Thank you Devs, Thank you so much! You guys are awesome. I knew you guys would bring the free ship tokens back.
No Ship token at VA does not bother me one bit, since there are no ships you can buy at VA with a token! All VA ships are C-Store Ships anyways
But I do have 1 very important question.
Will gold members still get the dilithium bonus at each rank?C'Mon say yes,
say yes,
SAY YES!!!!!!
*Turns whine mode off*
I am not happy with the VA ship token takeaway, but its a compromise, and to be honest I usually use the Rear admiral ships like Fleet escort or assault cruiser anyway, or have a c-store ship unlocked already like the D'kyr and the Excelsior.
Oh, and I saw the "c-store ships will still be account wide" thingie. Thanks for that.
Ummm yes there is, they are taking away the Tier 5 Defiant, Intrepid, Galaxy, B'rel, Kar'fi, Maruader and Varanus, and forcing us to PAY for them. :mad:
Yeah, gold members are lifers and people who pay the subscription.
Not really. They are all technically C-Store ships anyways, just currently we get to pick one when we hit VA, and only for that character. The way things are looking at the moment, gold members are fine until they hit VA, at which point they convert their collected dilithium into C-Store points (or use those they have saved up from the monthly stipend), top them up if needed, and unlock one of the VA ships for each and every character you may have in that faction.
I'm quite happy with this arrangement. It is a good compromise between having to pay for all of the ships in the C-Store or with dilithium, and getting them all for free like we do now, and like I said, once we unlock a ship in the C-Store, we get access to that ship without having to pay any extra on EVERY character we have of that faction.
Incorrect, you have to SELL your Dilithium for C-Points.
I.E you have to have someone that will buy your Dilithium with C-Points for an unfixed price.
It is not at all a good compromise, a good compromise is what we have now on Holodeck.
Grind to get a ship for one character or Buy to unlock a ship account-wide.
How many VAs WITH their ships out there are going to be interested in getting their hands on as much dilithium as possible to outfit their ships? Especially gold members who get free C-Store points per month anyways. Even if you traded at a 10:1 ratio (as in 10 dilithium for 1 C-Store point), you could purchase 2 people's monthly stipend for the same amount of dilithium you could acquire in a single day.
And if you are giving people your dilithium and getting C-Store points in return, then it is called trading. Ok, so maybe I could have been a little more specific instead of saying you 'convert' them, but that is still what you are doing. You are just converting them with the help of a friend, or at least someone who wants what you have.
So, "grind to get a ship for one character" is better than "grind, then trade with a friend, to unlock a ship for all characters", is it? I don't think so, but, you are entitled to your own opinion, of course.
Also, if you're going to complain about it, actually pose a potential solution. Don't just groan and moan about "oh no, I have to play the game to get what I want" or "oh no, I have to throw money at a game run by a business to get what I want". However you slice it, GRINDING = PLAYING THE GAME. Now, for some it's not the ideal method of playing the game, but right now there's so much content and more coming that there's no reason a person who saves up their dilithium and/or C-Store points can't get what they want. Furthermore, there hasn't been any testing of the Dilithium/C-Store conversion system yet (as far as I know) so don't freak out over the non-standard exchange rate just yet. I haven't had an opportunity to see what the conversion would be like yet and I doubt anyone else really has either. Relax. This stuff will be tested by us and if something is wrong plenty of us will cry foul.
So... what IS your solution to this perceived problem? I would love to hear it so I could help refine it.
It's a smokescreen. Designed to prompt exactly this kind of thread.
His solution is to keep things the way they are currently on Holodeck. You hit VA and are given a ship token to get a free VA ship for that character.
Although, thinking about this compared to Alex's last post... How does getting a token for a free ship translate into grinding? Alex, care to comment?
I want T5 ships that players can get without paying real money for, or having to trade dilitium for c-points, which is a horrible way to aquire ships, thats why I subsribe, not so i can spend more money i don't have on a game I baught and continue to pay for, so now what do i get for my sub, NOTHING!:mad:
yah great idea guys, keep it up and destroy what we love about the game, our SHIPS!
Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying. You hadn't mentioned these in your previous post when you listed the ships you would lose access to, so I thought you were referring just to the token ones.
As it is, there is almost literally nothing changing in how you acquire the MVAM, Garumba, D'Kyr (or whatever that Vulcan science ship is called). You just grind for dilithium instead of emblems, or you just wait a few months and buy it with your free C-Store points.
If anything, I think this actually brings all of the VA ships more or less in line with each other, since it will no longer be easier (ie, via token) to get a couple of them over the others.
Ok, so keep subscribing. You'll get your new VA ship ON ALL VA CHARACTERS, in a couple of months when your C-Store stipend has built up to when you can afford it.
I'm also concerned for when the level cap gets raised as we progress towards end-game level. VA is not endgame, it's just maxlevel in an unfinished game. This was clarified by the devs and we were supposed to see a level cap increase at the end of the year before the F2P bombshell. What happens when the level cap is raised? Will every player be making a mad rush for C-Store, or give up playing?
Double-dipping on subscribers to buy their max-level ship sets a dangerous precendent for future expansions on the level cap. Something all subscribers should be aware of, before they consider this a "good compromise".
You can't buy any of them for Dilithium, and buying with the free C-Store points ends up being a much longer process, especially with the hiked prices.
Very true but we also cant let the free token be the shinny object that takes our eyes off the outragiouse prices of dilithium for ship gear and ground gear, those prices need to be slashed because right now you would have to run around 50 dailies to just buy one personal weapn so lets hope they changed that too or your not going to have any dilithium to sell for cstore points.
But any ship you buy from the C-Store you get access to on all of your characters, not just the one that bought it, and if you are a gold member, you would be getting them for free anyways with your stipend. That's what I intend to use mine for.
If you can be bothered to wait 4 to 5 months to afford one, be my guest.
I'm also unlikely to want to use the same ship on every alt.. I like tacs in escorts, engs in cruisers, etc.
excuse me iiiiif i am stepping on your toes alex but not persuming to answer for him , your still gonna have to do a huge grind for ship gear and ground gear have u seen those prices as i stated in my last post just a personal weapon will be arounf 50 dailies for just one personal weapon, that is a huge grind fest if you think of all the gear ur gonna need
We don't know this, and we won't until the dilithium to C-Store points conversion is introduced later on in the month. Like I said earlier, you could trade 10 dilithium for one C-Store point, and if you run all of your dailies, etc, then you'll be buying your first VA ship from the C-Store within a week.
Check the numbers...
8,000 refined dilithium per day, traded at 10:1 ratio - 800 C-Points.
Do this for a week
7x 800 C-Points = 5600 C-Points.
Add your own monthly stipend = 6,000 C-Points.
That is THREE VA ships unlocked across ALL of your characters of the same faction inside a week.
Now, I'm not saying these numbers will be entirely accurate, but I don't think it'll be as bad as you believe. If they keep the current pricing model for gear, especially, you'll have people who can afford it buying C-Store points specifically to exchange for dilithium so they can outfit their ships.
If you can't be bothered to wait, then that's what the C-Store is for, right? And when going into a F2P model, anything that encourages purchasing from the C-Store is "good" for the game (according to the shareholders at least).
I agree with you about the gear being a ludicrous grind fest, but I think something will be done about that before it goes live.
Plus, I for one can completely understand the desire to keep people actively doing things in the game. Mind, popularity of a game is measured by the number of people clogging its servers. If you have to add more servers to handle the numbers of people then you must be doing something right.
As far as I'm concerned, I don't mind a bit of a grind, as long as everything is eventually attainable within reason. I suspect many of you feel the same way (even some of you who are saying you'd rather get things for free). A bit of a grind is a small price to pay to fly around the universe in my awesome ship that I put a lot of effort into kitting out.
You're being highly optimistic with those speculative numbers...
If you were to compare with what's in game, and try to do a comparison, you'd see the ratio more like 200:1
500 emblems for a retrofit.
500 x 480 for an equilvalent in dilithium = 240k
240k dilithium / 1200 cpoints for a retrofit, gives you a 200:1 ratio.
that's even before you factor in greed and people demanding more dilithium because the cstore unlocks account wide, where your old 500 emblems would have got you a char-only ship.
Its wrong, and its not "in-game" as "someone" ends up paying for the new ship.
Now if they were planning to introduce a system where you could trade in dilithium for C-points with an NPC at a fixed rate, then that i could probally actually get behind.
But as things are, they are not.
I agree that there does seem to be something rather odd about this arrangement. I believe this will probably be changed or be an alternative method. I like the idea of the NPC for a flat conversion rate and if you're willing to risk it, try the Exchange.
The only chance it has of changing is if people continue to resist and are vocal about it.
Thats the only way to get results.
That's why I called it double dipping, that's why I raised the point of a future level cap raise.
If you rank up again, and are expected to buy with cstore points or wait 6 to 7 months with a stipend, then there's going to be a mass exodus of players...
As I said in my post, we have no idea how the exchange rate is going to work, since they haven't introduced it into the game yet. You may be right, I may be right. Chances are, it'll be somewhere in the middle.
As Elorfin said, currently the entire economy is borked, but that is why we have test servers. To figure these things out.
Yes, things are very bad at the moment, but that is why we test, and that is why we, as testers, need to provide feedback on what works and what doesn't.
Specualting that things are going to be horrific grinds while basing your views on a system they have admitted is completely screwed and will be overhauled isn't really helping the testing process. This is why I remain fairly optimistic about how things will work out.
Edit: And yeah, I'll admit my numbers aren't entirely realistic. I worked that out when I saw you could, in theory, have bought 3 VA ships from the C-Store within a week. Doing it this way, I'll expect the final numbers will let us trade our dilithium for C-Store points and be able to get ourselves a single VA ship unlocked in maybe 1-2 weeks. Of course, it will entirely depend on how desperate people are for dilithium.
Yeah, I'll admit I would prefer this as opposed to trading with players for C-Store points, but that defeats the point of having people buying C-Store points in the first place if you could just make them in game.
They could have an NPC which you could sell your C-Points for a set rate of dilithium.
Players could buy C-Points from said NPC for a set rate of dilithium. But the NPC could only sell C-Points it has, and if it runs out, there aren't any more available until someone goes on to sell their C-Points.
Having an NPC middleman trader would make all the difference.
With players controlling the exchange rate, you can expect to see far worse returns than the 200:1 ratio I so optimistically calculated.