Since we seem to have events for every other concievable activity, how about we also have a pvp event.
Hey everyone! PvP in this next hour and you'll recieve (50-100-whatever) dilithium ore for each public match you participate in! If your team wins you get double/triple (to incentivise the win, as opposed to afk'ing)!
It could happen maybe every 2-3 hours for an hour, much like the academy events etc.
It might aid in new players getting involved in pvp, and give the people who just want to pvp some way to earn small ammounts of dilithium (ore) without having to spend an hour at SFA scanning anomalies
I just think that something like this would be a really effective first step toward adressing the continuous neglect that pvp in this game has recieved.
We have been hearing for yonks and yonks that pvp content is 'coming soon' and that Perfect World really want to make something of pvp in this game. Supposedly a new pvp map ( :eek: ) will be introduced with the next featured series.
Well guys, now is the time to turn all that talk into some action. Because as of right now, that's all it is. Talk. And words are cheap at at some places, as recent developments have proven.
That should maximize the action, since everyone looking to participate will be piling into the same queue.