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to all you exchange users...



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    twg042370 wrote:
    I agree with you 100%. It IS stupid that the mods are allowing themselves be used as a way for cranky arrogant types to get rid of people they disagree with. It just makes them look bad at the job.

    Thanks for the support. he just came here to troll... which is another violation of forum use.

    So someone explain how 400 cpoints (320 now) is gonna help me afford a 50 million EC item on the exchange? I don't get it.. or maybe because I have always been a gold member, I've never had to consider how to afford a 50 million EC item. What can i do with 320 cpoints to help me get a mk xii very rare item?

    Can i switch to silver and grind my way to 400 cpoints and unlock my account like a gold or something?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    TF-Omega wrote: »
    So someone explain how 400 cpoints (320 now) is gonna help me afford a 50 million EC item on the exchange? I don't get it.. or maybe because I have always been a gold member, I've never had to consider how to afford a 50 million EC item. What can i do with 320 cpoints to help me get a mk xii very rare item?

    You can buy a thing in the C-Store that raises the EC cap for silvers to something like one billion EC.

    But yeah 50 million EC is a pretty steep price for anything in this game. That's including the Borg Boffs. It's a huge play time investment for even something as easy to get as EC.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    TF-Omega wrote: »
    Thanks for the support. he just came here to troll... which is another violation of forum use.

    So someone explain how 400 cpoints (320 now) is gonna help me afford a 50 million EC item on the

    DOFF lottery, buy a pack and you got a very rare one it does for tens of millions.

    Of course you have to get lucky with getting a very rare for tat ...
    exchange? I don't get it.. or maybe because I have always been a gold member, I've never had to consider how to afford a 50 million EC item. What can i do with 320 cpoints to help me get a mk xii very rare item?

    Problem with Mk XII is their mythological status as they are drop only, crafting would offset the issue that is the Mk XII.

    But the truth is, in most cases you dont need it ... unless you are in PvP or STFs chances are you can well without it-
    Can i switch to silver and grind my way to 400 cpoints and unlock my account like a gold or something?

    What you are talking about? the only things you lose by going Silver is the 400 C-Points you get each month, future Veterans rewards and a lower EC that you can offset anyway.

    If you want to know how to get 50 million EC then the only assured way would be buying 50 keys and sell them ... also you could buy the Borg Bridge Officer and sell it for 5 million, there is really no way to get 50 million in EC with just 400 C-points, outside the DOFF Lotto.

    The other way is try to get it, Mk XII does drop in Kerrat and might be awarded in Fleet Actions but its a gamble, this is a issue with this game Crafting system only going to Mk XI and be utter pointless outside the AEGIS set, even Reply does not give a Mk XII.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    This thread has taken a turn for the worse :( Sorry all, I'll need to bury this one. I'll let you all edit your posts before warnings/ infractions are given out.


    Brandon =/\=
This discussion has been closed.