How does one acquire more DoFF's is there a level cap on amount? or do you get them from the exchange? i pull down the request DoFF screen but it doesnt really seem to have a search function. any help would be appreciated.
Go to sol/esd/sfa if you are a fed or first city if you are a klink and there are 5 missions that give doffs. fed/klink recruitment give 5 random doffs, civil recruitment give 5 random civilians then jr tactical/engineering/science cadre gives 2 doffs each, tactical gives 2 doffs in tac/security engineering give 2 in eng/ops and science gives 2 in sci/med. Then there are cultural exchange missions in other sector blocks that give a single doff(only seen one of these myself) and some missions give a doff on a crit sucess(got a blue klink as a fed for a crit sucess on instigate defection mission).