The point here is that several times in this very thread, I've seen people say.. "I have to run a STF 30 times to get something". That is a incorrect statement / assumption.
However... If what you are really saying is... "I will have to run a Normal STF 30 plus times to get the exact Mark XI item I want" .. Then this is closer to true ( although still not completely accurate, I know the math in the drop tables),,
If this factor is the problem, then you will not like my answer... which is works as designed... If you want better gear for your RA character and you don't want to do something 30 times to get it, you will have to play on Elite.
On Elite you will find better gear more common salvage and you will get it more often, however you will also get a much harder mission, much harder encounters, much harder puzzles, and a fully enforced death penalty.
Ah, if your original post was really directed more towards people who were suggesting that they get NOTHING, then I misunderstood the intent. It read to me that you were more meaning that because you received a number of green items that there was too much loot available. Certainly I would not be suggesting that people should ALWAYS get amazing loot from a STF run, but on the flip end STFs are much harder then a regular mission (or are intended to be, if they're not really as hard as intended on Tribble), and walking away from one with nothing more then a MkX green that I could get equal to or better from a solo mission is... a bit disheartening.
Assuming your example earnings will be representative of the average then that would not end up being the case. I simply was suggesting that there is probably not a need to lower loot drops because there was a plethora of green items, as a player that can run STFs has very little need for them in an upgrade sense. Players who would be running STFs multiple times are interested in purples and salvage, though depending on their current equipment layout a blue would be good as well. If they are having one potentially desirable item (even if it may not actually be what they need) and one salvage on average per STF, then I would suggest that is a good rate.
6 Items in 45 min... is a loot Bonanza.. My character whom I play casually was still using a great deal of Mark IX gear and was very happy. This is the type of character/player the Normal versions are made for.
So I guess it really depends on the type of player you are, but there are far more people like me at RA then there are of you who can't see the value in the stuff I ended up with.
However if this were The Elite Versions.. all of those Mark X's would have been Mark XI's and the Mark XI's would have been Mark XII's...
I can get similar amounts of similar loot (barring the borg stuff) in less than 45m doing explorations (unless most of the ones I get are Diplomacy based ones) or replaying story missions with a decent amount of space combat. Holo or Tribble. I am far from being a pro player (though I do currently have too much time on my hands).
Destroying the Gate and Transformers is now a much more linear process.
To destroy the Gate you must destroy both Transformers.
To destroy the Transformers you must destroy all four Generators.
All objects are now targetable (damageable) when the puzzle starts
You no longer have to damage one object to make a second object targetable.
As you destroy the objects, be on the lookout for reinforcements.
Just tried the update to Infected Space. It's exactly what I expected for a Normal STF now. A vastly improved experience compared to yesterday.
It only took a few minutes and was fun to do. I can see casuals doing this multiple times a day. And I can see outgrowing this to try the Elite Version.
Just tried the update to Infected Space. It's exactly what I expected for a Normal STF now. A vastly improved experience compared to yesterday.
It only took a few minutes and was fun to do. I can see casuals doing this multiple times a day. And I can see outgrowing this to try the Elite Version.
Good update!
I'm one of those casuals, and I have never bothered to play STFs because of what I have read in the forums. I played The Cure Space a few days ago like three times and it was freaking great!
The direction that they are going is good and I might graduate to Elite if it's doable with a PUG that all know what they are getting into. I would imagine if people select elite... then they probably know what they are doing. So if the elites can be beat by PUGs that A. know what they are doing and B. are definitely geared, but C. without everyone being matched as far as ships and abilities aka a premade, then that's really awesome.
I can get similar amounts of similar loot (barring the borg stuff) in less than 45m doing explorations (unless most of the ones I get are Diplomacy based ones) or replaying story missions with a decent amount of space combat. Holo or Tribble. I am far from being a pro player (though I do currently have too much time on my hands).
Right.... but you can't get Purple Mark XI or Mark XII's that way... and certainly not any of the new set's or costume unlocks. Story Mission on average take at least 30 min, and you only get one and rarely two items for completion.
It looks like the main confusion is that you are looking at the "Normal" loot and not realizing that it gets much better in the Elite Versions.
I agree for the most part, if you are not a very casual player you will want to start playing the Elite Versions at 51 when they become available to you. If you choose not to you have other options for the mark X and XII gear, however if you want the really good stuff you are going to have to hit the Elite versions, only this time around you have had some practice since you have had the opportunity to get your feet wet with team play on "Normal".
Right.... but you can't get Purple Mark XI or Mark XII's that way... and certainly not any of the new set's or costume unlocks. Story Mission on average take at least 30 min, and you only get one and rarely two items for completion.
It looks like the main confusion is that you are looking at the "Normal" loot and not realizing that it gets much better in the Elite Versions.
Pardon me, but I'm just looking for some clarification based on this comment. Your concern is that players may get purple quality loot too quickly when doing STFs. That is a fair concern. What I'm confused about, though, is how loot drops work in the higher difficulties.
Your loot list earlier was more then half green items that likely came from drops from trash mobs. Based on your concerns, are you saying that any one of these trash mobs has the potential to drop a purple MkX/XI/XII item (based on the difficulty)? If so, would it not be the solution that trash should not, in fact, drop anything more then they normally would in a standard mission? Maybe they drop some common salvage as well, but them dropping a green gear doesn't seem to me like it'd be something I'd be worried about. If I was sporting all purple MkX, I don't think doing an Elite STF and getting am armload of green MkXI would actually be a benefit to me.
If you are concerned about too much high level gear, then maybe they should only drop from "boss" encounters. If this is already the case, then I am not sure why a higher proliferation of green items is a concern. Maybe I'm just not seeing the same picture you are, though. Could you help clarify this?
If you have Borg Gear now you will still have Borg Gear. But the current Borg Gear is only Mark X. There are now Mark XI and Mark XII versions as well.
Any chance we can see a TNG Borg armor suit (Mk X) and the TNG arm firing plasma weapon (Mk X) in the works ( later in the year ) for ground missions ?
I would even buy these via the C-Store if avaliable
Well I don't know why the set items were that way in the first place. It was probably a mistake by the person that made the items. A player mentioned it to me a few weeks ago so I fixed it.
I will say that the player that told me about it did so in a calm and rational way. If he had made a post similar to the one above I would have just skipped right passed it and they would still be the same way..
Gozer gets 2 thumbs up in my book. I like your honesty.
So, what i should have said was i am glad you guys finally fixed it. I did report as a bug a few times. However, knowing how busy you guys are I should have been more patient.
I humbly ask for your forgiveness.
And don't worry, I will now beat my inner voice for previously speaking out loud...
Gozer, I love the way you always stay calm and say things the diplomatic way without stepping back from your conviction. Even though you might want to throw your coffee mug through some guys closed window...
So many people are complaining about things they dont like on tribble in a pretty rude way, that sometimes I would like to throw my mug at them... but - theres a saying in germany
Ok.. so just to make sure I wasn't missing something somewhere. I transferred my Fed RA Tac to Tribble and played joined 3 Space STF's.
This is a normal account, with a normal character played all the way to RA through normal game-play.
3 Runs...
2x Infected space with a PUG
1x Cure Space with a PUG
Here is the loot I now have in my inventory on that character.
3 Common Salvage
2 Blue Mark X (BOE) Eng Consoles
1 Green Mark X (BOE) Science Console
1 Green Mark XI (BOE) Science Console
1 Green Mark XI (BOE) Tetryon Dual Heavy Cannon
1 Token for the Mark X Shield ( Set gear, can buy a Mark X Elite Force Space Shield or Mark X Kellerun Space Shield with it)
This my friends is a loot BONANZA.... so much so I may have to take a look at the trash loot tables to make sure they are working correctly.
The optional objectives on these are way too easy at the moment as well, so they will need to be changed to be more in line with the new changes to the overall difficulty of the maps now.
This lot was from several different sources... Trash Loot.. which i rolled on and won... Boss Loot Bags... and Optional Loot Bags.
I also rolled on and missed several chances at more Common Salvage as well (at least three times i missed the roll)
Yes that's a bunch of Mark X.. but that the point of "Normal". You start playing "Normal" at 45. You will want to switch to Elite at 51 to get appropriate gear. However this gear will make the Elite versions much more accommodating, if you spend the time doing the "Normal" to get equipped.
The complaint is not about the mk x drops it about the common salvage. You received three for three runs, yes you have a shield token x (recruit), so you only have nine more slots to farm for and you only get token drops for shield.engine, and deflector... what about the six to eight weapons on the ships?
Two rare for a req mark for xl weapons, but no combo for mark xll regular but can get a req for 60 common.
This is the grind and I don't think you really see it.
The blue and green equip drops don't mean anything because there is no value in EC anymore because everything is dilithium now, thats strictly my point of view because I prep my toons for stf's and don't go in weak. I go in to the stf's to farm the borg gear, which is a grind.
And one correction there is value in EC but its only to support those that put items on the exchange for ridiculous prices.
I am still testing out the redone STF's and so far i am liking the changes as for the rewards I haven't formed an opinion yet but, I do have one question for Gozer when KA Ground comes out will we still be able to obtain the Borg Science BO if not will there be an alternate means to obtain it.
Or you folks could quit jumping to conclusions every time you play something on Tribble ( a test server) and assuming that it isn't going to change. Infected and Cure Space have both changed again with tomorrows Tribble patch.
Seriously Folks.... this doom and gloom after playing something once or twice on a test server is getting a little old. This is a test server this is what its for.
If you don't stop I'm simply going to stop giving you any information at all about the changes until they all go live on Holodeck.
So basically we either agree with you wholeheartedly and bow at your feet or you won't talk to me anymore? I thought you had to be an adult to work at Cryptic, might have to call the California Labor Board and tell them there might be a child working here.
So basically we either agree with you wholeheartedly and bow at your feet or you won't talk to me anymore? I thought you had to be an adult to work at Cryptic, might have to call the California Labor Board and tell them there might be a child working here.
No... not what I'm saying.
I'm saying... If you act like a 5 year old, I'm going to treat you like a 5 year old. For instance from this point forward every time I see a post from Huntman21014 I know I don't need to read or answer it since it's a waste of time.
I'm saying... If you act like a 5 year old, I'm going to treat you like a 5 year old. For instance from this point forward every time I see a post from Huntman21014 I know I don't need to read or answer it since it's a waste of time.
You actually got baited and fell right for it, You then called out the person in question and basically wrote that everything he says is a waste of time and not worth responding too (however true it may be you should technically not be saying such things because its against your own forum rules)
Flaming and/or Trolling
You may not post content which contains insults to other users or Cryptic Studios Staff, are specifically made to create undue discontent on the forums, disturbances in forum threads, pick fights or otherwise promote unfriendly conversation.
Coming from someone that has been on the receiving end of emails for far lesser comments that contain: You have received a PRIZE from cryptic studios, do not reply to this mail,
I would just like to say on behalf of everyone else that has also received such emails for such comments, Double standards much?:D
You may not post content which contains insults to other users or Cryptic Studios Staff, are specifically made to create undue discontent on the forums, disturbances in forum threads, pick fights or otherwise promote unfriendly conversation.
Pretty sure something has to be untrue to qualify as an insult. As Gozer didn't actually call the guy 5 years old, he just said his posts were a waste of time, that is true and as such not an insult.
And there was no promoting an unfriendly conversation as Gozer's post required no reply or even warrented one.
If you are going to try to play forum rule lawyer you will need to pay a bit more attention.
Pretty sure something has to be untrue to qualify as an insult. As Gozer didn't actually call the guy 5 years old, he just said his posts were a waste of time, that is true and as such not an insult.
And there was no promoting an unfriendly conversation as Gozer's post required no reply or even warrented one.
If you are going to try to play forum rule lawyer you will need to pay a bit more attention.
TRIBBLE, fanboy alert.
But by your logic, I didnt call you a fanboy. Your post sucks so much, but you dont, only your post. Of course this does not require any reply cause I didnt ask "Got it?".
Gozer seems to be the last Atari souvenir, the last unfriendly Cryptic employee. You just cant make good STFs, if you dont know the game.
SNB? Whats that? Neither me nor my minions figured out, that could help... hmm.:rolleyes:
I get why some players are frustrated (like many I am NOT crazy about some the changes to the game) But this was NOT meant to be a Bash the Dev's thread and Gozer is one of the few Dev even posting info
Remember D'Anglo him self said that he has instructed his team to stay silent in one his Blogs
and Both Gozer and Hertic have been responding and giving out some info (in other words NOT being silent)
would you really prefer No responses or info from the Dev's, to me that would be even MORE frustrating but that's just my 2 cents
There is one big difference between huntman and Gozer....Gozer is posting as Cryptic_Gozer, which means he is representing his company when he posts. I'll wager he is required to be a professional at work in his dealings both on and off the forums so long as he is representing the company. I've seen numerous times since game launch when Gozer has struck out acting unprofessionally. While we like getting updates on what he is doing, I see no reason to see such behavior from a corporate employee on his company's behalf.
Maybe he needs a vacation from posting just like we get when we show our butts to everyone.
Gozer just add a disclaimer to your signature saying your posts primarily represent your personal opinions so that you don't risk getting into trouble for deciding to treat us like Adults by giving us a frank and honest answer on things when we ask.
Gozer just add a disclaimer to your signature saying your posts primarily represent your personal opinions so that you don't risk getting into trouble for deciding to treat us like Adults by giving us a frank and honest answer on things when we ask.
You and I clearly have different opinions about what adult and professional behavior is. But I read a bunch of your posts yesterday and already knew that.
I'm saying... If you act like a 5 year old, I'm going to treat you like a 5 year old. For instance from this point forward every time I see a post from Huntman21014 I know I don't need to read or answer it since it's a waste of time.
Big smile for Gozer!
But I have one wish... Please dont stop giving us infos about your plans on STO, just because of some rude guys giving you a hard time on the forums!
Ok, ummm it appears that some posters have caused my question for Gozer to not be read so I am re-asking in hopes he sees it. i am not going to comment on what everyone is saying because i honestly don't have an opinion on that yet but I do think some posters are getting a little out of hand not just in this thread either and I will add the New STF's Look awesome but here is my question for Gozer when KA Ground comes out will we still be able to obtain the Borg Science BO if not will there be an alternate means to obtain it.
Ok, ummm it appears that some posters have caused my question for Gozer to not be read so I am re-asking in hopes he sees it. i am not going to comment on what everyone is saying because i honestly don't have an opinion on that yet but I do think some posters are getting a little out of hand not just in this thread either and I will add the New STF's Look awesome but here is my question for Gozer when KA Ground comes out will we still be able to obtain the Borg Science BO if not will there be an alternate means to obtain it.
Yes ... the BO is tied to an Accolade.. The Accolade has not been changed or removed.
Would it be possible to allow players to trade in X Rare Borg Salvage for a Special Reserve Token in a similar way you can trade in 30 Common Borg Salvage?
Would it be possible to allow players to trade in X Rare Borg Salvage for a Special Reserve Token in a similar way you can trade in 30 Common Borg Salvage?
This or at least trade in Rare salvage for Common salvage. Please.
Thanks for doing this and I also really want to THANK YOU for listening to Player's suggestions about how The Ground combat version of the Infected STF could be improved.
I vary nearly burst a Bloodvessel fuming over that Diabolical Deathtrap.
But now with the changes added, It's become Quite easily my favorite mission in the entire game.
It's amazing what a huge difference a few seemingly miniscule changes can make to a Game's Fun meter
Ah, if your original post was really directed more towards people who were suggesting that they get NOTHING, then I misunderstood the intent. It read to me that you were more meaning that because you received a number of green items that there was too much loot available. Certainly I would not be suggesting that people should ALWAYS get amazing loot from a STF run, but on the flip end STFs are much harder then a regular mission (or are intended to be, if they're not really as hard as intended on Tribble), and walking away from one with nothing more then a MkX green that I could get equal to or better from a solo mission is... a bit disheartening.
Assuming your example earnings will be representative of the average then that would not end up being the case. I simply was suggesting that there is probably not a need to lower loot drops because there was a plethora of green items, as a player that can run STFs has very little need for them in an upgrade sense. Players who would be running STFs multiple times are interested in purples and salvage, though depending on their current equipment layout a blue would be good as well. If they are having one potentially desirable item (even if it may not actually be what they need) and one salvage on average per STF, then I would suggest that is a good rate.
Just tried the update to Infected Space. It's exactly what I expected for a Normal STF now. A vastly improved experience compared to yesterday.
It only took a few minutes and was fun to do. I can see casuals doing this multiple times a day. And I can see outgrowing this to try the Elite Version.
Good update!
I'm one of those casuals, and I have never bothered to play STFs because of what I have read in the forums. I played The Cure Space a few days ago like three times and it was freaking great!
The direction that they are going is good and I might graduate to Elite if it's doable with a PUG that all know what they are getting into. I would imagine if people select elite... then they probably know what they are doing. So if the elites can be beat by PUGs that A. know what they are doing and B. are definitely geared, but C. without everyone being matched as far as ships and abilities aka a premade, then that's really awesome.
Right.... but you can't get Purple Mark XI or Mark XII's that way... and certainly not any of the new set's or costume unlocks. Story Mission on average take at least 30 min, and you only get one and rarely two items for completion.
It looks like the main confusion is that you are looking at the "Normal" loot and not realizing that it gets much better in the Elite Versions.
I agree for the most part, if you are not a very casual player you will want to start playing the Elite Versions at 51 when they become available to you. If you choose not to you have other options for the mark X and XII gear, however if you want the really good stuff you are going to have to hit the Elite versions, only this time around you have had some practice since you have had the opportunity to get your feet wet with team play on "Normal".
Pardon me, but I'm just looking for some clarification based on this comment. Your concern is that players may get purple quality loot too quickly when doing STFs. That is a fair concern. What I'm confused about, though, is how loot drops work in the higher difficulties.
Your loot list earlier was more then half green items that likely came from drops from trash mobs. Based on your concerns, are you saying that any one of these trash mobs has the potential to drop a purple MkX/XI/XII item (based on the difficulty)? If so, would it not be the solution that trash should not, in fact, drop anything more then they normally would in a standard mission? Maybe they drop some common salvage as well, but them dropping a green gear doesn't seem to me like it'd be something I'd be worried about. If I was sporting all purple MkX, I don't think doing an Elite STF and getting am armload of green MkXI would actually be a benefit to me.
If you are concerned about too much high level gear, then maybe they should only drop from "boss" encounters. If this is already the case, then I am not sure why a higher proliferation of green items is a concern. Maybe I'm just not seeing the same picture you are, though. Could you help clarify this?
Any chance we can see a TNG Borg armor suit (Mk X) and the TNG arm firing plasma weapon (Mk X) in the works ( later in the year ) for ground missions ?
I would even buy these via the C-Store if avaliable
Gozer gets 2 thumbs up in my book. I like your honesty.
So, what i should have said was i am glad you guys finally fixed it. I did report as a bug a few times. However, knowing how busy you guys are I should have been more patient.
I humbly ask for your forgiveness.
And don't worry, I will now beat my inner voice for previously speaking out loud...
So many people are complaining about things they dont like on tribble in a pretty rude way, that sometimes I would like to throw my mug at them... but - theres a saying in germany
"Ich mach' mir keine Sorgen
The complaint is not about the mk x drops it about the common salvage. You received three for three runs, yes you have a shield token x (recruit), so you only have nine more slots to farm for and you only get token drops for shield.engine, and deflector... what about the six to eight weapons on the ships?
Two rare for a req mark for xl weapons, but no combo for mark xll regular but can get a req for 60 common.
This is the grind and I don't think you really see it.
The blue and green equip drops don't mean anything because there is no value in EC anymore because everything is dilithium now, thats strictly my point of view because I prep my toons for stf's and don't go in weak. I go in to the stf's to farm the borg gear, which is a grind.
And one correction there is value in EC but its only to support those that put items on the exchange for ridiculous prices.
So basically we either agree with you wholeheartedly and bow at your feet or you won't talk to me anymore? I thought you had to be an adult to work at Cryptic, might have to call the California Labor Board and tell them there might be a child working here.
No... not what I'm saying.
I'm saying... If you act like a 5 year old, I'm going to treat you like a 5 year old. For instance from this point forward every time I see a post from Huntman21014 I know I don't need to read or answer it since it's a waste of time.
You actually got baited and fell right for it, You then called out the person in question and basically wrote that everything he says is a waste of time and not worth responding too (however true it may be you should technically not be saying such things because its against your own forum rules)
Flaming and/or Trolling
You may not post content which contains insults to other users or Cryptic Studios Staff, are specifically made to create undue discontent on the forums, disturbances in forum threads, pick fights or otherwise promote unfriendly conversation.
Coming from someone that has been on the receiving end of emails for far lesser comments that contain: You have received a PRIZE from cryptic studios, do not reply to this mail,
I would just like to say on behalf of everyone else that has also received such emails for such comments, Double standards much?:D
Pretty sure something has to be untrue to qualify as an insult. As Gozer didn't actually call the guy 5 years old, he just said his posts were a waste of time, that is true and as such not an insult.
And there was no promoting an unfriendly conversation as Gozer's post required no reply or even warrented one.
If you are going to try to play forum rule lawyer you will need to pay a bit more attention.
TRIBBLE, fanboy alert.
But by your logic, I didnt call you a fanboy. Your post sucks so much, but you dont, only your post. Of course this does not require any reply cause I didnt ask "Got it?".
Gozer seems to be the last Atari souvenir, the last unfriendly Cryptic employee. You just cant make good STFs, if you dont know the game.
SNB? Whats that? Neither me nor my minions figured out, that could help... hmm.:rolleyes:
Remember D'Anglo him self said that he has instructed his team to stay silent in one his Blogs
and Both Gozer and Hertic have been responding and giving out some info (in other words NOT being silent)
would you really prefer No responses or info from the Dev's, to me that would be even MORE frustrating but that's just my 2 cents
Maybe he needs a vacation from posting just like we get when we show our butts to everyone.
You and I clearly have different opinions about what adult and professional behavior is. But I read a bunch of your posts yesterday and already knew that.
Big smile for Gozer!
But I have one wish... Please dont stop giving us infos about your plans on STO, just because of some rude guys giving you a hard time on the forums!
Just like hope for this game
Yes ... the BO is tied to an Accolade.. The Accolade has not been changed or removed.
there ya go johnny boy!
This or at least trade in Rare salvage for Common salvage. Please.
I vary nearly burst a Bloodvessel fuming over that Diabolical Deathtrap.
But now with the changes added, It's become Quite easily my favorite mission in the entire game.
It's amazing what a huge difference a few seemingly miniscule changes can make to a Game's Fun meter