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  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Meanwhile, in the Holding Lab. The room shakes as the hull blows out, and the lighting goes deep red. Tara and Kira stand up.*

    Kira: That was a hull breach. A small one, but definitely a hull breach.

    Tara: I told you they'd come for me.

    Kira: Then they're idiots.

    Tara: Wrong. They're my friends.

    Kira: Your friends just signed their own death warrants. If they come through that door, I can't let them walk out.

    *Tara starts to clench her fists. Kira drops her head apologetically.*

    If Luke Fuller's with them... I promise I won't let him suffer.

    *Tara fills her body fill with rage as she yells out, tackling Kira into the wall and trying to pin her there as Kira grabs her left arm with her right, and her face with her left, before pushing her far enough away to send a knee into her face. The two space out, getting into fighting stances. Kira swings at Tara, Tara ducking under it, pushing her knees in front of her and pushing off with her hands to slide behind Kira before sweeping her leg out. She then uses her leg's momentum to get back to a standing position as Kira's head hits the deck. Kira rolls onto her feet again, nodding her head to the side as she looks at Tara.*

    Kira: Where'd you learn to fight like that?

    Tara: Cor'i. It's Orion.

    *Tara charges at Kira, grabbing her shoulders before jumping over her, using her grip as a pivot so she can flip into a back-to-back position before slipping her arms below Kira's shoulders and locking Kira's arms up before pushing back, shoving Kira front-first into the examination table. The shock makes Tara loosen her grip and Kira pulls her right arm free, grunting as she elbows Tara's back before spinning around, her left arm still locked with Tara's, pulling her round as well, bringing them face-to-face again as Kira hits her with a right hook followed by a spin kick to the face, cutting Tara's forehead open as she slams to the floor.

    Tara quickly starts to get up, turning to face up as she hears Kira grunt again, reacting fast enough to catch Kira's wrist mid-swing. Her fist still connects, causing a cracking sound as it breaks Tara's nose, but Tara uses the momentum to drag Kira down with her before wrapping her legs around Kira's body and rolling her onto her back. The two struggle as Tara pulls at Kira's arm with both hands before releasing one to punch her opponent in the face. She then releases her right leg and positions it against Kira's face before using it to push off into a back roll onto her feet, also slamming Kira's head back into the deck.

    As Tara stands over her, fists tight and her nose bleeding profusely, Kira tries to roll onto her front, before using her arms to push herself up onto her feet. As she stands, Tara sees her hair died blood red at the back of her head. Her skull might be cracked. It's a miracle she can even stand.

    Sure enough, when Kira turns back to face her, there's a cut on her left cheek below her eye where Tara's foot was, but as she raises her arms to guard her face, Tara can see her arms shaking, and her eyes are drifting.

    Tara feels a wave of concern drift over her. She started this fight out of rage. She wasn't thinking straight. Now, she realised what was happening. She didn't want to hurt Kira. Well... okay, she did, but not this bad.*

    Tara *concerned*: Kira, give up.

    *A hint of anger flashes over Kira's face before she shakes her head, gently. She blinks before trying to punch Tara in the face, which Tara catches before answering with a punch of her own. Kira barely manages to catch it as the two push each other into the examination table side-on, Kira unleashing a series of hard knees to Tara's gut causing her to gag as she hears a crack and starts falling down before she gets the strength to push her shoulder into Kira's abdomen, causing another crack and slamming her back into the table, causing her to slide down to Tara's level, on her knees.

    Kira throws a punch, Tara catching it and using her shoulder to push her into the table. Th two struggle there for a while before Kira pushes Tara down onto her back, Tara bringing her legs up and slamming her feet into Kira's face, pushing Kira off of her and onto her own back, losing consciousness.

    Tara slowly makes her way over to her, checking on her. Kira's breathing is getting strained and Tara can't say she's surprised. She was sure she broke at least one of Kira's ribs when she shoulder-blocked her into the examination table and she knew she could feel at least two of her own ribs broken from the knee strikes.

    She checks her opponents pulse. Amazingly, it's still strong. Tara was sure that that was down to the augmentation, since while she herself felt exhausted, she still felt she could fight on. The kick into Kira's face that ended the fight has broken her nose, and coupled with the cut on her cheek, blood is slowly starting to cover her face.

    Suddenly, she hears phaser fire outside.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *OOC: Alright man. I got it. I have two tests tomorrow. *

    Terry: Commander I will beam over to the RSS Enterprise.

    Phillips: Yes sir.

    *Matt meets him in the CIC as Thompson leads him in. Matt walks over and shakes his hand.*

    Matt: Welcome to the Enterprise, Terry. I see you've already met Captain Thompson.

    So, what do you think?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Lasky steps off the lift to a sub level. Looking at the single suit in the center.

    Roland: mk42 sir is the last piece Jacob was working on.

    Lasky: yeah I can tell. We will have to finish it. But definitely changing the color.

    Lasky walks around some more looking around. He heads back for the lift.

    Roland: you should also know that you now are the head of Halsey Industries. Which is in both Virgo and milky way.

    Lasly: wait what he literally left me everything didn't he.

    Roland: basically yes.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    After almost 2 days Keyes has his ship running again. Though she has stayed behind he has taken command of the unsc sword a assult carrier as the battle group is now heading to there target a nearby romulan base.

    Keyes: report

    Officer: all ships standing by ready to exit slipspace on your command sir.

    Keyes: good we attack within 10 hours.

    Officer: aye sir.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    UNSC Command

    General Strauss( Army)
    Fleet Admiral Harper (Navy)
    Fleet Admiral Terrace (Navy)
    General Hogan ( Marines)
    Colonel Forge ( ODST)
    Fleet Captain Keyes ( Milky Way UNSC Commander)
    Director Anders ( U.N.I.T )
    Admiral Stall ( ONI )

    The main top ranking people of the UNSC military for reference

    Also the UNSCs newest ship

    Peacemaker class cruiser

    Its size is comparable to that of the federation sovereign class cruiser

    Crew: 780
    ODST: 150

    Shields: advanced dynamic repulsive shields;
    the ADRS shield system is fresh off the line of the UNSC. One of the latest developed by Kyro tech. Its advanced system can defelect all known radiation and can withstand heavy firepower as well. It is designed to take the incoming weapon fire and use the energy to recharge the shields.

    Engines: Mk XII Sublight light Fuwjack engine system

    Slipspace: Kyro Slipspace Mk XII engine

    Sensor Grid: Halsey Corp Advanced multi spectral sensor system

    Cloak- None

    Weapons( All Halsey Corp.)
    35 Repulsor beam arrays
    12 CFV torpedo tubes
    150 point defense canons
    10 PAC heavy platforms
    15 Guess Platforms

    10 broad sword class interceptors
    5 longsword heavy class fighters
    8 pelican class dropships

    Hull: trantumian hull plating 2 feet thick
    The trantumian alloy is one only found in virgo and is resiliant to most weapons and radiation naturally

    The Peacemaker class is a state of the art UNSC cruiser to bolster there navy currently. Many ships in virgo have already been equipped with the repulsor beam arrays to suppelment there current weapons. The peacemaker is designed to explorer and be used for diplomatic missions but is also very well capable of defending itself.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    UNSC High Comm facility
    Bravo 6
    Jehrico 7, New Harmony

    Strauss, Terrace, Black, Forge,and anders are all sitting in a low lit room looking over there info

    Strauss: so the new cruisers have rolled out i assume?

    Terrace: yes they have they will remain here with the homefleet till we believe they are ready.

    Anders: i would like one to be sent to the Alpha site as soon as feasible. There are many artifacts there still and i would like to have a way to protect it and get it away if needed.

    Terrace: after the UNSC Peacemakers shake down ill send it there. General Black How goes Project Sierria?

    Black: well we are up to 300 candidates at this point but we havent gone through augmentation yet.

    Terrace: very good

    Strauss: so what is to be done in the Milky Way?

    Terrace: that is the issue isnt it.

    Stall walks in taking his seat

    Stall: sorry i had some last minute business to wrap up

    Terrace: its alright we where just getting ready to discuss what is going to be our decision on the milky way.

    Anders: i would say we help as much as we can. There are many places tehre that i know have scientific value.

    Strauss: we cant over stretch ourselves either.

    Terrace: we are the main military power of the CIS though.

    Stall: the CIS is mostly a economic alliance at this point though with us acting as the police.

    Black: that is true we already have a sizeable force there.

    Terrace: i suggest we all think about it and we will finish this discussion in the next session.

    The group gets up and leaves while terrace remains as a figure walks up to him

    Bishop: so what will you do?

    Terrace: Harper is on his way to the citadel now to see how bad the sitaution is hopefully he contacts me soon so i know what we need to do.

    Bishop: one can only hope everything there is alright.

    Terrace simply nods as he watchs the sun set on Jehrico 7
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Matt meets him in the CIC as Thompson leads him in. Matt walks over and shakes his hand.*

    Matt: Welcome to the Enterprise, Terry. I see you've already met Captain Thompson.

    So, what do you think?

    Terry: Fancy ship, its been about ten years since the Federation decommissioned the last Enterprise in lieu of the changes they were going to do to the fleet. I suspect that this one will get its chance to live up to the name it bears. But still its a bit large.

    On the way here I set up some surprises for the Romulan's...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Meanwhile, in the Holding Lab. The room shakes as the hull blows out, and the lighting goes deep red. Tara and Kira stand up.*

    Kira: That was a hull breach. A small one, but definitely a hull breach.

    Tara: I told you they'd come for me.

    Kira: Then they're idiots.

    Tara: Wrong. They're my friends.

    Kira: Your friends just signed their own death warrants. If they come through that door, I can't let them walk out.

    *Tara starts to clench her fists. Kira drops her head apologetically.*

    If Luke Fuller's with them... I promise I won't let him suffer.

    *Tara fills her body fill with rage as she yells out, tackling Kira into the wall and trying to pin her there as Kira grabs her left arm with her right, and her face with her left, before pushing her far enough away to send a knee into her face. The two space out, getting into fighting stances. Kira swings at Tara, Tara ducking under it, pushing her knees in front of her and pushing off with her hands to slide behind Kira before sweeping her leg out. She then uses her leg's momentum to get back to a standing position as Kira's head hits the deck. Kira rolls onto her feet again, nodding her head to the side as she looks at Tara.*

    Kira: Where'd you learn to fight like that?

    Tara: Cor'i. It's Orion.

    *Tara charges at Kira, grabbing her shoulders before jumping over her, using her grip as a pivot so she can flip into a back-to-back position before slipping her arms below Kira's shoulders and locking Kira's arms up before pushing back, shoving Kira front-first into the examination table. The shock makes Tara loosen her grip and Kira pulls her right arm free, grunting as she elbows Tara's back before spinning around, her left arm still locked with Tara's, pulling her round as well, bringing them face-to-face again as Kira hits her with a right hook followed by a spin kick to the face, cutting Tara's forehead open as she slams to the floor.

    Tara quickly starts to get up, turning to face up as she hears Kira grunt again, reacting fast enough to catch Kira's wrist mid-swing. Her fist still connects, causing a cracking sound as it breaks Tara's nose, but Tara uses the momentum to drag Kira down with her before wrapping her legs around Kira's body and rolling her onto her back. The two struggle as Tara pulls at Kira's arm with both hands before releasing one to punch her opponent in the face. She then releases her right leg and positions it against Kira's face before using it to push off into a back roll onto her feet, also slamming Kira's head back into the deck.

    As Tara stands over her, fists tight and her nose bleeding profusely, Kira tries to roll onto her front, before using her arms to push herself up onto her feet. As she stands, Tara sees her hair died blood red at the back of her head. Her skull might be cracked. It's a miracle she can even stand.

    Sure enough, when Kira turns back to face her, there's a cut on her left cheek below her eye where Tara's foot was, but as she raises her arms to guard her face, Tara can see her arms shaking, and her eyes are drifting.

    Tara feels a wave of concern drift over her. She started this fight out of rage. She wasn't thinking straight. Now, she realised what was happening. She didn't want to hurt Kira. Well... okay, she did, but not this bad.*

    Tara *concerned*: Kira, give up.

    *A hint of anger flashes over Kira's face before she shakes her head, gently. She blinks before trying to punch Tara in the face, which Tara catches before answering with a punch of her own. Kira barely manages to catch it as the two push each other into the examination table side-on, Kira unleashing a series of hard knees to Tara's gut causing her to gag as she hears a crack and starts falling down before she gets the strength to push her shoulder into Kira's abdomen, causing another crack and slamming her back into the table, causing her to slide down to Tara's level, on her knees.

    Kira throws a punch, Tara catching it and using her shoulder to push her into the table. Th two struggle there for a while before Kira pushes Tara down onto her back, Tara bringing her legs up and slamming her feet into Kira's face, pushing Kira off of her and onto her own back, losing consciousness.

    Tara slowly makes her way over to her, checking on her. Kira's breathing is getting strained and Tara can't say she's surprised. She was sure she broke at least one of Kira's ribs when she shoulder-blocked her into the examination table and she knew she could feel at least two of her own ribs broken from the knee strikes.

    She checks her opponents pulse. Amazingly, it's still strong. Tara was sure that that was down to the augmentation, since while she herself felt exhausted, she still felt she could fight on. The kick into Kira's face that ended the fight has broken her nose, and coupled with the cut on her cheek, blood is slowly starting to cover her face.

    Suddenly, she hears phaser fire outside.*

    *Kenway forces the door open with a extender rapier which he immediately places back into its place on his hip.. *

    Kenway: Funny how we keep running into each other kid... Come on your sister is looking for you.

    *He takes a set of cuffs from the table and ties Kira up and strikes her in the face again...*

    Just to make sure.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    A few hours later Terrace is at his home just outside the city as he sits outside on a large deck drinking some arcadian ale.He reads through the UNSC news report on whats going on and the political situation as well. He recieved word Harper that he had arrived at the citadel. Now he would have to wait for his report.

    A warthog Drives up the road and Strauss steps out as his two guards stay at the vehicle.

    Strauss: i was hoping i would find you here.

    Terrace: come have a seat and a drink.

    Strauss: thank you

    Terrace: i assume you have a question

    Strauss: just a report i wanted to share with you in person.

    The young general hands him a padd.

    Strauss: i thought you should see this now.

    OOC: strauss is also the youngest member of highcomm being only 32. While Harper is the oldest at 89.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: Fancy ship, its been about ten years since the Federation decommissioned the last Enterprise in lieu of the changes they were going to do to the fleet. I suspect that this one will get its chance to live up to the name it bears. But still its a bit large.

    On the way here I set up some surprises for the Romulan's...

    Matt: Compared to its Federation equivalents, this ship is pretty small. It's slightly smaller than the old Odyssey-Class ships.

    Besides, she's an explorer, not just a warship. A lot of that space is used for labs, not just weapons systems.

    Anyone, what kind of surprises did you set up?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    *Kenway forces the door open with a extender rapier which he immediately places back into its place on his hip.. *

    Kenway: Funny how we keep running into each other kid... Come on your sister is looking for you.

    *He takes a set of cuffs from the table and ties Kira up and strikes her in the face again...*

    Just to make sure.

    *Tara slowly tries to make her way onto her feet, struggling to get the strength. Dani runs over to her and helps her up, supporting her.*

    Dani: Easy, sis. I've got you.

    *Hawk walks in with Drake and Jack. Hawk walks over to Kira, doing a quick scan of her with his helmet.*

    Hawk: She's pretty badly hurt, Captain.

    Dani: Your point?

    Tara: We can't leave her here...

    *Dani looks at her, slightly shocked as she moves some of Tara's her out of her face.*

    Dani: Are you okay?

    *Tara lets out a pained smile.*

    Drake: Okay, we're taking both of you back to the Zhiyal.

    *He taps his combadge.*

    Drake to Tora Zhiyal.

    Kyra *Over Comm*: Zhiyal here, Captain.

    Drake: Stand by to beam us out. Away team plus 3.

    Kyra *Over Comm*: So... everyone in the room with you then?

    Drake: Please.

    Kyra *Over Comm*: Stand by.

    *The group is beamed over to the Zhiyal as it breaks orbit and starts heading out. Kira and Tara are taken to sickbay, with Dani sitting next to Tara as Kenar runs a dermal regenerator over her wounds.*

    Kenar: Just a couple more bruises and I can risk removing the augmentation.

    Tara: Great.

    *She looks to the side, seeing Kyra lying unconscious on a bio-bed.*

    How is she?

    Kenar: She's not in much worse state than you. I'll have to get her consent first, but Drake's authorised me to remove her augmentation as well.

    *He finishes healing the last wound.*

    There we go.

    I'll go set up the equipment I need to start reversing the augmentation, but I'm afraid you're gonna have to put up with the excess epinephrine and norepinephrine levels for a few days.

    Tara: So I'm going to be a short-tempered Tellerite?

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *Tara glares at her, smirking after a second.*

    Kenar: It'll pass after a few days. Once the augmentations are gone, your body will be producing the hormones at a normal rate, but you'll have to work the excess out of your system. Under normal circumstances, that'll take at least a couple of days.

    *He heads off to start prepping the equipment. Tara sits cross-legged on the bio-bed as Dani sits down next to her.*

    Dani: This isn't how I thought we'd meet each other again.

    Tara: Tell me about it...

    Dani: I've got a few things in my quarters I think you'll want to see when the procedure's over.

    Tara: Okay.

    Dani: And we need to talk.

    Tara: About what?

    Dani: Not here. I think you'll want to discuss this in private.

    Tara: ...Okay.

    *Meanwhile, Drake leads Kenway to meet Mortana in the Iconian's quarters. The Quarters are a mess of PADDS, artefacts and holo-pads.*

    Drake: As promised.


    Mortana: One minute, Captain.

    *Mortana comes out of the bedroom, carrying a box full of PADDs.*

    Apologies. I was just re-organising--

    Drake: That's fine, Mortana. This is Captain Kenway. Captain, Studier Mortana.

    *Mortana puts the box down.*

    Mortana: Ah, yes... the Pirate.

    Captain Drake told me you had something to show me?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terrace watches as Strauss gets back in his warthog and drives away. Thinking of his next steps to take and the decisions to be made.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Tara slowly tries to make her way onto her feet, struggling to get the strength. Dani runs over to her and helps her up, supporting her.*

    Dani: Easy, sis. I've got you.

    *Hawk walks in with Drake and Jack. Hawk walks over to Kira, doing a quick scan of her with his helmet.*

    Hawk: She's pretty badly hurt, Captain.

    Dani: Your point?

    Tara: We can't leave her here...

    *Dani looks at her, slightly shocked as she moves some of Tara's her out of her face.*

    Dani: Are you okay?

    *Tara lets out a pained smile.*

    Drake: Okay, we're taking both of you back to the Zhiyal.

    *He taps his combadge.*

    Drake to Tora Zhiyal.

    Kyra *Over Comm*: Zhiyal here, Captain.

    Drake: Stand by to beam us out. Away team plus 3.

    Kyra *Over Comm*: So... everyone in the room with you then?

    Drake: Please.

    Kyra *Over Comm*: Stand by.

    *The group is beamed over to the Zhiyal as it breaks orbit and starts heading out. Kira and Tara are taken to sickbay, with Dani sitting next to Tara as Kenar runs a dermal regenerator over her wounds.*

    Kenar: Just a couple more bruises and I can risk removing the augmentation.

    Tara: Great.

    *She looks to the side, seeing Kyra lying unconscious on a bio-bed.*

    How is she?

    Kenar: She's not in much worse state than you. I'll have to get her consent first, but Drake's authorised me to remove her augmentation as well.

    *He finishes healing the last wound.*

    There we go.

    I'll go set up the equipment I need to start reversing the augmentation, but I'm afraid you're gonna have to put up with the excess epinephrine and norepinephrine levels for a few days.

    Tara: So I'm going to be a short-tempered Tellerite?

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *Tara glares at her, smirking after a second.*

    Kenar: It'll pass after a few days. Once the augmentations are gone, your body will be producing the hormones at a normal rate, but you'll have to work the excess out of your system. Under normal circumstances, that'll take at least a couple of days.

    *He heads off to start prepping the equipment. Tara sits cross-legged on the bio-bed as Dani sits down next to her.*

    Dani: This isn't how I thought we'd meet each other again.

    Tara: Tell me about it...

    Dani: I've got a few things in my quarters I think you'll want to see when the procedure's over.

    Tara: Okay.

    Dani: And we need to talk.

    Tara: About what?

    Dani: Not here. I think you'll want to discuss this in private.

    Tara: ...Okay.

    *Meanwhile, Drake leads Kenway to meet Mortana in the Iconian's quarters. The Quarters are a mess of PADDS, artefacts and holo-pads.*

    Drake: As promised.


    Mortana: One minute, Captain.

    *Mortana comes out of the bedroom, carrying a box full of PADDs.*

    Apologies. I was just re-organising--

    Drake: That's fine, Mortana. This is Captain Kenway. Captain, Studier Mortana.

    *Mortana puts the box down.*

    Mortana: Ah, yes... the Pirate.

    Captain Drake told me you had something to show me?

    Kenway: *Dropping the keystone in front of Mortana...* I was hoping that you could identify this.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Compared to its Federation equivalents, this ship is pretty small. It's slightly smaller than the old Odyssey-Class ships.

    Besides, she's an explorer, not just a warship. A lot of that space is used for labs, not just weapons systems.

    Anyone, what kind of surprises did you set up?

    Terry: Well. There were tests that we and the Klingons made to test cloaking technology and to see if we could set up something cloaked as well that could send a transponder signal to give us the heads up...

    The idea of it is kind of like a Doppler radar... it reads inertial energy.. which cloaked ships give off still when they move and there is no way to fake it as you need that energy to move in zero gee..

    Aside from that we had set up another comm set up to send in a bit of a dirty surprise... Something they won't expect.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: *Dropping the keystone in front of Mortana...* I was hoping that you could identify this.

    *Mortana takes the keystone, instantly recognising the symbol engraved on it.*

    Mortana: Where did you get this?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: Well. There were tests that we and the Klingons made to test cloaking technology and to see if we could set up something cloaked as well that could send a transponder signal to give us the heads up...

    The idea of it is kind of like a Doppler radar... it reads inertial energy.. which cloaked ships give off still when they move and there is no way to fake it as you need that energy to move in zero gee..

    Aside from that we had set up another comm set up to send in a bit of a dirty surprise... Something they won't expect.

    Matt: Well, the advanced warning will definitely be helpful.

    The 2nd and 3rd Fleets are preparing for a counter-attack against the Romulan Fleet. If we can push them back into there space--

    *The Action Stations klaxon sounds 5 times as the lighting goes red.*

    Forbes *Over Comm*: Action Stations! Action Stations! This is not a drill! Repeat, this is not a drill! Enemy contacts confirmed on approach! Captain Thompson to the Bridge! Action Stations! Action Stations!

    *The klaxon sounds again. Thompson starts heading for the bridge as the CCIC starts to fill with combat personnel. Matt turns to the holo-map, seeing 1,200 Romulan warbirds-worth of sensor ghosts emerging from the nearby nebula.*

    Matt: Oh boy...

    Lieutenant, how long 'til they get here?

    Lieutenant: 30 minutes, assuming they maintain sub-light speeds.

    It's hard to get a fix... as they leave the nebula, they fall off sensors. The disruption as they left the nebula was the only reason we could see them in the first place.

    Matt: We've got almost 1,000 ships here, but half the second fleet is under repair after the initial attack and the third fleet lost a large bulk of their cruisers and capital ships fighting the Eblisi. The rest are still 3 days away.

    The station can take a pounding, but...

    Contact Commander D'tral. Tell her to begin evacuating DS61.

    Lieutenant: Aye, sir!

    Matt: Terry, you'd better get back to the Possibility!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *Mortana takes the keystone, instantly recognising the symbol engraved on it.*

    Mortana: Where did you get this?

    Kenway: I got it from a ruin in an uncharted region of Pegasus. It was not difficult to solve the puzzle.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: I got it from a ruin in an uncharted region of Pegasus. It was not difficult to solve the puzzle.

    Drake: What is it?

    Mortana: The symbol is ancient Iconian! I'd be willing to bet that this belonged to a crewman from the Bi'frost'a!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Matt: Well, the advanced warning will definitely be helpful.

    The 2nd and 3rd Fleets are preparing for a counter-attack against the Romulan Fleet. If we can push them back into there space--

    *The Action Stations klaxon sounds 5 times as the lighting goes red.*

    Forbes *Over Comm*: Action Stations! Action Stations! This is not a drill! Repeat, this is not a drill! Enemy contacts confirmed on approach! Captain Thompson to the Bridge! Action Stations! Action Stations!

    *The klaxon sounds again. Thompson starts heading for the bridge as the CCIC starts to fill with combat personnel. Matt turns to the holo-map, seeing 1,200 Romulan warbirds-worth of sensor ghosts emerging from the nearby nebula.*

    Matt: Oh boy...

    Lieutenant, how long 'til they get here?

    Lieutenant: 30 minutes, assuming they maintain sub-light speeds.

    It's hard to get a fix... as they leave the nebula, they fall off sensors. The disruption as they left the nebula was the only reason we could see them in the first place.

    Matt: We've got almost 1,000 ships here, but half the second fleet is under repair after the initial attack and the third fleet lost a large bulk of their cruisers and capital ships fighting the Eblisi. The rest are still 3 days away.

    The station can take a pounding, but...

    Contact Commander D'tral. Tell her to begin evacuating DS61.

    Lieutenant: Aye, sir!

    Matt: Terry, you'd better get back to the Possibility!

    Terry: Well they are certainly aggressive. *Taps a comm device.*

    Phillips beam me back and have the crew enter battle stations..

    Phillips: Aye sir.

    *Terry materializes back to the bridge and the Possibility preps its weapons...*

    Alright did the next layer outside the area pick them up yet?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Drake: What is it?

    Mortana: The symbol is ancient Iconian! I'd be willing to bet that this belonged to a crewman from the Bi'frost'a!

    Kenway: Interesting. I also saw the wall covering it. There are twenty-six identical holes.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: Well they are certainly aggressive. *Taps a comm device.*

    Phillips beam me back and have the crew enter battle stations..

    Phillips: Aye sir.

    *Terry materializes back to the bridge and the Possibility preps its weapons...*

    Terry: Since our IFF reads as non Federation but our ship is Federation made don't expect them to hold back. Trigger our surprise...

    *The surprise triggers as the element zero mines warps into the Romulan ships causing heavy damage and the sensors trigger the counteraction that no one expects. Large blasts rip through the ships and neighboring ones. Crippling about a third of them... as the EMP goes through wiping out their systems on the rest not destroyed. Sensors in the area read this disturbance. *

    Terry: *Grimacing a bit as deaths come across...*

    Phillips: Sir it appears that the trap has done more than we thought..

    Rissa: I thought as much.. Those ships are carrying obliterator weapons.

    Terry: Romulans don't play by the rules of war right now and I would have expected better from their designers...

    Alright did the next layer outside the area pick them up yet?

    OOC: Not yet. I want to drag this battle out.

    Besides, the Romulans aren't using Obliterators right now. They're using something far worse.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: Interesting. I also saw the wall covering it. There are twenty-six identical holes.

    Mortana: 26...?

    Drake: Mortana, what does that mean?

    Mortana: If the ruins Kenway found were the remains of an Iconian base...

    These keystones could be IFF transmitters, used to activate Gateways automatically. An outpost would only need a maximum crew of 30. It's conceivable that they only prepared transmitters for 27 people.

    I'd like to see these ruins. If the outpost's archive is still intact, it could lead us to the Bi'frost'a!

    *Drake stands there, brow furrowed, deep in thought.*

    Captain, this could be the greatest discovery for my people in millennia - and the greatest find ever for your people!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    OOC: Not yet. I want to drag this battle out.

    Besides, the Romulans aren't using Obliterators right now. They're using something far worse.

    *OOC: I can hint at it nonetheless but I am hinting at a rather nasty counteraction effect when something comes together. But yes I fixed it.*
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mortana: 26...?

    Drake: Mortana, what does that mean?

    Mortana: If the ruins Kenway found were the remains of an Iconian base...

    These keystones could be IFF transmitters, used to activate Gateways automatically. An outpost would only need a maximum crew of 30. It's conceivable that they only prepared transmitters for 27 people.

    I'd like to see these ruins. If the outpost's archive is still intact, it could lead us to the Bi'frost'a!

    *Drake stands there, brow furrowed, deep in thought.*

    Captain, this could be the greatest discovery for my people in millennia - and the greatest find ever for your people!

    Kenway: *Taking the keystone back... and putting it in his coat pocket.* What is in it for me if I help? Or are we going to be contracted to help?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: *Taking the keystone back... and putting it in his coat pocket.* What is in it for me if I help? Or are we going to be contracted to help?

    Mortana: Think of the knowledge!

    *Drake facepalms.*

    Drake: Okay, look at it this way. Inside that Iconian Outpost's archives, Kenway, are likely secrets that are millions upon millions ahead of where we are now. Whole new worlds of universal understanding!

    Think how much people would pay for those. You're a smart man. Can you imagine how much latinum just one of those secrets could be worth to the right people?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Mortana: Think of the knowledge!

    *Drake facepalms.*

    Drake: Okay, look at it this way. Inside that Iconian Outpost's archives, Kenway, are likely secrets that are millions upon millions ahead of where we are now. Whole new worlds of universal understanding!

    Think how much people would pay for those. You're a smart man. Can you imagine how much latinum just one of those secrets could be worth to the right people?

    Kenway: Ah yes.. Interesting... I like the idea. But I do need a contract so I don't get to meet the executioner. Savy?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Terry: Well they are certainly aggressive. *Taps a comm device.*

    Phillips beam me back and have the crew enter battle stations..

    Phillips: Aye sir.

    *Terry materializes back to the bridge and the Possibility preps its weapons...*

    Alright did the next layer outside the area pick them up yet?

    *R.S.S. Enterprise. Security Teams are patrolling every deck as repair teams prepare to respond to any damage.

    Main Shuttlebay. The Enterprise's wing of Lightening-Class Fighters take off, racing down the length of the hangar aided by the MAGCAT systems and out the containment field.

    The wing of Mjolnir-Class Bombers are now pulled out of their berths by the cranes on the shuttlebay ceiling before being lowered down to allow the crews of three to enter the large attack craft. The cranes then lift the bombers up as the MAGCAT changes polarity.*

    OOC: The Mjolnir has such a high mass that instead of the MAGCAT pulling it up to speed and out the shuttlebay, it has to push the ship off the deck so the impulse engines can focus on lateral acceleration.

    *The Bombers are released from the cranes as they hover a few dozen meters from the deck while their impulse engines spool up before flying out the shuttlebay. The shuttlebay doors are then closed as the crew prepare the auxiliary fighters.*

    Republic S/F-91 Lightening-Class Space Superiority Fighter.

    Crew: 1 (Pilot)

    Armament: 4 Zero Point Energy Cannons, 2 Fore micro-torpedo launchers (stockpile of 26 phased-quantum micro-torpedoes).

    Defence: Primary Elliptical Shield Array, Secondary Shield Grid, Quadrotanium Hull Armour.

    Propulsion: 2 Mk IXX Combat Impulse Drives (1.5x speed of Raptor-Class, 2x as manoeuvrable), Warp Drive (Warp 6).

    Republic S/B-22 Mjolnir-Class Medium-Range Combat Bomber.

    Crew: 3 (Pilot, Heavy Weapons Officer, Flight Engineer)

    Armament: 2 Heavy Zero Point Energy Cannons, 2 Fore micro-torpedo launchers (stockpile of 50 phased-quantum micro-torpedoes), 1 torpedo launcher (stockpile of 5 phased-quantum torpedoes/1 SA-51 Epsilon Warhead - currently only operating with phased-quantum armament)

    Defence: Primary and Secondary Elliptical Shield Array, Tertiary Shield Grid, Heavy Quadrotanium Hull Armour.

    Propulsion: 3 Mk IXX Hyper-Impulse Drives (1.3x speed of Raptor-Class, 0.75x as manoeuvrable), Warp Drive (Warp 8), Fold-Space Drive.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Kenway: Ah yes.. Interesting... I like the idea. But I do need a contract so I don't get to meet the executioner. Savy?

    Drake: Fine. I'll draft one up and send it to you.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Drake: Fine. I'll draft one up and send it to you.

    Kenway: Very well. *Tosses the keystone to Mortana* I believe in being kind.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Keyes: all hands exit slip space and launch all fighters.

    Officer; sir reports coming in of a major attack on ds61.

    Keyes: dispatch any ships in range to support them.

    Officer: 12th battle group dispatched.

    Polar: going sub light now.

    Officer: sir detecting size able romulan force.

    Keyes: on screen fighters your on escort duty. Charge all weapons full power to shields.

    Officer: aye sir. Repulsor beams coming online now. PAC guns ready.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
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