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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?

    Garru: Seems like it mam.. With the power transfer rates dipping we need to go to a dry dock for repairs..

    Dani: We can't. If the Arcadians attack now, we need to be ready. Replace the conduits and post guards at the Jefferies Tubes.

    Tell Stark I want to speak to him. Afterwards, bring Ensign Allen here.

    Garru: Yes Captain.

    *Before long Quinton is standing there before Dani resolute..*

    Dani: Report on your findings.

    Quinton: The EPS modules aside from being faulty mam, they break down within days of installation when they should last at least 5 months. I have replaced at least 12 of them that were in similar condition, broken down in a key area with a focused cutting tool.

    *He presents the most recent Module burned out but the cutting present in the left corner..*

    Dani: So sabotage is the most likely cause.

    Quinton: Yes mam.. I dunno who is doing it but I wouldn't put it past the Arcadians.. They have been salty at you for quite some time.

    Dani: I don't think so. If the Arcadians wanted us gone, there are far more direct ways to do it. Besides, all the risks of infiltrating our ship or supply posts just to sabotage some power conduits?

    I shouldn't be telling you this yet, Ensign, but a few hours ago, the Shipyard over Tarani Prime was sabotaged - possibly by separatist insurgents. Less than one hour ago, the Commander informed me of a second bombing which destroyed the shipyard at Harris VII. All have been high-security areas. Command suspects that the culprits have been Republic Officers.

    Quinton: My mother always said that keeping wild options open is usually the way of tracking these things down.. We still don't know anything about the Arcadian Empire do we.. Are they all one race or have they franchised conquered peoples.. Who are they.. It could be some kind of instigation or infiltration..

    Dani: I don't think so... I've been fighting the Arcadians for 5 years. I've never known them to attempt sabotage, and subtlety is not something they care for - they care about total victory. If they'd go to the trouble of infiltrating us, they wouldn't just damage some power conduits. Besides, Tarani Prime is in the Delta Quadrant. As far as we know, the Arcadians don't even realise we're from another Galaxy yet.

    Quinton: As far as we know.. But you would think that they would take any path to that end. Even if it is unsavory..

    Dani: Either way, we have a saboteur onboard. If you see anything suspicious, report it.

    Quinton: Yes mam.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *R.S.S. Columbia, Deck 4. Mila is walking to the assembly deck to address her cadets when she notices the ship's Chief Engineer dismiss a pair of guards posted by an access panel.*

    Mila: That's strange... Why would he dismiss the guards?

    *She walks closer so she can see the panel, watching him place an object under a plasma conduit.*


    *She steps closer as the engineer replaces the panel and stands up.*

    Sir, what were you doing?

    Chief Engineer: Just replacing the plasma conduit, ensign.

    Mila: Then why didn't you remove the old one?

    Chief Engineer: Republic systems are very different from Starfleet's.

    Mila: Then you won't mind showing me how it works?

    Chief Engineer: I really don't have time--

    Mila: That's fine. I can show myself--

    Chief Engineer: No! The panels are supposed to be guarded. No unauthorised personnel unsupervised.

    Mila: Good idea. I'll call the guards back. Then they can see exactly what is in there when I'm done.

    *She taps her combadge.*

    Ensign Allen to Security--

    *She sees the Engineer go for his phaser before knocking his arm out of the way as he draws it, a stun blast firing across the corridor, setting off the security alert. Mila grunts as her head is slammed against the bulkhead, before grabbing the belligerent arm and slamming the Engineer against the wall, grunting again as she's thrown against the opposite wall. She then ducks beneath a punch, kicking him in the gut before pulling out her Type 1 phaser, setting it on stun as she aims it at him, seeing him holding a remote.*

    Drop it!

    Chief Engineer: Free Delta!

    *He presses the remote, prompting Mila to dart across a section partition and slam on the emergency forcefield as the corridor erupts in a brief flash, the ship shaking violently, before revealing a massive hull breach. The explosion moves through the bulkhead, blowing out plasma conduits in sequence as Mila is slammed into the outer wall by the blasts, knocked unconscious as support beams fall and a wall panel buries her, flame and acrid smoke beginning to fill the compartment.*

    *Quinton and Dani feel the blast through the ship as the Klaxons go off.. *

    Quinton: The hell.. That was not a weapon attack.. Didn't feel right.. I am going to go figure it out..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *OOC: I guess now would be a good time for the Arcadians to launch their counter offensive.. *

    *The Arcadian General Maxentius Brolly sees the opening he needs.. *

    Maxentius: Flavius we have our opening.. Order the operation has begun.. The eyes in their Capital was a clever ploy. My predecessor should have seen that was an appropriate measure.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman grabbed another mug of coffee as she started sending out a number of orders. She was confident having Burns look at the shipyard incident. But having two this closely together worried her.

    Aide: ma'am. You called for me

    Osman: yes get me admiral Del Rio. Tell him I need him back here at the capital.

    Aide: yes ma'am I'll send the message right away.

    Osman waited till the aide left and started typing into her terminal. She didn't have many people she truly trusted. But Del Rio was an old friend and someone she knew she could trust. Besides she needed someone with a ship that was proven and could get her the results she needed.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Sala wakes to find Admiral Terry and Colas coming into sickbay.. She heard the stories of this ship and crew but could hardly believe that they haven't left yet.. *

    *Terry walks up with Colas..*

    Terry: As you were Ensign.. I know your father.. He will be relieved to know we found you.

    Sala: Haven't seen my father in quite some time. Nor have I spoken with him.

    Terry: I could gather that. But what me and my head of security want to know is what happened on the Titanic...

    Sala: *She grimaces as she tries to block out the fear.* We came here to investigate the bone yard and missing ships in the region. I was part of the ship's complement of new security personnel. We spent a day or so out here investigating the cause of many of these wrecks. Eventually we found out that the Borg had been using this area of space to what seemed like hunting grounds. But how they came.. it was not the typical way.. They some how got past the shield and boarded the ship, but not with drones that we know them by.. They were less like living drones.. I saw some of my shipmates get ripped apart by some kind of drone that could weave through subspace and the mist..

    Terry: Mist?

    Sala: Yes.. the mist covered the inside of the ship covering their entrance.. and their attacks.. the odd thing about it was that the dead would not stay that way.. They too got up and attacked their friends... What I saw before the ship's core was taken out was that there were actual drones present.. but they had some kind of blue green particle around them and on them.. as they attacked.. I got into an EV suit before the ship was torn apart... and hid in the ruins by covering my lifesigns with what ever I could find..

    Then I was found by your crew...

    Terry: I know you managed to hit my son in the groin.. *He snickers a little bit..*

    Colas did you have any questions for her?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Malick was walking outside by a lake on the colony world where he was. He didn't take time like this often but he needed to clear his thoughts. Two guards stood a short way off incase he should need them
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *OOC: Makes you wonder who they are referring to when speaking of her father.. I think I will keep it a mystery..*
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: you would to lol :)
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Ooc: also going to be stabilizing the unsc here shortly. Big daddy in Virgo is step in and restore order soon to make things a little calmer and make Malick and Arnon be a little more secretive which will give way for Coulson and fury and company more time to go after him in a little spy war.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Ooc: also going to be stabilizing the unsc here shortly. Big daddy in Virgo is step in and restore order soon to make things a little calmer and make Malick and Arnon be a little more secretive which will give way for Coulson and fury and company more time to go after him in a little spy war.

    *OOC: Just keep in mind that the plague is still going on and I should get back to that.. Make you wonder more if Dr. Lew is going nuts.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    OoC: Technically speaking the flames of iblis terrorist is inside the republic military its just they haven't been active since the flame coalition was made.

    *A man is waiting for Sam once the meeting is done*

    *As Sam comes out.*

    Sam: Yes?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *R.S.S. Columbia, Deck 4. Mila is walking to the assembly deck to address her cadets when she notices the ship's Chief Engineer dismiss a pair of guards posted by an access panel.*

    Mila: That's strange... Why would he dismiss the guards?

    *She walks closer so she can see the panel, watching him place an object under a plasma conduit.*


    *She steps closer as the engineer replaces the panel and stands up.*

    Sir, what were you doing?

    Chief Engineer: Just replacing the plasma conduit, ensign.

    Mila: Then why didn't you remove the old one?

    Chief Engineer: Republic systems are very different from Starfleet's.

    Mila: Then you won't mind showing me how it works?

    Chief Engineer: I really don't have time--

    Mila: That's fine. I can show myself--

    Chief Engineer: No! The panels are supposed to be guarded. No unauthorised personnel unsupervised.

    Mila: Good idea. I'll call the guards back. Then they can see exactly what is in there when I'm done.

    *She taps her combadge.*

    Ensign Allen to Security--

    *She sees the Engineer go for his phaser before knocking his arm out of the way as he draws it, a stun blast firing across the corridor, setting off the security alert. Mila grunts as her head is slammed against the bulkhead, before grabbing the belligerent arm and slamming the Engineer against the wall, grunting again as she's thrown against the opposite wall. She then ducks beneath a punch, kicking him in the gut before pulling out her Type 1 phaser, setting it on stun as she aims it at him, seeing him holding a remote.*

    Drop it!

    Chief Engineer: Free Delta!

    *He presses the remote, prompting Mila to dart across a section partition and slam on the emergency forcefield as the corridor erupts in a brief flash, the ship shaking violently, before revealing a massive hull breach. The explosion moves through the bulkhead, blowing out plasma conduits in sequence as Mila is slammed into the outer wall by the blasts, knocked unconscious as support beams fall and a wall panel buries her, flame and acrid smoke beginning to fill the compartment.*

    *Quinton and Dani feel the blast through the ship as the Klaxons go off.. *

    Quinton: The hell.. That was not a weapon attack.. Didn't feel right.. I am going to go figure it out..

    Security *Over Comm*: Security to Captain Allen! Explosion on Deck 4!

    Dani: Mila's down there!

    *She stands up and hurries onto the bridge, proceeding to the turbolift.

    Meanwhile, a damage control team is fighting their way into the corridor, using fire extinguishers as one of them scans with his tricorder.*

    Damage Control 1: I'm picking up one life sign! Faint!

    *He points towards where Mila went down.*

    Team Leader: Alright, I want a wall of foam straight ahead. Engineering, do not reactivates the fire suppression system! We have survivors!

    Engineering *Over Comm*: Understood, damage control.

    *Dani runs over from the turbolift.*

    Dani: Any survivors?

    Team Leader: 1. We're trying to get to them.

    Dani: How long?

    Damage Control 1: Sir, I don't know how long these life signs are gonna last! If it's as bad back there as it is round here...

    Team Leader: We're moving as fast as we can. Plasma fires are extremely--

    *Dani takes off her uniform jacket.*


    Dani: Report me. We don't have time.

    *She pushes past and rushes through the fire, noticing a much calmer corridor, with small fires licking at the corners of the deck where it meets the walls. She then sees wreckage blocking her path, the inside bulkhead gutted by the explosion.*

    This is the Captain. The plasma conduits past section A-4-24 have been totally destroyed. The fire hasn't extended back.

    *She hears a groan, ducking under a fallen support beam and noticing a pile of wreckage slipping from on top of a fallen wall panel.*

    Can you hear me? Hello?

    *She crouches beneath another support column, before trying to clear the debris. She then lifts the panel off of Mila, gasping as she sees her.*

    Mila? Mila!

    *She checks her pulse, before hitting her combadge.*

    Allen to transporter room 2! Medical Emergency, 2 to beam directly to sickbay!
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *R.S.S. Columbia, Deck 4. Mila is walking to the assembly deck to address her cadets when she notices the ship's Chief Engineer dismiss a pair of guards posted by an access panel.*

    Mila: That's strange... Why would he dismiss the guards?

    *She walks closer so she can see the panel, watching him place an object under a plasma conduit.*


    *She steps closer as the engineer replaces the panel and stands up.*

    Sir, what were you doing?

    Chief Engineer: Just replacing the plasma conduit, ensign.

    Mila: Then why didn't you remove the old one?

    Chief Engineer: Republic systems are very different from Starfleet's.

    Mila: Then you won't mind showing me how it works?

    Chief Engineer: I really don't have time--

    Mila: That's fine. I can show myself--

    Chief Engineer: No! The panels are supposed to be guarded. No unauthorised personnel unsupervised.

    Mila: Good idea. I'll call the guards back. Then they can see exactly what is in there when I'm done.

    *She taps her combadge.*

    Ensign Allen to Security--

    *She sees the Engineer go for his phaser before knocking his arm out of the way as he draws it, a stun blast firing across the corridor, setting off the security alert. Mila grunts as her head is slammed against the bulkhead, before grabbing the belligerent arm and slamming the Engineer against the wall, grunting again as she's thrown against the opposite wall. She then ducks beneath a punch, kicking him in the gut before pulling out her Type 1 phaser, setting it on stun as she aims it at him, seeing him holding a remote.*

    Drop it!

    Chief Engineer: Free Delta!

    *He presses the remote, prompting Mila to dart across a section partition and slam on the emergency forcefield as the corridor erupts in a brief flash, the ship shaking violently, before revealing a massive hull breach. The explosion moves through the bulkhead, blowing out plasma conduits in sequence as Mila is slammed into the outer wall by the blasts, knocked unconscious as support beams fall and a wall panel buries her, flame and acrid smoke beginning to fill the compartment.*

    *Quinton and Dani feel the blast through the ship as the Klaxons go off.. *

    Quinton: The hell.. That was not a weapon attack.. Didn't feel right.. I am going to go figure it out..

    Security *Over Comm*: Security to Captain Allen! Explosion on Deck 4!

    Dani: Mila's down there!

    *She stands up and hurries onto the bridge, proceeding to the turbolift.

    Meanwhile, a damage control team is fighting their way into the corridor, using fire extinguishers as one of them scans with his tricorder.*

    Damage Control 1: I'm picking up one life sign! Faint!

    *He points towards where Mila went down.*

    Team Leader: Alright, I want a wall of foam straight ahead. Engineering, do not reactivates the fire suppression system! We have survivors!

    Engineering *Over Comm*: Understood, damage control.

    *Dani runs over from the turbolift.*

    Dani: Any survivors?

    Team Leader: 1. We're trying to get to them.

    Dani: How long?

    Damage Control 1: Sir, I don't know how long these life signs are gonna last! If it's as bad back there as it is round here...

    Team Leader: We're moving as fast as we can. Plasma fires are extremely--

    *Dani takes off her uniform jacket.*


    Dani: Report me. We don't have time.

    *She pushes past and rushes through the fire, noticing a much calmer corridor, with small fires licking at the corners of the deck where it meets the walls. She then sees wreckage blocking her path, the inside bulkhead gutted by the explosion.*

    This is the Captain. The plasma conduits past section A-4-24 have been totally destroyed. The fire hasn't extended back.

    *She hears a groan, ducking under a fallen support beam and noticing a pile of wreckage slipping from on top of a fallen wall panel.*

    Can you hear me? Hello?

    *She crouches beneath another support column, before trying to clear the debris. She then lifts the panel off of Mila, gasping as she sees her.*

    Mila? Mila!

    *She checks her pulse, before hitting her combadge.*

    Allen to transporter room 2! Medical Emergency, 2 to beam directly to sickbay!

    *Quinton is with the damage control teams as he tries to get the trouble under control*

    Quinton: Get the fires there. *Pointing to a roaring inferno at the panel.. and pointing to another..* And there.. Otherwise we are going to have bigger problems.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Sala wakes to find Admiral Terry and Colas coming into sickbay.. She heard the stories of this ship and crew but could hardly believe that they haven't left yet.. *

    *Terry walks up with Colas..*

    Terry: As you were Ensign.. I know your father.. He will be relieved to know we found you.

    Sala: Haven't seen my father in quite some time. Nor have I spoken with him.

    Terry: I could gather that. But what me and my head of security want to know is what happened on the Titanic...

    Sala: *She grimaces as she tries to block out the fear.* We came here to investigate the bone yard and missing ships in the region. I was part of the ship's complement of new security personnel. We spent a day or so out here investigating the cause of many of these wrecks. Eventually we found out that the Borg had been using this area of space to what seemed like hunting grounds. But how they came.. it was not the typical way.. They some how got past the shield and boarded the ship, but not with drones that we know them by.. They were less like living drones.. I saw some of my shipmates get ripped apart by some kind of drone that could weave through subspace and the mist..

    Terry: Mist?

    Sala: Yes.. the mist covered the inside of the ship covering their entrance.. and their attacks.. the odd thing about it was that the dead would not stay that way.. They too got up and attacked their friends... What I saw before the ship's core was taken out was that there were actual drones present.. but they had some kind of blue green particle around them and on them.. as they attacked.. I got into an EV suit before the ship was torn apart... and hid in the ruins by covering my lifesigns with what ever I could find..

    Then I was found by your crew...

    Terry: I know you managed to hit my son in the groin.. *He snickers a little bit..*

    Colas did you have any questions for her?

    *OOC: Nothing Ryan?*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    *R.S.S. Columbia, Deck 4. Mila is walking to the assembly deck to address her cadets when she notices the ship's Chief Engineer dismiss a pair of guards posted by an access panel.*

    Mila: That's strange... Why would he dismiss the guards?

    *She walks closer so she can see the panel, watching him place an object under a plasma conduit.*


    *She steps closer as the engineer replaces the panel and stands up.*

    Sir, what were you doing?

    Chief Engineer: Just replacing the plasma conduit, ensign.

    Mila: Then why didn't you remove the old one?

    Chief Engineer: Republic systems are very different from Starfleet's.

    Mila: Then you won't mind showing me how it works?

    Chief Engineer: I really don't have time--

    Mila: That's fine. I can show myself--

    Chief Engineer: No! The panels are supposed to be guarded. No unauthorised personnel unsupervised.

    Mila: Good idea. I'll call the guards back. Then they can see exactly what is in there when I'm done.

    *She taps her combadge.*

    Ensign Allen to Security--

    *She sees the Engineer go for his phaser before knocking his arm out of the way as he draws it, a stun blast firing across the corridor, setting off the security alert. Mila grunts as her head is slammed against the bulkhead, before grabbing the belligerent arm and slamming the Engineer against the wall, grunting again as she's thrown against the opposite wall. She then ducks beneath a punch, kicking him in the gut before pulling out her Type 1 phaser, setting it on stun as she aims it at him, seeing him holding a remote.*

    Drop it!

    Chief Engineer: Free Delta!

    *He presses the remote, prompting Mila to dart across a section partition and slam on the emergency forcefield as the corridor erupts in a brief flash, the ship shaking violently, before revealing a massive hull breach. The explosion moves through the bulkhead, blowing out plasma conduits in sequence as Mila is slammed into the outer wall by the blasts, knocked unconscious as support beams fall and a wall panel buries her, flame and acrid smoke beginning to fill the compartment.*

    *Quinton and Dani feel the blast through the ship as the Klaxons go off.. *

    Quinton: The hell.. That was not a weapon attack.. Didn't feel right.. I am going to go figure it out..

    Security *Over Comm*: Security to Captain Allen! Explosion on Deck 4!

    Dani: Mila's down there!

    *She stands up and hurries onto the bridge, proceeding to the turbolift.

    Meanwhile, a damage control team is fighting their way into the corridor, using fire extinguishers as one of them scans with his tricorder.*

    Damage Control 1: I'm picking up one life sign! Faint!

    *He points towards where Mila went down.*

    Team Leader: Alright, I want a wall of foam straight ahead. Engineering, do not reactivates the fire suppression system! We have survivors!

    Engineering *Over Comm*: Understood, damage control.

    *Dani runs over from the turbolift.*

    Dani: Any survivors?

    Team Leader: 1. We're trying to get to them.

    Dani: How long?

    Damage Control 1: Sir, I don't know how long these life signs are gonna last! If it's as bad back there as it is round here...

    Team Leader: We're moving as fast as we can. Plasma fires are extremely--

    *Dani takes off her uniform jacket.*


    Dani: Report me. We don't have time.

    *She pushes past and rushes through the fire, noticing a much calmer corridor, with small fires licking at the corners of the deck where it meets the walls. She then sees wreckage blocking her path, the inside bulkhead gutted by the explosion.*

    This is the Captain. The plasma conduits past section A-4-24 have been totally destroyed. The fire hasn't extended back.

    *She hears a groan, ducking under a fallen support beam and noticing a pile of wreckage slipping from on top of a fallen wall panel.*

    Can you hear me? Hello?

    *She crouches beneath another support column, before trying to clear the debris. She then lifts the panel off of Mila, gasping as she sees her.*

    Mila? Mila!

    *She checks her pulse, before hitting her combadge.*

    Allen to transporter room 2! Medical Emergency, 2 to beam directly to sickbay!

    *Quinton is with the damage control teams as he tries to get the trouble under control*

    Quinton: Get the fires there. *Pointing to a roaring inferno at the panel.. and pointing to another..* And there.. Otherwise we are going to have bigger problems.

    Team leader: I know my job, Ensign. *The team's start smothering the panels with foam and CO2.*. If you want to help, get behind that panel and hit the plasma cut-off. It'll really speed this along.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *Sala wakes to find Admiral Terry and Colas coming into sickbay.. She heard the stories of this ship and crew but could hardly believe that they haven't left yet.. *

    *Terry walks up with Colas..*

    Terry: As you were Ensign.. I know your father.. He will be relieved to know we found you.

    Sala: Haven't seen my father in quite some time. Nor have I spoken with him.

    Terry: I could gather that. But what me and my head of security want to know is what happened on the Titanic...

    Sala: *She grimaces as she tries to block out the fear.* We came here to investigate the bone yard and missing ships in the region. I was part of the ship's complement of new security personnel. We spent a day or so out here investigating the cause of many of these wrecks. Eventually we found out that the Borg had been using this area of space to what seemed like hunting grounds. But how they came.. it was not the typical way.. They some how got past the shield and boarded the ship, but not with drones that we know them by.. They were less like living drones.. I saw some of my shipmates get ripped apart by some kind of drone that could weave through subspace and the mist..

    Terry: Mist?

    Sala: Yes.. the mist covered the inside of the ship covering their entrance.. and their attacks.. the odd thing about it was that the dead would not stay that way.. They too got up and attacked their friends... What I saw before the ship's core was taken out was that there were actual drones present.. but they had some kind of blue green particle around them and on them.. as they attacked.. I got into an EV suit before the ship was torn apart... and hid in the ruins by covering my lifesigns with what ever I could find..

    Then I was found by your crew...

    Terry: I know you managed to hit my son in the groin.. *He snickers a little bit..*

    Colas did you have any questions for her?

    Colas: Do you know if there are any sensor logs or anything which might tell us more about what happened? Tricorder scans, internal sensor logs, that sort of thing.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Man: Uh minister we have a problem. I was told to try and keep it on the down low we need as few people to know about it as possible till we resolve them.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Man: Uh minister we have a problem. I was told to try and keep it on the down low we need as few people to know about it as possible till we resolve them.

    Sam: What problem would that be?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Man: Its better if I show you the report first.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Man: Its better if I show you the report first.

    *Sam takes a look at the report.*
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    *The report details how an archaeological team followed the steps of Aiden and M Tara and found the ancient alien prison. While they were they they spent a lot of time analyzing the computers and the alien language to understand more about the prison they discovered the prison was originally built to hold two prisoners. One required the entire planet to be converted into a prison while the other was locked away in an eternity vault. Other prisoners were later added in but the two originals were considered the most dangerous. In their research however along with the damage from M Tara's visit the seal on the eternity vault was broken. The prisoner known as Soa is an ancient conqueror who brought entire galaxies to their knees. He has already taken control of some of the prisons defenses and is planning on resuming his reign*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    *The report details how an archaeological team followed the steps of Aiden and M Tara and found the ancient alien prison. While they were they they spent a lot of time analyzing the computers and the alien language to understand more about the prison they discovered the prison was originally built to hold two prisoners. One required the entire planet to be converted into a prison while the other was locked away in an eternity vault. Other prisoners were later added in but the two originals were considered the most dangerous. In their research however along with the damage from M Tara's visit the seal on the eternity vault was broken. The prisoner known as Soa is an ancient conqueror who brought entire galaxies to their knees. He has already taken control of some of the prisons defenses and is planning on resuming his reign*

    Sam: Have you shown this to the President?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Man: No I showed it to you first. I want to keep this as quiet as possible because if this gets out of hand it would be the perfect time for war to break out.
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    After a few hours of prep Holland and his team make it to the comm center on a unsc colony. They are not yet aware that a fleet of 1500 ships under the command of fleet admiral Harper had arrived and is removing Sewell from command now.


    Sewell: you can't do this! This is my area of command.

    Harper: was your area of command. Now it's not. You will be taken back to the capital and face a court martial unless the governments here want to try you first.

    Harper waves him away as the Odst take him to a cell.

    Odst commander: sir no sign of Malick here at the capital it's likely he has snuck away now.

    Harper: we will have plenty of time to find him and his allies. Meanwhile do a clean out of command here. Other then Holland and List.

    Commander: yes sir.

    Harper: J'tal get me the republic and federation governments. Time to inform them order is going to be restored. Also get me this flames group on the comm. As long as they stay where they are I'm fine with them being there.

    J'tal: yes admiral message request sent.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    westx211 wrote: »
    Man: No I showed it to you first. I want to keep this as quiet as possible because if this gets out of hand it would be the perfect time for war to break out.

    Sam: Alright. Take this to Admiral Osman at RNI. She can keep this under wraps and start putting a response together.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    After a few hours of prep Holland and his team make it to the comm center on a unsc colony. They are not yet aware that a fleet of 1500 ships under the command of fleet admiral Harper had arrived and is removing Sewell from command now.


    Sewell: you can't do this! This is my area of command.

    Harper: was your area of command. Now it's not. You will be taken back to the capital and face a court martial unless the governments here want to try you first.

    Harper waves him away as the Odst take him to a cell.

    Odst commander: sir no sign of Malick here at the capital it's likely he has snuck away now.

    Harper: we will have plenty of time to find him and his allies. Meanwhile do a clean out of command here. Other then Holland and List.

    Commander: yes sir.

    Harper: J'tal get me the republic and federation governments. Time to inform them order is going to be restored. Also get me this flames group on the comm. As long as they stay where they are I'm fine with them being there.

    J'tal: yes admiral message request sent.

    *Scarloey comes on the comm.*

    Scarloey: This is President Scarloey of the Republic of United Star Systems. Who is this?
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Harper: this is fleet admiral Harper of the UNSC fleetcomm. I'm contacting all the galactic governments about the actions of admiral Sewell who was in command of the unsc until today. We had received reports from a few loyal commanders about the questionable activity he has conducted and u have recently arrived with my fleet and removed him and the rest of the current staff save a few we know where loyal. As I'm not fully aware as to the extent of what damage he has done here I'm seeing if he faces any charges by any other government before he is sent back to Virgo to face UNSC command.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Man: Okay. *nods and heads to Osman's office*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • logang19logang19 Member Posts: 13,843 Arc User
    Osman is on the line with Burns who had arrived at the closest shipyard that had been attacked.

    Osman: keep me posted please. The sooner we rap this up the better. I'm expecting a report from Dorman soon in the unsc about recent events.

    Burns: yes ma'am. I'll keep you posted if I find anything that is of value.
    " Now the gate has been unlatched headstones pushed aside; corpses shift and offer room ,a fate you must abide."
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    logang19 wrote: »
    Harper: this is fleet admiral Harper of the UNSC fleetcomm. I'm contacting all the galactic governments about the actions of admiral Sewell who was in command of the unsc until today. We had received reports from a few loyal commanders about the questionable activity he has conducted and u have recently arrived with my fleet and removed him and the rest of the current staff save a few we know where loyal. As I'm not fully aware as to the extent of what damage he has done here I'm seeing if he faces any charges by any other government before he is sent back to Virgo to face UNSC command.

    Scarloey: Not as far as the Republic is concerned.
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