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TRIBBLE Maintenance and Release Notes - October 20, 2011



  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Do they just want to kill crafting completely? A Phaser Beam Array Mk XI [Acc] [Dmg]x2 = 15,834 Ref Dil, 30 Chrono Wave, 1 Metho and 1 Anyon Rare and 1 Schematic or you can just buy it on ESD for about 23.5K Ref Dil. This is just insane.

    And fleet crafting... we can't deposit Ref Dil in the fleet bank so this will kill any kind of Fleet Crafting whatsoever. This was a way to help your teammates or newcomers to your fleet now they are on their own. I think their all smoking that medical MJ out in CA.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I completely fail to see the reasoning behind lumping a dilithium tax on crafting, unless it is to push everybody towards spending ridiculous amounts of time on content they may not want to play through, or possibly to try and kill off crafting altogether.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Great update Devs. The holdeck players are increasing in coming on over to F2P. I guess they cant stand reading chats of awesome F2P is etc. Keep it coming Devs. More and More Holodeck players are migrating their toons on over.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Airik wrote:
    Now i don't normally come to the forums certainly not to make a negative comment I personally love the idea that these built in abilities are becoming consoles you can choose to equip and that you are getting an additional console slot to accommodate it, This would bring all the older ships that are moving over to C-Store only purchases in line with the new +1 or 0.5 Ships (however you want to refer to them) also it would put everyone on a even footing you would have to make a choice about if you would use the cool new console and sacrifice a passive bonus or not.

    Now i read the patch notes and Salami's Post i find that for certain ships this is not the case, now simply from a game balance perspective this makes the Defiant Retrofit or the Galaxy Retrofit a more powerful than say the Nebula or the Intrepid Retrofit as the player no longer has to chose if they want to sacrifice that console slot and the passive stat bonus for the ability to separate the saucer or cloak, Players with these ships no longer have to make that choice they are in fact having there cake and eating it.

    Now since it was previously stated that all the VA ships and the T3 and T5 Nebula and Excelsior would be transitioning to +1 or 0.5 Ships i have been happy, Now i understand this could have been a lot of work for the team. I find myself asking if you guys at Cryptic started thinking "We need to get this out but it's to much work to do in that time frame how can we cut the work load down" and this is the solution you came up with, if that is the case is this temporary or permanent is it like so much on Tribble subject to change.

    I implore you to reconsider this decision C-store purchases should be balanced against one another so that no one feels "Short Changed" right now im sure those of us who are not flying the Defiant or Exploration Cruiser Retrofits do feel "Short Changed". Especially those of us who have spent our hard earned money investing in Cryptic by purchasing the T5 Nebula and Excelsior. which at the moment are C-store purchase's, compared to these ships that a lot of people already have gotten by using there VA ship token for no real cost to themselves other than the time it took them to level the character.

    The Vulcan D'kyr however has me torn part of me feels it should for the sake of balance and fairness be brought in line with the other +1 Ships and make the Deployable shuttle a console and give the ship an extra console slot. In fact 98% of me feels this should be the case, 2% of me feels that Cryptic should continue to design Racial ships (like the D'kyr and the andorian warship) and give them built in abilities however these abilities should be at the cost of a console slot. This in my eyes would keep them more balanced with the other +1 or 0.5 Ships that cryptic plan on offering.

    The thing is there needs to be a trade off, By having a ship with a special power you need to have a trade off on Holodeck right now that trade off is a Console slot on Tribble for most of the ships it is Still a console slot however for a special few they can have there cake and eat it.

    Yours with Greatest Respect Airik

    I have to agree Airik giving the Gal-R, Gal-X and the Defiant-R their special ability and extra console is overkill.
    Now I fly both the Galaxy-R and the Defiant-R and I now feel I have an unfair advantage if I get an extra console and get to keep my special ability, it should be a console like the rest and I should have the choice to use it and give up a console slot the same as other ships.

    Please Cryptic put their special power back to a console and bring the refits back into balance, I don't want to feel like I have a superior and unbalanced ships when compared to it's counterparts like the Intrepid.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I have to agree Airik giving the Gal-R, Gal-X and the Defiant-R their special ability and extra console is overkill.
    Now I fly both the Galaxy-R and the Defiant-R and I now feel I have an unfair advantage if I get an extra console and get to keep my special ability, it should be a console like the rest and I should have the choice to use it and give up a console slot the same as other ships.

    Please Cryptic put their special power back to a console and bring the refits back into balance, I don't want to feel like I have a superior and unbalanced ships when compared to it's counterparts like the Intrepid.

    ok..last time for the cheap seats....the Defiant R still has a cloak console, not an innate ability plus an extra console slot. I think Salami meant "now" and not "not" in his patch notes regarding the retrofits.

    Or else this build doesn't reflect Salami's reality.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I completely fail to see the reasoning behind lumping a dilithium tax on crafting, unless it is to push everybody towards spending ridiculous amounts of time on content they may not want to play through, or possibly to try and kill off crafting altogether.

    A small dilithium tax is one thing... but right now the dilithium tax is so high that you might as well just pay the dilithium cost from a vendor and be done with it. Either something is SERIOUSLY wrong with their pricing at max tier or they are indeed trying to kill crafting all together.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Isn't the whole point of crafting to make good stuff without currency?
    I know this is still testing and highly subject to change but this idea of adding Di to the cost of crafting kind of messed up. I can understand increasing the amount of materials we need to make better stuff but not adding currency to it.
    The devs keep referring to dilithium as a "time-based currency." Okay, sure. But from another perspective, aren't the data samples required for crafting also time-based (albeit not a currency)? Buying from the Exchange is ridiculously expensive in EC, so it's much more to people's advantage to spend time collecting anomalies - time that could've been spent collecting dilithium or doing other, more enjoyable things in the game as well.
    Latinumbar wrote:
    Not a good idea to require dilithium. Many players have multiple characters, but only 1 crafter to craft for all their characters. Similarly, fleets have some people that are dedicated crafters to craft for the fleet. A dilithium requirement would make this undoable (unless you make dilithium directly tradeable between players).
    Indeed. I have one crafting toon per faction.
    And fleet crafting... we can't deposit Ref Dil in the fleet bank so this will kill any kind of Fleet Crafting whatsoever. This was a way to help your teammates or newcomers to your fleet now they are on their own. I think their all smoking that medical MJ out in CA.
    Exactly. My Engineer has been crafting things for fleetmates without any compensation (I just ask that they provide the anomalies; most recent item I crafted for someone else was the Aegis shield). I can't imagine spending my own dilithium to outfit someone else without a way to be compensated for that same dilithium. This helps to kill the community aspect that Cryptic claims is important to the game.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    those new ship variants need to go on REDSHIRT immediately for testing =p

    or give us MORE Tribble Cstore points plz =p
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    ■T5 Excelsior Retrofit
    ■Now comes with an Advanced Transwarp Drive Coil console mod.
    ■Console grants Transwarp (but no longer to Sirius, Regulus, or Pi Canis), but also grants a passive bonus to Weapon, Shield, Engine, and Aux Performance Stat.
    ■No console slots added.

    So wait,
    Well loose 1 Console Slot and the Ability to travel to Sirius, Regulus, Pi Canis ?
    And im sure the Console is Ship bound too ?

    Thats a bad deal for some +X Stat equal "<1% increase"

    Oh, and btw I didnt get that new console.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    V-Mink wrote:

    Also found it curious to see that a percentage of the item's cost in dilithium is needed for crafting. I'm not quite sure I understand what the goal with that is, unless it's to create a dilithium sink or a need for dilithium so people can trade it for C-Points or... something. .. Yeah, I'm confused. :confused:

    its probably the whole trade for c-points

    they need to make dilithium valuable to players. edit - it does sound like the prices are stupidly high at the moment. not checked them myself yet.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I have seen some silly ideas over the years, but this one has got to be the daftest ever.. Adding a Dillithium cost to crafting has been done for one reason & one reason only.. To stop players crafting gear and putting it straight onto the exchange...There can be NO other explanation...

    If you all at Cryptic really want to control the prices on the exchange then simply add a "Selling tax" in EC's to control it...

    I urge you to reverse this decision immediatly... else my days of crafting for my fleet-mates are over, as I have no doubt so will others be... If there has to be a "cost" involved then make it for EC's.. that'll give you a sink...

    Sorry Cryptic, but I think someone in your organisation should have his or her head read... Seriously :eek:

    You know, I never really sold crafted stuff, but having fleet crafters was 1 of the few reasons for people joining a fleet. It is not only that you can't expect crafters giving their hard earned Dilithium to equip others, it is totally impossible to do. The amount of Dilithium that can be earned, and more important refined each day will never be enough. Even if I would play my crafter the whole day and only him, it is pointless.

    Thanks for giving non-economic cooperation between players a shot in the head.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    :mad:Dilithium for crafting is an EPICE FAIL:mad:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Exactly. My Engineer has been crafting things for fleetmates without any compensation (I just ask that they provide the anomalies; most recent item I crafted for someone else was the Aegis shield). I can't imagine spending my own dilithium to outfit someone else without a way to be compensated for that same dilithium. This helps to kill the community aspect that Cryptic claims is important to the game.

    Well, if it is Refined Dilithium, they will be able to trade that just like they give you the data sample mats to craft their items.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This is just ridiculous.
    Cryptic seems to be intent on continously trying to drive people away from the game.

    Lets review their list of failures shall we.

    - No VA ship tokens.
    - No respecs without tokens.
    - Removal of playable content.
    - Chained episodes "forcing" the player down a linear story progression.
    - A highly dubious C-Store/Dilithium economy.
    - Crippled crafting.

    Did i miss something?

    Seriously guys, whats with all these very ver bad ideas?
    Why are you so intent on punishing us and "forcing" us to GRIND to get any kind of decent gear?
    Granted, getting samples is a bit of a grind in itself, but at least you can get those pretty much anywhere and in any quantity.
    Not to mention that as so many have pointed out, you are pretty much "killing" fleets with this latest nonsense.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I have seen some silly ideas over the years, but this one has got to be the daftest ever.. Adding a Dillithium cost to crafting has been done for one reason & one reason only.. To stop players crafting gear and putting it straight onto the exchange...There can be NO other explanation...

    If you all at Cryptic really want to control the prices on the exchange then simply add a "Selling tax" in EC's to control it...

    I urge you to reverse this decision immediatly... else my days of crafting for my fleet-mates are over, as I have no doubt so will others be... If there has to be a "cost" involved then make it for EC's.. that'll give you a sink...

    Sorry Cryptic, but I think someone in your organisation should have his or her head read... Seriously :eek:

    QFE, and this completely removes the crafting part of the game, which is to make items for other people to use via sale, trade, or kindness. If this goes live Cryptic, YOU DO NOT HAVE a crafting system in STO. You have turned it into an "apparent" crafting system.

    Honestly, please give us an explaination for the Intention of such a change. Sweeping changes that effect an entire in game system should come with such things. Now, I am not even going to be one that says reduce the price. There is no compromise here. Remove dilithium costs from crafting. Plain and simple.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Well, if it is Refined Dilithium, they will be able to trade that just like they give you the data sample mats to craft their items.

    No, they won't. Dilithium can not be traded from one player to another. Only way to trade RD between players, is to sell it on the Auction House for C-Points.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I was ok about a lot of the things Cryptic has done to this game on Tribble prepping for F2P, but adding Dilithium to crafting AND in the amounts needed crosses several lines that are not recoverable from.

    If this is the trend of STO, then all I have to say is this to Cryptic:

    Enjoy it while it lasts, cuz when Dec. 20th hits and TOR goes live, your ride is over and so is my sub.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Inspired wrote: »
    What's needed is an item which can only be purchased for dilithium which will become a crafting component.

    Good idea.
    Why not make schematics purchasable for dilithium and separated by rank or mark. Then, make all other crafting stuff require the appropriate schematic (type + rank/lmark). These way, a fleet can have schematics in its bank (instead of a dilithium bag), and people can easily trade these schematics for crafting purposes.

    For example, if the schematic cost 10% of the item's cost, I'll be willing to buy two of them and then trade with a crafting player so he can craft one item for himself and one for me. I pay 20% of the item's cost to get it, while the crafter gets crafting points and a "free" item (of course, some EC or anomalies might change hands too in such a deal). It adds a "required" interaction with other players, but that's reasonable for a MMO.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Enjoy it while it lasts, cuz when Dec. 20th hits and TOR goes live, your ride is over and so is my sub.
    As a career officer, much like yourself. I would consider terminating your account when it doesn't cost anything... Rather silly. A better 'threat' would be to say that you won't spend money on STO anymore instead.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Good idea.
    Why not make schematics purchasable for dilithium and separated by rank or mark. Then, make all other crafting stuff require the appropriate schematic (type + rank/lmark). These way, a fleet can have schematics in its bank (instead of a dilithium bag), and people can easily trade these schematics for crafting purposes.

    For example, if the schematic cost 10% of the item's cost, I'll be willing to buy two of them and then trade with a crafting player so he can craft one item for himself and one for me. I pay 20% of the item's cost to get it, while the crafter gets crafting points and a "free" item (of course, some EC or anomalies might change hands too in such a deal). It adds a "required" interaction with other players, but that's reasonable for a MMO.

    I like your refinement of the original idea. This also makes schematics themselves to be far more valuable as far as showing up in loot bags. I can only imagine how much these would go for on the Exchange. ;)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    seems like the phalanx science vessel has the graphics for one of the orion ships in its place on the store

    and the corsair flight deck cruiser has a fed symbol (the one with new written on it)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    As it stands it looks like STO is giving me the push I need to return to LoTRO. Crafting is the staple of almost any game, these changes will stick a nail in the coffin.

    I can understand they are trying to make crafting less prominent to try and create a dilithium economy but this change will kill it. Of course there is maybe a saving grace if we can make unrefined dilithium tradable between players directly to even partially alleviate this.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I was ok about a lot of the things Cryptic has done to this game on Tribble prepping for F2P, but adding Dilithium to crafting AND in the amounts needed crosses several lines that are not recoverable from.

    If this is the trend of STO, then all I have to say is this to Cryptic:

    Enjoy it while it lasts, cuz when Dec. 20th hits and TOR goes live, your ride is over and so is my sub.

    I'm not usually one for posting in MMO forums, especially "sub cancel" ultimatums...but sign me up with this guy.

    At the very least, I will be farming mats and crafting everything I think I will need for both of my characters before this goes live.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You guys must be trying to see what you can get away with... i just don't know... I don't get it.

    You might as well just walk into the data center right now and poor the gas on the web servers and light a match and get it over with early.... I hope the forums light up over the crafting and dilithium nonsense...

    As if collecting the data samples is not time consuming enough... and I can't even get to B'Tran cause I haven't hit the borg arc yet since they are not level gated as they should be........

    I mean it sucked already.. the modifiers were all like ACC and DMGX2.... so the weapons in the emblem store were better or different anyway.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You've totally missed the message being sent to Cryptic.

    But just FYI: I am not only a LT, I have gotten mostly everything in the C-store, so duh it goes to say that Cryptic wouldn't be getting my money anymore. And I'm not the only player like that either.

  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    We will be bringing the Tribble server down for maintenance to apply a new update.

    • Returned the ability to craft uncommon or rare even-mark gear, but with a cost in dilithium in addition to crafting materials.
      • The dilithium cost is a percentage of the cost to flat out buy the item from the dilithium store. The dilithium cost percentage increases with the rank of the item you’re crafting.
    • Very rare gear is still only craftable at the odd marks (including Mk XI), with a dilithium cost.
    • The same crafting update in progress for Klingons.
    Special Task Force
    • Infected Space
      • Destroying the Gate and Transformers is now a much more linear process.
        • To destroy the Gate you must destroy both Transformers.
        • To destroy the Transformers you must destroy all four Generators.
        • All objects are now targetable (damageable) when the puzzle starts
        • You no longer have to damage one object to make a second object targetable.
          • As you destroy the objects, be on the lookout for reinforcements.
    • Cure Space
      • Healing puzzle changes similar to that of Infected Space.
      • The attackers going for the Kang have been increased slightly.
    • Cure Ground
      • Mini Boss Turrets have had a damage and health boost.
      • You can no longer climb over the boss shield in the Armek Fight.
    • Queue
      • Players will be kicked from the STF maps after the mission completes (or fails). You have 3 min to get any loot that’s dropped before you are removed.
      • STF Private Queues now require at least 3 people to start.
      • Fixed the bug that was not giving dead players on the STFs their loot.

    Way to kill an economy! I'm going to be brutally honest here, Cryptic is pushing this Dilithium thing a bit too far. what it was intended to be and what its become are completely different. You are going to kill the player base economy in favor of a cryptic controled junk pile. crafting was the alternate way of getting items without having to need dilithium. both sets are very different. By far the better set, the Dilithium vendor sells, is the best. That is understandable. Hell I could see even a tiny portion of ore per item like say 50. but I am not paying refined dilithium, of which I can ONLY get 8k a day of to craft up an item every few days. I Imagine form talking with my fleetmates that alot of others feel the same way. If you implement that chang live I garunte you kill your game before it releases!

    As far as the STF's go... So your saying that these items no longer have shields? Because if thats the case you all just won first place in my happy book. if not and you still have to damage one to get the others shields to drop I think your still nuts because how hard that is with current healing rates.

    On the subject of voice chat and its importance in groups, what happened to the vivox ingame chat? aperently having it enabled while doing an stf can cause a game crash. aside from that how the hell are players suposed to coordinate, chat messages? It's been like this the whole of the testing period. Those stf's and I imagine the fleet actions would benefit from having voice enabled and coordination taking place.

    I admit, in my fleet i've been trying to push the finer points of the stf's and the new economy system but now I'm starting to waver. I've really been let down by the crafting dilithium requirement. All of the other things I see in this patch I love. I would like to be able to earn the c-store only ships for dilithium as well as the trading for c-points isn't enabled yet. But that is my problem as this is now a f2p model meening everything from now on will be c-store and not ingame in terms of getting new ships.

    I guess I'm just asking "STOP Killing the economy and putting it under cryptic control" An economy should be built by the players not dictated to them. Look at EvE Online for tips on a player economy. Crafting shouldn't require you to run dailies for a day or 3 just so you can craft one or two items. You gather the resources, scans in this case...build or buy the schematics, then make the bloody item! thats uniform in every game I've played, and it works well. You want to make something cost dilithium for crafting, go put asteroids in a system, design up some kind of mining vessel (available by ingame meens), Have players go out and mine up tones of materials each day and have them use them with a fair ammount of dilithium to build frewaking ships that they can then fly themselves or sell to players or some kind of exchange vendor for tons of some kind of certan reward. Everything in game that is purchasable should be available through some form of crafting! But ships are the only time I'll justify spending hard earned and long refined dilithium for!
    /end rant.

    Now that thats off my chest I feel a bit better. I have high hopes for this game. after years of playing EvE Online I know what this game could be. I'm frustrated as hell cryptic seems to be pushing dilithium everything on us. leave it alone. its fine the way it was before this patch. that should be as far as that system goes. Focus on other things now.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Crafting? Dilithium? *sigh*

    Just can't keep from worrying me more and more with each bit of news... :/

    Not that it's all bad news...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I am sorry to say that i am once again in a situation where i feel compelled to make a post, After finishing writing my last post i decided that i wanted to check out the new Orion Flight deck cruisers, first of all i would like to compliment Captain Logan these are some of his best work to date, they look sleek and menacing while still maintaining the feel of Orion ships. Hats of to you there

    I am however once again dismayed with how Cryptic have gone about including these ships special abilities, As it stands right now the ship's special abilities slot into the Hangar i am assuming this is the same for the Marauder and that it's new ability is also a Hangar item. now it depends how we chose to look at these ships as to what the problem is, Are they supposed to be Carriers or just +1 or 0.5 Cruisers. If there supposed to Cruisers then you can not take the abilities of the lower tier ships and slot them on your higher tier Orion cruisers because your limited by 1 Hangar slot, if they where Console slot items then you could choose to Equip the Interceptors on all your Orion Ships as well as the Tachyon probe and the Assault marauder hangar (just like current +1 or 0.5 Cruisers)

    However if we look at them as Carriers then there obviously has to have been a big mistake, if there Carriers you Trade off the Additional Hangar for more weapons slots fore and aft, however the additional abilities of these C-store ships are only slottable in the hangar bay. If they are to be true Carriers then they need to come with Orion Interceptors as standard as well as a console ability this will make them more like the Carriers we where told they where going to be instead of limited +1 ships (there limited because you can only use one of the special abilities on them not all of them)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Dirlettia wrote:
    . Of course there is maybe a saving grace if we can make unrefined dilithium tradable between players directly to even partially alleviate this.

    Sorry, but this won't be acceptable due to the daily refining cap. It would have to be refined or a refined fleet bank bag or a have schematics be purchased with dilitihium.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    • Returned the ability to craft uncommon or rare even-mark gear, but with a cost in dilithium in addition to crafting materials.
      • The dilithium cost is a percentage of the cost to flat out buy the item from the dilithium store. The dilithium cost percentage increases with the rank of the item you’re crafting.
    • Very rare gear is still only craftable at the odd marks (including Mk XI), with a dilithium cost.
    • The same crafting update in progress for Klingons.

    I thought the whole bloody point to crafting was that it was a means to get high level items without having spend money on them, and instead invest quite a bit of time and effort collecting the necessary materials to craft said item.

    Adding in a dilithium cost makes crafting pointless. Thanks a lot Cryptic for forcing every single crafter in the game to retire. I guess you guys forgot rule number one when making updates: IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT!
This discussion has been closed.