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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - May 1, 2012

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

Updated to add something awesome.

  • Added more French and German translations.
  • Updated the Defera Invasion mission to Collect Cortical Arrays from Borg across the map.
    • It will now correctly remove all 50 of the required arrays from your inventory after turning it in.
  • Creating a Liberated Borg character will no longer result in character creation failing.
  • A Ferengi Energy Whip has been added to the Lobi Crystal shop.
    • The primary attack deals electrical damage.
    • Its secondary attack deals a smaller amount of damage and stuns the target.
    • The whip also has a chance to stun or knock back the target with any attack.
  • Players may no longer queue for STFs if they are in shuttles or other small craft.
  • Caitian characters can now use all M.A.C.O. Costume pieces.
    • Yes, even the females. Even the helmets!
  • Added a few new hairstyles for Caitians.

Duty Officers:
  • Increased the frequency of Colonial Renown assignments showing up.
  • Updated several Photonic Duty Officers from the Hamlet production to correct their departments.
  • Improved numerical rewards for Gorn Separatist assignments.
  • Ghosts of the Jem'Hadar 9/10 assignment has been made Uncommon rather than Rare, with appropriately adjusted numerical rewards.
  • Resolved bad critical trait requirement for KDF Prisoner Exchange assignment.
  • Renamed an unfortunately-named Vulcan Astrometrics officer.

  • All instances of the phrase "Inertial Dampeners" have been changed to "Inertial Dampers" in order to more closely reflect canon sources.
    • We're certain that some were missed, feel free to point them out so they can be corrected.
  • Control resistances gained from "Power Insulators," "Sensors" and "Inertial Dampers" have been reduced from 75% back to 50%.
  • "Subsystem Repair" no longer offers additional resistance to subsystem power drains.
    • This is what the "Power Insulators" skill is for.
  • Resistance to subsystem offline scales as a percentage of your remaining Crew, based on your Subsystem Repair skill.
    • You must keep your current Ready Crew % high in order to gain full benefit from your "Subsystem Repair" skill.
  • Reduced the Disable duration on all ranks of Photonic Shockwave.
  • Max skill in Subspace Decompiler would previously grant 3, 4, and 5 second disables.
    • This was reduced to 2, 3, and 4 seconds.
    • 1, 1.5 and 2 seconds with full resists via Inertial Dampeners.
  • Reduced Disable duration on all Tricobalt detonations. New values are approximately 75% of previous.
    • Note: Periodic Disable caused by Tricobalt Rifts are not affected by this change.
    • This Disable effect cannot be resisted, and will take effect as long as you remain within the rifts' radius.
  • Increased the pull on all ranks of Gravity Well.
    • Rank 3 was increased by 7.1%
    • Rank 2 was increased by 7.4%
    • Rank 1 was increased by 7.6%
    • Since this pull effect is applied periodically while within the radius of the Well's effects, this small change can have a profound effect.
    • The strength of Gravity Well's pull is greater the further you are from the epicenter.
      • This makes it relatively easy to escape the center, but almost impossible to completely escape without firing a skill to increase your speed, or your resistance to Repel.
    • The radius of this drop-off range was pulled slightly closer to the epicenter for all ranks, making the full force of the pull activate slightly closer than before.
      • The previous max was around .8km and it is now closer to .65km.
  • Resistance is now a little less futile versus Borg Tractor Beams.
    • Their speed dampening effect was previously unresistable by skill in Inertial Dampers; this has been resolved.
  • Hazard Emitters now properly cleanse Hazard debuffs from the target of the power, instead of the person using the ability.
    • Unless they use it on themself, obviously...
  • Reduced the duration of the Confuse Immunity granted on expiration of Scramble Sensors and Antimatter Spread from 30 seconds to 20seconds.
  • Jam Sensors updated:
    • The "Countermeasure" skill increases the amount of damage a target can take before the effect is removed.
      • The amount of benefit you can receive from this skill has been increased from 25% to 50%.
    • The "Sensors" skill grants resistance to this effect, and reduces the amount of damage you can take before the effect is removed from you.
  • The power drain ability of Siphon Drones, Jem'Hadar Dreadnoughts and Breen Fighters can now be resisted, but only half as effectively as typical energy drains.
  • The power drain ability of the Plasmonic Leech Console can now be resisted, but only half as effectively as typical energy drains.
  • Tricobalt Mines can no longer be used in social zones.
  • All Carrier pets are now considered Green Quality.
  • This does not affect their performance in any way.
  • Any Carrier Pet Purchased in the Store can now be traded, unless that pet required ownership of a specific carrier.
  • Fighters no longer turn friendly to enemy players if their carrier gets more than 30km away.
  • New Blue/Rare Quality carrier pets are now available for Dilithium.
  • You must own a C-store Carrier in order to buy the pets that are associated with that Carrier.
    • For instance, you must own Orion Marauder to buy any quality Orion Marauding Force hangar pet.
  • Binding rules have changed for store carrier pets.
    • If it is a carrier pet associated with a C-Store carrier, it is always Bind on Pickup.
    • Only Green/Uncommon quality carrier pets that are not associated with a C-Sore carrier is Bind on Equip and Tradable.
    • All Rare carrier pets are Bind on Pickup.
  • Green/Uncommon quality carrier pets that are associated with C-Store carriers can always be bought/reclaimed for free from the carrier store
    • Blue/Rare quality still costs Dilithium.
  • All existing carrier pets are now considered Green/Uncommon, including those that come on C-store ships.
    • This did not affect their stats in any way.
  • Slaver carrier pets can now earn you EC and Commodities when they raid a ship.
    • They do not steal from a player in PvP.
    • Rare Slavers steal more.
  • Tuned Tachyon and Siphon Drones.
  • All Orion Carrier Pets no longer have a Max Equip limit, so you can now put two on a carrier with two hangar bays.
  • Siphon drones launched from Klingon carriers will now respond to Attack, Recall, and Escort orders.
  • Resolved some issues that could impact consistency of Escort commands.
  • Removed the shared cooldowns from the Ferengi D'Kora's Swarm Missile special ability.
    • This power should be able to be fired regardless of the cooldowns of other active projectile weapons, and will respect only its own internal cooldown timer.
  • The Ferengi Marauder Cadre and Ferengi Privateer Cadre can no longer be opened by players that are too low of level to have access to the Duty Officer System.
  • Increased the turn rate of the Fer'Jai Frigate carrier pet.
    • Its turn rate was very low and it was unable to bring its cannons and torpedoes to bear.

  • Fire All Torpedoes will now only fire torpedoes and will not fire mines.
  • Added bindable commands to fire both torpedoes and mines, fire torpedoes and phasers, and fire just mines.
  • The Standard Away Team selectors will now better reflect the behavior of the options.
  • Tray modes 1 and 2 in space are now 10 slots instead of 8 slots.
    • This makes Zero extremely happy. No, really.
  • There is support for adding a second tray to the UI in space.
    • To enable the new tray, press escape and click "Rearrange", then click the "New" button on the Big Tray.
    • This new tray will be placed in the lower right corner of the screen, but may be moved by rearrange mode.
  • Icons for space pet items have been updated.
    • New icon styles have been added that distinguish between non-combat pets, consumable combat pets and carrier hangar pet items.
      • Carrier hangar pets use the preexisting style, but non-combat pets use a new background and angle that matches the style used for ground pet icons.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    A Ferengi Energy Whip has been added to the Lobi Crystal shop.

    My Ferengi loves you :D

    If only we could buy Lobi Crystals with GPL :(
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The carrier pets don't seem to be showing up on the federation side.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    • Tray modes 1 and 2 in space are now 10 slots instead of 8 slots.
      • This makes Zero extremely happy. No, really.

    Well, yay for more buttons in tray modes 1 & 2


    Can someone responsible for UI please tell us why we don't have 12 action bar buttons per row?

    Since launch we've had the option to set keybinds for action bar slots #11 and #12 (defaulted to the "-" and "+" keys, respectively) for every action bar possible... slots that DON'T EXIST IN ANY UI CONFIGURATION STO HAS EVER HAD!!!

    Give us the full bar already!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    "•Tray modes 1 and 2 in space are now 10 slots instead of 8 slots."

    Oh my . . . oh my . . . THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! I run the 2-slot mode and have always been annoyed that 3 or 4 slots were too much for the skills I used, yet 2 seemed always 1 or 2 skills short. This is absolutely PERFECT!!! THANK you.

    Also, each and every update in this patch is outstanding. Awesome. Thank you, guys.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Well, yay for more buttons in tray modes 1 & 2


    Can someone responsible for UI please tell us why we don't have 12 action bar buttons per row?

    Since launch we've had the option to set keybinds for action bar slots #11 and #12 (defaulted to the "-" and "+" keys, respectively) for every action bar possible... slots that DON'T EXIST IN ANY UI CONFIGURATION STO HAS EVER HAD!!!

    Give us the full bar already!

    Agreed can you please do this, Thomas?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Blitzy wrote:
    The carrier pets don't seem to be showing up on the federation side.

    has not yet patched
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Control resistances gained from "Power Insulators," "Sensors" and "Inertial Dampers" have been reduced from 75% back to 50%.
    THANK YOU! Between that and the gravwell fix, Science vessel captains will be allowed to fly their ships again in real pvp! The stun reduction on shockwave doesn't excite me per se, but it's a reasonable fix that is probably appropriate.
    Tray modes 1 and 2 in space are now 10 slots instead of 8 slots.

    This makes Zero extremely happy. No, really.
    Me too! :D

    I can't wait to test out my CPB on tribble and see if it is worth using again. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I can have 2 bars in space?!?!

    I think I love you... really, will you marry me?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    out of curiosity, why was it determined that photonic shockwave needed a nerf?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    • Renamed an unfortunately-named Vulcan Astrometrics officer.

    Well there goes Pe...

    So no Caitian Carrier for testing?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    • A Ferengi Energy Whip has been added to the Lobi Crystal shop.
      • The primary attack deals electrical damage.
      • Its secondary attack deals a smaller amount of damage and stuns the target.
      • The whip also has a chance to stun or knock back the target with any attack.

    Kinky! No Orion dungeon should be without one! :p
    • Renamed an unfortunately-named Vulcan Astrometrics officer.

    You took my ***** away! :( Give me back my *****! :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    • There is support for adding a second tray to the UI in space.
    • To enable the new tray, press escape and click "Rearrange", then click the "New" button on the Big Tray.
    • This new tray will be placed in the lower right corner of the screen, but may be moved by rearrange mode.

    Woah what?! Cool.

    Now all we need are slots 11 and 12 for each row. And it would be nice if we could get a section in the Keybinds menu for binding rows 4+ so I wouldn't have to do it with commands.

    Does any of this fix the issue with slotting boff powers in space causing powers to disappear?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The only thing that makes me sad is the shuttle thing... my guild used to make events out of seeing how far we could get in Infected Space using only shuttles.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    it would be kinda nice to play with the new carrier for a day... just a thought... :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Feds get no BOP etc equal for the carrier it seems.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    The carrier is in the ship store but it can't be bought so this begs the question.
    Can we buy the carrier yet or is only to look at?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    I would love it if you guys could add the 11th and 12th slots on all rows and tray settings as atm I have enough abilities to fill up 4 rows (5 and 6 if you include the pets and such) and my only solution for now was to use the 3 row tray and manualy bind shift as the modifier for the 4th row + two binds to cycle through the rows on the 3rd row (i.e. q = will cycle to the 4th row when pressed and shown on the 3rd row) have done that on both space and ground.

    If anyone wants a copy of those binds let me know as i have bound every command and window minus the injury window till I know the name for it in the commands.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    maicake716 wrote:
    out of curiosity, why was it determined that photonic shockwave needed a nerf?

    And why does resistance only effect siphon drones (!) and other abilities by half the amount of other skills?

    Also, while 50 is better, you're still going to find it generally too high. At least for shield resistance. Too easy to spec into. All other resistance skills are tier 4 or higher. That 50 also needs to be a hard cap, which I doubt is the case. Hard cap wouldn't be necessary if science resists used the same diminishing return formulas as the weapon resistance powers, which they should.

    AMS/SS immunity down to 20 is better. But let's be reasonable. 30 was an obviously stupid value. 15 seconds should be the absolute highest value allowed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Siphon Drones are launching 4 Per hanger
    Advanced Siphon Drones are Launching 6 per Hanger :confused:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Siphon Drones are launching 4 Per hanger
    Advanced Siphon Drones are Launching 6 per Hanger :confused:

    And they can only be resisted by half the amount of other skills. What the heck is going through your heads, Cryptic? :mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    "When raiding an enemy ship, they [(Advanced Orion Slavers)] also have a chance to steal energy credits, Commodities, or uncomon Contraband Commodities. The loot will automatically appear in your inventory. (You cannot steal loot from other players.)"

    Okay. So to clarify, the slavers can "steal" stuff, but they don't actually take anything away from a player target, correct?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Creating a Liberated Borg character will no longer result in character creation failing.
    Players may no longer queue for STFs if they are in shuttles or other small craft.

    Yay... thank you (especially for the SFT thing!!)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    typo on the discription for the advanced runabouts
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Theres a potentially big problem with the carrier pets on tribble, while all the green quality pets fed side are bound when bought the same isnt true of the KDF pets, this has the potential of letting KDF pets being used on the Cat Carrier, peopel are already commenting on this on Holodeck and buying the KDF pets on KDF alts and mailing them to their Fed characters with the hope that they will be able to use them once the carrier launches.

    As the Fed carrier isnt available yet we cant be sure if the KDF pets will work with it but if they do this is somthing that needs sorting before the patch rolls out to Holodeck as im sure as hell that i dont want to see Fed ships launching KDF pets.

    The KDF pets that can be mailed are: To'Duj Fighters, Shield repair Shuttles, Power Siphon Drones and Orion Slavers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    •Fire All Torpedoes will now only fire torpedoes and will not fire mines.

    ABOUT TIME! Been waiting years for this (literally!) :p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    UI Bug: If you were on 4, you have to go to 3, then back to 4 other wise you are treated as if on UI #3 while in space.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Bug: Adding a second space tray is borked. It adds a vertically oriented tray instead of a horizontal tray...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Avalon304 wrote: »
    Bug: Adding a second space tray is borked. It adds a vertically oriented tray instead of a horizontal tray...

    I wish I could do that with my BO tray.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    f2pdrakron wrote:
    I wish I could do that with my BO tray.

    Why not just get rid of the BO tray and use the 3 row (soon to be up to 6 row) power tray?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    Carrier is unclaimable now.
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