releases into space..*

    Hanshan: Well little human.. It seems we will be talking more. Scuttle the ship..

    Lt.: Excellency Republic ships in bound they will be here soon.

    Hanshan: Beam us a board now. I want the Republic Commander to see this.

    *Brig on the Romulan ship*

    *Terry is tossed into the brig violently shackled up as Hanshan hails Matt*

    Hanshan: Greetings... We are the fourth expeditionary force of the Romulan Tal Shiar. Admiral Matthew Forrester..

    I have here some one you do know.. A Federation dog that will be an interesting pet back in our brigs. Someone my master will have interesting conversations with..

    Terry: Go space yourself scum bag.. I would rather eat Klingon food than that.

    *Hanshan delivers a punch *

    Hanshan: We will see about that but it won't be that pleasant dear Captain.

    *R.S.S. Enterprise, Bridge.*

    Thompson: Can you locate which ship he's on?

    Michael: Sorry, sir.

    Thompson: Damn.


    Matt: What do you want, Director?

    *OOC: I'll admit, I loved seeing the Santiago Manoeuvre used against you. LOL.

    I almost forgot about that. Probably because the Federation are (to my knowledge) the only ones who use AT shields since the Dolos-Class so the Republic doesn't have to worry about it.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Kenway looks at the two of them.*

    Kenway: The archive is at these coordinates. Plus I need to see if there is some kind of map out of the keystones.

    Mortana: There aren't many records about these in the Iconian Public Database. I'll contact my people and see if they will grant me access to the Codex. However, from what I know, the symbol is only a starship emblem, similar to your mission patches.

    Drake: Still, there could be a way of finding a location with it.

    Mortana: Yes, which is why I wish to see the ruins. If the location of the Bi'frost'a is stored there, it would bring my life's work to fruition.

    Drake: I'll get up to the Bridge and have Daxis set a course for the ruins. Kenway, have your ship meet us there.

    *Drake walks out and heads to the Bridge.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *R.S.S. Enterprise, Bridge.*

    Thompson: Can you locate which ship he's on?

    Michael: Sorry, sir.

    Thompson: Damn.


    Matt: What do you want, Director?

    *OOC: I'll admit, I loved seeing the Santiago Manoeuvre used against you. LOL.

    I almost forgot about that. Probably because the Federation are (to my knowledge) the only ones who use AT shields since the Dolos-Class so the Republic doesn't have to worry about it.*

    *OOC: I have to admit it was inventive and something the Romulans would try... Plus it is a drawback that I can give the Federation aside from a few minor things *

    Hanshan: Surrender.. To my associate. Which is a start. As for the Captain and what is left of his ship is my trophy..

    *Terry huddles back and tries to reach Matt's mind*

    Terry: Hit the Possibility's Drive core.

    Hanshan: Do hurry Admiral I do not have a lot of time to waste here.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mortana: There aren't many records about these in the Iconian Public Database. I'll contact my people and see if they will grant me access to the Codex. However, from what I know, the symbol is only a starship emblem, similar to your mission patches.

    Drake: Still, there could be a way of finding a location with it.

    Mortana: Yes, which is why I wish to see the ruins. If the location of the Bi'frost'a is stored there, it would bring my life's work to fruition.

    Drake: I'll get up to the Bridge and have Daxis set a course for the ruins. Kenway, have your ship meet us there.

    *Drake walks out and heads to the Bridge.*

    Kenway: That is fine.. The payment is good enough...


    Ade: Aye Sir?

    Kenway: Bring the ship about... We have a job to do.

    Ade: Government job?

    Kenway: Something like that. Beam me up.. They want to see the ruin.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: I have to admit it was inventive and something the Romulans would try... Plus it is a drawback that I can give the Federation aside from a few minor things *

    Hanshan: Surrender.. To my associate. Which is a start. As for the Captain and what is left of his ship is my trophy..

    *Terry huddles back and tries to reach Matt's mind*

    Terry: Hit the Possibility's Drive core.

    Hanshan: Do hurry Admiral I do not have a lot of time to waste here.

    *Matt taps a few controls, relaying orders to the Bridge.*

    Matt: Of course...


    *The Enterprise quickly fires a volley of Phased-Quantum Torpedoes into the Possibility's Drive Core, instantly causing the Possibility to explode.

    The rest of the 2nd and 3rd Fleets start to converge on the 4 Romulan Warbirds.*

    You are outnumbered, Director. Surrender Captain Allen over to us or we'll take him...

    Along with you.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Matt taps a few controls, relaying orders to the Bridge.*

    Matt: Of course...


    *The Enterprise quickly fires a volley of Phased-Quantum Torpedoes into the Possibility's Drive Core, instantly causing the Possibility to explode.

    The rest of the 2nd and 3rd Fleets start to converge on the 4 Romulan Warbirds.*

    You are outnumbered, Director. Surrender Captain Allen over to us or we'll take him...

    Along with you.

    Hanshan: Oh Admiral. Don't you know when I am not currently there. Also that the bigger force is on its way..

    *Speaking romulan*

    *The Rest of the Tal Shiar Force decloaks off the bows and around the Republic forces.. *

    Hanshan: As a price for the ship I am going to keep the dear Captain here. I am sure the Emperor would like to speak with him while my friend here has his fun.

    Gyunei: But of course.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hanshan: Oh Admiral. Don't you know when I am not currently there. Also that the bigger force is on its way..

    *Speaking romulan*

    *The Rest of the Tal Shiar Force decloaks off the bows and around the Republic forces.. *

    Hanshan: As a price for the ship I am going to keep the dear Captain here. I am sure the Emperor would like to speak with him while my friend here has his fun.

    Gyunei: But of course.

    Matt *whispering*: David, where the hell are you?

    *Suddenly, the 5th Fleet warps in and starts approaching the Tal Shiar Fleet. The 5th Fleet is 2,500 ships strong, which, combined with the defenders, brings the total to 3,000 ships compared to around 2,000 Romulans.

    Of course, about 500 of those Republic ships are damaged...*

    David *Over Comm*: This is Captain Santiago of the R.S.S. Republic and the Republic 5th Fleet to Romulan vessels! You are ordered to surrender or withdraw at once! This is your only warning!

    Matt: Impeccable timing.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: That is fine.. The payment is good enough...


    Ade: Aye Sir?

    Kenway: Bring the ship about... We have a job to do.

    Ade: Government job?

    Kenway: Something like that. Beam me up.. They want to see the ruin.

    *5 minutes later, the Zhiyal and Kenway's ship (I forgot the name) emerge from Fold-Space at the last marker along their route.

    From here on in, they'll have to travel to the ruins by warp.

    S.S Tora Zhiyal, Dani's Quarters. Dani and Tara are talking, catching up on what's happened since they last spoke. Dani's the only one who's been talking so far and has been careful to avoid the subject about Ken.*

    Dani: So Dad sent me here, with everything I needed, worrying that the Pegasus Gateway would have to be sealed to keep the Eblisi out. He wanted to make sure we were both safe and wanted me to keep an eye on you.

    Tara: You never told them, did you?

    Dani: No. I didn't tell them you were on Mari.

    Tara: Thanks, sis.

    You've said a lot about people you've lost. Come on, Dani. In 2 months, you haven't found anyone?

    Dani: Well...


    Tara: Terry?

    Dani: What's wrong with that?

    Tara: Nothing. It's just, well... he's a bit... omniscient.

    Dani: He's a new-type.

    Tara: It's more than that and you know it.

    Dani: What's the problem?

    Tara: No problem.

    It's just I'm not sure I'd be so comfortable around someone who could read my mind and see what I was thinking around him.

    *Dani gives a friendly shove.*

    Dani: Thanks, now I won't be able to get that out of my head!

    *The two laugh lightly, before Tara looks at her.*

    Tara: So, you said you had something for me...

    Dani: Yeah.

    *Dani stands up and walks over to her bag, taking out the photo of Tara and Ken.*

    I remember you saying you never got yourself a photo with you and Ken.

    *She passes the photo to Tara. Tara takes hold of it in her hands, staring at it. Dani watches her carefully. Tara rubs her right thumb along the picture, before taking her left thumb and blocking herself out of it, so it's just Ken.

    She loses herself in memories. His messy brown hair, the golden earing on his ear, the dark blue eyes, the winkled nose...

    Then the blood coming out of his mouth, the bruises, the bloodshot eyes...

    The disruptor blast.

    She feels tears start to well up behind her eyelids and, before she can stop herself, Dani hears her let out a whimper. She sits down next to her younger sister, pulling her into a hug as she starts sobbing.*

    I'm so sorry, Tara. So sorry.

    *Meanwhile, Conference Room. Drake, Jack, Kenar, Kyra, Daxis, Mortana, Luke and James Fuller (Luke's Uncle) are all present.*

    Jack: Sounds fishy to me, Drake. I mean, I know how important this is to Mortana, but we're working with the same people who tried to ransom you and Tara off a week ago here.

    Drake: I trust Kenway as far as I can keep him weapons on him, but we need him for now. Besides, something tells me he's genuine. He'll help as long as he has reason to.

    Jack: And then there's the fact that we're talking about an Iconian myth, here--

    Mortana: Legend, not myth. Myths have no basis in fact. Legends do.

    The Bi'frost'a did exist. What happened to it is the mystery. Finding it is--

    Jack: Of extreme importance to your people. We know.

    Drake: Look, even if the Bi'frost'a wasn't involved here, I would still want to check out these ruins. These would be some of the oldest Iconian artefacts ever recovered.

    Jack, you're going to come with me to the ruins when we find them. You too, Mortana.

    But, I'd like to know what we're going to do if we do find our Flying Dutchman.

    Mortana: 'Flying Dutchman'?

    Drake: It's an old Earth legend. The Dutchman was a merchant ship on ancient earth. One day, it vanished without trace.

    Jack: What he's not mentioning is the legend says that every now and again, sailors see the Dutchman, trying to make its way home.

    Mortana: And does the Dutchman ever make it home?

    *Jack and Drake look at each other.*

    Drake: No.

    Mortana: Ah...

    That seems to be a recurring factor in your legends. The lost that is never found.

    Drake: Anyway...

    I think we should plan ahead for what happens if we do find the Bi'frost'a.

    Mortana: You will not be able to beam over. Even while dormant, the ship's transport inhibitors will be operable.

    Luke: Then we'll shuttle over.

    Mortana: While your enthusiasm is commendable, young one, the ship would have to be open to a docking attempt before you could dock onto it. The hangars and docking collars would be locked down, especially if the power systems are dormant.

    Jack: Why are you so sure there is power aboard that ship? If it's been lost for 500,000 years...

    Mortana: I am not. However, Iconian vessels of that era were designed so that they could be abandoned and remain easily recoverable even after millennia on automation.

    Luke: Then we could use the airlocks.

    Mortana: I'm afraid not. The security systems would destroy any non-Iconian intruder. I would be the only one who could get on board and I could only authorise the embarkment of 1 non-Iconian.

    Luke: And?

    Mortana: i would need 3 people to reactivate the Bi'frost'a.

    Luke: The security system is programmed to reject any more than one adult non-Iconian life reading, right?

    Mortana: Right.

    Luke: What about a teenager?

    Mortana: Hm... Interesting.

    The vessel's security would be programmed to accept the possibility that recovery would be made simultaneous with a refugee operation and acknowledge that 3 individuals would be needed for reactivation. It would not consider an Iconian and 2 adolescents a security risk.

    James: I don't like it.

    Luke: Uncle, it's okay. Me and Tara can look after ourselves.

    Mortana: The risk they'd be exposed to would be minimal.

    *James sits there in thought.*

    Drake: If you two are up for it... and if your uncle's okay with it...
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Officer: sir planet will collapse in 10 min.

    An explosions goes off on the bridge. Filling it with smoke as Keyes picks himself up.

    Keyes: report!!

    Officer: shields failed and we got hit in section a4. Main PAC guns offline.

    Keyes: all ships prep for slip space jump.

    The ship shakes again.

    Officer: shields at 17 percent!

    Keyes: all ships jump now before the planet goes.

    As what's left of the fleet jumps the planet enters it's finale moments.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt *whispering*: David, where the hell are you?

    *Suddenly, the 5th Fleet warps in and starts approaching the Tal Shiar Fleet. The 5th Fleet is 2,500 ships strong, which, combined with the defenders, brings the total to 3,000 ships compared to around 2,000 Romulans.

    Of course, about 500 of those Republic ships are damaged...*

    David *Over Comm*: This is Captain Santiago of the R.S.S. Republic and the Republic 5th Fleet to Romulan vessels! You are ordered to surrender or withdraw at once! This is your only warning!

    Matt: Impeccable timing.

    Hanshan: How cute. So Gyunei how long do you think it is til the 4000 ships arrive?

    Gyunei: Should be about now..

    *The force arrives around 4000 advanced vessels some not in the databanks...*

    Hanshan: Ah It seems your entertainment arrives. Commander unleash your weapon salvo on the station itself. We do not necessarily need it.

    Commander Crash'an: Yes Director we have already fired it the station is about to hit it now..

    Hanshan: Keep this up Commander and you will see this through.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    logang19 wrote: »
    Officer: sir planet will collapse in 10 min.

    An explosions goes off on the bridge. Filling it with smoke as Keyes picks himself up.

    Keyes: report!!

    Officer: shields failed and we got hit in section a4. Main PAC guns offline.

    Keyes: all ships prep for slip space jump.

    The ship shakes again.

    Officer: shields at 17 percent!

    Keyes: all ships jump now before the planet goes.

    As what's left of the fleet jumps the planet enters it's finale moments.

    *Jalit and the Federation Fleet are waiting for them.. few losses. *

    Jalit: Captain Keyes was that necessary on a populated planet?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hanshan: Have fun Admiral you have a station to save..

    *Kills the feed*

    Gyunei don't brutalize him the Emperor will want to speak with him.

    *In a his make shift office Hanshan dials in the Emperor*

    Hanshan: My liege, the invasion is in place DS61 will fall. Gyunei's mercenaries cover the needed amount to take the area. There is also a problem. The Federation is not as crippled as we suspected and have weapons that seem to have a severe counteraction with ours and meet with disastrous results. But I do have something for you.

    We have captured Captain Terry Allen. and destroyed his ship..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hanshan: Have fun Admiral you have a station to save..

    *Kills the feed*

    Gyunei don't brutalize him the Emperor will want to speak with him.

    *In a his make shift office Hanshan dials in the Emperor*

    Hanshan: My liege, the invasion is in place DS61 will fall. Gyunei's mercenaries cover the needed amount to take the area. There is also a problem. The Federation is not as crippled as we suspected and have weapons that seem to have a severe counteraction with ours and meet with disastrous results. But I do have something for you.

    We have captured Captain Terry Allen. and destroyed his ship..

    *Matt instantly spurs into action, practically smashing the comm panel as he opens a channel to the R.S.S. Challenger, a Discovery-Class Starship.*

    Matt: Enterprise to Challenger, I want those missiles out of my sky, NOW!

    Bridge, try and get us in weapons range!

    *The Enterprise quickly turns towards the salvo as the Challenger races towards them. The Challenger lets off a wide-angle tractor beam, knocking out most of the missiles, but one's still on course. As the projectile gets close enough to the station to catch it in the blast, the Challenger manages to nail it with a zero-point beam.

    In the Enterprise CIC, everyone lets there hearts start beating again.*

    Matt *thinking*: That was close...

    *Out loud* Too damn close.

    *He taps a control, concern still eating away at him.*

    Enterprise to Deep Space 61, what's your status?

    DS61 *Over Comm*: We've got some minor structural damage, but otherwise we're fine.

    That was no thalaron warhead.

    *Matt looks at one of the sensor readouts on a nearby tech's console, seeing an energy pattern he hadn't seen in 20 years.*

    Matt: Twilight.

    *Aboard Hanshan's Warbird, Joral (it is actually Joral. I have no idea where I got Jorat from *facepalms*) appears on his screen, a grin crossing his face.*

    Joral: Good. Bring him here. Fall back from DS61 for now. We will consolidate our positions - dig in. Besides, I want that station intact.

    That station is where the Republic Charter was signed, where President Ryan Allington was inaugurated, where the capital of the Republic was seated for 10 years and where the home of the Republic Military lied for a hundred. More than that, it will save us having to build a new station there.

    And Hanshan... I notice the 3rd Squadron is with your fleet. While it is a Tal Shiar unit and within your authority, it contradicts my own order that it be in place to retaliate when the U.N.S.C. stepped in.

    In case it is not clear, I will explain. I want you to personally transport Allen here and I want you to drag him into the Royal Chambers in chains before giving him to my personal guards for interrogation. I then want you to earn your father's name as the Butcher and take the 3rd Squadron into C.I.S. Space and ensure that neither the U.N.S.C. or their deluded Confederate allies ever pose a threat to anyone in a military sense again. I want their military shattered. I want their bases burned. Then, I want their capitals smashed until they're nothing but rubble. After that, I want you to personally beam down to each and plant the Romulan flag where their capital buildings used to stand as a message to all of what happens to those who cross us.

    The Republic can wait for now. We have sent a message. We have achieved our goal. Until I am satisfied that we can push forward without fear of Federation interference or until I am satisfied that we can hold the Federation off, we will simply dig in and defend our new territory.

    Am I fully understood, Director?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Matt instantly spurs into action, practically smashing the comm panel as he opens a channel to the R.S.S. Challenger, a Discovery-Class Starship.*

    Matt: Enterprise to Challenger, I want those missiles out of my sky, NOW!

    Bridge, try and get us in weapons range!

    *The Enterprise quickly turns towards the salvo as the Challenger races towards them. The Challenger lets off a wide-angle tractor beam, knocking out most of the missiles, but one's still on course. As the projectile gets close enough to the station to catch it in the blast, the Challenger manages to nail it with a zero-point beam.

    In the Enterprise CIC, everyone lets there hearts start beating again.*

    Matt *thinking*: That was close...

    *Out loud* Too damn close.

    *He taps a control, concern still eating away at him.*

    Enterprise to Deep Space 61, what's your status?

    DS61 *Over Comm*: We've got some minor structural damage, but otherwise we're fine.

    That was no thalaron warhead.

    *Matt looks at one of the sensor readouts on a nearby tech's console, seeing an energy pattern he hadn't seen in 20 years.*

    Matt: Twilight.

    *Aboard Hanshan's Warbird, Joral (it is actually Joral. I have no idea where I got Jorat from *facepalms*) appears on his screen, a grin crossing his face.*

    Joral: Good. Bring him here. Fall back from DS61 for now. We will consolidate our positions - dig in. Besides, I want that station intact.

    That station is where the Republic Charter was signed, where President Ryan Allington was inaugurated, where the capital of the Republic was seated for 10 years and where the home of the Republic Military lied for a hundred. More than that, it will save us having to build a new station there.

    And Hanshan... I notice the 3rd Squadron is with your fleet. While it is a Tal Shiar unit and within your authority, it contradicts my own order that it be in place to retaliate when the U.N.S.C. stepped in.

    In case it is not clear, I will explain. I want you to personally transport Allen here and I want you to drag him into the Royal Chambers in chains before giving him to my personal guards for interrogation. I then want you to earn your father's name as the Butcher and take the 3rd Squadron into C.I.S. Space and ensure that neither the U.N.S.C. or their deluded Confederate allies ever pose a threat to anyone in a military sense again. I want their military shattered. I want their bases burned. Then, I want their capitals smashed until they're nothing but rubble. After that, I want you to personally beam down to each and plant the Romulan flag where their capital buildings used to stand as a message to all of what happens to those who cross us.

    The Republic can wait for now. We have sent a message. We have achieved our goal. Until I am satisfied that we can push forward without fear of Federation interference or until I am satisfied that we can hold the Federation off, we will simply dig in and defend our new territory.

    Am I fully understood, Director?

    Hanshan: I understand my liege. Your will my hands.

    *Bringing the 3rd Squadron on the screen*

    Commander I want you to take yourselves to CIS Space I will be there shortly.

    Commander: Aye sir..
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