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Path to F2P Dev Blog #14



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Erixander wrote:
    Blog 15 certainly tore associated in here as fast as possible but I'll not be cooled by the addition of yet another currency.

    So it says that D wrote this new blog. Did he sit down and plunk out that TRIBBLE while not giving us a single word of acknowledgement?


    actually, he did hint that they're having [looks up reverently] boardroom level [looks back down] discussions about the matter....but so far that's all that was....a nudge, a wink, and a hint

    Stormshadow, can you please make a post assuring us at least that this will be reverted until a better solution can be devised, preferably with community input?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    If they stick with this dillithium requirement for crafting they should at least do 2 things for fleet crafters.

    Give crafters the ablility to receive dilithium from other players once they get to the level of having to spend it on crafting.

    Significantly, raise the rifining limitation once getting to the level of having to spend dillithium on crafting.

    Obviously, the prices will be reduced. I don't think they are even trying to be serious with the prices as is.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    My hat off to you sir...I don't have the time to crank out a VA in 7 days, and while that's not quite as fast as a Genesis device creating new life, I don't think that experience is the same for everyone in the game, as it is today on Holodeck.

    I guess I should be quitting the game now, according to your list, since there isn't any end-game content and I'm not really into PvP? :rolleyes:

    Nah, you are not ready to quit the game yet.
    According to my calculations, you should now start pvping.
    The moment to quit will come when you begin complaining on the pvp forum about scramble sensor 3 and antimatter spread console.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Actually, I'm thinking they rolled this out with the Dil tax being too high, and are going to let the player anger wear the players out, and eventually drop the Dil tax down to a much lower level, with the final result of a much lower Dil tax and the player base too worn out from dealing with their outrage over various things on Test to complain once it gets pushed into F2P.

    This is pretty much exactly what's going to happen.

    Anyone want to take this bet?
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I would not be surprised if they are giving it the weekend to see if we quiet down a bit.

    Why don't we see if we can get this thread over 1,000 posts before Monday.
    Lockup wrote: »
    Yeah, that's only another, what ... 60 pages? 500, easy.
    Katic wrote: »
    Unfortunately, that particular action (making an attempt to stuff a thread to increase the post count) would be a forum usage guideline violation. And unlike saving the contents of the thread, that's not a worthwhile reason to violate the FUGs.
    Not talking about dilberately stuffing the thread. I'm talking about us getting our fleetmates and friends who play the game to also voice their thoughts and opinions on the matter.

    Rally them to the cause and let them be heard as well.

    This is what will push the numbers so high.
    Will we see the birth of another threadaught? We've just got to keep from padding then... ;)

    I don't like this change, and while there have been a few 'stomach-able' suggestions thrown about in here, almost every piece of STO F2P news I read that isn't only about, the doff system, the stfs, or the aesthetics of some new ships, just makes me sad because of some piece of news in it.

    Perhaps we should all send the devs a [Cannibal Tribble]
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yup, it's true.

    Not the single worst idea ever.

    No, the single worst idea ever (TM) was actually shared by two people. Both decided it was a great idea to invade Russia. Total outcome? Over 20 million dead.

    But this change to crafting surely ranks up there with Battlecruiser 3000, Ultima IX, and Master of Orion III. Maybe you can think of some other truly bad choices?

    I know I'll never get my money outta Master Orion III. I still use the CD as a coaster...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yup, it's true.

    Not the single worst idea ever.

    No, the single worst idea ever (TM) was actually shared by two people. Both decided it was a great idea to invade Russia. Total outcome? Over 20 million dead.

    But this change to crafting surely ranks up there with Battlecruiser 3000, Ultima IX, and Master of Orion III. Maybe you can think of some other truly bad choices?

    I know I'll never get my money outta Master Orion III. I still use the CD as a coaster...

    Good lord, man! You invoked Derek Smart and Richard Garriot IN THE SAME POST!

    You fool! You've doomed us all! Gack... ack.. can feel... the egos... of them both... crushing me... suffocating... can't... breathe....! (X_X)

    Ahem. =) Humor aside, Garriot well deserves his ego; it's part of his charm. Albeit, the less said about Smart the better.

    *sigh* Until whatever is on Tribble gets pushed to Holodeck, I'll hold out hope that what gets changed will be for the better and will outweigh the negative.

    ETA: Yes, I get silly when I get tired and frustrated. Bedtime, I think.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Adding Dilithium to crafting is the second worst idea you had so far.
    Let it be EC or up the particle prices.

    Let it be 50 Particles for a Green, 50 +1rare, for a blue 50+2 rare for purple
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    But this change to crafting surely ranks up there with Battlecruiser 3000, Ultima IX, and Master of Orion III. Maybe you can think of some other truly bad choices?

    I know I'll never get my money outta Master Orion III. I still use the CD as a coaster...

    Hey, I did not think I wasted my money with MO III. The box was OK! :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    So we get a post from Stormy in another thread about STF changes, that states the Devs are aware of the anger in THIS thread... NOT good enough... We should have had that statement HERE..

    And please DO NOT insult my intelligence (& others) with the usual excuses that it takes time to "discuss & change things"... We know that.. Just as Cryptic must have known that adding Dillithium to crafting was a bad idea..

    Besides which, what is there to discuss ??... It's wrong.. remove it.. job done...

    But no, that is NOT what will happen... this will :-

    We will get an update to the crafting "tax", lowering it to something like 10% of what it is at present (which is what they really intended all along), so that it looks like they have compromised... NOT good enough...

    REMOVE IT... :mad:

    Give back the VA ship token to Gold...
    Adhere to the statement that "Gold players will not loose anything in the transition to F2P"

    As I previously posted, I really do want to stay positive about STO. I am looking forward to the improvements that have been made so far going "live".. Doffs, STF's.. et al... BUT !!!

    STOP alienating the LOYAL playerbase that have supported & paid for this game over the last (almost) two years...

    To paraphrase :- "There is a thin line between Love & Hate, once crossed it is usually impossible to cross back"....
    I love this game & Star Trek.. I'm starting to hate what Cryptic is doing to it...

    THIS far.. NO further !! The line stops here !!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You know, if all those changes continue they will ruin the game and people will run away in doves.

    Just close the game down, go find new jobs whatever, at the moment you folks are not competent game designers, you are competent game destroyers.

    You also way overcomplicate the entire f2p transition.
    You should have left subscribers like they are now, and remove convenience function from the free players, right now you are removing all incentives to even subscribe in the first place and replace them with frustration, grind, annoyance,

    The braindead dilithium cost for crafting is just another example.
    Forced mission progression, instances out the wazoo, etc etc, Go all against a mmo design.

    Make a single player game the player can buy instead.

    You where on the right track when the featured episodes hit, the game was alive with players, it was buzzing with excitement.

    Now its buzzing with excrement and player hate.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    the last two blogs were about.

    1. crafting is the same but there are two sets and one costs less then the other on paper but ultimately takes longer to get.

    2. nothing has changed on the STF scale other then splitting it in two which actually changes nothing since its the same problem. the other one is putting the STF's in the PVE queue which does help.

    this is hardly an improvement to the future of the game, i was expecting a crafting overhaul.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    To give some constructive feedback:
    Someone in this long list of backlash suggested a variable Dilithium component to crafting.
    Between 0 and 100% depending on how close you are to the full recipe.

    I would fully support this. It would not only be a fair compromise I'd call it an improvement of the current crafting system.

    The dedicated crafters, solo and fleet, could continue to do what they like and every impatient soul can have his/her shortcut to the desired gear or outright buy it if they don't feel like grinding for anomalies.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    thats the point, most of them will just buy it since crafting will be dictated in part or in full by this dilithium system.

    Why would you want to take forever getting raw dil to the required amount to craft? only find out the same kits and weapons you can get from crafting, that you can also get from processed dil, so all you had to do is hit the 'process' button? i fail to see the logic in this idea.

    so what if the weapons are standard? if they kill the target with the extra skills that you get from each rank, then it matters little, whatever these small improvements are.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I've tried to bite my tongue, but the latest responses shows such a lack of tact, I can't any longer. To think I used to be a placid person...

    StormShade wrote:
    If you're looking for a post saying, "This is what we're going to do about this feedback from blog #14," please remember that it takes time for us to ... put it through testing ...

    I'm sorry, but do they really expect us to believe this?
    If this crafting change had any testing done, it was done by pigeons. I would hate to think someone gave a thumbs-up to it. I'd be much more content that it was all just a joke.
    He tells us that they might be going to change some of it, again, without telling the customer how, before the work is completed. That's just TRIBBLE. If the consumer-base still does not agree with it, that's another lot of wasted development time.
    I'm pretty sure he meant to say the reason we're waiting is because they have to inform PW their plans aren't going to work, and then to await new instructions from them.

    Cryptic's forcing dilithium into every corner of the game, sticking players on railroads and not letting me choose how to play. Either do whatever it takes to maximise your dilithium gathering every day, pay cryptic $$$ for stuff you shouldn't have to, or quit the game in pure frustration. That's the only choices they're giving us. There's no freedom anymore.

    I don't particularly like either of those three choices, but if push comes to shove when F2P is released, I guess I'm gone. I don't want to log on to only jump through hoops. For the record Cryptic, the last time I gave you money, was when the FEs were in full swing. That's not co-incidence. That's because I was actually enjoying the game.

    If this post seems more than a little hostile, it's probably because I'm still sore after the removal of VA tokens, and the 500-day reward shaftings. They may have said they hope to replace them in future, but their track record means their word is worthless, and easily forgotten. They've also shown what they think of subscribers with their F2P matrix. Never before have I seen a company so scornful of it's customers.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    To give some constructive feedback:
    Someone in this long list of backlash suggested a variable Dilithium component to crafting.
    Between 0 and 100% depending on how close you are to the full recipe.

    I would fully support this. It would not only be a fair compromise I'd call it an improvement of the current crafting system.

    The dedicated crafters, solo and fleet, could continue to do what they like and every impatient soul can have his/her shortcut to the desired gear or outright buy it if they don't feel like grinding for anomalies.

    I completely disagree with ANY requirement whatsoever to include Dillithium (either type) as an addition to crafting.. Add EC's as a "cost" agreed.. If I call in a plumber because I have a burst pipe, I expect to have to pay for his time, but I should not have to "grind" for anomalies, plus grind for Dillithium as well...

    If I have the Dillithium I'll buy the gear from a vendor... The whole point of crafting in any game is to enable a player to obtain gear WITHOUT paying for it, apart from THEIR time...

    Plus let us not forget that because Dillithuim is NOT transferable between players (as yet), this idiotic change will prevent Fleet crafters doing what they can to help other fleet members.

    So the bottom line is (& should be) NO compromise... or just simply take crafting out of the game completely..
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    nuh wrote:
    I've tried to bite my tongue, but the latest responses shows such a lack of tact, I can't any longer. To think I used to be a placid person...

    I'm sorry, but do they really expect us to believe this?
    If this crafting change had any testing done, it was done by pigeons. I would hate to think someone gave a thumbs-up to it. I'd be much more content that it was all just a joke.
    He tells us that they might be going to change some of it, again, without telling the customer how, before the work is completed. That's just TRIBBLE. If the consumer-base still does not agree with it, that's another lot of wasted development time.
    I'm pretty sure he meant to say the reason we're waiting is because they have to inform PW their plans aren't going to work, and then to await new instructions from them.

    Cryptic's forcing dilithium into every corner of the game, sticking players on railroads and not letting me choose how to play. Either do whatever it takes to maximise your dilithium gathering every day, pay cryptic $$$ for stuff you shouldn't have to, or quit the game in pure frustration. That's the only choices they're giving us. There's no freedom anymore.

    I don't particularly like either of those three choices, but if push comes to shove when F2P is released, I guess I'm gone. I don't want to log on to only jump through hoops. For the record Cryptic, the last time I gave you money, was when the FEs were in full swing. That's not co-incidence. That's because I was actually enjoying the game.

    If this post seems more than a little hostile, it's probably because I'm still sore after the removal of VA tokens, and the 500-day reward shaftings. They may have said they hope to replace them in future, but their track record means their word is worthless, and easily forgotten. They've also shown what they think of subscribers with their F2P matrix. Never before have I seen a company so scornful of it's customers.

    Yeah ... It is forced, isn't it? ... And that depresses me.

    Toss in that you are right when you noted ... what time to test? ... Crafting is crafting.

    The fact that they said what they said about time to test means we are screwed and stuck with dilithium when crafting.

    The old way requires no testing as it is. The current system is one we all hate.

    Where is the logic in this?

    Simply put ... Crafting is already a grind as we have to gather those data samples.

    But it seems obvious that they want to (1) remove a person's ability to craft rare items for others and (2) make them want to grind just dilithium or (3) buy C-Store points for use in trading for dilithium from players who do farm.

    They took the original idea for one economy players wanted months ago and twisted it into a grab for real world money.

    It's so complicated that I can see the Grand Nagus having to get Ferengi to add about another 100 rules to the Rules of Acquisition.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I completely disagree with ANY requirement whatsoever to include Dillithium (either type) as an addition to crafting.. Add EC's as a "cost" agreed.. If I call in a plumber because I have a burst pipe, I expect to have to pay for his time, but I should not have to "grind" for anomalies, plus grind for Dillithium as well...

    If I have the Dillithium I'll buy the gear from a vendor... The whole point of crafting in any game is to enable a player to obtain gear WITHOUT paying for it, apart from THEIR time...

    Plus let us not forget that because Dillithuim is NOT transferable between players (as yet), this idiotic change will prevent Fleet crafters doing what they can to help other fleet members.

    So the bottom line is (& should be) NO compromise... or just simply take crafting out of the game completely..

    With a variable mix of samples and dilithium you could choose how you get it, either with 100% data samples just like you do now or 100% dilithium like any vendor.
    But if you are missing that one rare sample trace that keeps eluding you and prices for it in teh exchange are way too high for you to effort, you can bridge the rest of the recipe with a bit dilithium which you may have saved up already. It would save you valuable time.
    This I could get 100% behind. It would be a win for everybody because all options to get the gear are there plus the new combination of both methods.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    With a variable mix of samples and dilithium you could choose how you get it, either with 100% data samples just like you do now or 100% dilithium like any vendor.
    But if you are missing that one rare sample trace that keeps eluding you and prices for it in teh exchange are way too high for you to effort, you can bridge the rest of the recipe with a bit dilithium which you may have saved up already. It would save you valuable time.
    This I could get 100% behind. It would be a win for everybody because all options to get the gear are there plus the new combination of both methods.

    I could get behind something like this. You can do it the old way and find everything yourself (or have your client give you traces so you can craft something), or you could take a shortcut by paying dilithium.

    I thought this was what a hybrid P2P/F2P game was supposed to be - pay a sub and go, or pay piecemeal as you want stuff, or not pay anything but it takes forever.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sambril wrote:
    I could get behind something like this. You can do it the old way and find everything yourself (or have your client give you traces so you can craft something), or you could take a shortcut by paying dilithium.

    I thought this was what a hybrid P2P/F2P game was supposed to be - pay a sub and go, or pay piecemeal as you want stuff, or not pay anything but it takes forever.

    Agree completely. I could live with this easily.

    Added note. The fleet I'm in was becoming fairly active again and then this hit ... Now we are a ghost town from all the players who are so mad.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    V-Mink wrote:
    You should have a read of the PWI forum guidelines and policies. They're a little... draconian. :eek:

    Some people complained about Wishstone being quick with the modhammer. (I didn't see it myself, but....) If they had that reaction to her, they'll be screaming about PWI's forum policies... for about two posts before Banination.

    I'm actually a little surprised that not even Stormy has said anything in this thread, or that this thread hasn't been moved to Tribble F2P Feedback. I'd have thought by now someone would have said something, unless of course this is the management's way of saying 'suck it up.'

    The phaserings will continue until morale improves! :D

    Yeah they are up the creek and aren't afraid to lose us... their *paddles* because in their assumptions they have new paddles coming that won't complain in their eyes. Also the assumption that these new paddles will be spending money in their c-store on a daily basis so good luck with that cryptic.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Sambril wrote:
    I could get behind something like this. You can do it the old way and find everything yourself (or have your client give you traces so you can craft something), or you could take a shortcut by paying dilithium.

    I thought this was what a hybrid P2P/F2P game was supposed to be - pay a sub and go, or pay piecemeal as you want stuff, or not pay anything but it takes forever.

    That's how it supposed to work,but making Dilithium tradable for C-points has given Dilithium a monetary value.It's in their interest to create as many Dilithium sinks as possible,they want people to spend $$$ on C-points for trading.And if that doesn't work,I guarantee they will put
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    With a variable mix of samples and dilithium you could choose how you get it, either with 100% data samples just like you do now or 100% dilithium like any vendor.
    But if you are missing that one rare sample trace that keeps eluding you and prices for it in teh exchange are way too high for you to effort, you can bridge the rest of the recipe with a bit dilithium which you may have saved up already. It would save you valuable time.
    This I could get 100% behind. It would be a win for everybody because all options to get the gear are there plus the new combination of both methods.

    I DO see where you are going with is, really I do... But I think this would be a solution I could (maybe) support. :-

    Put a vendor at Memory Alpha, that sells for (Both) Dillithium & Ec's, Mats & Rare particle traces, like we have now for Schematics. That way if you either don't want to "grind" or have the Dillithium to spare.. (LOL.. no wait... it could happen....), then Fleet crafters would be able to carry on, as the "customer" would buy what was needed. Avoiding the "not yet implemeted" transferring of Dillithium between players.. Providing (of course) that the Dillithuim addition is taken out of the crafting recipe...

    Also at a stroke, the exchange would no longer be flooded with players selling mats & traces at "silly" prices.

    I think this is a far better option than the insane one that Cryptic have come up with.. I 'll lay odds that they wished they'd thought of this first...

    Oh but hang on.. They'll never do as I suggest, because they want us to buy C-points to sell to each other for Dillithium... Silly me, I almost forgot... :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I think this says it all...

    From PWE's own site: There are five core values that are present in all individual and corporate decisions at Perfect World Entertainment. As a company, we encourage our staff, our culture, and our gamers to follow these core values.

    1. Think Differently (paying for an advantage is good)
    2. Grow Personally (getting obese sitting in your chair grinding Dilithium all day)
    3. Evolve Gameplay (do the C-store minigame,buy buy buy)
    4. Connect Gamers (trading Dilithium for C-points)
    5. Work Hard,Play Hard (this isn't a game,it's a second job!)

    (really,this is the biggest load of BS I've seen so far.... http://www.pwe-inc.com/mission )
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'm looking forward to seeing the dilithium component in the skills revamp coming next week.

    Should add as much fun and excitement as the crafting 'improvements' will bring. :rolleyes:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yeah... 1000 Dil minimum per Skill point you want to spend :D
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    What did you expect it one those Asian if i am correct Chinese gaming company that brought cryptic........

    i am surprise they have not put a P2W I win button yet
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Deigo wrote:
    What did you expect it one those Asian if i am correct Chinese gaming company that brought cryptic........

    i am surprise they have not put a P2W I win button yet

    New on the C-Store:

    "Can't win that latest mission? No friends to team with cause no one plays this game anymore? NO PROBLEM!
    Buy the communications codes of the U.S.S. Enterprise F herself. Call her in dire need and she rushes in to save the day. As a true hero ship with plot armor she will waste any enemies you can't overcome as that generic guest ship of the week.
    Unlock per character, consumed on single use. Only 5000 Cryptic points. Buy it now.*

    25% Fail chance, because the Enterprise is too busy with something actually important elsewhere to save your sorry *** all the time."
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I can't believe that Cryptici is taking a 'stonewalling' tactic to 46 pages of critque to their latest design creation. I guess we can just pound sand until they muster up and respond.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I can't believe that Cryptici is taking a 'stonewalling' tactic to 46 pages of critque to their latest design creation. I guess we can just pound sand until they muster up and respond.

    To be fair a) it is a weekend b) a knee-jerk response isn't good for anyone c) Stormshade has said they are aware of the feedback.

    We will have to wait until after weekend until we get a response - and not first thing Monday morning either.
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