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  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*

    EMH: One would think you'd be used to it, Ensign.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*

    EMH: One would think you'd be used to it, Ensign.

    James Jr: No.. No guy gets used to that.. its like a complete system reset
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?

    Garru: Seems like it mam.. With the power transfer rates dipping we need to go to a dry dock for repairs..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*

    EMH: One would think you'd be used to it, Ensign.

    James Jr: No.. No guy gets used to that.. its like a complete system reset

    EMH: And yet you continue to... What's the expression? 'Get down'?
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?

    Garru: Seems like it mam.. With the power transfer rates dipping we need to go to a dry dock for repairs..

    Dani: We can't. If the Arcadians attack now, we need to be ready. Replace the conduits and post guards at the Jefferies Tubes.

    Tell Stark I want to speak to him. Afterwards, bring Ensign Allen here.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*

    EMH: One would think you'd be used to it, Ensign.

    James Jr: No.. No guy gets used to that.. its like a complete system reset

    EMH: And yet you continue to... What's the expression? 'Get down'?

    James Jr: I guess I am going to get a moral judgement soon...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?

    Garru: Seems like it mam.. With the power transfer rates dipping we need to go to a dry dock for repairs..

    Dani: We can't. If the Arcadians attack now, we need to be ready. Replace the conduits and post guards at the Jefferies Tubes.

    Tell Stark I want to speak to him. Afterwards, bring Ensign Allen here.

    Garru: Yes Captain.

    *Before long Quinton is standing there before Dani resolute..*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*

    EMH: One would think you'd be used to it, Ensign.

    James Jr: No.. No guy gets used to that.. its like a complete system reset

    EMH: And yet you continue to... What's the expression? 'Get down'?

    James Jr: I guess I am going to get a moral judgement soon...

    EMH: Go and get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning. Doctor's Orders.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?

    Garru: Seems like it mam.. With the power transfer rates dipping we need to go to a dry dock for repairs..

    Dani: We can't. If the Arcadians attack now, we need to be ready. Replace the conduits and post guards at the Jefferies Tubes.

    Tell Stark I want to speak to him. Afterwards, bring Ensign Allen here.

    Garru: Yes Captain.

    *Before long Quinton is standing there before Dani resolute..*

    Dani: Report on your findings.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *In the Cargo Bay, Rissa and Fali are looking over the corpse...*

    Rissa: It is a drone of some kind but I can't seem to recall a point of death.

    Fali: I haven't seen anything like this. Historically, the Borg assimilated victims and retained their organic components for the most part. The Elibisi seem to have imparted something to the Borg, but the tissue samples are what interest me..

    *He brings up the scans and imaging of the sample.. *

    Fali: This is not inorganic matter.. not in the way we think it. Its organic. Refuse from something.. The Elibisi did not use what ever this is..

    Rissa: *Who has another Doctor checking the autopsy records..* What do you think...

    Doctor 2: The drone is not really a drone.. brain functions have not been used.. Neural pathways are degraded.. This drone was assimilated after death.

    Fali: What?

    Rissa: The drone was dead?

    Fali: I thought the Borg never bothered assimilating the dead.

    Rissa: They didn't no use to them.

    Fali: Something is different then. Much different.

    Rissa: Any chance of reactivation?

    Doctor 2: Well the from what I can tell the drone is defunct.. It seems to only come online when it is signaled..

    Fali: That is worrisome..
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*

    EMH: One would think you'd be used to it, Ensign.

    James Jr: No.. No guy gets used to that.. its like a complete system reset

    EMH: And yet you continue to... What's the expression? 'Get down'?

    James Jr: I guess I am going to get a moral judgement soon...

    EMH: Go and get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning. Doctor's Orders.

    James Jr: Yes Doctor.. Will she be okay?

    *He motions over to the Romulan Woman.. *
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?

    Garru: Seems like it mam.. With the power transfer rates dipping we need to go to a dry dock for repairs..

    Dani: We can't. If the Arcadians attack now, we need to be ready. Replace the conduits and post guards at the Jefferies Tubes.

    Tell Stark I want to speak to him. Afterwards, bring Ensign Allen here.

    Garru: Yes Captain.

    *Before long Quinton is standing there before Dani resolute..*

    Dani: Report on your findings.

    Quinton: The EPS modules aside from being faulty mam, they break down within days of installation when they should last at least 5 months. I have replaced at least 12 of them that were in similar condition, broken down in a key area with a focused cutting tool.

    *He presents the most recent Module burned out but the cutting present in the left corner..*
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*

    EMH: One would think you'd be used to it, Ensign.

    James Jr: No.. No guy gets used to that.. its like a complete system reset

    EMH: And yet you continue to... What's the expression? 'Get down'?

    James Jr: I guess I am going to get a moral judgement soon...

    EMH: Go and get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning. Doctor's Orders.

    James Jr: Yes Doctor.. Will she be okay?

    *He motions over to the Romulan Woman.. *

    EMH: Romulans, like Vulcans, can survive oxygen starvation for some time. She should make a full recovery in a few weeks.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?

    Garru: Seems like it mam.. With the power transfer rates dipping we need to go to a dry dock for repairs..

    Dani: We can't. If the Arcadians attack now, we need to be ready. Replace the conduits and post guards at the Jefferies Tubes.

    Tell Stark I want to speak to him. Afterwards, bring Ensign Allen here.

    Garru: Yes Captain.

    *Before long Quinton is standing there before Dani resolute..*

    Dani: Report on your findings.

    Quinton: The EPS modules aside from being faulty mam, they break down within days of installation when they should last at least 5 months. I have replaced at least 12 of them that were in similar condition, broken down in a key area with a focused cutting tool.

    *He presents the most recent Module burned out but the cutting present in the left corner..*

    Dani: So sabotage is the most likely cause.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*

    EMH: One would think you'd be used to it, Ensign.

    James Jr: No.. No guy gets used to that.. its like a complete system reset

    EMH: And yet you continue to... What's the expression? 'Get down'?

    James Jr: I guess I am going to get a moral judgement soon...

    EMH: Go and get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning. Doctor's Orders.

    James Jr: Yes Doctor.. Will she be okay?

    *He motions over to the Romulan Woman.. *

    EMH: Romulans, like Vulcans, can survive oxygen starvation for some time. She should make a full recovery in a few weeks.

    *The Romulan woman wakes and immediately jerks around *

    Nurse: She is awake..

    *Another Nurse comes over trying to calm her but gets hit immediately..James Jr gets up easier and heads over.. trying to placate her..*

    James Jr: Hey take it easy.. *She struggles more as the nurses manage to get her down.. So he places a hand on her shoulder..*

    Look at me.. Do I look like a Borg? Does anyone else?

    Romulan Woman: No.. *breathing heavy...*

    James Jr: See your going to be okay.. now please calm down okay.. What is your name...

    Sala: Sala.. I was an Ensign on the Titanic...

    James Jr: James Allen I am an Ensign on the USS Enterprise.. That is where you are now.. in the Enterprise sick bay.

    *Her face cools a bit her hair is pitch black and rumpled from being in the suit for so long. As a nurse gives her a tranquilizer...*

    James Jr: Take it easy.. Rest.. You have been through a lot..

    Sala: This ship isn't safe here.. it won't be.. They will be back...
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?

    Garru: Seems like it mam.. With the power transfer rates dipping we need to go to a dry dock for repairs..

    Dani: We can't. If the Arcadians attack now, we need to be ready. Replace the conduits and post guards at the Jefferies Tubes.

    Tell Stark I want to speak to him. Afterwards, bring Ensign Allen here.

    Garru: Yes Captain.

    *Before long Quinton is standing there before Dani resolute..*

    Dani: Report on your findings.

    Quinton: The EPS modules aside from being faulty mam, they break down within days of installation when they should last at least 5 months. I have replaced at least 12 of them that were in similar condition, broken down in a key area with a focused cutting tool.

    *He presents the most recent Module burned out but the cutting present in the left corner..*

    Dani: So sabotage is the most likely cause.

    Quinton: Yes mam.. I dunno who is doing it but I wouldn't put it past the Arcadians.. They have been salty at you for quite some time.
  • chrisedallen89chrisedallen89 Member Posts: 17,293 Arc User
    *Rissa brings her report to Colas and Terry on the Bridge.. *

    Rissa: The report on the Drone.. so far the Borg can assimilate the dead now.. and use them as perhaps a kind of cannon fodder. However, we have not been able to figure out a good many things about its appearance..
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    *They open the door and find a body floating there with upgraded nanomachine implants, traditional paling skin, but something new the organic material looks like it has been processed much like a husk... There is a whimper as James Jr goes to it the noise is from some one hiding in an operating EV suit.. A romulan woman around his age.. terrorfied *

    R. Woman: Get away...

    James Jr: Whoa.. *As she kicks and punches..* Easy... *One hits him and the next in the groin* Ooo...

    Casval: Hey!.. Just take it easy.. We are here to help... Not...

    *He recognizes the oxygen alert on her suit and she passes out*

    James Jr:*Grunts as he tries to shake off hit he took* I will do it..

    Enterprise emergency medical beam out..

    *The two are beamed out..*

    Casval: That was the first time I have seen a woman kick him that hard *His face is stunned...*

    Rissa: *Looking at the corpse* It is dead.. but something is going on with this corpse.. I need to study it..

    Colas: Away team to Enterprise.

    Alvin: We read you Colas.. What is the situation..

    Colas: We've found a body, Looks Borg, but there's some Eblisi characteristics. Rissa wants to bring it aboard for study.

    I recommend full quarantine.

    Terry: I want a bit more than a full quarantine Colas.. If that thing comes back online space it.. We will follow protocol on this bring it aboard Fali will be waiting..

    *In Sick bay James is on a biobed groaning from the kick... But he looks at the Romluan woman that they are applying oxygen to.*

    James Jr: Kicks like a mule..

    *The nurse looks at him with a smirk and applies another hypo of pain medication..*

    EMH: One would think you'd be used to it, Ensign.

    James Jr: No.. No guy gets used to that.. its like a complete system reset

    EMH: And yet you continue to... What's the expression? 'Get down'?

    James Jr: I guess I am going to get a moral judgement soon...

    EMH: Go and get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning. Doctor's Orders.

    James Jr: Yes Doctor.. Will she be okay?

    *He motions over to the Romulan Woman.. *

    EMH: Romulans, like Vulcans, can survive oxygen starvation for some time. She should make a full recovery in a few weeks.

    *The Romulan woman wakes and immediately jerks around *

    Nurse: She is awake..

    *Another Nurse comes over trying to calm her but gets hit immediately..James Jr gets up easier and heads over.. trying to placate her..*

    James Jr: Hey take it easy.. *She struggles more as the nurses manage to get her down.. So he places a hand on her shoulder..*

    Look at me.. Do I look like a Borg? Does anyone else?

    Romulan Woman: No.. *breathing heavy...*

    James Jr: See your going to be okay.. now please calm down okay.. What is your name...

    Sala: Sala.. I was an Ensign on the Titanic...

    James Jr: James Allen I am an Ensign on the USS Enterprise.. That is where you are now.. in the Enterprise sick bay.

    *Her face cools a bit her hair is pitch black and rumpled from being in the suit for so long. As a nurse gives her a tranquilizer...*

    James Jr: Take it easy.. Rest.. You have been through a lot..

    Sala: This ship isn't safe here.. it won't be.. They will be back...

    EMH: Sickbay to Admiral Allen, our guest is awake.
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    Susan: Thanks.

    M Samana: *hugs Susan* You did good. Eww. *lets go and takes the towel and wipes off Susan*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    *Rissa brings her report to Colas and Terry on the Bridge.. *

    Rissa: The report on the Drone.. so far the Borg can assimilate the dead now.. and use them as perhaps a kind of cannon fodder. However, we have not been able to figure out a good many things about its appearance..

    Colas: Is it dangerous?
  • westx211westx211 Member Posts: 42,279 Arc User
    *Laura stand in her armory staring at her Spartan armor. Silently thinking.*
    Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.
  • ryan218ryan218 Member Posts: 36,106 Arc User
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    ryan218 wrote: »
    Quinton: What about.. *As he takes the broken module aside and takes the new one out..*

    Mila: Why are you angry at me?

    Quinton: If I recall our last conversation, it ended with you getting temperamental about not wanting to be here... Then you called my father a traitor..

    Mila: That's not even close to what I said!

    Quinton: Really? If not then your brother would not have taken me outside. *The look on his face is something she can't see as he is putting the new module in. But the tone of his voice is cold*

    Mila: My brother's an idiot! I learned at a young age how to keep him out of my head! If you seriously believe I would say something like that to someone I--!

    Forget it, I'm not going to waste my breath...

    *She walks off - not angry but at a pace which suggests she's certainly hurt.*

    Quinton: If he didn't you would have hit me.. I don't do that.. You did say it though...

    *He is not going after her... not getting the real purpose of her visit.*

    *He hears a thud echo around the corner, mixed in with what sounds like one of the wall displays cracking.

    1 hour later, Dani's Ready Room. Dani is reading a PADD as Mila sits across from her.*

    Dani: What is this?

    Mila: My request for transfer to another ship.

    *Dani looks at her, like her eyes can pierce Mila's face and read her mind.*

    Don't look at me like that.

    Dani: I'm your mother. This is the mother-look.

    Mila: No, it's the 'Tell-me-what's-wrong-or-you're-grounded' look.

    Dani: I fail to see the difference.

    *She sighs, putting the PADD down.*

    Mila, I know we haven't exactly seen much of each other over the last few years, but--

    Mila: That has nothing to do with it.

    Dani: Then what is this about? You had high enough grades to refuse this assignment if you wanted to serve in Starfleet, so this has something to do with the Columbia.

    Mila: I just...

    There's someone on this ship who I knew at the academy. He graduated a year early and got posted here. We didn't leave on the best terms - I thought I was ready to face him again, but... He shut me out.

    *Dani sighs again, shaking her head.*

    Dani: Mila... I need you here.

    Mila: Mom, I-- Wait, what did you say?

    Dani: The Republic is about to explode and I might have a saboteur - or more - aboard this ship. I need someone I can trust. You.

    Mila: You want me to spy on your crew?

    Dani: I want you to do your job.

    Mila: Even though my job says I leave as soon as the Republic goes to Hell?

    Dani: We'll deal with that when the time comes.

    Besides, you don't always get to choose where you serve. If I transfer you after less than a day, that's going to colour your record for the rest of your career - hell, it could end your career. Request denied.

    Mila: Mom--!

    Dani: No, listen. I'm not just your mother - I'm your captain. If you're not getting along with a member of the crew, I want to know who it is.

    *Mila doesn't respond.*

    It's either that, or I put a notice on your record and my log.

    *Mila takes her PADD and puts Quincy's name on it.*

    Alright. I'll look into this. We'll get this taken care of, don't worry. Go back to your cadets.

    *Mila nods, standing and heading for the door.*


    *She looks at her.*

    Crew Lounge, 1800?

    Mila: *Smiles* Sure.

    *Mila walks out. Dani calls the XO in.*

    *Garru comes in *

    Garru: Your daughter I presume.. Anyway.. There has been another bombing.. This time it is a bit more on point.

    Dani: Where?

    Garru: Another shipyard about two light years from here.. And Cadet Stark reports that the EPS modules are faulty but still shouldn't be breaking down like they are..

    Dani: Sabotage?

    Garru: Seems like it mam.. With the power transfer rates dipping we need to go to a dry dock for repairs..

    Dani: We can't. If the Arcadians attack now, we need to be ready. Replace the conduits and post guards at the Jefferies Tubes.

    Tell Stark I want to speak to him. Afterwards, bring Ensign Allen here.

    Garru: Yes Captain.

    *Before long Quinton is standing there before Dani resolute..*

    Dani: Report on your findings.

    Quinton: The EPS modules aside from being faulty mam, they break down within days of installation when they should last at least 5 months. I have replaced at least 12 of them that were in similar condition, broken down in a key area with a focused cutting tool.

    *He presents the most recent Module burned out but the cutting present in the left corner..*

    Dani: So sabotage is the most likely cause.

    Quinton: Yes mam.. I dunno who is doing it but I wouldn't put it past the Arcadians.. They have been salty at you for quite some time.

    Dani: I don't think so. If the Arcadians wanted us gone, there are far more direct ways to do it. Besides, all the risks of infiltrating our ship or supply posts just to sabotage some power conduits?

    I shouldn't be telling you this yet, Ensign, but a few hours ago, the Shipyard over Tarani Prime was sabotaged - possibly by separatist insurgents. Less than one hour ago, the Commander informed me of a second bombing which destroyed the shipyard at Harris VII. All have been high-security areas. Command suspects that the culprits have been Republic Officers.
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